I n d e x




A Decision Making: Needs preparation, 116
academic setting, business Analysis (Worksheet 2-1), 19 preview module topics, 117
training, distinguished, 36-37 decision making, significance sample agenda, 116-117
adult learning, child learning, of worksheet items, 17-19 slides, 127-128
distinguished, 22 executives, as audience, 12 summary, 120
agendas, training program, 51-75 experts, as audience, 11 time, 70, 115
Analytic Process: Narrowing group discussion, 14 time required, 120
Down the Options, The laypeople, as audience, 12 trainer notes, 117-120
(Module 6), 56, 62-63, 71-72, learners, 11-13 training objectives, 115
171-182, 242 needs analysis, decision- traits influencing decisions,
amount of information, making training, 13-14 120
175-178 needs analysis questionnaires, Word Puzzles (Worksheet 11-2),
application exercise, 178 15-19 125-126
discussion questions, 178-179 observation, 14 Instructions for, 121-122
gathering information, participant assessment, 15 Worksheet 11-1, 120, 123-124
173-174 questionnaire answers, influ- instructions for, 120
known population, 175 ence on program design, basics of training, 9-49
known universe, 175 16-17 behavioral level, evaluating
learning check questions, technicians, as audience, 12 learning, 46
178-179 attention spans, 27 Brainstorming Techniques
materials, 171-172 Attribute Listing (Worksheet 13-3), (Worksheet 13-1), 160
multiple choice questions, 179 162 brainwriting, 151
participant welcome, 172-173 audiences with mixed knowledge business training, academic set-
preparation, 172 of subject, 12 ting, distinguished, 36-37
primary data, 173    
review, 178 B C
sample agenda, 172 Barriers to Creativity (Module 3), calling on students, 39
sampling, 178 69-70, 115-128, 242 catalogs, 153-154
secondary data, 173 Creativity Barriers cause, effect, distinguished,
slides, 181-182 (Worksheet 11-1), 119 105-106
Sources of Information creativity barriers, 117-119 cause-effect analysis, 155-157
(Worksheet 14-1), 180 cultural blocks, 119 Cause-Effect Fishbone Diagrams
stratification, 177 discussion questions, 121 (Worksheet 13-4), 163
time, 63, 72, 171 emotional blocks, 118 Cause-Effect Matrix Diagrams
trainer notes, 172-178 environmental blocks, 118 (Worksheet 13-5), 164
training objectives, 56, 171 expressive blocks, 119 checklists, 153-154
worksheet instructions, 178 instructor guidance, 120 Checklists and Catalogs
asking for help, 38 intellectual blocks, 119 (Worksheet 13-2), 161
asking questions, 38 learning check questions, 121 child learning, adult learning,
assessing needs of participants, materials, 115-116 distinguished, 22
11-19 multiple choice questions, 121 classifying audience, 237
audiences with mixed knowl- objective of worksheet, 120 commercial research databases,
edge of subject, 12 participant welcome, 117 154
consultation, 14 perceptual blocks, 118-119 competition, 133
concentration, 28 cause, effect, distinguished, Decision Analysis Sheet
conducting training, 31-41 105-106 (Worksheet 9-2), 94
action plans, 40 creativity in decision making, decision-making process,
administrative requirements, 41 103-104 82-88
asking for help, 38 Decision Analysis Sheet discussion questions, 90-91
asking questions, 38 (Worksheet 10-1), 110 Icebreaker (Worksheet 9-1), 93
business training, academic decision making, 107 learning check questions,
setting, distinguished, developing choices, 106 90-92
36-37 discussion questions, 108 materials, 79-80
calling on students, 39 goal of decision, 104-105 multiple choice questions,
content, making understand- learning check questions, 91-99
able, 37-39 108-109 participant welcome, 81-82
course content, 36 materials, 101-102 preparation, 80
credentials, 36 multiple choice questions, pretest, 82
credibility, 32-33 108-109 Pretest on Decision Making
feedback, 39 participant welcome, 103 (Evaluation Instrument 9-1),
first impression, 32 preparation, 102 95
flow of training session, 34-35 sample agenda, 102-103 review, 90
check knowledge, 35 slides, 111-113 sample agenda, 80-81
demonstrations, 35 summary, 108 slides, 96-99
evaluation, 35 time, 61, 69, 101 time, 60-61, 68-69, 79
information, 35 trainer notes, 103-108 trainer notes, 81-90
introduction, 34 training objectives, 55, 61, training objectives, 54, 60, 68,
objectives, 34 69,101 79
practice, 35 Creativity Barriers Decision-Making Worksheet
follow-up, 41 (Worksheet 11-1), 119, for Module 5 (Worksheet 13-7),
grading system, 36 123-124 166
initiation of, 31 creativity barriers, 117-119 Decision Matrix Worksheet
motivations of participants, 33 techniques for overcoming, (Worksheet 16-1), 213
objectives, 36 131-134 decision trees, 208-210
overplanning, 38 Creativity Stimulators decomposition trees, 205-206
participation, encouraging, 38 (Worksheet 12-2), 140-141 Decomposition Trees, Decision
peer training, 39-40 creativity tools, 148-149 Trees, and Scatter Diagrams
preparations, 31 credentials, 36 (Worksheet 16-2), 214-216
presentation styles, 36 credibility, 32-33, 237-238 deductive learning, inductive
responsiveness, lack of, 39 cultural blocks, 119 learning, distinguished,
scheduling, 36   23-24
small groups, 38 D demographics, 190
student background, 33-34 data gathering, 152 designing interactive training,
students, learners, distin- data sampling, 188-191 21-30
guished, 37 Decision Analysis Sheet attention spans, 27
subgroups, 39-40 (Worksheet 9-2), 94 child learning, adult learning,
timing, 36 Decision Analysis Sheet distinguished, 22
treating learners like adults, 34 (Worksheet 10-1), 110 concentration, 28
wrapping up program, 40-41 decision making creative activities, 27
written exercises, 38-39 defined, 3 group dynamics, 28
Consider Technology Influences significance of worksheet inductive learning, deductive
and Human Factors items, 17-19 learning, distinguished,
(Worksheet 17-1), 231 Decision Making: Needs Analysis 23-24
content, making understandable, (Worksheet 2-1), 19 initiation of training, 28-30
37-39 Decision-Making Process: involving learners, 27
cost of proposals, 240-241 Anatomy of a Decision, just-in-time training, 26
course content, 36 The (Module 1), 54-55, learning experience, attracting
creative activities, 27 60-61, 68-69, 79-99, adults toward, 25-28
Creative Process: Developing 241 learning methods, 21-22
Options, The (Module 2), 55, application exercise, 90 motivations, 25-26
61, 69, 101-113, 242 break, 88 positive expectations, 25
Preplanning for Training expression of need for change, group dynamics, 28
Program (Worksheet 3-1), 238-239 groups, 134, 148-149
29-30 expressive blocks, 119  
questions, 27   H
relating to students through F half-day program, 53-57
language, 27 feedback, 39 Analytic Process: Narrowing
relevance of training, 26 Final Full-Program Evaluation Down the Options, The
rewards, 25-26 Form (Evaluation Instrument (Module 6), 56
sample design use, 24-25 5-2), 49 training objectives, 56
sequence training, 26-27 finalizing proposal, 245-247 Creative Process: Developing
styles of learning, 24 first impression, 32 Options (Module 2), 55
support, 27 fishbone diagrams, 156 training objectives, 55
training plan, importance of, flow of training session, 34-35 Decision-Making Process:
25 check knowledge, 35 Anatomy of a Decision
training techniques, 27 demonstrations, 35 (Module 1), 54-55
unlearning time, 26 evaluation, 35 training objectives, 54
diagrams, 207-208 information, 35 Human Aspect: Emotional
discussion of issue ahead of time, introduction, 34 and Irrational Factors, The
avoiding, 149 objectives, 34 (Module 9), 56-57
documentation, 241 practice, 35 modules overview, 53-54
  follow-up, 41 presentation of modules, 54
E framing decisions, 227-228 Houp, Kenneth W., 11
effect, cause, distinguished, full-day program, 59-65 Human Aspect: Emotional and
105-106 Analytical Process: Narrowing Irrational Factors, The
emotional blocks, 118 Down the Options, The (Module 9), 56-57, 64-65,
environmental blocks, 118 (Module 6), 62-63 73-74, 223-234, 243
evaluating workshop, 43-49 time, 63 application exercise, 229
behavioral level, evaluating Creative Process: Developing Consider Technology
learning, 46 Options, The (Module 2), 61 Influences and Human
evaluation instruments, 47-49 time, 61 Factors (Worksheet 17-1),
Final Full-Program Evaluation training objectives, 61 231
Form (Evaluation Instrument Decision-Making Process: discussion questions, 229-230
5-2), 49 Anatomy of a Decision, The experts vs. laypeople, 227
learning level, evaluating (Module 1), 60-61 framing decision, 227-228
learning, 45 time, 60-61 group decision making,
Level 1 Evaluation Form training objectives, 60 225-226
(Evaluation Instrument 5-1), Human Aspect: Emotional and learning check questions,
48 Irrational Factors, The 229-230
reaction level, 44-45 (Module 9), 64-65 materials, 223-224
reasons for evaluation of time, 64 multiple choice questions, 230
training, 43-44 training objectives, 64 objectives of review, 229
results level, evaluating overview of modules, 60 participant welcome, 225
learning, 46 presentation of modules, 60 preparation, 224
Evaluation Instrument 5-1: Tools to Improve Creativity sample agenda, 224-225
Level 1 Evaluation Form, 48 (Module 5), 62 slides, 232-234
Evaluation Instrument 5-2: Final time, 62 technology influences,
Full-Program Evaluation training objectives, 62 228-229
Form, 49 Using Tools to Improve time, 64, 74, 223
Evaluation Instrument 9-1: Analysis (Module 8), 63 trainer notes, 225-229
Pretest on Decision Making, 95 time, 63 training objectives, 64,
Evaluation Instrument 18-1: training objectives, 63 74,223
Posttest on Decision Making,   
248-249 G I
executives, as audience, 12 Gordon technique, 151 Icebreaker (Worksheet 9-1), 93
expectations, 25 grading system, 36 Implementing the Decision:
expected-value matrices, 204-205 group decision making, 225-226 Wrap-Up (Module 10), 74-75,
experts, as audience, 11 group discussion, 14 235-252
Analytic Process: Narrowing industry associations, 154 learning styles, 24
Down the Options, The influences of technology, 228-229 Level 1 Evaluation Form
(Module 6), 242 initiation of training, 28-30 (Evaluation Instrument 5–1), 48
application exercise, 241 intellectual blocks, 119 linear, positive loose relationships
Barriers to Creativity interactive training design, 21-30 diagram, 207
(Module 3), 242 attention spans, 27  
benefits of adopting proposal, child learning, adult learning, M
239 distinguished, 22 mental preparation, 133–134
break, 241 concentration, 28 mixed groups, 149
classifying audience, 237 creative activities, 27 Module 1: The Decision-Making
cost of proposal, 240-241 group dynamics, 28 Process: Anatomy of a Decision,
Creative Process: Developing inductive learning, deductive 54–55, 60–61, 68–69, 79–99
Options, The (Module 2), learning, distinguished, application exercise, 90
242 23-24 break, 88
credibility, 237-238 initiation of training, 28-30 Decision Analysis Sheet (Work-
Decision-Making Process: involving learners, 27 sheet 9–2), 94
Anatomy of a Decision just-in-time training, 26 decision-making process,
(Module 1), 241 learning experience, attracting 82–88
discussion questions, 244 adults toward, 25-28 discussion questions, 90–91
documentation, 241 learning methods, 21-22 Icebreaker (Worksheet 9–1), 93
Finalizing Proposal, 245-247 motivations, 25-26 learning check questions,
focus on idea, 238 positive expectations, 25 90–92
Human Aspect: Emotional Preplanning for Training materials, 79–80
and Irrational Factors, The Program (Worksheet 3-1), multiple choice questions,
(Module 9), 243 29-30 91–99
Implementing the Decision: questions, 27 participant welcome, 81–82
Wrap-Up (Module 10), 243 relating to students through preparation, 80
learning check questions, language, 27 pretest, 82
243-244 relevance of training, 26 Pretest on Decision Making
materials, 235-236 rewards, 25-26 (Evaluation Instrument 9–1),
module preparation, 236 sample design use, 24-25 95
need for change, expression of, sequence training, 26-27 review, 90
238-239 styles of learning, 24 sample agenda, 80–81
Overcoming Barriers to Cre- support, 27 slides, 96–99
ativity (Module 4), 242 training plan, importance of, time, 60–61, 68–69, 79
participant welcome, 237 25 trainer notes, 81–90
Posttest on Decision Making training techniques, 27 training objectives, 54, 60, 68,
(Evaluation Instrument 18-1), unlearning time, 26 79
248-249   Module 2: The Creative Process:
program summary, 241 J Developing Options, The 55,
sample agenda, 236-237 just-in-time training, 26 61, 69, 101–113
scope of proposals, 239   cause, effect, distinguished,
slides, 250-252 K 105–106
support for proposal, 240 known population, 175 creativity in decision making,
time, 75, 235 known universe, 175 103–104
Tools to Improve Creativity   Decision Analysis Sheet
(Module 5), 242 L (Worksheet 10–1), 110
trainer notes, 237-243 language, relating to students decision making, 107
training objectives, 235 through, 27 developing choices, 106
Using Everyday Statistics laypeople, as audience, 12 discussion questions, 108
(Module 7), 242 learners, students, distinguished, goal of decision, 104–105
Using Tools to Improve 37 learning check questions,
Analysis (Module 8), 243 learning experience, attracting 108–109
winning proposals, 237-241 adults toward, 25-28 materials, 101–102
inductive learning, deductive learning level, evaluating multiple choice questions,
learning, distinguished, 23-24 learning, 45 108–109
industrial directories, 154 learning methods, 21-22 participant welcome, 103
preparation, 102 participant welcome, 131 multiple choice questions,
sample agenda, 102-103 preparation, 130 159-170
slides, 111-113 review, 136 nominal group technique,
summary, 108 sample agenda, 130-131 150-151
time, 61, 69, 101 slides, 142-144 out-of-the-box thinking,
trainer notes, 103-108 teams, 134 tolerance for, 149
training objectives, 55, 61, 69, techniques for overcoming participant welcome, 148
101 barriers to creativity, preparation, 146
Module 3: Barriers to Creativity, 131-134 professional associations, 154
69-70, 115-128 time, 70, 129 questions, 152-153
Barriers to Creativity trainer notes, 131-135 sample agenda, 146-148
(Worksheet 11-1), 120, training objectives, 70, 129 slides, 167-170
123-124 true or false questions, 136 small-size group, 148-149
Creativity Barriers Module 5: Tools to Improve structure brainstorming, 150
(Worksheet 11-1), 119 Creativity, 62, 71, 145-170 time, 62, 71, 145
creativity barriers, 117-119 attribute listing, 154-155 trainer notes, 148-158
cultural blocks, 119 Attribute Listing training objectives, 62, 71, 145
discussion questions, 121 (Worksheet 13-3), 162 Module 6: The Analytic Process:
emotional blocks, 118 Brainstorming Techniques Narrowing Down the Options,
environmental blocks, 118 (Worksheet 13-1), 160 The, 56, 62-63, 71-72,
expressive blocks, 119 brainwriting, 151 171-182
instructor guidance, 120 break, 155 amount of information,
intellectual blocks, 119 catalogs, 153-154 175-178
learning check questions, 121 cause-effect analysis, 155-157 application exercise, 178
materials, 115-116 Cause-Effect Fishbone discussion questions, 178-179
multiple choice questions, 121 Diagrams (Worksheet 13-4), gathering information,
objective of worksheet, 120 163 173-174
participant welcome, 117 cause-effect matrix, 157 known population, 175
perceptual blocks, 118-119 Cause-Effect Matrix Diagrams known universe, 175
preparation, 116 (Worksheet 13-5), 164 learning check questions,
preview module topics, 117 checklists, 153-154 178-179
sample agenda, 116-117 Checklists and Catalogs materials, 171-172
slides, 127-128 (Worksheet 13-2), 161 multiple choice questions, 179
summary, 120 commercial research databases, participant welcome,
time, 70, 115 154 172-173
time required, 120 creativity tools, 148-149 preparation, 172
trainer notes, 117-120 data gathering, 152 primary data, 173
training objectives, 115 Decision-Making Worksheet review, 178
traits influencing decisions, for Module 5 sample agenda, 172
120 (Worksheet 13-7), 166 sampling, 178
Word Puzzles (Worksheet 11-2), discussion of issue ahead of secondary data, 173
121-122, 125-126 time, avoiding, 149 slides, 181-182
Module 4: Overcoming Barriers to discussion questions, Sources of Information
Creativity, 70, 129-143 158-159 (Worksheet 14-1), 180
application exercise, 134 fishbone diagrams, 156 stratification, 177
competition, 133 Gordon technique, 151 time, 63, 72, 171
Creativity Stimulators industrial directories, 154 trainer notes, 172-178
(Worksheet 12-2), 140-141 industry associations, 154 training objectives, 56, 171
discussion questions, 136 learning check questions, worksheet instructions, 178
groups, 134 158-159 Module 7: Using Everyday
learning check questions, limited time frame, 149 Statistics, 72-73, 183-198
136-137 materials, 145-146 application exercise, 191
materials, 129-130 mixed group, 149 break, 188
mental preparation, 133-134 morphological analysis, data sampling, 188-191
Overcoming Barriers to 157-158 demographics, 190
Creativity (Worksheet 12-1), Morphological Analysis discussion questions, 191-192
138-139, 135-136 (Worksheet 13-6), 165 fun, 184
learning check questions, scatter diagrams, 206-208 Finalizing Proposal, 245-247
191-192 slides, 219-221 focus on idea, 238
materials, 183-184 time, 63, 73, 199 Human Aspect: Emotional
multiple choice questions, 192 trainer notes, 201-211 and Irrational Factors, The
participant welcome, 185 training objectives, 63, 73, 199 (Module 9), 243
preparation, 184 Value-Matrix Template Implementing the Decision:
probability, 185-188 (Worksheet 16-3), 217 Wrap-Up (Module 10), 243
Probability, Combinations, Module 9: The Human Aspect: learning check questions,
and Permutations Emotional and Irrational 243-244
(Worksheet 15-1), 193 Factors, 56-57, 64-65, 73-74, materials, 235-236
random samples, 189 223-234 module preparation, 236
review, 191 application exercise, 229 need for change, expression of,
sample agenda, 184-185 Consider Technology Influ- 238-239
slides, 195-198 ences and Human Factors Overcoming Barriers to Cre-
Statistical Techniques (Worksheet 17-1), 231 ativity (Module 4), 242
(Worksheet 15-2), 194 discussion questions, 229-230 participant welcome, 237
stratification variables, 190 experts vs. laypeople, 227 Posttest on Decision Making
stratified samples, 189 framing decision, 227-228 (Evaluation Instrument 18-1),
time, 72-73, 183 group decision making, 248-249
trainer notes, 185-191 225-226 program summary, 241
training objectives, 72, 183 learning check questions, sample agenda, 236-237
Module 8: Using Tools to Improve 229-230 scope of proposals, 239
Analysis, 63, 73, 199-221 materials, 223-224 slides, 250-252
break, 206 multiple choice questions, 230 support for proposal, 240
decision making, 206, 211 objectives of review, 229 time, 75, 235
decision matrix, 201-203 participant welcome, 225 Tools to Improve Creativity
Decision Matrix Worksheet preparation, 224 (Module 5), 242
(Worksheet 16-1), 213 sample agenda, 224-225 trainer notes, 237-243
decision trees, 208-210 slides, 232-234 training objectives, 235
decomposition trees, 205-206 technology influences, Using Everyday Statistics
Decomposition Trees, Decision 228-229 (Module 7), 242
Trees, and Scatter Diagrams time, 64, 74, 223 Using Tools to Improve
(Worksheet 16-2), 214-216 trainer notes, 225-229 Analysis (Module 8), 243
diagrams, 207-208 training objectives, 64, 74, 223 winning proposals, 237-241
discussion questions, 211-212 Module 10: Implementing the modules overview, 53-54
expected-value matrices, Decision: Wrap-Up, 74-75, morphological analysis, 157-158
204-205 235-252 Morphological Analysis
expected-value matrix, Analytic Process: Narrowing (Worksheet 13-6), 165
204-205 Down the Options, The motivations, 25-26
learning check questions, (Module 6), 242 motivations of participants, 33
211-212 application exercise, 241 multiple choice questions, 121
linear, positive loose relation- Barriers to Creativity  
ships diagram, 207 (Module 3), 242 N
materials, 199-200 benefits of adopting proposal, need for change, expression of,
negative relation diagram, 208 239 238-239
no relationship diagram, 208 break, 241 needs analysis, decision-making
nonlinear relationships classifying audience, 237 training, 13-14
diagram, 208 cost of proposal, 240-241 needs of participants, assessment,
participant welcome, 201 Creative Process: Developing 11-19
positive relationship diagram, Options, The (Module 2), audiences with mixed knowl-
207 242 edge of subject, 12
preparation, 200 credibility, 237-238 consultation, 14
review, 211 Decision-Making Process: decision making, significance
Reviewing Your Decisions So Anatomy of Decision, The of worksheet items, 17-19
Far (Worksheet 16-4), 218 (Module 1), 241 executives, as audience, 12
sample agenda, 200-201 discussion questions, 244 experts, as audience, 11
scatter diagram, 206-207 documentation, 241 group discussion, 14
laypeople, as audience, 12 Worksheet 12-1, 138-139 R
learners, 11-13 instructions, 135-136 random samples, 189
needs analysis, decision- overplanning, 38 reaction level, 44-45
making training, 13-14   reasons for evaluation of training,
needs analysis questionnaires, P 43-44
15-19 participants’ needs, assessment of, relating to students through
observation, 14 11-19 language, 27
participant assessment, 15 audiences with mixed knowl- relevance of training, 26
questionnaire answers, influ- edge of subject, 12 Reporting Technical Information, 11
ence on program design, consultation, 14 responsiveness, lack of, 39
16-17 Decision Making: Needs results level, evaluating learning,
technicians, as audience, 12 Analysis (Worksheet 2-1), 19 46
Worksheet 2-1: Decision decision making, significance Reviewing Your Decisions So Far
Making: Needs Analysis, 19 of worksheet items, 17-19 (Worksheet 16-4), 218
negative relation diagram, 208 executives, as audience, 12 rewards, 25-26
no relationship diagram, 208 experts, as audience, 11  
nominal group technique, group discussion, 14 S
150-151 laypeople, as audience, 12 sample design use, 24-25
nonlinear relationships diagram, learners, 11-13 sampling, 178
208 needs analysis scatter diagrams, 206-208
  decision-making training, scheduling, 36
O 13-14 scope of proposals, 239
objectives, 36 questionnaires, 15-19 secondary data, 173
online materials, 6-7 observation, 14 sequence training, 26-27
out-of-the-box thinking, tolerance participant assessment, 15 small groups, 38, 148-149
for, 149 questionnaire answers, influ- Sources of Information
Overcoming Barriers to Creativity ence on program design, (Worksheet 14-1), 180
(Module 4), 70, 129-143, 242 16-17 spans of attention, 27
application exercise, 134 technicians, as audience, 12 Statistical Techniques
competition, 133 participation, encouraging, 38 (Worksheet 15-2), 194
creativity stimulators, 137 Pearsall, Thomas E., 11 stratification, 177
Creativity Stimulators peer training, 39-40 variables, 190
(Worksheet 12-2), perceptual blocks, 118-119 stratified samples, 189
140-141 positive expectations, 25 structure brainstorming, 150
discussion questions, 136 positive relationship student background, 33-34
groups, 134 diagram, 207 students, learners, distinguished,
learning check questions, Posttest on Decision Making 37
136-137 (Evaluation Instrument 18-1), styles of presentation, 36
materials, 129-130 248-249 subgroups, 39-40
mental preparation, Preplanning for Training Program support for proposals, 240
133-134 (Worksheet 3-1), 29-30  
Overcoming Barriers to presentation of modules, 60 T
Creativity (Worksheet presentation styles, 36 teams, 134. See also Groups
12-1), 138-139, 135-136 Pretest on Decision Making technicians, as audience, 12
participant welcome, 131 (Evaluation Instrument 9-1), techniques for overcoming
preparation, 130 95 barriers to creativity, 131-134
review, 136 Probability, Combinations, and technology, influences of,
sample agenda, 130-131 Permutations (Worksheet 15-1), 228-229
slides, 142-144 193 Tools to Improve Creativity
teams, 134 professional associations, 154 (Module 5), 62, 71, 145-170,
techniques for overcoming   242
barriers to creativity, Q attribute listing, 154-155
131-134 questionnaires for needs analysis, Attribute Listing
time, 70, 129 15-19 (Worksheet 13-3), 162
trainer notes, 131-135 influence of answers on Brainstorming Techniques
training objectives, 70, 129 program design, 16-17 (Worksheet 13-1), 160
true or false questions, 136 questions, 27 brainwriting, 151
break, 155 training program agendas, 51-75 learning check questions,
catalogs, 153-154 traits influencing decisions, 120 191-192
cause-effect analysis, treating learners like adults, 34 materials, 183-184
155-157 two-day program, 67-75 multiple choice questions, 192
Cause-Effect Fishbone Analytical Process: Narrowing participant welcome, 185
Diagrams (Worksheet Down the Options, The preparation, 184
13-4), 163 (Module 6), 71-72 probability, 185-188
cause-effect matrix, 157 time, 72 Probability, Combinations,
Cause-Effect Matrix Barriers to Creativity and Permutations
Diagrams (Worksheet (Module 3), 69-70 (Worksheet 15-1), 193
13-5), 164 time, 70 random samples, 189
checklists, 153-154 Creative Process: Developing review, 191
Checklists and Catalogs Options, The (Module 2), 69 sample agenda, 184-185
(Worksheet 13-2), 161 time, 69 slides, 195-198
commercial research data- training objectives, 69 Statistical Techniques
bases, 154 Decision-Making Process: (Worksheet 15-2), 194
creativity tools, 148-149 Anatomy of a Decision, stratification variables, 190
data gathering, 152 The (Module 1), 68-69 stratified samples, 189
Decision-Making time, 68-69 time, 72-73, 183
Worksheet for Module 5 training objectives, 68 trainer notes, 185-191
(Worksheet 13-7), 166 Human Aspect: Emotional training objectives, 72, 183
discussion of issue ahead of and Irrational Factors, The Using Tools to Improve Analysis
time, avoiding, 149 (Module 9), 73-74 (Module 8), 63, 73, 199-221,
discussion questions, time, 74 243
158-159 training objectives, 74 break, 206
fishbone diagrams, 156 Implementing the Decision: decision making, 206, 211
Gordon technique, 151 Wrap-Up (Module 10), 74-75 decision matrix, 201-203
industrial directories, 154 time, 75 Decision Matrix Worksheet
industry associations, 154 Overcoming Barriers to (Worksheet 16-1), 213
learning check questions, Creativity (Module 4), 70 decision trees, 208-210
158-159 time, 70 decomposition trees, 205-206
limited time frame, 149 training objectives, 70 Decomposition Trees, Decision
materials, 145-146 overview of modules, 68 Trees, and Scatter Diagrams
mixed group, 149 Tools to Improve Creativity (Worksheet 16-2), 214-216
morphological analysis, (Module 5), 71 diagrams, 207-208
157-158 time, 71 discussion questions, 211-212
Morphological Analysis training objectives, 71 expected-value matrices,
(Worksheet 13-6), 165 Using Everyday Statistics 204-205
multiple choice questions, (Module 7), 72-73 expected-value matrix,
159-170 time, 72-73 204-205
nominal group technique, training objectives, 72 learning check questions,
150-151 Using Tools to Improve 211-212
out-of-the-box thinking, Analysis (Module 8), 73 linear, positive loose relation-
tolerance for, 149 time, 73 ships diagram, 207
participant welcome, 148 training objectives, 73 materials, 199-200
preparation, 146   negative relation diagram, 208
professional associations, 154 U no relationship diagram, 208
questions, 152-153 unlearning time, 26 nonlinear relationships
sample agenda, 146-148 Using Everyday Statistics diagram, 208
slides, 167-170 (Module 7), 72-73, 183-198, participant welcome, 201
small-size group, 148-149 242 positive relationship diagram,
structure brainstorming, 150 application exercise, 191 207
time, 62, 71, 145 break, 188 preparation, 200
trainer notes, 148-158 data sampling, 188-191 review, 211
training objectives, 62, 71, 145 demographics, 190 Reviewing Your Decisions So
training, conducting, 31-41. See discussion questions, 191-192 Far (Worksheet 16-4), 218
also Conducting training fun, 184 sample agenda, 200-201
scatter diagram, 206-207 Worksheet 10-1: Decision Worksheet 13-7: Decision-Making
scatter diagrams, 206-208 Analysis Sheet, 110 Worksheet for Module 5, 166
slides, 219-221 Worksheet 11-1: Creativity Worksheet 14-1: Sources of Infor-
time, 63, 73, 199 Barriers, 123-124 mation, 180
trainer notes, 201-211 instructions for, 120 Worksheet 15-1: Probability,
training objectives, 63, 73, 199 Worksheet 11-2: Word Puzzles, Combinations, and Permuta-
Value-Matrix Template 125-126 tions, 193
(Worksheet 16-3), 217 instructions for, 121-122 Worksheet 15-2: Statistical Tech-
  Worksheet 12-1: Overcoming niques, 194
V Creativity Barriers, 138-139 Worksheet 16-1: Decision Matrix
Value-Matrix Template instructions for, 135-136 Worksheet, 213
(Worksheet 16-3), 217 Worksheet 12-2: Creativity Worksheet 16-2: Decomposition
  Stimulators, 140-142 Trees, Decision Trees, and Scat-
W Worksheet 13-1: Brainstorming ter Diagrams, 214-216
winning proposals, 237-241 Techniques, 160 Worksheet 16-3: Value-Matrix
Word Puzzles (Worksheet 11-2), Worksheet 13-2: Checklists and Template, 217
121-122, 125-126 Catalogs, 161 Worksheet 16-4: Reviewing Your
instructions for, 121-122 Worksheet 13-3: Attribute Listing, Decisions So Far, 218
Worksheet 2-1: Decision Making: 162 Worksheet 17-1: Consider Tech-
Needs Analysis, 19 Worksheet 13-4: Cause-Effect nology Influences and Human
Worksheet 3-1: Preplanning for Fishbone Diagrams, 163 Factors, 231
Training Program, 29-30 Worksheet 13-5: Cause-Effect wrapping up program, 40-41
Worksheet 9-1: Icebreaker, 93 Matrix Diagrams, 164 written exercises, 38-39
Worksheet 9-2: Decision Analysis Worksheet 13-6: Morphological  
Sheet, 94 Analysis, 165  
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