
In this chapter, the most common features of some DB2 UDB tools have been discussed. This chapter covered the features and functionality necessary for the DB2 UDB Fundamentals (Exam 700) but not the whole family of DB2 UDB tools. A complete reference of the DB2 tools can be found online:

At the time of this writing, the following limitations and restrictions for v8 tools working with v7 servers apply:

The following v8 tools support only v8 servers:

  • Control Center

  • Task Center

  • Journal Tool

  • Satellite Administration Center

  • Information Catalog Center (including the Web version of this center)

  • Health Center (including the Web version of this center)

  • License Center

  • Spatial Extender

  • Tools Settings

The following v8 tools support v7 servers (with some restrictions) and v8 servers:

  • Configuration Assistant (this tool has different components, of which only the import/export configuration file can be used with v7 servers; all of the components work with v8)

  • Data Warehouse Center

  • Replication Center

  • Command Center (including the Web version of this center)

  • SQL Assist

  • Development Center

  • Visual Explain

In general, any v8 tool that is only launched from within the navigation tree of the Control Center, or any details view based on these tools, will not be available or accessible to v7 and earlier servers. You should consider using the v7 tools when working with v7 or earlier servers.

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