GL(n) Examples

Here we work on either the split or the nonsplit form. We begin with a lisse sheaf F on a dense open set j : U ⊂ G which is geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, and not geometrically isomorphic to (the restriction to U of) any Kummer sheaf Lχ. We denote by G := j? F its middle extension to G. Then the object N := G(1/2)[1] Parith is pure of weight zero and geometrically irreducible.

Theorem 17.1. Suppose that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Suppose further that for one of the two possible geometric isomorphisms G/kGm/k, F(0)unip is a single Jordan block Unip(e) for some e ≥ 1, and F(∞)unip = 0. For n := dim(!(N)) we have

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

Proof. We have a priori inclusions


so it suffices to prove that Ggeom,N = GL(n). So we may extend scalars if necessary from k to its quadratic extension k2, and reduce to the case where G is Gm, F(0)unip is a single Jordan block Unip(e), and F(∞)unip = 0. Then by the previous chapter, Garith,N contains, in a suitable basis of !(N), the torus Diag(x, 1, 1, ….1).

The hypothesis that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself insures that N is geometrically Lie-irreducible, i.e., that G0geom is an irreducible subgroup of GL(n). Hence G0geom is the almost product of its center, which by irreducibility consists entirely of scalars, with its derived group (:=commutator subgroup) image, which is a connected semisimple group which also must act irreducibly.

Because Ggeom,N is a normal subgroup of Garith,N, so also its intrinsic subgroup image is a normal subgroup of Garith,N. Therefore the Lie algebra Lie(image) is a semisimple irreducible Lie subalgebra of End(!(N)) which is normalized by Garith,N. In particular, Lie(image) is normalized by all elements Diag(x, 1, 1, ….1). Such elements are pseudoreflections, with determinant equal to x. Take x ≠ ±1. Our semisimple irreducible Lie subalgebra of End(!(N)) is normalized by a pseudoreflection of determinant not ±1. The only such Lie algebra is Lie(SL(n)), cf. [Ka-ESDE, 1.5]. [See [Se-Dri, Prop. 5] for another approach to this result.] Therefore image = SL(n), and hence we get the inclusion SL(n) ⊂ Ggeom,N. So it suffices to show that the determinant as a character of Ggeom,N has infinite order.

Equivalently, we must show that “det” (N) in the Tannakian sense is geometrically of infinite order. The one-dimensional objects in <N>arith are either punctual objects αdeg ⊗δa for some unitary scalar α and some a ∈ k× or they are, geometrically, multiplicative translates of hyper-geometric sheaves H[1], cf. [Ka-ESDE, 8.5.3]. But H[1] has infinite geometric order, because its successive middle convolutions with itself are again of the same form H′ [1].

So it suffices to show that “det” (N) in the Tannakian sense is not punctual. But if it were punctual, it would have no bad characters, i.e., we would have | det(FrobE,χ)| = 1 for every finite extension E/k and every character χ of E×. But we have seen that Frobssk,image is Diag(1/#ke, 1, 1, …, 1). Hence det(Frobk,image) = 1/√#ke is not pure of weight zero. Therefore “det” (N) in the Tannakian sense is not punctual, and hence it is geometrically of infinite order.image

Here are five explicit examples, all on Gm/k. The first is based on the Legendre sheaf Leg introduced in chapter 15.

Theorem 17.2. Let k have odd characteristic. For any odd integer n ≥ 1, the object N := Symn(Leg)((n + 1)/2)[1] in Parith is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

Proof. Symn(Leg)(n/2) is the middle extension of a geometrically irreducible (because Symn(std2) is an irreducible representation of SL(2)) lisse sheaf of rank n+1 on Gm{1} which is pure of weight zero. So N is a geometrically irreducible object in Parith which is pure of weight zero. Its local monodromies at 0 and 1 are both Unip(n + 1). Because n is odd, its local monodromy at ∞ is Lχ2Unip(n + 1). Because the only singularity of N in Gm is 1, N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. The Euler-Poincaré formula [Ray] shows that N has “dimension” n (it is tame at 0 and ∞, and has drop n at 1). The result now follows from the previous theorem. In this example, we can compute the Tannakian determinant “det” (N) explicitly. By Theorem 16.1 and Corollary 16.3, “det” (N) is geometrically isomorphic to a multiplicative translate of the shifted hypergeometric sheaf H[1] of type (n + 1, n + 1) given by H = H(Ã; image, …, image; χ2, …, χ2). [By Lemma 19.3, proven later but with no circularity, there is in fact no multiplicative translate: the unique singularity in Gm of both N and its determinant is at 1.]image

The second example, a mild generalization of the first, is based on hypergeometric sheaves of type (2, 2). We pick a character χ of k× for a large enough finite field k. We assume χ2 is nontrivial. We begin with the objects Lχ(1–x)(1/2)[1] and Lχ(x2/(1–x))(1/2)[1] on Gm/k. Their middle convolution is H(2)[1], for H := H(!, Ã; image, χ2; χ, χ) the hypergeometric sheaf of type (2, 2) on Gm/k as defined in [Ka-ESDE, 8.2]. This sheaf H is the middle extension of its restriction to Gm {1}, where it is lisse, and pure of weight 3. Its local monodromy at 0 is image ⊕ χ2. Its local monodromy at 1 is Unip(2), and its local monodromy at ∞ is Lχ ⊗ Unip(2).

Theorem 17.3. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer, H := H(!, Ã; image, χ2; χ, χ). If χ2 has order > n, the object N := Symn(H)((3n + 1)/2)[1] in Parith is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

Proof. Because we assume that χ2 has order > n, the local monodromy of Symn(H) at 0, which is the direct sum imageimage χ2r, has Symn(H)(0)unip = Unip(1). The local monodromy of Symn(H) at 1 is Unip(n + 1), and its local monodromy at ∞ is LχnUnip(n + 1). Notice that χn is nontrivial (otherwise (χ2)n is trivial). Therefore Symn(H)(∞)unip = 0. The rest of the proof is identical to that in the Legendre case above. Just as in that case, we see that here the Tannakian determinant is geometrically isomorphic to H[1] for H the hypergeometric sheaf of type (n, n) H(Ã; χ2, …, χ2n; image, …, image).image

Our third example works on Gm/Fp, any prime p. For any integer n ≥ 1, we will construct a lisse rank one sheaf F on A1/Fp which is pure of weight zero and whose Swan conductor at ∞ is the integer n. We will do this in such a way that F|Gm is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Then it is immediate from Theorem 17.1 that the object N := (F|Gm)(1/2)[1] in Parith is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

Here is one such construction. Let us write n = prd with r ≥ 0 and with d ≥ 1 prime to p. Suppose first that r = 0, i.e., n = d is prime to p. Pick a nontrivial additive character à of Fp. Choose a polynomial fd(x) ∈ k[x] which is Artin-Schreier reduced, i.e., no monomial xe appearing in fd has p|e, and such that the set of e’s such that xe occurs in fd generates the unit ideal in Z. For instance we could take f1(x) = x and fd(x) = xd – x for d ≥ 2. Then the Artin-Schreier sheaf LÃ(fd(x)) has Swan conductor d at ∞ [De-ST, 3.5.4]. Its multiplicative translate by an a ≠ 1 in k× is LÃ(fd(ax)), which is not geometrically isomorphic to LÃ(fd(x)) because their ratio is LÃ(fd(ax)–fd(x)). Indeed, the difference fd(ax) – fd(x) is Artin-Schreier reduced, and has strictly positive degree so long as a ≠ 1; this degree is the Swan conductor at ∞ of the ratio.

Suppose next that n = prd with r ≥ 1 and d ≥ 1 prime to p. Then we pick a character Ãr+ 1 of Z/pr+ 1Z = Wr+ 1(Fp) which has order pr+ 1. We consider the Witt vector of length r + 1 given by v := (fd(x), 0, 0,.., 0) ∈ Wr+ 1(Fp[x]). We form the Z/pr+ 1Z covering of A1 defined by the Witt vector equation z – F (z) = v in Wr+ 1; its pushout by Ãr+ 1 gives us the Artin-Schreier-Witt sheaf LÃr+ 1((fd(x), 0, 0, 0,.., 0)), whose Swan conductor at ∞ is prd = n, cf. [Bry, Prop. 1 and Cor. of Thm. 1]. It is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Indeed, its pr’th tensor power is just LÃ(fd(x)) for à the additive character of Fp, viewed as prZ/pr+1Z, obtained by restricting Ãr+ 1.

In summary, then, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 17.4. For n = prd with r ≥ 0 and d ≥ 1 prime to p, form the Artin-Schreier-Witt sheaf F := LÃr+ 1((fd(x), 0, 0,.., 0)). Then the object N := (F|Gm)(1/2)[1] in Parith is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

In this example, the Tannakian determinant is geometrically isomorphic to a multiplicative translate of H[1] for H = LÃ(x), the hyper-geometric H(Ã; image; ∅) of type (1, 0).

Our fourth example is this.

Theorem 17.5. Take a polynomial f[x] = image of degree n ≥ 2 with all distinct roots in k. Suppose that f(0) ≠ 0, and that gcd{i|Ai ≠ 0} = 1. Then for any character χ of k× such that χn is nontrivial, the object N := Lχ(f)(1/2)[1] in Parith is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n).

Proof. Here the local monodromy at 0 is Unip(1), and the local monodromy at ∞ is Lχn. So the assertion is an immediate application of Theorem 17.1, once we show that N is isomorphic to no nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. To see this, we argue as follows. The set S of zeroes of f is the set of finite singularities of N, so is an intrinsic invariant of the geometric isomorphism class of N. So it suffices to show that if α ∈ k× satisfies αS = S, then α = 1. The condition that αS = S is the condition that f(αx) = αnf(x). Equating coefficients, we get the equations

αi Ai = αn Ai

for every i. Taking i = 0, and remembering that A0 ≠ 0 by hypothesis, we find that αn = 1. Then our equations read

αi Ai = Ai

for every i. Using the fact that gcd{i|Ai ≠ 0} = 1, we infer that α = 1.images

In this example, the Tannakian determinant is geometrically isomorphic to H[1] for H = H(Ã; images; χn) ≅ Lχn(1–x).

To end this chapter, we give a fifth example, valid in any odd characteristic p.

Theorem 17.6. Let k be a finite field of odd characteristic p. Take a polynomial f(x) = ∑ni=0 Aixi in k[x] of prime-to-p degree n ≥ 2 with all distinct roots in k. Suppose that f is “weakly supermorse” [Ka-ACT, 5.5.2], i.e., its derivative f′(x) has n – 1 distinct zeroes (the critical points) αi in k, and the n – 1 values f(αi) (the critical values) are all distinct. Denote by S the set of critical values. Suppose that S is not equal to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Form the middle extension sheaf

F := f?Q/Q | Gm.

Then the object N := F(1/2)[1] Parith is pure of weight zero, has “dimension” n – 1, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = GL(n – 1).

Proof. Because f is weakly supermorse, F is irreducible, of generic rank n – 1, with geometric monodromy group the symmetric group Sn in its deleted permutation representation, cf. [Ka-ESDE, and its proof]. Because f has n distinct zeroes, 0 is not a critical value. So SGm, and at each point of S the local monodromy is a reflection, necessarily tame, as p ≠ 2. At ∞, the local monodromy is tame, the direct sum ⊕χ|χn=images, χ ≠imagesLχ. Thus F is tame at ∞. Therefore the “dimension” of N is the sum of the drops of F, each one, at the n – 1 points of S. As F is not lisse at n – 1 ≥ 1 points of Gm, F is not geometrically isomorphic to any Kummer sheaf Lρ. Thus N ∈ Parith. It is pure of weight zero because F is a middle extension which on a dense open set is pure of weight zero. From the hypothesis that the set S of singularities of N is not equal to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself, it follows that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Thus N is geometrically Lie-irreducible.

It remains to show that N has Ggeom = GL(n – 1). For this, it is equivalent to show that for some ρ, NLρ has Ggeom = GL(n – 1) (simply because M images MLρ is a Tannakian automorphism of Pgeom).

We choose for ρ any nontrivial character of order dividing n. For such a choice of ρ, the sheaf Fρ := FLρ has Fρ(0)unip = 0 (because F was lisse at 0), and Fρ()unip = Unip(1) (because the local monodromy of F at was ⊕χ|χn=imageimageLχ). The result now follows from Theorem 17.1, using the “other” geometric isomorphism of Gm with itself (which interchanges 0 and ).images

In this case, the Tannakian determinant of the original N is geometrically isomorphic to some multiplicative translate of H[1] for H the hypergeometric sheaf of type (n – 1,n – 1) H(Ã; image, …, image; χ, χ2, …, χn–1) for any character χ of full order n.

Remark 17.7. For any polynomial f, the trace function of the sheaf F := f?Q/Q is the counting function given, for any finite extension E/k and any a ∈ E×, by

Trace(FrobE,a|F) = #{x ∈ E|f(x) = a}– 1.

So for any nontrivial character χ of E×, we have


Thus for f satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem 17.6, we are saying, in particular, that these sums, as χ varies over characters of E× with χnimage, are approximately distributed like the traces of random elements of the unitary group U(n–1), the approximation getting better and better as #E grows.

How restrictive are the hypotheses imposed on the polynomial f? One knows that given any polyonomial f(x) ∈ k[x] of prime-to-p degree n ≥ 2 such that f" (x) is nonzero, then for all but finitely many values of a ∈ k, the polynomial f(x) + ax is weakly supermorse, cf. [Ka-ACT, 5.15]. For example, if n(n – 1) is prime to p, then xn – nx is weakly supermorse, with μn–1 as the critical points, and (1 – n)μn–1 as the set S of critical values. In this example, the set S is equal to its multiplicative translate by any element of μn–1. Nonetheless, we have the following lemma, which shows that by adding nearly any constant to a weakly supermorse f, the set of its critical values will then be equal to no nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself.

Lemma 17.8. Let k be a field of characteristic p. Take a weakly super-morse polynomial f[x] = ∑ni=0 Aixi in k[x] of prime-to-p degree n ≥ 2, with set S of critical values. For each λ ∈ k, consider the weakly super-morse polynomial fλ(x) := f(x) – λ, with set Sλ := –λ + S of critical values. Denote by FS(x) := Πs∈S (x – s) the polynomial of degree n – 1 whose roots are the critical values of f. For any λ ∈ k such that both FS(λ) and its derivative F'S(λ) are nonzero, the set Sλ is equal to no nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. In particular, there are at most (n – 1)(n – 2) values of λ ∈ k for which Sλ is equal to some nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself.

This results from the following elementary lemma.

Lemma 17.9. Let k be a field, S ⊂ k a finite subset consisting of d ≥ 1 elements. Denote by FS(x) := Πs∈S (x – s) the polynomial of degree d whose roots are the points of S. For any λ ∈ k such that both FS(λ) and its derivative F'S(λ) are nonzero, the set Sλ := –λ + S is equal to no nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself.

Proof. The polynomial FSλ(x) is just FS(x + λ), hence we have the Taylor expansion

F(x) = FS(λ)+ F'S(λ)x mod x2.

Suppose FS(λ)F'S(λ) ≠ 0. If Sλ is equal to its multiplicative translate by some nonzero α, then FSλ(αx) has the same roots as FSλ(x). Comparing highest degree terms, we get

FSλ(αx) = αdFSλ(x).

Comparing the nonzero (by our choice of λ) constant and linear terms of their Taylor expansions, we get αd = 1 and αd–1 = 1, and hence α = 1.image

Corollary 17.10. Let k be a finite field of odd characteristic p. Let n ≥ 2, and assume that n(n–1) is prime to p. Consider the polynomial


Then for any a ∈ k× with an–1 ≠ 1, the polynomial f(x) – a satisfies all the hypotheses of Theorem 17.6.

Proof. Here the set S of critical values of f(x) is μn–1, so FS(x) = xn–1 – 1, and F'S(x) = (n – 1)xn–2.image

There are some special cases where no adjustment of the constant term is necessary. Here is one such.

Lemma 17.11. Let k = Fq be a finite field of odd characteristic. For any a ∈ F×q, the polynomial f(x) = xq+1x2/2+ ax satisfies all the hypotheses of Theorem 17.6.

Proof. We have f '(x) = xq–x+ a, so the critical values are the elements α ∈ k with αq = α – a. No such α lies in Fq, since a ≠ 0. The value of f at such an α is

f(α) = α(αq) – α2/2+ = α(α – a) – α2/2+ = α2/2.

If we fix one critical point α, any other is α+ b, for some bFq. If their critical values coincide, i.e., if (α + b)2/2 = α2/2, then αb + b2/2 = 0; if b ≠ 0, this implies that α = –b/2, contradicting the fact that α does not lie in Fq. So the set S of critical values consists of q distinct, nonzero elements. So the polynomial FS(x) has degree q, and a nonzero constant term. If S is a multiplicative translate of itself, say by ° ∈ k×, then we get FS(°x) = °qFS(x), and comparing the nonzero constant terms we get °q = 1, and hence ° = 1.image

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