
The XML Extender server is available on AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, OS/390, and z/OS. There are some operating system differences between workstation and host platforms. This chapter concentrates on the workstation platform's behavior.

The installation process varies by platform. For UNIX platforms, log in as a root user. For Windows platforms, log in as an administrator. On AIX, Text Extender is installed using the smit tool or installp. On Sun, the product is installed using pkgadd. On HP-UX, use the sam tool. On Windows platforms, run the setup.exe executable.

Similar to other products in the DB2 Extender family, XML Extender also requires an instance to be created. The XML Extender instance is created with the xmlicrt command. XML Extender does not require a server process for the instance to be started.

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