Pseudocode for Pros

The term "pseudocode" refers to an informal, English-like notation for describing how an algorithm, a routine, a class, or a program will work. The Pseudocode Programming Process defines a specific approach to using pseudocode to streamline the creation of code within routines.

Because pseudocode resembles English, it's natural to assume that any English-like description that collects your thoughts will have roughly the same effect as any other. In practice, you'll find that some styles of pseudocode are more useful than others. Here are guidelines for using pseudocode effectively:

  • Use English-like statements that precisely describe specific operations.

  • Avoid syntactic elements from the target programming language. Pseudocode allows you to design at a slightly higher level than the code itself. When you use programming-language constructs, you sink to a lower level, eliminating the main benefit of design at a higher level, and you saddle yourself with unnecessary syntactic restrictions.

  • Write pseudocode at the level of intent. Describe the meaning of the approach rather than how the approach will be implemented in the target language.


    For details on commenting at the level of intent, see "Kinds of Comments" in Keys to Effective Comments.

  • Write pseudocode at a low enough level that generating code from it will be nearly automatic. If the pseudocode is at too high a level, it can gloss over problematic details in the code. Refine the pseudocode in more and more detail until it seems as if it would be easier to simply write the code.

Once the pseudocode is written, you build the code around it and the pseudocode turns into programming-language comments. This eliminates most commenting effort. If the pseudocode follows the guidelines, the comments will be complete and meaningful.

Here's an example of a design in pseudocode that violates virtually all the principles just described:

What is the intent of this block of pseudocode? Because it's poorly written, it's hard to tell. This so-called pseudocode is bad because it includes target language coding details, such as *hRsrcPtr (in specific C-language pointer notation) and malloc() (a specific C-language function). This pseudocode block focuses on how the code will be written rather than on the meaning of the design. It gets into coding details—whether the routine returns a 1 or a 0. If you think about this pseudocode from the standpoint of whether it will turn into good comments, you'll begin to understand that it isn't much help.

Here's a design for the same operation in a much-improved pseudocode:

Example 9-2. Example of Good Pseudocode

Keep track of current number of resources in use
If another resource is available
   Allocate a dialog box structure
   If a dialog box structure could be allocated
      Note that one more resource is in use
      Initialize the resource
      Store the resource number at the location provided by the caller
Return true if a new resource was created; else return false

This pseudocode is better than the first because it's written entirely in English; it doesn't use any syntactic elements of the target language. In the first example, the pseudocode could have been implemented only in C. In the second example, the pseudocode doesn't restrict the choice of languages. The second block of pseudocode is also written at the level of intent. What does the second block of pseudocode mean? It is probably easier for you to understand than the first block.

Even though it's written in clear English, the second block of pseudocode is precise and detailed enough that it can easily be used as a basis for programming-language code. When the pseudocode statements are converted to comments, they'll be a good explanation of the code's intent.

Here are the benefits you can expect from using this style of pseudocode:

  • Pseudocode makes reviews easier. You can review detailed designs without examining source code. Pseudocode makes low-level design reviews easier and reduces the need to review the code itself.

  • Pseudocode supports the idea of iterative refinement. You start with a high-level design, refine the design to pseudocode, and then refine the pseudocode to source code. This successive refinement in small steps allows you to check your design as you drive it to lower levels of detail. The result is that you catch high-level errors at the highest level, mid-level errors at the middle level, and low-level errors at the lowest level—before any of them becomes a problem or contaminates work at more detailed levels.

  • Pseudocode makes changes easier. A few lines of pseudocode are easier to change than a page of code. Would you rather change a line on a blueprint or rip out a wall and nail in the two-by-fours somewhere else? The effects aren't as physically dramatic in software, but the principle of changing the product when it's most malleable is the same. One of the keys to the success of a project is to catch errors at the "least-value stage," the stage at which the least effort has been invested. Much less has been invested at the pseudocode stage than after full coding, testing, and debugging, so it makes economic sense to catch the errors early.

    Further Reading

    For more information on the advantages of making changes at the least-value stage, see Andy Grove's High Output Management (Grove 1983).

  • Pseudocode minimizes commenting effort. In the typical coding scenario, you write the code and add comments afterward. In the PPP, the pseudocode statements become the comments, so it actually takes more work to remove the comments than to leave them in.

  • Pseudocode is easier to maintain than other forms of design documentation. With other approaches, design is separated from the code, and when one changes, the two fall out of agreement. With the PPP, the pseudocode statements become comments in the code. As long as the inline comments are maintained, the pseudocode's documentation of the design will be accurate.

Further Reading

As a tool for detailed design, pseudocode is hard to beat. One survey found that programmers prefer pseudocode for the way it eases construction in a programming language, for its ability to help them detect insufficiently detailed designs, and for the ease of documentation and ease of modification it provides (Ramsey, Atwood, and Van Doren 1983). Pseudocode isn't the only tool for detailed design, but pseudocode and the PPP are useful tools to have in your programmer's toolbox. Try them. The next section shows you how.

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