
The DB2 Extender family provides a wide assortment of SQL extensions to enhance functionality in SQL statements. Each DB2 Extender product provides its own set of UDTs, UDFs, and stored procedures that can be used by applications. They also provide individual CLP tools for setting up and maintaining the DB2 Extender products.

This chapter introduced several DB2 Extender products, including Text Extender, Net Search Extender, AIV Extenders, XML Extender, and Spatial Extender. Text Extender and Net Search Extender enhance SQL text searches. Text Extender has more features but is not optimized for high-volume Internet searches. AIV Extenders provide functions for displaying and playing video, image, and audio clips. It also can be used for searching images by content, and video shot detection. XML Extender enables composition, decomposition, update, and retrieval of XML documents. Spatial Extender facilitates the analysis of geographical data in SQL statements.

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