Symplectic Examples

We work on either the split or the nonsplit form. We begin with a lisse sheaf F on a dense open set j : U ⊂ G which is geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, and not geometrically isomorphic to (the restriction to U of) any Kummer sheaf Lχ. Wedenoteby G := j?F its middle extension to G. Then the object N := G(1/2)[1] Parith is pure of weight zero and geometrically irreducible.

Theorem 18.1. Suppose that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself, and that N is symplectically self-dual. Suppose further that for either of the two possible geometric isomorphisms G/kGm/k, both F(0)unip and F()unip are a single Jordan block Unip(e) of the same size e ≥ 1. For n := dim(!(N)) we have

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = Sp(n).

Proof. We have a priori inclusions

Ggeom,NGarith,N ⊂ Sp(n),

so it suffices to prove that Ggeom,N = Sp(n). So we may extend scalars if necessary from k to its quadratic extension k2, and reduce to the case where G is Gm. The hypothesis that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself insures that N is geometrically Lie-irreducible, i.e., that G0geom is a connected irreducible subgroup of Sp(n). Thus G0geom is semisimple: any connected irreducible subgroup of Sp(n) (indeed of SL(n)) is semisimple (it is reductive, because irreducible, and its center, necessarily consisting entirely of scalars by irreducibility, is finite).

The local monodromy of N at both 0 and is Unip(e). Therefore the semisimplification of Frobk,1 gives us a Frobenius torus [Se-Let] Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1) in Garith,N. This torus normalizes the connected semisimple group G0geom,N, and this group is an irreducible (in the given n-dimensional representation) subgroup of Sp(n). Take an element x0Q× which is not a root of unity. Then the element diag(x0, 1/x0, 1, …, 1) normalizes G0geom,N. But a fixed power of any automorphism of a connected semisimple group is inner. So for some integer d ≥ 1, the element diag(xd0, 1/xd0, 1, …, 1) induces an inner auto-morphism of G0geom,N, conjugation by some element °G0geom,N. Then °–1diag(xd0, 1/xd0, 1, …, 1) commutes with every element of G0geom,N, so is a scalar, say tQ×. Thus we find

diag(xd0, 1/xd0, 1, …, 1) = t°,

equality inside GmG0geom,NGL(n). Both diag(xd0, 1/xd0, 1, …, 1) and ° have determinant one, so comparing determinants we see that tn = 1, and hence

diag(xnd0, 1/xnd0, 1, …, 1) = °n

lies in G0geom,N. As x0 is not a root of unity, the entire torus Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1) lies in G0geom,N. By a beautiful result of Kostant and Zarhin [Ka-ESDE, 1.2], the only irreducible connected semisimple subgroups of SL(n) which contain the torus Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1) are SL(n), SO(n), and, when n is even, Sp(n). Since we have an a priori inclusion G0geom,N ⊂ Sp(n), we must have G0geom,N = Sp(n). From the a priori inclusions G0geom,NGgeom,NGarith,N ⊂ Sp(n), we get the asserted conclusion. images

Here is a generalization of this last result.

Theorem 18.2. Suppose N satisfies all the hypotheses of the theorem above. Suppose further that

At either 0 or at ∞ or at both, the entire tame part of the local monodromy is Unip(e), i.e., local monodromy there is the direct sum of Unip(e) and of something totally wild.

Then for any s ≥ 2 distinct characters χ1, …, χs of G(k), the objects Ni := NLχi have


Proof. This is an immediate application of Theorem 13.1. As already noted, the operation M images M ⊗ Lχi is a Tannakian isomorphism from <N>arith to <NLχi>arith, so each Ni has Ggeom,Ni = Garith,Ni = Sp(n). For ij, Ni and Nj have nonisomorphic tame parts of local monodromy at either 0 or at or at both, so they cannot be geometrically isomorphic. For the same reason, Ni is not geometrically isomorphic to [x images –x] Nj; indeed Nj and [x images –x]? Nj have isomorphic tame parts of local monodromy at both 0 and . [More generally, tame representations of either I(0) or of I() are geometrically isomorphic to all their multiplicative translates.] images

We now give some concrete examples. The first example is based on the Legendre sheaf Leg introduced in Chapter 15.

Theorem 18.3. Let k have odd characteristic. For any even integer n ≥ 2, the object N := Symn(Leg)((n + 1)/2)[1] in Parith is pure of weight zero, of “dimension” n, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = Sp(n).

Proof. The lisse sheaf Leg(1/2)|A1 {0, 1} has SL(2) as its geometric (and its arithmetic) monodromy group, so every symmetric power Symn of it is geometrically irreducible and self-dual, orthogonally if n is even and symplectically if n is odd. Under multiplicative inversion, we have

[λ images 1/λ]? LegLegLχ2(λ).

Thus each even symmetric power of Leg(1/2)|A1 {0, 1} is both orthogonally self-dual and invariant under multiplicative inversion. So the object N in Parith is pure of weight zero, geometrically irreducible, and self-dual. Moreover it is geometrically Lie-irreducible, because the point 1 Gm(k) is its unique singularity. Its “dimension” is n; indeed it is everywhere tame, and at its unique singularity 1 Gm(k) its local monodromy is Unip(n + 1), so its drop is n. Let us admit for the moment that the autoduality of N is symplectic. Then we argue as follows. The local monodromy of N at both 0 and is Unip(n +1). Theorem 18.1 then gives the asserted conclusion.

It remains to show that N is symplectically self-dual. Because we know already that N is either symplectically or orthogonally self-dual, we may make a finite extension of the ground field to determine which. So replacing k by k2 if necessary, we reduce to the case when k contains the fourth roots of unity. We will apply Theorem 11.2. Write the even integer n as n = 2d. We will show that the lisse sheaf Sym2d(Leg)(d)|A1 {0, 1} is the pullback, by λ images λ +1/λ, of a lisse sheaf F2d+1 on A1 {2, 2} which is orthogonally self-dual, and whose Ggeom,F2d+1 is the image of μ4SL(2) in Sym2d(std2). [In this representation, SL(2) has image an irreducible subgroup of SO(2d + 1), while μ4 acts trivially if d is even, and with scalar image ±1 if d is odd.] Then by Theorem 11.2 the autoduality on N is symplectic.

For the group SL(2), we recover Sym2d(std2) as the highest dimensional constituent of Symd(Sym2(std2)). Indeed, by Hermite’s identity, we have Symd(Sym2(std2)) ≅ Sym2(Symd(std2)), and as already noted (in the paragraph preceding Theorem 11.2), we have


Now think of Sym2(std2) as std3 for SO(3). This group SO(3) has a unique irreducible representation V2r+1 of each odd dimension 2r +1, namely Sym2r(std2), when we think of SO(3) as SL(2)/±1. The above identity then is the statement that as representations of SO(3), we have


Consequently, we have

V2d+1 ≅ Symd(std3)/Symd–2(std3).

[In other words, V2d+1 as representation of SO(3) is the space of spherical harmonics of degree d on S2.] Applying this to Leg(1/2) on A1 {0, 1}, we get

Sym2d(Leg)(d) ≅ Symd(Sym2(Leg)(1))/Symd–2(Sym2(Leg)(1)).

This reduces us to the case n = 2, i.e., to the problem of showing that Sym2(Leg)(1)|A1 {0, 1} is arithmetically isomorphic to the pull-back, by λ images λ+1/λ, of a lisse rank three sheaf F3 on A1{2, 2} which is orthogonally self-dual, with Ggeom,F3 the group O(3) = ±SO(3), viewed as the image of μ4SL(2) in Sym2(std2). To do this, we may replace Leg by its quadratic twist TwLeg := LegLχ2(1–λ), because for even n, Leg and TwLeg have the same Symn.

To construct F3, we will first exhibit a lisse, rank two sheaf H on A1 {2, 2} such that TwLeg is geometrically the pullback of H by λ images λ + 1/λ. This sheaf H is not self-dual, but we will show that Sym2(H) is self-dual, with Ggeom,Sym2(H) the group O(3). Then we will take F3 to be Sym2(H), or possibly its constant field quadratic twist (1)deg ⊗ Sym2(H).

For H, we start with the hypergeometric sheaf H(Ã; χ44; image, image)(3/2) of type (2, 2), with χ4 a character of k× of order 4. This sheaf is pure of weight zero, its local monodromy at 0 is Lχ4Unip(2), its local monodromy at 1 is imageLχ2, and its local monodromy at is Unip(2). Then [x images (2 – x)/4] H(Ã; χ44; image, image)(3/2) is the desired H. Its local monodromy at is Unip(2), its local monodromy at 2 is Lχ4Unip(2), and its local monodromy at 2 is imageLχ2.

The pullback of this H by λ images λ +1/λ has the same local monodromies as TwLeg, namely Unip(2) at 0 and , and Lχ2Unip(2) at 1. The pullback is lisse at 1. By rigidity, the pullback is geometrically isomorphic to TwLeg. Therefore Sym2(TwLeg)(1)|A1 {0, 1} is geometrically isomorphic to the pullback by λ images λ +1/λ of

F3 := Sym2(H) = [x → (2 – x)/4]?Sym2(H(Ã; χ44; image, image))(3).

Again by rigidity, Sym2(H(Ã; χ44; image, image))(3) is geometrically isomorphic to the hypergeometric sheaf H(χ222; image, image, image)(5/2) of type (3, 3). This sheaf is orthogonally self-dual. We claim that its Ggeom is O(3). Its local monodromy at is Unip(3), so I(), and a fortiori G0geom, act indecomposably. Therefore G0geom acts irreducibly (because by purity it acts semisimply). So G0geom is a connected irreducible subgroup of SO(3), and the only such is SO(3) itself. On the other hand, det(H(χ222; image, image, image)(5/2)) is geometrically Lχ2(x(1–x)), so we have Ggeom = O(3), as asserted.

So our situation is this. We have a lisse sheaf F3 which is pure of weight zero, lisse of rank three, orthogonally self-dual with Ggeom,F3 = O(3). Its pullback by λ images λ+1/λ,callit K, is geometrically isomorphic to Sym2(TwLeg)(1). Since both Sym2(TwLeg)(1) and the pullback K are geometrically irreducible and arithmetically orthogonal, the space

Homgeom(K, Sym2(TwLeg)(1))

is a one-dimensional orthogonal Gal(k/k)-representation, some αdeg, with α = ±1. We have an arithmetic isomorphism

K ⊗ Homgeom(K, Sym2(TwLeg)(1)) ≅ Sym2(TwLeg)(1),

i.e., an arithmetic isomorphism K ⊗ αdeg Sym2(TwLeg)(1). Replacing F3 by αdegF3 if necessary, i.e., if α = 1, we get the required F3. images

Applying Theorem 18.2 to this N, we get the following result.

Theorem 18.4. For n ≥ 2 even, N := Symn(Leg)((n + 1)/2)[1], and for any s ≥ 2 distinct characters χ1, …, χs of G(k), the objects Ni := N ⊗ Lχi have


We now analyze the odd symmetric powers of the twisted Legendre sheaf TwLeg.

Theorem 18.5. Let k have odd characteristic and contain the fourth roots of unity. For any odd integer n ≥ 1, the object

N := Symn(TwLeg)((n +1)/2)[1]

in Parith is pure of weight zero, of “dimension” n +1, and has

Ggeom,N = Garith,N = Sp(n +1).

Proof. Because k contains the fourth roots of unity, the sheaf TwLeg and hence the object N is isomorphic to its pullback by multiplicative inversion. Just as in the start of the proof of Theorem 18.3, we see that N is pure of weight zero, geometrically Lie-irreducible, and self-dual. Its local monodromy at both 0 and is Unip(n + 1). Its local monodromy at 1 is Lχ2 ⊗ Unip(n + 1), so its “dimension” is drop1 = n +1. Exactly as in Theorem 18.3, it suffices to show that N is symplectically self-dual.

As already shown in the proof of Theorem 18.3, TwLeg is geometrically the pullback by π : λ images λ +1/λ of the sheaf

H := [x images (2 – x)/4]? H(Ã; χ44; image, image)(3/2).

From the known local monodromies of H(Ã; χ44; image, image), we see that det H(Ã; χ44; image, image)) is geometrically isomorphic to Lχ2(x(1–x)). Hence det(H) is geometrically isomorphic to [x images (2 – x)/4]? Lχ2(x(1–x))Lχ2(x24). Thus for some unitary scalar α, det(H) is arithmetically isomorphic to αdegLχ2(x24).

Choose a square root β of 1/α, and put H1 := βdegH. This object H1 has determinant Lχ2(x24) arithmetically, its pullback by π : λ images λ +1/λ is geometrically isomorphic to TwLeg, and its determinant is arithmetically trivial:

det(π?H1) = π? det(H1) = π? Lχ2(x24)

= Lχ2((λ+1/λ)24) = Lχ2((λ–1/λ)2)Q.

Thus both π?H1 and TwLeg(1/2) are arithmetically symplectically self-dual (being of rank two and trivial determinant), geometrically irreducible, and geometrically isomorphic. So for some choice of ° = ±1, we have an arithmetic isomorphism

π?(°degH1) ≅ = TwLeg(1/2).

Replacing H1 by °degH1 if needed, we have an H1 with arithmetic determinant Lχ2(x24), geometric monodromy μ4SL(2), and an arithmetic isomorphism π? H1TwLeg(1/2).

Now fix an odd integer n = 2d – 1 1. Define the lisse sheaf F on Gm2} by

F := Sym2d–1(H1),

and the object N ∈ Parith by

N := j? π? F(1/2)[1].

This N is just Symn(TwLeg)((n +1)/2)[1]. The situation is reminiscent of that considered in Theorems 11.1 and 11.2, except that F is not geometrically self-dual. Indeed, the geometric monodromy group of F is μ4SL(2), viewed in the representation Sym2d–1(std2), a subgroup of GL(2d) which contains the scalars μ4, hence lies in neither the orthogonal nor the symplectic group. Nonetheless, we will use the calculational method of the proof of Theorem 11.1 to determine the sign N of the autoduality of N. In the notations of that theorem, where the “x” above becomes “s,” the sums whose large #E limit is ²N are


We next observe that because F is pure of weight zero, geometrically irreducible and not geometrically self-dual, we have the estimate


cf. [Ka-MMP, 1.9.6, assertion 1)]. Indeed, both the sheaves Sym2(F) and Λ2(F) have vanishing H2c on U ⊗k k, and their H1c’s are mixed of weight 1, so the estimate follows from the Lefschetz Trace formula [Gr-Rat] and the linear algebra identity

Trace(FrobE2,s|F) = Trace(FrobE,s|Sym2(F))Trace(FrobE,s2(F)).

So we are reduced to showing that the sums


are approximately 1. To see this, we make use of the linear algebra identity above. So it suffices to prove that the Sym2 term


and that the Λ2 term


is approximately 1.

We now use the fact that F = Sym2d–1(H1), with H1 pureofweight zero, with geometric monodromy group μ4SL(2) and with arithmetic determinant Lχ2(s24). Recall the identities for GL(2)-representations




Applying these to H1, we see every geometrically irreducible constituent of Sym2(F) has rank 3, which gives the asserted O(1/#E) estimate for the Sym2 sum. We also see that Λ2(F) is the direct sum of Lχ2(s24) with a complement, each of whose geometrically irreducible constituents has dimension 5. So this complement gives a sum which is O(1/#E). The remaining term, the Lχ2(s24) sum, is


as required. images

Exactly as for even symmetric powers, we can apply Theorem 18.2 to this N.

Theorem 18.6. For n ≥ 1 odd, N := Symn(TwLeg)((n + 1)/2)[1], and for any s ≥ 2 distinct characters χ1, …, χs of G(k), the objects Ni := NLχi have


For the next example, we continue to work on Gm/k with k of odd characteristic. Recall that a polynomial f(x) = ∑2gi=0 aixi ∈ k[x] of even degree 2g is said to be palindromic if ag+i = ag–i for 0 ≤ i ≤ g.

Theorem 18.7. Let 2g ≥ 2 be an even integer, and f(x) ∈ k[x] a palindromic polynomial of degree 2g. Suppose that f has 2g distinct roots in k, and that f is not a polynomial in xd for any prime to p integer d ≥ 2. Denote by j : Gm[1/f] Gm the inclusion. Then both of the objects

N := j?Lχ2(f(x))(1/2)[1]


M := j? Lχ2(xf(x))(1/2)[1]

in Parith are geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, symplectically self-dual of “dimension” 2g, and have Ggeom = Garith = Sp(2g).

Proof. Since f is palindromic of degree 2g its constant term is nonzero. So all its 2g distinct zeroes lie in Gm(k). So both j?Lχ2(f(x)) and j?Lχ2(xf(x)) are irreducible middle extension sheaves on Gm, pure of weight zero and not geometrically isomorphic to any Kummer sheaf Lχ. So both M and N are geometrically irreducible objects of Parith, pure of weight zero and of “dimension” 2g. We have

M = NLχ2.

So K images KLχ2 is a Tannakian isomorphism from <N>arith to <M>arith. So N and M have the same groups Ggeom as each other, and the same groups Garith as each other.

Let us first show that N is geometrically Lie-irreducible, i.e., not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. This amounts to the statement that j?Lχ2(f(x)) = j!Lχ2(f(x)) is not geometrically isomorphic to j!Lχ 2(f(ax)) for any a ≠ 1 in k×. We argue by contradiction. Now j!Lχ2(f(x)) has singularities precisely at the 2g zeroes of f(x), while j!Lχ2(f(ax)) has singularities precisely at the 2g zeroes of f(ax). So if the two are geometrically isomorphic for some a ≠ 1 in k×, then f(x) and f(ax) have the same zeroes. Therefore for some constant b ∈ k×, we have f(ax) = bf(x). Comparing the nonzero constant terms, we see that b = 1, i.e., f(x) = f(ax). But for d > 1 the multiplicative order of a ∈ k×, the equality f(x) = f(ax) implies that f(x) is a polynomial in xd.

To see that N, or equivalently M, is symplectically self-dual, we remark that for any palindromic f(x) of degree 2g in k[x], f(x)/xg is a palindromic Laurent polynomial of bidegree (–g, g) in k[x, 1/x], so there is a unique polynomial hg(x) ∈ k[x] of degree g such that F(x)/xg = hg(x +1/x). Because f has 2g distinct zeroes, hg must have g distinct zeroes, none of which is ±2. If g is even, then

j?Lχ2(f(x)) = j?Lχ2(f(x)/xg) = j?Lχ2(hg(x+1/x)),

and we apply Theorem 11.1, with the orthogonally self-dual F = Lχ2(hg(x)), to conclude that N is symplectically self-dual. [This sheaf F = Lχ2(hg(x))has g distinct singularities in A1, so at least g – 1 in Gm, so is not geometrically isomorphic to any Kummer sheaf Lχ.] If g is odd, then

j?Lχ2(xf(x)) = j?Lχ2(f(x)/xg) = j?Lχ2(hg(x+1/x)),

and we conclude now by Theorem 11.1 that M is symplectically self-dual. [If g = 1, then the unique zero of hg lies in Gm(k), for otherwise f(x) would be a constant multiple of 1 + x2. So again in this case F = Lχ2(hg(x)) is not geometrically isomorphic to any Kummer sheaf Lχ.]

The local monodromies of N at 0 and at are both Unip(1) (be-cause f is invertible at 0 and has even degree), so exactly as in the proof of the previous theorem, Frobk,image gives rise to a Frobenius torus Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1) in G0geom,N, which is an irreducible subgroup of Sp(2g). So again by the theorem of Kostant and Zarhin [Ka-ESDE, 1.2], we conclude that G0geom,N = Sp(2g), which then forces G0geom,N = Ggeom,N = Garith,N = Sp(2g).


Again here we can apply Theorem 18.2.

Theorem 18.8. For N := j?Lχ2(f(x))(1/2)[1] satisfying all the hypotheses of Theorem 18.7, and for any s ≥ 2 distinct characters χ1, …, χs of G(k), the objects Ni := NLχi have


For the next example, we will apply Theorem 10.1. We continue to work on Gm/k.

Theorem 18.9. Choose a nontrivial character ρ of k×, of order r > 2. Let f(x) ∈ k[x] be a polynomial whose degree rn is a multiple of r, such that

(1) f(x) has rn distinct zeroes in k×.

(2) f(x) and f(1/x) have no common zeroes.

(3) f(x) is not a polynomial in xd for any prime to p integer d > 1.

For j : Gm[1/f(x)f(1/x)] Gm, the object N := j?Lρ(f(x)/f(1/x))(1/2)[1] in Parith is geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, symplectically self-dual of “dimension” 2rn, and has Ggeom = Garith = Sp(2rn).

Proof. The object N in Parith is geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, and of “dimension” 2rn. We next show that it is geometrically Lie-irreducible, i.e., not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. We argue by contradiction. The object N has singularities precisely at the zeroes of f(x), where its local monodromy is Lρ, and at the zeroes of f(1/x), where its local monodromy is Lρ. Because ρ has order r ≥ 3, we recover the zeroes of f(x) as being the singularities where the local monodromy is Lρ. So if multiplicative translation by some a ≠ 1 in k× preserves the geometric isomorphism class of N, then f(x) and f(ax) have the same zeroes, so are proportional. Because f has a nonzero constant term, we must have f(ax) = f(x). Thus if a has multiplicative order d ≥ 2, then f(x) is a polynomial in xd, contradiction.

To apply Theorem 10.1, take for F there the middle extension of Lρ(f(x)). This shows that N is symplectically self-dual. By the geometric Lie-irreducibility of N, G0geom,N ⊂ Sp(2rn) is a connected irreducible subgroup, so an irreducible connected semisimple subgroup. Because f has degree multiple of r, the order of ρ, the local monodromy of Lρ(f(x)/f(1/x)) at both 0 and is Unip(1), so exactly as in the proof of Theorem 18.1 we get a Frobenius torus Diag(x, 1/x, 1, …, 1) in G0geom,N. Exactly as in the proof of Theorem 18.2, the theorem of Kostant and Zarhin [Ka-ESDE, 1.2] shows that G0geom,N = Sp(2rn), which then forces G0geom,N = Ggeom,N = Garith,N = Sp(2rn). images

Remark 18.10. What becomes of the theorem above if we try to take for ρ the quadratic character χ2? Thus f(x) has even degree 2d, and we are looking at Lχ 2(f(x)/f(1/x)) = Lχ2(f(x)f(1/x)) = Lχ2(f(x)x2df(1/x)) = Lχ2(f(x)fpal(x)). This is a situation to which Theorem 18.2 would apply, to the palindromic polynomial f(x)fpal(x) of degree 4d, provided that f(x)fpal(x) is not a polynomial in xe for any integer e > 1 prime to p. This condition is strictly stronger than the hypothesis that f(x) not be a polynomial in xe for any integer e > 1 prime to p. For a simple example, take an f for which fpal(x) = ±f(–x), e.g., f(x) = x2+bx–1 with b ≠ 0,b2 +4 ≠ 0.

We can apply Theorem 18.2.

Theorem 18.11. For N := j?Lρ(f(x)/f(1/x))(1/2)[1] satisfying all the hypotheses of Theorem 18.9, and for any s ≥ 2 distinct characters χ1, …, χs of G(k), the objects Ni := NLχi have


We next give an example based on hypergeometric sheaves. We work on Gm/k, with k of odd characteristic. We fix an odd integer 2k +1 3, and we consider the hypergeometric sheaf of type (1, 2k +1)

H := H(Ã; χ2; image, …., image)((2k +1)/2).

This H is lisse on Gm, pure of weight zero and orthogonally self-dual. Its local monodromy at is Unip(2k + 1). Its local monodromy at 0 is the direct sum

H(0) ≅ = Lχ2 Wild2k,

with Wild2k totally wild of rank 2k and Swan conductor 1. This object is Lie-irreducible, and in fact one knows that both its Ggeom and its Garith are the full orthogonal group O(2k + 1). We next form the pullback π? H of H by the finite map of degree 2

π : Gm {1} → Gm, x images x +1/x – 2.

This covering (extended to a finite flat cover of P1) is finite étale over , with 0 and the two points in the source lying over it. The covering is doubly ramified over 0, with 1 the unique point in the source lying over it. It is also doubly ramified over 4, with 1 the unique point lying over. For j1 : Gm {1} ⊂ Gm the inclusion, we form the object N ∈ Parith given by

N := j1?π? H(1/2)[1].

This object is pure of weight zero and geometrically irreducible. It is symplectically self-dual, by Theorem 11.1. [View π?H as the pullback by x images x +1/x of the sheaf [x images x – 2]? H, and take the sheaf F of Theorem 11.1 to be the sheaf [x images x – 2]?H.]

Theorem 18.12. The object N ∈ Parith is pure of weight zero, and has G0geom,N = Ggeom,N = Garith,N = Sp(2k +2).

Proof. Because 1 is the unique singularity of N in Gm(k), N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Its local monodromy at both 0 and is Unip(2k + 1). Because 1 maps doubly to 0, its local monodromy at 1 is the direct sum of Unip(1) and of a totally wild part of rank 2k and Swan conductor 2. So its “dimension” is drop1 + Swan1 = 2k + 2. The result now follows from Theorem 18.1. images

Applying Theorem 18.2 to N, we get the following.

Theorem 18.13. For any s ≥ 2 distinct characters χ1, …, χs of G(k), the objects Ni := NLχi have


Remark 18.14. Here is a nagging open problem. Suppose we are given f(x) = ∑di=0 Aixi ∈ k[x] a polynomial of degree d prime to p, which is Artin-Schreier reduced, i.e., Ai vanishes if p|i, and such that gcd{i|Ai ≠ 0} = 1. According to Theorem 10.1, the object N := LÃ(f(x)–f(1/x))(1/2)[1] is symplectically self-dual. The gcd = 1 hypothesis, together with Artin-Schreier reducedness, insures that N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself, so N is Lie-irreducible. Because N is totally wildly ramified at both 0 and , it has no bad characters χ. We believe that Ggeom,N = Sp(2d), but in the absence of any bad characters χ, we are unable to prove it (except in the case d = 1, the Evans example, where there is a dearth of Lie-irreducible subgroups of SL(2), cf. Theorem 14.2).

This can be viewed as a special case of the following problem. Take for F a geometrically irreducible lisse sheaf F on Gm/k of rank n ≥ 1 which is pure of weight zero, whose I(0)-representation is Unip(n), and whose I()-representation is totally wild, say of Swan conductor k ≥ 1, and both irreducible and not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Denote by F its “complex conjugate,” i.e., its linear dual, and form the lisse sheaf

G := F ⊗ ([x images 1/x] F).

Then the local monodromy of G at both 0 and is of the form Unip(n) ⊗ Wildn,k, where Wildn,k is irreducible of rank n and Swan conductor k, and not isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. It follows [Ka-RLS, 3.1.7] that each of these local monodromies is indecomposable. From this indecomposability, it follows that G is indecomposable. But F is itself geometrically irreducible and hence geometrically semisimple, so G, as the tensor product of two geometrically semisimple lisse sheaves, is itself geometrically semisimple. [Alternatively, G is geometrically semisimple because it is pure of weight zero.] Being indecomposable as well, G is geometrically irreducible. Looking at its I()-representation, we see that G is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Thanks to Theorem 10.1, we know that the object N := G(1/2)[1] is symplectically self-dual. Its “dimension” is 2nk. Is it always the case that Ggeom,N = Sp(2nk), or does one need to impose additional conditions on F?

Let us consider the special case when F is a Kloosterman sheaf Kln := Kln(Ã; image, …, image)((n – 1)/2). One knows [Ka-GKM, 4.1.1 (3)] that the I()-representation of Kln is totally wild, of Swan conductor one, and (consequently, cf. [Ka-GKM, 4.1.6 (3)]) is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. Its I(0)-representation is Unip(n). Is it true that for the associated N, we have Ggeom,N = Sp(2n)? This seems to be an open question, except for the case n = 1, where we once again find the Evans example.

We end this chapter with an example inspired by that of Rudnick, cf. Theorem 14.5.

Theorem 18.15. Let k be a finite field of odd characteristic, f(x) ∈ k[x] an odd polynomial (i.e., f(–x) = –f(x)) of prime-to-p degree 2n – 1. Denote by j1 : Gm {1} images Gm the inclusion. Then the object N := j1?LÃ(f((x+1)/(x–1)))(1/2)[1] Parith is pure of weight zero and has Ggeom,N = Garith,N = Sp(2n).

Proof. The lisse sheaf LÃ(f((x+1)/(x–1))) on Gm {1} is wildly ramified at the point 1, with Swan conductor 2n – 1, so is not geometrically isomorphic to any Lχ. Thus N is geometrically irreducible, being a middle extension of generic rank one. Because g(x) := f((x+1)/(x–1)) satisfies g(1/x) = –g(x), we can write g(x) = (1/2)g(x) (1/2)g(1/x), and then apply Theorem 10.1 to see that N is symplectically self-dual. As the unique singularity of N is at the point 1, N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself. As N is lisse at both 0 and , and of generic rank one, the result now follows from Theorem 18.1. images

Applying Theorem 18.2, we get the following generalization of this last result.

Theorem 18.16. For the object N of the previous theorem, and any r ≥ 1 distinct multiplicative characters χ1, …, χr of k×, define Ni := N ⊗ Lχi. Then the object ⊕iNi has Ggeom,iNi = Garith,iNi = images Sp(2n).

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