

Chapter 1: What Is DSLR Video?

Poring Over the Footage

Poring Over the Footage

Why Is DSLR Video So Popular?

What’s Great About DSLR Video?

What’s Not So Great About DSLR Video?

Shooting with Motion in Mind

Chapter 1 Assignments

Chapter 2: Essential Equipment

Poring Over the Camera

Getting Started

Choosing a Camera

Memory Cards—Lots of ’em

More Power for the Camera

Choosing Lenses

A Stable Platform

Chapter 2 Assignments

Chapter 3: Setting Up Your Camera

Poring Over the Camera

Choosing a Frame Size

Choosing a Frame Rate

White Balancing Your Camera

Choosing a Shooting Mode

Adjusting the Volume

Using Picture Styles or Controls

Chapter 3 Assignments

Chapter 4: Exposure and Focus

Poring Over the Footage

Poring Over the Footage

The Exposure Triangle

Controlling Depth of Field

Setting Focus

Maintaining Focus

Using a Loupe

Using a Viewfinder or Monitor

Chapter 4 Assignments

Chapter 5: Composing Shots

Poring Over the Footage

Poring Over the Footage

Poring Over the Footage

Shot Types

Shot Angles

Cinematic Composition

Repeating Action

Making a Shot List

Chapter 5 Assignments

Chapter 6: Shooting in Daylight

Poring Over the Footage

Understanding Sunlight

Avoiding Lens Flares

Controlling the Camera in Daylight

Chapter 6 Assignments

Chapter 7: Shooting in Low Light

Poring Over the Footage

Poring Over the Footage

The Challenge of Shooting in Low Light

Changing Your F-stop

Raising Your ISO

Adjusting Shutter Speed

Shooting at Sunrise or Sunset

Chapter 7 Assignments

Chapter 8: Shooting Indoors

Poring Over the Footage

Poring Over the Footage

Using Available Light

Adding More Light

The Concept of Three-point Lighting

Chapter 8 Assignments

Chapter 9: Recording Sound

Capturing Great Audio

Technical Essentials of Audio

Microphone Pickup Patterns

Recording Audio with the Internal Microphone

Recording Audio with an On-camera Microphone

Recording Audio with a Lavalier Microphone

Recording Audio with Dual System Sound

Monitoring Your Audio

Chapter 10: Backing Up and Organizing Your Footage

A Practical Workflow

Choosing a Card Reader

Choosing Hard Drives

Transferring Your Footage

Organizing Your Footage

The Option of Transcoding

Chapter 11: Editing Essentials

Poring Over the Equipment

Choosing Editing Software

Essential Editing Controls

Syncing Sound

Adding Transitions

Adjusting Exposure and Color

Chapter 11 Assignments

Chapter 12: Publishing and Sharing Video

Quality Checks

Outputting a Backup Copy

Delivering Video to the Web

Specific Hosts for Web Video

The End of the Road?


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