
Many UDFs are available to analyze and manipulate spatial data. These functions can be called in SQL statements with Spatial Extender data types. Table 19.3 lists some of the UDFs.

Table 19.3. Spatial Extender UDFs
ST_AppendPointExtends the curve by a given point
ST_AsShapeReturns the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shape representation of a geometry
ST_AsTextReturns the text representation of a geometry
ST_BoundaryReturns the boundary geometry of a geometry
ST_CentroidReturns the geometric center of a geometry
ST_ChangePointChanges a point in a curve
ST_ConvexHullReturns the convex hull of a geometry
ST_CoordDimReturns the dimensionality of a geometry's coordinates
ST_DimensionReturns the dimensionality of a geometry
ST_DisjointReturns TRUE if two geometries do not intersect
ST_EndpointReturns the last point of a curve
ST_EnvelopeReturns a rectangle that surrounds a geometry
ST_EnvintersectsReturns a rectangle that surrounds the intersection of two geometries
ST_EqualCoordsysReturns TRUE if two coordinate systems are identical
ST_EqualsReturns TRUE if geometries are identical
ST_EqualSRSReturns TRUE if two reference systems are identical
ST_ExteriorRingReturns an exterior ring for a polygon
ST_GeneralizeApproximates a geometry with a reduced number of points
ST_GeometryNReturns a geometry at an index of a collection
ST_GeometryTypeReturns the type name of a geometry
ST_InteriorRingNReturns an interior ring for a polygon
ST_IntersectionReturns the intersection between two geometries
ST_IntersectsReturns TRUE if two geometries intersect
ST_Is3dReturns TRUE if a geometry has a Z coordinate
ST_IsClosedReturns TRUE if a curve is closed
ST_IsEmptyReturns TRUE if a geometry is empty
ST_IsMeasuredReturns TRUE if a geometry has an M (measured) coordinate
ST_IsRingReturns TRUE if a curve is a ring
ST_IsSimpleReturns TRUE if a geometry is simple such as a point, line, or surface
ST_MaxMReturns the maximum M coordinate of a geometry
ST_MaxXReturns the maximum X coordinate of a geometry
ST_MaxYReturns the maximum Y coordinate of a geometry
ST_MaxZReturns the maximum Z coordinate of a geometry
ST_MBRReturns the minimum bounding rectangle of a geometry
ST_MidPointReturns the midpoint of a curve
ST_MinMReturns the minimum M coordinate of a geometry
ST_MinXReturns the minimum X coordinate of a geometry
ST_MinYReturns the minimum Y coordinate of a geometry
ST_MinZReturns the minimum Z coordinate of a geometry
ST_NumLineStringsReturns the number of lines in a multiline string
ST_PointNReturns the point in the line-string or multipoint at index N
ST_PolygonNReturns the polygon in a multipolygon at index N
ST_RelateReturns TRUE if a geometry meets the conditions of a matrix
ST_RemovePointRemoves a point from a curve
ST_SrsNameReturns the spatial reference system name of a geometry
ST_ToGeomCol1Converts a geometry to a geometry collection
ST_ToLineStringConverts a geometry to a line-string
ST_ToMultiLineConverts a geometry to a multiline
ST_ToMultiPointConverts a geometry to a multipoint
ST_ToMultiPolygonConverts a geometry to a multipolygon
ST_ToPointConverts a geometry to a point
ST_ToPolygonConverts a geometry to a polygon
ST_WKBToSQLConverts a binary representation of a geometry to a geometry
ST_WKTToSQLConverts a text representation of a geometry to a geometry

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