Reasons to Create a Class

If you believe everything you read, you might get the idea that the only reason to create a class is to model real-world objects. In practice, classes get created for many more reasons than that. Here's a list of good reasons to create a class.


Reasons for creating classes and routines overlap. See Valid Reasons to Create a Routine.

Model real-world objects. Modeling real-world objects might not be the only reason to create a class, but it's still a good reason! Create a class for each real-world object type that your program models. Put the data needed for the object into the class, and then build service routines that model the behavior of the object. See the discussion of ADTs in Class Foundations: Abstract Data Types (ADTs) for examples.


For more on identifying real-world objects, see "Find Real-World Objects" in Design Building Blocks: Heuristics.

Model abstract objects. Another good reason to create a class is to model an abstract object—an object that isn't a concrete, real-world object but that provides an abstraction of other concrete objects. A good example is the classic Shape object. Circle and Square really exist, but Shape is an abstraction of other specific shapes.

On programming projects, the abstractions are not ready-made the way Shape is, so we have to work harder to come up with clean abstractions. The process of distilling abstract concepts from real-world entities is non-deterministic, and different designers will abstract out different generalities. If we didn't know about geometric shapes like circles, squares and triangles, for example, we might come up with more unusual shapes like squash shape, rutabaga shape, and Pontiac Aztek shape. Coming up with appropriate abstract objects is one of the major challenges in object-oriented design.

Model abstract objects

Reduce complexity. The single most important reason to create a class is to reduce a program's complexity. Create a class to hide information so that you won't need to think about it. Sure, you'll need to think about it when you write the class. But after it's written, you should be able to forget the details and use the class without any knowledge of its internal workings. Other reasons to create classes—minimizing code size, improving maintainability, and improving correctness—are also good reasons, but without the abstractive power of classes, complex programs would be impossible to manage intellectually.

Isolate complexity. Complexity in all forms—complicated algorithms, large data sets, intricate communications protocols, and so on—is prone to errors. If an error does occur, it will be easier to find if it isn't spread through the code but is localized within a class. Changes arising from fixing the error won't affect other code because only one class will have to be fixed—other code won't be touched. If you find a better, simpler, or more reliable algorithm, it will be easier to replace the old algorithm if it has been isolated into a class. During development, it will be easier to try several designs and keep the one that works best.

Hide implementation details. The desire to hide implementation details is a wonderful reason to create a class whether the details are as complicated as a convoluted database access or as mundane as whether a specific data member is stored as a number or a string.

Limit effects of changes. Isolate areas that are likely to change so that the effects of changes are limited to the scope of a single class or a few classes. Design so that areas that are most likely to change are the easiest to change. Areas likely to change include hardware dependencies, input/output, complex data types, and business rules. The subsection titled "Hide Secrets (Information Hiding)" in Design Building Blocks: Heuristics described several common sources of change.

Hide global data. If you need to use global data, you can hide its implementation details behind a class interface. Working with global data through access routines provides several benefits compared to working with global data directly. You can change the structure of the data without changing your program. You can monitor accesses to the data. The discipline of using access routines also encourages you to think about whether the data is really global; it often becomes apparent that the "global data" is really just object data.


For a discussion of problems associated with using global data, see Global Data.

Streamline parameter passing. If you're passing a parameter among several routines, that might indicate a need to factor those routines into a class that share the parameter as object data. Streamlining parameter passing isn't a goal, per se, but passing lots of data around suggests that a different class organization might work better.

Make central points of control. It's a good idea to control each task in one place. Control assumes many forms. Knowledge of the number of entries in a table is one form. Control of devices—files, database connections, printers, and so on—is another. Using one class to read from and write to a database is a form of centralized control. If the database needs to be converted to a flat file or to in-memory data, the changes will affect only one class.


For details on information hiding, see "Hide Secrets (Information Hiding)" in Design Building Blocks: Heuristics.

The idea of centralized control is similar to information hiding, but it has unique heuristic power that makes it worth adding to your programming toolbox.

Facilitate reusable code. Code put into well-factored classes can be reused in other programs more easily than the same code embedded in one larger class. Even if a section of code is called from only one place in the program and is understandable as part of a larger class, it makes sense to put it into its own class if that piece of code might be used in another program.

Facilitate reusable code

NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory studied ten projects that pursued reuse aggressively (McGarry, Waligora, and McDermott 1989). In both the object-oriented and the functionally oriented approaches, the initial projects weren't able to take much of their code from previous projects because previous projects hadn't established a sufficient code base. Subsequently, the projects that used functional design were able to take about 35 percent of their code from previous projects. Projects that used an object-oriented approach were able to take more than 70 percent of their code from previous projects. If you can avoid writing 70 percent of your code by planning ahead, do it!

Notably, the core of NASA's approach to creating reusable classes does not involve "designing for reuse." NASA identifies reuse candidates at the ends of their projects. They then perform the work needed to make the classes reusable as a special project at the end of the main project or as the first step in a new project. This approach helps prevent "gold-plating"—creation of functionality that isn't required and that unnecessarily adds complexity.


For more on implementing the minimum amount of functionality required, see "A program contains code that seems like it might be needed someday" in Introduction to Refactoring.

Plan for a family of programs. If you expect a program to be modified, it's a good idea to isolate the parts that you expect to change by putting them into their own classes. You can then modify the classes without affecting the rest of the program, or you can put in completely new classes instead. Thinking through not just what one program will look like but what the whole family of programs might look like is a powerful heuristic for anticipating entire categories of changes (Parnas 1976).

Several years ago I managed a team that wrote a series of programs used by our clients to sell insurance. We had to tailor each program to the specific client's insurance rates, quote-report format, and so on. But many parts of the programs were similar: the classes that input information about potential customers, that stored information in a customer database, that looked up rates, that computed total rates for a group, and so on. The team factored the program so that each part that varied from client to client was in its own class. The initial programming might have taken three months or so, but when we got a new client, we merely wrote a handful of new classes for the new client and dropped them into the rest of the code. A few days' work and—voila!—custom software!

Package related operations. In cases in which you can't hide information, share data, or plan for flexibility, you can still package sets of operations into sensible groups, such as trig functions, statistical functions, string-manipulation routines, bit-manipulation routines, graphics routines, and so on. Classes are one means of combining related operations. You could also use packages, namespaces, or header files, depending on the language you're working in.

Accomplish a specific refactoring. Many of the specific refactorings described in Chapter 24, result in new classes—including converting one class to two, hiding a delegate, removing a middle man, and introducing an extension class. These new classes could be motivated by a desire to better accomplish any of the objectives described throughout this section.

Classes to Avoid

While classes in general are good, you can run into a few gotchas. Here are some classes to avoid.

Avoid creating god classes. Avoid creating omniscient classes that are all-knowing and all-powerful. If a class spends its time retrieving data from other classes using Get() and Set() routines (that is, digging into their business and telling them what to do), ask whether that functionality might better be organized into those other classes rather than into the god class (Riel 1996).

Eliminate irrelevant classes. If a class consists only of data but no behavior, ask yourself whether it's really a class and consider demoting it so that its member data just becomes attributes of one or more other classes.


This kind of class is usually called a structure. For more on structures, see Structures.

Avoid classes named after verbs. A class that has only behavior but no data is generally not really a class. Consider turning a class like DatabaseInitialization() or String-Builder() into a routine on some other class.

Summary of Reasons to Create a Class

Here's a summary list of the valid reasons to create a class:

  • Model real-world objects

  • Model abstract objects

  • Reduce complexity

  • Isolate complexity

  • Hide implementation details

  • Limit effects of changes

  • Hide global data

  • Streamline parameter passing

  • Make central points of control

  • Facilitate reusable code

  • Plan for a family of programs

  • Package related operations

  • Accomplish a specific refactoring

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