The Situation over Z: Results

Suppose we are given an integer monic polynomial f (x) Z[x] of degree n ≥ 2 which, over C, is “weakly supermorse,” meaning that it has n distinct roots in C, its derivative f ′ (x) has n – 1 distinct roots (the critical points) αi C, and the n – 1 values f (αi) (the critical values) are all distinct in C. Denote by S the set of critical values. Suppose that S is not equal to any nontrivial multiplicative translate aS, for any a ≠ 1 in C×. It is standard that for all but finitely many primes p, the reduction mod p of f will satisfy all the hypotheses of Theorem 17.6. Let us say such a prime p is good for f.

Choose a prime, ℓ and a field isomorphism ι : Q C. For each p ≠ which is good for f, form the sheaf

Fp := f? Q/Q|Gm/Fp,

and the corresponding object Np := Fp(1/2)[1] Parith on Gm/Fp, which is pure of weight zero, geometrically irreducible, and has

Ggeom,Np = Garith,Np = GL(n – 1).

We take the unitary group U(n – 1) as the compact form of GL(n – 1). For good p, the set of bad characters in this mod p situation is the set of characters of order dividing n. So for each good prime p, and for each character χ of F×p with χnimage, we have the conjugacy classθFp,χ ∈ U(n – 1)#.

Emanuel Kowalski asked if, as p grew, the sets of conjugacy classes

{θFp,χ}χ char of F×p, χn ≠1

became equidistributed in the space U(n – 1)# of conjugacy classes of U(n – 1). We will show that this, and more general things of the same flavor, are true.

Here is the general setup. We fix a prime, ℓ a field isomorphism ι : QC, a reductive group G over Q, an integer n ≥ 1, and a faithful n-dimensional representation of G, i.e., an inclusion G ⊂ GL(n). We also fix a compact form K of G(C).

We also fix a sequence of finite fields ki, each of characteristic ≠l, whose cardinalities are nondecreasing and tend archimedeanly to . Thus for example the ki could be successively higher degree extensions of a given prime field Fp with p = ℓ, or the ki could be a sequence of prime fields Fpi with some increasing sequence of primes pi > ℓ, or it could be the sequence of residue fields of the closed points of some flat scheme of finite type over Z[1/ ], e.g., the spectrum of some OK[1/nℓ ] for some number field K and some integer n ≠ 1, or the sequence of finite fields ki could be any amalgam of these example situations.

Theorem 28.1. Suppose we are given, for each i, a form Gi/ki of Gm/ki, and an arithmetically semisimple object Ni in Parith on Gi/ki which is ι-pure of weight zero, and of “dimension” n. Suppose that for every i we have

Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni = G,

in such a way that the given n-dimensional representation of G, viewed as an n-dimensional representation of Garith,Ni, corresponds to the object Ni. Suppose further that there exists a real number C ≥ n such that, for all i, we have both

gen.rk(Ni) ≤ C,


#Bad(Ni) ≤ C.

Then the sets Θi of conjugacy classes in K#

Θi := ki,χ}χ char of Gi(ki), χ∈Good(ki,Ni)

become equidistributed in K# as #ki → ∞.

Proof. Fix an irreducible nontrivial representation Λ of G. For each i, Λ corresponds to an object Mi in <Ni>arith. We must show the large i limit of the averages


is zero.

Because G ⊂ GL(V) is reductive, the irreducible nontrivial representation Λ occurs in some tensor space V⊗a (V)⊗b, for some pair (a, b) of nonnegative integers. Of course the pair (a, b) is not unique. Nonetheless, let us fix one such pair, say with a + b minimal, for our given Λ. We will show that as soon as #ki (1 + C)2, we have the explicit bound


Recall from Remark 7.5 the explicit estimate (applied here with N = Ni and E = ki, and valid as soon as C ≤ √#ki 1)


Since Mi is a direct summand of the tensor product in the Tannakian sense N⊗ai (Ni)⊗b, we certainly have

“dim”(Mi) “dim”(N⊗ai (Ni)b) = na+bCa+b


gen.rk(Mi) ≤ gen.rk(N⊗ai (Ni)b).

So it is sufficient to establish the inequality

gen.rk(N⊗ai (Ni)b) (a + b)Ca+b.

This in turn is a consequence of the inequality

gen.rk(N⊗ai (Ni)b) (a + b)(“dim”(Ni))a+b–1gen.rk(Ni).

This inequality results, by induction on a+b, from the following general inequality, which will be proven below. Over any algebraically closed field of characterstic p ≠ ℓ, given two geometrically semisimple objects N and M in Pgeom, we claim that we have the inequality

gen.rk(N?mid M) “dim”(N)gen.rk(M)+ gen.rk(N)“dim”(M).

Indeed, if we grant this general inequality, then if a ≥ 1 we get

gen.rk(N⊗ai (Ni)b)

= gen.rk(N?mid (Ni⊗a–1 (Ni)b))

“dim”(Ni)gen.rk(Ni⊗a–1 ⊗(Ni)b)+gen.rk(Ni)“dim”(N i⊗a–1 ⊗(Ni)b).

By induction on a + b, we have

gen.rk(Ni⊗a–1 (Ni)b) (a + b – 1)“dim”(Ni))a+b–2gen.rk(Ni),

so we get the inequality

gen.rk(N⊗ai (Ni)⊗b) (a + b)“dim”(Ni))a+b–1gen.rk(Ni)

as asserted. If a = 0, we repeat this argument, “factoring out” one Ni and doing induction on b.image

We now establish the inequality used in the proof of Theorem 28.1. Because the function N image “dim”(N) is multiplicative, i.e., “dim”(N?mid M) = “dim”(N)“dim”(M), it is as though the inequality asserts a (sub)product formula for “differentiation,” where the function N image gen.rk(N) plays the role of the “derivative” of the “dim” function.

Theorem 28.2. Over an algebraically closed field k of characterstic pℓ, given two objects geometrically semisimple N and M in Pgeom, we have the inequality

gen.rk(N ?mid M) “dim”(N)gen.rk(M)+ gen.rk(N)“dim”(M).

Proof. Since all the terms in the asserted inequality are bilinear in the arguments N and M, we reduce immediately to the case where N and M are both geometrically irreducible.

If either N or M is punctual, say N = δa, then N ?mid M is just the multiplicative translate [x image ax] ? M = [x image x/a]? M of M by a, so has the same generic rank as M. But “dim”(N) = 1, and gen.rk(N) = 0, so in this case we have equality.

Suppose now that our two objects in Pgeom are each (geometrically irreducible, but we will not use this) middle extension sheaves placed in degree 1, say N = F[1] and M = G[1]. In this case, we first use the fact that N?mid M is a quotient of N?! M, so we have the trivial inequality

gen.rk(N?mid M) ≤ gen.rk(N?! M).

So it suffices to show the inequality

gen.rk(N?! M) “dim”(N)gen.rk(M)+ gen.rk(N)“dim”(M).

Over a dense open set U ⊂ Gm/k, N?! M|U is of the form H[1] for the lisse sheaf on U whose stalk at a point a ∈ U is the cohomology group H1c(Gm/k, F [x image a/x] ?G), and this H1c is the only nonvanishing cohomology group. So for any a ∈ U(k), we have

gen.rk(N?! M) = –χ(Gm/k, F [x image a/x] ?g).

Shrinking U if necessary, we may further assume that for any point a ∈ U(k), the two middle extension sheaves F and [x image a/x] ?g on Gm have disjoint sets of ramification in Gm. Choose one point a ∈ U(k), and define

K := [x image a/x] ?g.


“dim”(N) = –χ(Gm/k, F),

“dim”(M) = “dim”([x image a/x]?M) = –χ(Gm/k, K),


gen.rk(N?! M) = –χ(Gm/k, FK).

So it suffices to prove that for two middle extension sheaves F and K on Gm/k with disjoint ramification, we have

–χ(Gm/k, FK) ≤ –gen.rk(F)χ(Gm/k, K) – gen.rk(K)χ(Gm/k, F).

Now for any sheaf A on Gm/k, with ramification set Ram(A) Gm, the Euler-Poincaré formula [Ray] gives


Taking A to be FK, and denoting by S and T the disjoint ramification sets of F and of K, so that S ∪ T is the ramification set of A, we have (precisely because the ramification is disjoint)


Let us admit for a moment the following two inequalities.

Swan0(FK) ≤ Swan0(F)gen.rk(K)+ Swan0(K)gen.rk(F)


Swan(FK) ≤ Swan(F)gen.rk(K)+ Swan(K)gen.rk(F).

Then we have the inequality


Factoring out the gen.rk(F) and gen.rk (K) terms, we see that this is precisely the inequality

gen.rk(N?! M) “dim”(M)gen.rk(N) + “dim”(N)gen.rk(M).

So it remains to show that for two Q-representations A and B of I(0), we have

Swan0(A ⊗ B) ≤ Swan0(A)rk(B)+ Swan0(B)rk(A),

(and similarly for two Q-representations of I()).

Again by bilinearity, we may use the slope decomposition [Ka-GKM, Chapter 1] to reduce to the case where A and B each have only a single slope, say λ is the unique slope of A and μ is the unique slope of B, with say λ ≤ μ. Then I(0)μ+ acts trivially on both A and B, so also trivially on A ⊗ B. Therefore all slopes of A ⊗ B are at most μ, so we have

Swan0(A ⊗ B) ≤ μrk(A ⊗ B) = rk(A)μrk(B)

= Swan0(B)rk(A) ≤ Swan0(B)rk(A)+ Swan0(A)rk(B).image

Remark 28.3. How can one apply Theorem 28.1? Take for G one of the groups SL(n), GL(n), Sp(n), or a self-product of one of these groups, or O(2n). In Chapters 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 we give various theorems which assert that a specific1 Ni over a finite field ki has Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni = G. Fix one such G, and choose one of the theorems in the relevant chapter. In all of these theorems, it happens that both the generic rank and the number of bad characters of the example object are bounded in terms of the “dimension” of that object. Given a sequence of finite fields ki, each of characteristic ≠ ℓ, whose cardinalities are nondecreasing and tend archimedeanly to , we have only to pick, for each i, an instance Ni over ki of the chosen theorem, to have data to which Theorem 28.1 applies. Thus for example if we invoke Corollary 20.2 for some given value of r ≥ 1, we must first “throw way” those ki of cardinality ≤ r, and for each of the remaining ones choose both a nontrivial additive character Ãi of ki and r distinct multiplicative characters of k×i. But there is no “compatiblity” of any kind required in these choices as ki varies. Similarly, one way to invoke Theorem 17.6 is to start, as we did this chapter, with an integer monic polynomial f(x) Z[x] of degree n ≥ 2 which, over C, is “weakly supermorse,” and whose set S of critical values is not equal to any nontrivial multiplicative translate aS, for any a ≠ 1 in C×. Then modulo sufficiently large primes p, the reduction mod p of f will satisfy all the hypotheses of Theorem 17.6. However, we could equally well invoke Theorem 17.6 by choosing separately for each (large) prime p a degree n monic polynomial fp(x) Fp[x] to which the theorem applies.

Remark 28.4. In Chapter 19, which treats the orthogonal group, we only give situations where Ggeom,Ni = SO(n) and Garith,Ni ⊂ O(n), but no specific situations where we know that Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni =SO(n). But as we observed in Remark 19.13, in any such situation we will always achieve Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni = SO(n) after a quadratic extension of the ground field. So here we have the somewhat less optimal situation that if we pick one of the explicit example theorems of Chapter 19, then given our sequence of finite fields ki, we pick for each an instance of that theorem, but only over the sequence of the quadratic extensions of the given ki will we have data to which we can apply Theorem 28.1 with G taken to be SO(n).

1The results of Chapters 25-27, devoted to G2, fail to provide specific examples.

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