C h a p t e r   6

Half-Day Program

What’s in This Chapter?
  • Overview of modules used for a half-day training session
  • Description of a half-day program, objectives, and modules to be used
  • Topics covered and time needed to present modules



The half-day workshop provides an overview of the decision-making process and will enable the learners to grasp and use some of the key concepts of the process.

Overview of Modules Presented

A half-day session consists of:

Module 1—The Decision-Making Process: Anatomy of a Decision (Ch 9)

Module 2—The Creative Process: Developing Options (Ch 10)

Module 6—The Analytic Process: Narrowing Down the Options (Ch 14)

Module 9—The Human Aspect: Emotional and Irrational Factors (Ch 17)

Use a combination of module 1 and module 9 in programs for managers and supervisors who already know some of the tools and techniques related to creativity and analysis. You’ll begin with the overview and focus on the human aspects, which aren’t necessarily covered in other management skills courses.

For a general audience, use a combination of module 1, module 2, and module 6 to give participants a more complete picture of the decision-making process, although realize that those modules don’t cover all of the tools and human aspects of decision making.

Presented below is an overview of the four suggested modules for a half-day workshop, along with the training objectives and a sample agenda with approximate time needed to complete the modules. Please refer to chapters 9, 10, 14, and 17 for the full module contents, which include a detailed trainer’s guide for use with each module.

How to Present the Modules

Present the modules in the following order for a half-day training session:

  • Managers and supervisors—Begin with module 1 and then follow up with module 9.
  • General audience—Begin with module 1, follow with module 2, and end with module 6.

Module 1—The Decision-Making Process: Anatomy of a Decision (Ch 9)

Module 1 introduces the subject of decision making and presents a framework that will be used throughout the program.


After completing this module, the participants should be able to

  • list and explain the steps by which a decision is made
  • explain the benefits of a structured decision-making process
  • determine the relative importance of a decision.


  • Approximately 2 hours


Introduction and welcome; housekeeping items 15 minutes
Pretest and discussion 15 minutes
PowerPoint presentation 30 minutes
Break 10 minutes
Finish PowerPoint presentation 10 minutes
Handout/worksheet and discussion 30 minutes
Wrap-up, learning check, and preview 10 minutes

Note: This time estimate includes a pretest, a learning check at the end, and time for the administrative items associated with starting a training program, such as individual introductions, laying out the schedule and ground rules, and so on. A break is included in modules of more than 90 minutes.

Module 2—The Creative Process: Developing Options (Ch 10)

Module 2 introduces the subjects of creativity and risk in decision making.


After completing this module, the participants should be able to

  • explain the importance of creativity in decision making
  • clarify the goal of a decision
  • develop or identify viable options from which to choose
  • calculate the degree of risk related to a decision.


  • Approximately 1 hour


Introduction, welcome, and review 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation 30 minutes
Worksheet/exercise and discussion 20 minutes
Wrap-up, learning check, and preview 5 minutes

Note: This includes time for a quick review and a learning check at the end.

Module 6—The Analytic Process: Narrowing Down the Options (Ch 14)

Module 6 covers the subject of gathering information to help make an effective decision.


After completing this module, the participants should be able to

  • identify significant sources of data for decision-making analysis
  • determine the value of collecting additional information
  • explain and use the concept of Pareto analysis.


  • Approximately 1 hour


Review prior modules and introduction of module 6 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and discussion 30 minutes
Worksheet/exercise 20 minutes
Wrap-up, measurement, and preview 5 minutes

Note: This includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end.

Module 9—The Human Aspect: Emotional and Irrational Factors (Ch 17)

Module 9 covers the human aspects of making decisions.


After completing this module, participants should be able to

  • discuss the merits of group versus individual decision-making
  • list at least two differences between expert and layperson decision-making
  • describe the influence of framing on the decision-making process
  • describe the influence of technology on the decision-making process.


  • Approximately 1.5 hours


Review and introduction of module 9 5 minutes
PowerPoint presentation and discussion 60 minutes
Worksheet/exercise 20 minutes
Wrap-up, measurement, and preview 5 minutes

Note: This estimate includes time for a quick review at the start and a learning check at the end.

What to Do Next

  • Review the contents of chapters 9, 10, 14, and 17 as appropriate, and decide which (if any) of the suggested elements you do not need to include. You may choose to rearrange, edit, or combine the material to best meet your organization’s specific training needs. For example, you should exclude topics that your participants already understand at a high-enough level.
  • Decide whether there is any other content relevant to your organization that you wish to add. You may want to include additional information in your presentations, in the worksheets, or in the visuals that tailor the content to your organization, industry, or a specific group’s requirements.
  • Go to the website www.astd.org/decisionmakingtraining and download the PowerPoint slides, worksheets, and any other materials you will need.
  • Modify the PowerPoint slides by adding background, company logo, or other enhancements, such as different transitions, sound, and so forth, to match your presentation requirements.
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