
adapted to Γ, 1056, 107

additive characters

background on sums involving, 14

in Evans and Rudnick examples, 7, 8, 6870, 71

G2 examples and, 147

GL(n) examples and, 8384, 115, 121

O(2n) example and, 14546

SL(n) examples and, 12532, 135

additive version, Tannakian

approach to, 1617

adjunction map, 19092

antipalindromic polynomials, 14546, 185

arithmetically self-dual object, 4950, 51

Artin-Schreier reduced polynomial, 100101, 12526, 130, 135

Artin-Schreier sheaf, 8

“adapted to Γ” and, 105

autodual construction and, 59

direct sum of Ni and, 115, 121

Fourier Transform and, 17

GL(n) and, 84

Artin-Schreier-Witt sheaf, 84


arithmetically self-dual object, 4950, 51

first construction of objects, 5354

geometrically self-dual object, 51

Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet type results, 6365

of N(a, k), 158, 164, 16970

second construction in nonsplit case, 6162

second construction in split case, 5560

sign of, 4951

SL(2) and, 59, 68, 70, 7375.

See also orthogonal autoduality; symplectic autoduality

bad (for N) multiplicative characters, 13, 1718

bound on the number of, 178

for good p, 173, 174

Legendre sheaf and, 122

in situation of main theorem, 4344

totally wildly ramified objects and, 18, 101, 135

weights and, 7980

Carlitz isomorphism, 159

character sums over finite fields

background on, 14

Gauss sums, 1, 4, 115, 12829, 14546, 147

Kloosterman sums, 1, 23, 4

numerical experiments on, 7

See also Evans sums; Rudnick sums

cohomology, étale, 8

cohomology groups, 20, 2628, 29, 42, 7778, 117, 132, 15960, 176

conjugacy classes

equidistribution of, 1315, 4043, 4950, 14750, 17375.

See also Frobenius conjugacy classes

connectedness, 4647


Mellin transform and, 9

of perverse sheaves, 1920

See also middle convolution

!-convolution, 910, 19

middle convolution and, 10, 19, 114, 121, 187

product formulas for, 10

cubic polynomials, squarefree, 23

cyclic groups, 37, 3940, 4546

cyclotomic field, 34, 129

Deligne’s equidistribution theorem, 3

additive case and, 17

Deligne’s fibre functor. See fibre functors

Deligne’s main theorem in Weil II, 152, 170

Deligne’s semicontinuity theorem, 106, 157, 165

delta objects, 3536, 63, 7980, 141, 142, 182

det (N). See Tannakian determinant

“dimension” of perverse sheaves

Euler characteristic as, 10

Euler-Poincaré formula and, 67, 68, 70, 74, 75

generic rank and, 178

normal noetherian connected scheme and, 181, 182

number of bad characters and, 178

direct sum of objects N

GL(n) and, 65, 11324

Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet type results, 6365

orthogonal examples and, 1045

SL(2) and, 70, 71, 74

SL(n) and, 13132, 143

Sp(n) and, 90, 93, 96, 98102

drop, 67

eigenvalues. See Frobenius eigenvalues

elliptic curves

character sums and, 23

Legendre family of, 7375

equation vectors, 79


in additive case, 1516

of conjugacy classes, 1315, 4043, 4950, 14750, 17375

Deligne’s theorem, 3, 17

introduction to questions about, 34

main theorem on, 1315, 3944

numerical experiments on, 7 (see also Evans sums; Rudnick sums)

of r-tuples of angles of Gauss sums, 115

of r-tuples of angles of Jacobi sums, 115

Sato-Tate conjectures on, 3 of sums S, 1011

étale cohomology, 8

Euler characteristic, 10, 20, 25, 67, 166, 182

Euler-Poincaré formula, 67, 68, 70, 74, 75, 152, 177

Evans sums, 7, 8, 10, 16, 6869, 101, 102

exceptional groups, 16. See also G2

external tensor product, 9

fibre functors, 1112, 1516, 2124, 18792

finite extension field and, 29, 31

finite field and, 2628

Garith,N and, 1112, 3334, 7779

n’th power homomorphism and, 45

“forget supports” maps, 12, 19, 2123, 2629, 18792

Fourier Transform, 1617

fraction field Q, 8

Frobenius automorphism, 11

fibre functors and, 2627, 29, 31, 77

Frobenius conjugacy classes, 12, 3132

G2 and, 14748, 14950, 15152

with power having all equal eigenvalues, 3536

quasiunipotent, 3334, 36

quotient group and, 39

semisimplified, 13, 18, 49, 14748

Tannakian determinant and, 107, 108, 12528, 141.

See also traces of Frobenii

Frobenius eigenvalues

absolute values of, 18, 122

all equal, 3536

all roots of unity, 3334, 36

Frobenius torus and, 79

unitary, 13, 3132

weights of, 7778, 15960, 170

Frobenius element, 1112

Frobenius-Schur indicator, 49

Frobenius tori, 18, 7779

orthogonally self-dual objects and, 1034

SL(n) and, 90, 14243

symplectically self-dual objects and, 8990, 98, 99

G2, 16

obtaining in characteristic two, 15562

obtaining in odd characteristic, 16371

overall strategy, 14754

Garith,N and Ggeom,N

equality of, 1315, 16, 43, 178

fibre functors and, 1112, 3334, 7779

Frobenius conjugacy classes and, 31

getting elements of Garith,N, 7780

GL(n) examples and, 8186

group-theoretic facts about, 3338

Legendre family and, 7375

normal noetherian connected scheme and, 18283

notation for, 4

orthogonal examples, 10311

quotient groups formed from, 37, 3940, 4546

as reductive groups, 13, 32, 33, 39, 43

symplectic examples and, 89102

Gabber-Loeser results, 15, 18182, 187

Gabber’s theorem on


representations, 130, 132, 138, 149, 161

Gauss sums, 1, 4, 115

quadratic, 12829, 14546, 147

generic rank

“bad for N” characters and, 13

bound on, 17475, 178

condition P on perverse sheaf and, 10

drop and, 67

general inequality for, 175, 17678

main theorem and, 14, 15

of middle convolution, 116, 13536

nonpunctual one-dimensional object and, 11620, 121, 122

geometrically self-dual object, 51

GL(2), 59


applying Theorem 28.1 on general

G to, 178

direct sum of objects N and, 65, 11324

examples involving, 16, 8186

normal noetherian connected scheme and, 18183

for situation over Z, 173

GL(n – 1), 8586, 173

GL(n) × GL(n) × … ×

GL(n), 11324

GL(!(N)), 11

GL(!0(N)), 13, 16

good for f, of prime p, 173

good (for N) multiplicative characters, 1215, 2123

autoduality and, 49

Frobenius conjugacy classes and, 3132, 33

main theorem and, 40

structural group and, 29

Tannakian determinant and, 141

Goursat-Kolchin-Ribet theorem, 6365, 104, 115, 130, 132, 143

Goursat’s lemma, 161, 18485

Haar measure, 4, 7n, 14, 40, 43

Hasse-Arf theorem, 157

Hasse’s theorem, 73, 74

hypergeometric sheaves

bad characters and, 7980

G2 examples and, 147, 163, 164, 165

local monodromies of, 80, 83, 9293, 94, 108

middle convolution of, 35, 63, 114

orthogonally self-dual, 99100

symplectically self-dual, 108, 11011

Tannakian determinant and, 35, 8286, 11315, 12223, 124

inertia groups

Euler-Poincaré formula and, 67

Kummer sheaf and, 22

notation for representations of, 45

tame, 12

totally wildly ramified

representations of, 13638

isogenies, 4547

Jacobi sums, 115

Kloosterman sheaves, 122, 13032

arithmetic determinant formula for, 132

G2 examples and, 147, 155, 15960, 16364

Tate-twisted of rank seven, 147, 155, 156

Kloosterman sums, 1, 23, 4

Kowalski, Emanuel, 4, 173

Kummer sheaves, 8

condition P on N and, 10, 1920

fibre functors and, 2123

“good for N” characters and, 1213, 29

SL(2) and, 69

symplectic object and, 102

Lang torsor, 29

Laurent polynomial of bidegree

(a, b), 12530, 135, 138, 140

Lefschetz Trace formula, 10, 42, 53, 95, 132, 152

Legendre family of elliptic curves, 7375

Legendre sheaf, 8283, 9196, 10910, 122

Leray spectral sequence, 18991

Lie-irreducibility, 4647

GL(n) examples and, 81, 86

Legendre family and, 7375

of N(a, k), 16062, 171

SL(2) examples and, 6869

lisse sheaves adapted to Γ, 1056

condition P on N and, 10

middle convolution of, 106

monodromy groups attached to, 4

notation for, 4

pure of some weight, 8

local monodromies

“adapted to Γ” and, 105

in additive case, 17

bad (for N) multiplicative characters and, 1718, 32

of hypergeometric sheaves, 80, 83, 9293, 94, 108

of orthogonally self-dual objects, 100, 103, 104

of symplectically self-dual objects, 89, 90, 91, 94, 9899, 101

tame characters in, 1213

tame or tame part of, 90, 1046

unipotent, 10910, 165, 171

weakly supermorse polynomials and, 8586.

See also monodromy groups

main theorem, 1315, 3944

Mellin inversion, 159

Mellin transform, 9, 155. See also traces of Frobenii

middle convolution, 10, 19, 20

adapted to Γ, 1056

additive, 17

autoduality and, 51, 63, 65

!-convolution and, 10, 19, 114, 121, 187

fibre functor and, 187

generic rank of, 116, 13536

of hypergeometric sheaves, 35, 63, 114

n’th power homomorphism and, 45

punctual objects and, 3536, 38

of semisimple objects in P, 23

subcategory of P with stability under, 2526

of totally wildly ramified objects, 13536

monodromy groups

additive case and, 17

Legendre family and, 7374, 91

normal noetherian connected scheme and, 181

notation for, 4

symplectic, 108

weakly supermorse polynomials and, 85

Zariski closure of, 17.

See also local monodromies

multiplicative characters, 78

in character sums, 14.

See also bad (for N) multiplicative characters; good (for N)

multiplicative characters;

Kummer sheaves; quadratic characters

N(a, k)

construction in characteristic two, 15562

construction in odd characteristic, 16371

as self-dual object, 158

Newton symmetric functions, 34, 127

noetherian scheme, normal connected, 18183

O(n), 1035, 111, 178

O(2n), 16, 14546, 178

orthogonal autoduality, 103, 10711, 14546, 14749, 15152, 15861, 171. See also autoduality

orthogonal similitudes, 185

P. See perverse sheaves satisfying P palindromic polynomials, 9698, 99, 142, 14344, 18384

perverse sheaves

in additive case, 1617

convolution of, 1920. See also middle convolution

direct sum of. See direct sum of objects N

Fourier Transform of, 16

Kloosterman sheaf constructions of, 15558, 16364

negligible, 20, 25, 166, 167, 169, 187

notation for, 4

Parith subcategory of, defined, 25

pure of weight w, 8

pure of weight zero, 12, 13

Tannakian categories of, 1011, 20, 25, 158.

See also “dimension” of perverse sheaves

perverse sheaves satisfying P, 1011

additive version of P, 17

arith and geom subcategories of, 11

convolution and, 1920

Deligne’s fibre functor on, 2124.

See also fibre functors

main theorem on, 1315

normal noetherian connected scheme and, 181, 183

semisimple object of, 17, 20, 23

Peter-Weyl theorem, 13, 14, 40, 148, 153


antipalindromic, 14546, 185

Artin-Schreier reduced, 100101, 12526, 130, 135

character sums involving, 13

of degree n, not a power of p, 141

GL(n) and, 8485, 12324

Laurent, of bidegree (a, b), 12530, 135, 138, 140

noetherian schemes and, 18385

O(2n) example and, 14546

palindromic, 9698, 99, 142, 14344, 18384

squarefree cubic, 23

symplectically self-dual objects and, 9699, 102

weakly supermorse, 8588, 173, 178

prime fields

character sums over, 14

equidistribution results over, 4, 174

number of squares in, 1

punctual objects, 15, 3338

pure of weight w, 8

pure of weight zero, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 1617

quadratic characters

character sums involving, 13

N(a, k) construction and, 163

O(2n) and, 14546

palindromic polynomial and, 99

SO(n) and, 108, 110

quadratic extension, 25, 61, 81, 89, 103, 111, 179

quadratic Gauss sum, 12829, 14546, 147

quasiunipotent Frobenius conjugacy classes, 3334, 36

rank. See generic rank

Riemann Hypothesis for curves over finite fields, 2

Rudnick sums, 7, 8, 10, 16, 6971, 102

Sato-Tate conjectures, 3. See also equidistribution

Sato-Tate measure, 3, 7, 16

self-dual object. See autoduality

semicircle measure, 3

semisimple objects in P, 17, 20, 23

skyscraper sheaf, 10, 15

SL(2), 16, 59, 6771, 7375

SL(d), 65

SL(2g), 185

SL(n), 16

applying Theorem 28.1 on general G to, 178

direct sum of Ni and, 113, 115

examples for n an odd prime, 125, 12933

examples for n not a power of p, 14144

examples with slightly composite n, 13540

Frobenius tori and, 90, 14243

SO(3), 74

SO(7), 147, 14950

SO(d), 6465

SO(n), 16, 1035, 1078, 11011

applying Theorem 28.1 on general G to, 17879

Frobenius tori and, 90

Sophie Germain primes, 139, 140

Sp(d), 55, 57, 59, 62, 6364


maximal torus of, 184, 185

noetherian schemes and, 18385

Sp(n), 16, 89102

applying Theorem 28.1 on general G to, 178

Sp(n + 1), 9496

Sp(2n), 16

squarefree cubic polynomials, 23

SU(2), 16

measure on, by trace map, 7n

Swan conductor

in Euler-Poincaré formula, 67

GL(n) and, 121

symplectic autoduality examples of, 89102

normal noetherian connected scheme and, 183

open problem on, 100101

SL(2) and, 68, 70, 71

SO(n) and, 108, 109.

See also autoduality

symplectic similitudes, 184

tame characters, 1213

tame fundamental group, 12, 20, 29, 43

tame inertia group, 12

tame local monodromy, 90, 1046

Tannakian categories of perverse sheaves

objects satisfying P, 1011

Parith subcategory of P, 25, 158

Perv/Neg quotient category, 20.

See also perverse sheaves satisfying P

Tannakian determinant

direct sum of Ni and, 11315, 121, 12324

Frobenius conjugacy classes and, 107, 108, 12528, 141

GL(n) examples and, 8283, 84, 85, 86

Laurent polynomial of bidegree (a, b) and, 12530

in orthogonal case, 1045, 107, 108, 111

and polynomial of degree n, not a power of p, 141, 142

punctual objects and, 35, 37, 82

Tannakian duals, 38, 121, 122, 123, 125, 130, 133, 142

Tannakian groups. See Garith,N and Ggeom,N.

Tate twists

Kloosterman sheaf of rank seven and, 147, 155, 156

notation for, 45

traces of Frobenii and, 9, 54

tensor product

in additive case, 17

external, 9

middle convolution as, 10

total drop, 67

totally wildly ramified objects, 18, 101, 13538

trace map, 7, 15, 43, 61

traces of Frobenii, 89, 13, 15

in additive case, 1617

autodual objects and, 4951, 5354, 5658

bounds on, 15, 15152

main theorem and, 4244

Mellin transform and, 9

punctual objects and, 34

SL(a + b) example and, 13132

symplectic example and, 95

weakly supermorse polynomials and, 8687

twin primes, 139, 140

UG2, 14748, 150, 15253, 154

U(n – 1), 86, 173

unipotent local monodromy, 10910, 165, 171

Urysohn’s Lemma, 15253

variant Sophie Germain primes, 139, 140

vector space subquotients, 11

Verdier dual, 10, 26, 49

adapted to Γ, 106

of N(a, k), 156, 15859, 164, 16970

on normal noetherian connected scheme, 181

weakly supermorse polynomials, 8588, 173, 178

Witt vector, 84


l-adic completion of, 8

questions about situation over, 18185

results about situation over, 17379

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