DB2 Relational Extenders

DB2 Relational Extenders are used to extend the performance and functionality of DB2 Servers when working with different media types. This includes text documents, audio clips, images, and video clips. The DB2 Extenders Family is composed of several products. This includes Text Extender; Audio, Image, and Video (AIV) Extenders; XML Extender; and Spatial Extender. The platform availability varies for each DB2 Extender product. All products are available on most Unix and Intel platforms. Some DB2 Extender products are also available on z-Series.

Table 1.1. DB2 Relational Extender products and functionality
Extender ProductFunctionality
Text ExtenderCreates indexes of textual data stored in a DB2 Server to allow for high-performance searching.
Audio, Image, and Video ExtenderAssists with managing media data, and provides useful functionality such as being able to search media types by content.
XML ExtenderMaps XML documents to and from a DB2 relational database.
Spatial ExtenderAllows for integrated storage and access of spatial and business data.

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