Chapter 22. Troubleshooting Your Network

When Good Networks Go Bad

Today's networks are so easy to install and configure that you can just Plug and Pray, er, I mean Play. But when good networks go bad, it's another story, one with all the makings of a Fox Network special.

Every time I get a call from a client with a network problem, I cringe. I never know whether it's going to take 10 minutes or a week to fix. Sometimes the problem isn't so bad; I've fixed more than one “broken” computer by turning it on. If such an easy fix doesn't present itself immediately, though, a bit of a cold sweat breaks out on my forehead. The problem could be anything. How do you even start to find a nasty problem in the maze of cards, wires, drivers, and hidden, inexplicable system services?

Well, if you work for a corporation with a network support staff, of course, the answer to that question is “Call the Help Desk!” or “Call Bob!” or call whatever or whoever is responsible for network problems in your organization. That's clearly the best way to go! Take a refreshing walk around the block while someone else sweats over your network. (If you're on your own, taking that walk might help anyway, before coming back to the job of discovering what the problem might be.) If you want or need to go it alone, though, the good news is that there are some tools provided with Windows that can help you find the problem. After talking about troubleshooting in general, I'll show you how to use them.

I will tell you that, in reading this chapter, you probably won't find the solution to any particular network problem you're having. I can't solve your problem here, but I can show you some of the tools available to help you identify the source of a problem you might have.

Getting Started

As a consultant, I've spent many years helping clients with hardware, software, and network problems. The most common—and frustrating—way people report a problem is to say “I can't…” or “The computer won't…” Usually, knowing what doesn't happen isn't very helpful at all. To solve a mystery, you have to start with what you do know. I always have to ask “What happens when you try?” The answer to that question usually gets me well on the way to solving the problem. The original report usually leaves out important error messages and symptoms that might immediately identify the problem.

Also, as you work on a problem, pay as much attention to what does work as to what doesn't. Knowing what isn't broken lets you eliminate whole categories of problems. It also helps you to see whether a problem affects just one computer or all the computers on your local area network (LAN).

The following are some other questions I ask:

  • Does the problem occur all the time or just sometimes?

  • Can you reproduce the problem consistently? If you can define a procedure to reproduce the problem, try to reduce it to the shortest, most direct procedure possible.

  • Has the system ever worked, even once? If so, when did it stop working, and what happened just before that? What changed?

These questions can help you determine whether the problem is fundamental (for example, due to a nonfunctioning network card) or interactive (that is, due to a conflict with other users, with new software, or confined to a particular subsystem of the network). You might be able to spot the problem right off the bat if you look at the scene this way. If you can't, you can use some tools to help narrow down the problem.

Generally, network problems fall into one or more of these categories:

  • Application software

  • Network clients

  • Name-resolving services

  • Network protocols

  • Addressing and network configuration

  • Driver software

  • Network cards and hardware configuration

  • Wiring/hubs


→ To learn more information about networks and network components, see Chapter 15, “Overview of Windows XP Networking.”

If you can determine which category a problem falls in, you're halfway there. At this point, diagnostic tools and good, old-fashioned deductive reasoning come into play.

You might be able to eliminate one or more categories right away. For example, if your computer can communicate with some other computers but not all, and your network uses a central hub, you can deduce that at least your computer's network card and the wiring from your computer to the hub are working properly.

Windows comes with some diagnostic tools to further help you narrow down the cause of a network problem. In the rest of this chapter, I'll outline the tools and suggest how to use them. (You might also peruse Chapter 14, “Troubleshooting Your Internet Connection,” for tips on diagnosing network problems specific to the Internet [TCP/IP] protocol.)

Diagnostic Tools

Each diagnostic tool I'll describe serves to test the operation of one or more of the categories I mentioned in the preceding section. I'll go through this toolkit in roughly the order you should try them.

Some tools can be used to find problems in any of the many networking components. These tools quickly identify many problems.

My Network Places

You might not think of it as a diagnostic tool, but My Network Places can be one. It can quickly tell you whether your computer can communicate with any other computers on your LAN using Windows's file and printer sharing client services. If at least one other computer is visible and online, then you can be pretty sure that your computer's network card and cabling are okay.

To use it, open My Network Places, and then open View Workgroup Computers or View Entire Network from the Network Tasks list. Delve into either of these folders to see if you can find any computers listed.


View Workgroup Computers appears only if your computer is configured for a workgroup LAN. It is discussed in more detail in Chapter 17, “Using a Windows XP Network.”

If you see at least one other computer displayed here, your network cabling and network card are probably okay, and you need to check to be sure that each computer on your network has the same set of network protocols installed; skip down to “Network Protocols and Bindings” later in this chapter. If no other computer appears, My Network Places won't tell why, so you have to begin the process of diagnosing connectivity and/or higher-level problems. The next place to go is the Event Viewer, which might have recorded informative error messages from network components.

Event Viewer

The Event Viewer is another very important diagnostic tool, one of the first to check, as Windows often silently records very useful information about problems with hardware and software in its Event Log. To display the Event Log, click Start, right-click My Computer, select Manage, and select the Event Viewer system tool. (Alternatively, if you've added Administrative Tools to your Start Menu, you can choose Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer.)

On the left pane, select the System, Application, and Security logs in turn. The Event Viewer displays Event Log entries, most recent first, on the right (see Figure 22.1).

The Event Viewer might display important diagnostic information when you have network problems. View the System, Application, and Security logs in turn.

Figure 22.1. The Event Viewer might display important diagnostic information when you have network problems. View the System, Application, and Security logs in turn.

Log entries for serious errors are displayed with a red X in a circle; warnings appear with a yellow ! in a triangle. Informational entries (marked with a blue i) usually don't relate to problems. Double-click any error or warning entries in the log to view the detailed description and any associated data recorded with the entry. (The Error entries in Figure 22.1 told me that my computer had the same name as another computer on the network: problem solved!)

These messages are usually quite significant and informative to help diagnose network problems; they may indicate that a network card is malfunctioning, that a domain controller for authentication or a DHCP server for configuration can't be found, and so on. The Source column in the error log indicates which Windows component or service recorded the event. These names are usually fairly cryptic. A few of the more common nonobvious ones are listed in Table 22.1.

Table 22.1. Network Sources of Event Log Entries




Client for Microsoft Networks


Client for Microsoft Networks


Name resolution system for Client for Microsoft Networks

Application Popup

(Can come from any system utility; these warning messages are usually significant.)


Dial-Up Networking

SMTPSVC Internet

The SMTP mail transport service, part of Information Services (IIS)


The WWW server component of IIS


Simple Networking Monitoring Protocol, an optional networking



Internet Connection Sharing


Client for Novell Networks


SPX/IPX Network transport layer


Computer clock synchronization service


DNS client component


DNS client component


IDE hard disk/CDROM controller

If you're at a loss to solve the problem even with the information given, check the configuration of the indicated component, or remove and reinstall it to see whether you can clear up the problem.


→ To learn more details about the Event Log, seeEvent Viewer,” p. 1034.


A problem with one network system usually causes other problems. Therefore, the oldest error message in a sequence of errors is usually the most significant; subsequent errors are just a result of the first failure. Because the Event Log is ordered most-recent-first, you might get the most useful information down a bit from the top of the list.


The real cause of your problem might reveal itself at system startup time rather than when you observe the problem. Reboot your system, and note the time. Then reproduce the problem. Check the Event Log for messages starting at the reboot time.

Device Manager

Hardware problems with your network card will most likely be recorded in the Event Log. If you suspect that your network card is the culprit, and nothing is recorded in the Event Log, check the Device Manager.

To use it, click Start, right-click My Computer, select Manage, and choose the Device Manager system tool. Any devices with detectable hardware problems or configuration conflicts appear with a yellow ! icon when you display the Device Manager. If no yellow icons appear, you don't have a detected hardware problem. This doesn't mean that you don't have any, but the odds are slim that your network card is the problem.

If devices are shown with ! icons, double-click the device name to see the Windows explanation of the device status and any problems. A device that you've told Windows not to use (disabled) will have a red X on it; this is generally not a problem.


→ For more detailed instructions and tips on device troubleshooting, see Chapter 30, “Installing and Replacing Hardware,” p. 1161.

Testing Network Cables

If your computer can't communicate with any other on your LAN, and the Device Manager doesn't indicate a faulty network card, you might have a wiring problem. Wiring problems can be the most difficult to solve, as it's quite difficult to prove that data is leaving one computer but not arriving at another. The ping program, which I'll discuss later in this chapter, can help with this problem.


→ To learn how you can use the ping command to diagnose Internet-related network problems, seeping,” p. 502.

If your computer is not properly wired into the LAN, in many cases, Windows displays an offline icon right on the system tray and indicates that your network card is disconnected. It might not, though, so you shouldn't take a lack of this kind of message to mean that no wiring problems exist.

If your network uses UTP (10 or 100BaseT) cabling plugged into a hub, there's usually a green LED indicator on each network card and at each port on the hub. Be sure that the lights are on at each end of your network cable and those for the other computers on your LAN.

You also can use inexpensive (about $75) cable test devices that check for continuity and correct pin-to-pin wiring order for UTP wiring. They come as a set of two boxes. One gets plugged into each end of a given cable run, and a set of blinking lights tells you whether all four wire pairs are connected and in the correct order. (If you install your own network cabling and/or make your own patch cables, these tools are quite handy to have to check your work.)


If you really want to get into the guts of your network cabling or are planning a major installation and want to learn more details so that you can oversee a professional installation, I recommend that you read Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Fourth Edition, published by Que.

Checking Network Configuration

If hardware isn't at fault, you may have a fundamental network configuration problem. Often the Event Log or Device Manager gives these problems away, but if they don't, you can use another batch of tools to check the computer's network configuration.


If your computer can't communicate with other computers on your LAN, after you check the Event Log and Device Manager, use the ipconfig command-line utility to see whether your computer has a valid IP address. Check others on the LAN, too, to ensure that they do as well.

At the command prompt (which you open by choosing Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt), type the following command:

ipconfig /all

The results should look something like this:

Windows IP Configuration
        Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : AMBON
        Primary DNS Suffix  . . . . . . . :
        Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
        IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
        WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
        DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek RTL8139(A) PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-C0-CA-14-09-7F
        DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
        DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

The most important items to look for are the following:

  • Host name—This should be set to the desired name for each computer. If you can correspond with some computers but not others, be sure that the ones that don't work are turned on and correctly named.

  • IP address—This should be set appropriately for your network. If your LAN uses Internet Connection Sharing, the address will be a number in the range through If your LAN uses DHCP for automatic configuration, your network manager can tell you whether the IP address is correct. Networks with cable/DSL sharing routers usually use numbers starting with 192.168.0 or 192.168.1.

    If you see a number in the range through, your computer is set for automatic configuration but no DHCP server was found, so Windows has chosen an IP address by itself. This is fine if your LAN uses this automatic configuration system. However, if there should have been a DHCP server, or if you use Internet Connection Sharing or a hardware Internet Connection router, this is a problem. Restart the ICS computer or the router, and then restart your computer and try again.

  • Network mask—This usually looks like, but other settings are possible. At the very least, all computers on the same LAN should have the same network mask.

Each computer on the same LAN should have a similar valid IP address and the same network mask. If they don't, check your network configuration. The “Repair” network task may also be used to help fix problems with DHCP-based (automatic) IP address assignment.


→ To learn more details about IP addressing, network masks, and configuration, seeIP Name Services and Routing,” p. xxx(Chapter 15), and “Configuring Network Components,” p. 594.

Network Troubleshooter

Windows XP features a Network Troubleshooting Wizard that can check for some common network setup problems. Sadly, it holds more promise than good advice. I suggest that you do give it a try, because one of these days it might surprise us all and propose a solution that actually fixes the problem.

To run it, click Start, My Network Places. From the Network Tasks list select View Network Connections. Then, under See Also, select Network Troubleshooter. The troubleshooter is shown in Figure 22.2. At the very least, it will walk you through some helpful, if generic, steps to diagnose your network.

The Network Troubleshooter can be reached from the Network Connections window.networkstroubleshootingconfiguration checkstroubleshootingnetworksconfiguration checksconfiguringnetworkschecking for problemsNetwork Troubleshooting Wizardnetwork configurationchecking

Figure 22.2. The Network Troubleshooter can be reached from the Network Connections window.


netdiag is a comprehensive network connectivity and configuration diagnosis tool included with the Windows XP Professional Resource Kit, a set of extra utility programs and diagnostic tools sold by Microsoft. It's also provided as one of the optional Support tools on your XP installation CD.

To install it, browse your Windows XP installation CD, and double-click SUPPORTTOOLSSUPTOOLS.MSI. Be sure to select the Complete setup mode, as opposed to Typical. This will install a set of diagnostic and maintenance tools, including the netdiag program I'm about to describe.


If the SUPPORTTOOLS folder isn't on the Windows XP Installation CD provided by your computer vendor, check to see if this folder has been copied to one of your hard disk partitions. Click Start, Search, and look for file SUPTOOLS.MSI.

In any case you also might want to get a copy of the Windows XP Professional Resource Kit. It costs a few bucks, but every organization with a LAN should have a copy, period. Besides netdiag, it has enough nifty tools and utilities to keep the most tweak-happy computer user satisfied for weeks.

To use netdiag, open a command prompt window and issue the command

netdiag >x & notepad x

This will run the diagnostic program and display the results with Notepad.

The output of netdiag is long—over 180 lines on my computer—because it tests quite a number of network subcomponents. Scroll through the output and look for tests marked Failed. They help point you toward fixing a network problem. You can get even more detailed information with the command

netdiag /v >x & notepad x

If you have a Windows 200x Server-based domain network, you should refer any failed tests in the Global Results section to your network administrator because they indicate problems with your computer's domain membership.

My Computer

You can check your computer's identification and domain membership setup by using My Computer. To do so, right-click My Computer, select Properties, and view the Computer Name tab.

On a Windows Workgroup network, you should see your computer's name and the name of your workgroup. The workgroup name should be the same on all computers on your workgroup LAN. All of the computer names must be different.


None of your computers can use the workgroup or domain name as its computer name. For example, if your workgroup is MSHOME, you can't also name a computer MSHOME. If you find this on one of your computers, change the computer name.

On a Windows domain network, you should see your computer's name displayed as part of a Windows domain name (for example, my computer AMBON would be called on a domain network) and the domain name. Your domain name might not include .com; in any case, though, all computers on the LAN should have the same domain name.

Network Connections

You can manually check all installed network protocols and services and their configuration by viewing Network Connections and viewing the properties for Local Area Connection. Confirm that each required protocol is installed and correctly configured. In general, the settings on each computer on your LAN should match, except that the IP address differs (usually only in the last of its four dot-separated numbers). If your LAN uses Automatic IP address configuration, you need to use the ipconfig command, which I described earlier, to check the settings.

Network Protocols and Bindings

One very common source of problems on Windows networks is a mismatch between the network protocols installed on the network's computers. This very often leads to the situation where the network is fundamentally okay, but the computers still can't “see” each other. It's especially common when the computers are running different versions of Windows.

On each computer that should be participating in file and printer sharing, view the Network Connections window, select the Local Area Connection icon (or Wireless Connection icon, if you have a wireless network), right-click it, and select Properties.

Each computer should have the same network protocol(s) installed, preferably just one, but possibly two or more of the following:

  • Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

  • NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol

  • NetBEUI

There should be a check mark to the left of the protocol so that it's bound (connected) to the network adapter.

(The procedure to check these protocols will be somewhat different for older versions of Windows.)

In any case, if some of the computers have a different protocol or mix of protocols installed, Windows will have a hard time getting the computers to communicate with each other. (Mixing protocols isn't the problem. Bugs in the Windows “browser” service since 1995 have never been fixed.)

If your network is okay at the electrical level (that is, if the ping test described in the next section works, and Internet connection sharing works), and you have computers running Windows 95, 98 or Me, but you still can't find all of your computers in the View Entire Network display, try installing NetBEUI on all of the computers. NetBEUI can be installed on Windows XP by following the procedure described in VALUEADDMSFTNETNETBEUINETBEUI.TXT on your Windows XP installation CD-ROM.

Windows Firewall

Another configuration setting that could prevent File and Printer sharing from working correctly is the Windows Firewall. To ensure that File and Printer sharing aren't blocked, open the Windows Firewall window by opening the Network Connections window and clicking Change Windows Firewall Settings. On the General tab, be sure that Windows Firewall is enabled (On is checked), and Don't Allow Exceptions is not checked. View the Exceptions tab, and be sure that there is a check next to File and Printer Sharing. Highlight File and Printer Sharing and click Edit. Be sure that the Scope for each of the four listed items is set to Subnet.


→ For more information about configuring the firewall, seeConfiguring Windows Firewall,” p. 840.

Testing Network Connectivity

A few tools can help you determine whether the network can send data between computers; these tools test the network protocols as well as low-level network hardware layers.


ping is a fundamental tool for testing TCP/IP network connectivity. Because most Windows XP Professional networks use the Internet (TCP/IP) protocol for file and printer sharing services, as well as for Internet access, most Windows XP Professional users can use the ping test to confirm that their network cabling, hardware, and the TCP/IP protocol are all functioning correctly. ping sends several data packets to a specified computer and waits for the other computer to send the packets back. By default, it sends four packets and prints the results of the four tests.

To see whether the network can carry data between a pair of computers, use the ipconfig command (described previously) to find the IP address of the two computers. Then, on one computer, open a Command Prompt window by choosing Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.

Next, type the following command:


This command tests the networking software of the computer itself, by sending packets to the special internal IP address; this test has the computer send data to itself. It should print the following:

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128

If it doesn't, the TCP/IP protocol itself is incorrectly installed or configured; check the computer's IP address configuration, or, if that seems correct, remove and reinstall the Internet Protocol from Local Area Connection in Network Connections. (I have to say, in more than 10 years of working with PC networks, I've never seen this test fail.)

If your computer can send data to itself, try another computer on your LAN. Find its IP address by running ipconfig on that computer, and then issue the ping command again on the first computer, as in this example:


Of course, you should use the other computer's real IP address in place of You should get four replies as before:

Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32

These replies indicate that you have successfully sent data to the other machine and received it back.

If, on the other hand, the ping command returns Request timed out, the packets either didn't make it to the other computer or were not returned. In either case, you have problem with your cabling, network adapter or the TCP/IP protocol setup.

You can use ping to determine which computers can send to which other computers on your LAN or across wide area networks (WANs) or the Internet. ping works when given a computer's IP address or its network name.


If you enter a computer name, and ping can't determine the computer's IP address, the problem isn't necessarily a wiring problem—it could be that the DNS or WINS name lookup systems are not working correctly. Try using an IP address with ping in this case to help determine what the problem really is.

Diagnosing File and Printer Sharing Problems

If the tests in the previous section don't point to a problem, that is, if basic network connectivity is fine but you're still having problems with file or printer sharing, the next step depends on whether you have a workgroup or domain-type network.

If you're on a domain network, it's time to call your network administrator for assistance. They've had more training and experience in network troubleshooting than I can impart in the space allowed here.

If you're on a home or small office workgroup network, there are a few things you might try. Here are some tips:

  • Did you run the Network Setup Wizard on each of your computers? To ensure that you don't inadvertently expose your network to the Internet before it's correctly configured, file and printer sharing is disabled until you've run the Network Setup Wizard at least once. You can change your configuration however you like after it's run, but Microsoft wants the first shot at giving you a secure network.

  • If you use Internet Connection Sharing, restart the computer that's sharing your Internet connection and wait a minute or two after it's booted up. Then, restart your other computers. This may help. The ICS computer needs to be up and running before any other computers on your LAN start up.

  • If you don't see other computers in the View Workgroup Computers window, wait 10 to 20 minutes (really) and then select View, Refresh. Sometimes it takes up to 20 minutes for the list of online computers to be updated.

  • If you're used to seeing shared folders and printers appear in My Network Places and Printers and Faxes automatically but they're missing now, again, wait a few minutes, and then select View, Refresh. You might also want to make sure that the “network crawler” is enabled. Select Tools, Folder Options, then select the View tab. Be sure that Automatically Search for Network Folders and Printers is checked. If it wasn't, check it, log off, and back on. Wait a few minutes, and then view My Network Places again.

  • Check the Protocol and Firewall settings as described earlier in the chapter under “Network Protocols and Bindings” and “Windows Firewall.”

Testing Network Throughput

If your network works but works slowly, you may have a problem with your network cabling or hubs. First of all, if you are using 10/100Mbps Ethernet adapters, you'll only get full speed if you your network hub is also 100Mbps capable. If you are using a 10Mbps hub, your network will run at the slower speed. In this case, if you can't live with it, you'll have to update your hub to a 100Mbps or 10/100 dual-speed unit.

If that's not the problem you can diagnose slow network throughput with the Windows Performance monitor tool. The Performance Monitor can display utilization statistics collected from your network card and its drivers. You must first install the Network Monitor Driver to enable the collection of network driver performance statistics. Do this on the most-used computer on your network:

  1. In Network Connections, open Local Area Connections, and select Properties.

  2. Select Install, choose Protocol, click Add, and select the Network Monitor Driver.

  3. Click OK to close the Properties dialog.

Now run the Performance Monitor by choosing Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, Performance. You can use the Performance Monitor to measure network utilization and other network statistics.

(If Administrative Tools doesn't appear, right-click the Start button and select Properties. Click Customize and view the Advanced tab. Find System Administrative Tools in the Start Menu Items list and check Display on the All Programs Menu. Then run the Performance Monitor as described above.)

Measuring Network Utilization

In the right pane of the Performance console, you can add an item to the graph of performance statistics like this:

  1. Right-click in the graph pane, and select Add Counters.

  2. Check Use Local Computer Counters.

  3. Select the performance object named Network Interface.

  4. Select a counter such as Bytes Received/Sec, Packets Received Errors, and so on.

  5. Check Select Instances from List, highlight your LAN adapter interface name and click Add.

  6. Select Close.

The Performance Monitor then graphs the amount of data traffic on your network connection or connections and the plot is updated as you watch. Now you can visually monitor the traffic on your network.


→ To learn more details about this nifty system-monitoring application, seeMeasuring System Performance with Performance Monitor,” p. 946.


To learn more information about network design and maintenance, take a look at Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Fourth Edition, from Que.

To remove counters from the Performance graph, you can select the items in the legend below the graph and click the X icon at the top of the graph. Alternatively, you can right-click the graph and select Properties; next, select the Data tab, select Counters, and then click Remove.

Tips from the Windows Pros: Monitoring Your LAN

As businesses increasingly rely on computers by the thousands, flung far and wide around the globe, the job of managing them—that is, monitoring, identifying, and correcting problems—has become an industry of its own. Enterprise management is a hot expression in the computer industry now. Very pricey software systems have been developed to centrally monitor computers, networks, hubs, routing hardware, UPSs, and even computer room fire alarms. These systems detect problems and can notify staff via pager, email, printouts, or, who knows, probably even carrier pigeon.

The purpose of these systems is to catch problems as they develop, with any luck, before they disrupt people trying to do their work. Instrumentation is the key here: Equipment has to be designed to be monitored. A TCP/IP-based protocol called Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) has been around for years, and “managed” network equipment is capable of being probed and reconfigured via SNMP. Along with this capability comes a hefty price tag, but the net cost of maintaining and dispatching staff to fix problems is much greater.

My small LAN with four users and a handful of development and online servers doesn't need a $20,000 management system, managed hubs, and the like. But, even in my little office, I find myself constantly checking to make sure the servers are up, that they have plenty of disk space, and that the Internet connection is working. What I really want is something to check these things periodically and let me know whether something's amiss.

I guess plenty of other people do, too. Free enterprise is a wonderful thing. I searched the Web and found a handful of packages targeted for small LANs just like mine. If you have a LAN you depend on for your business, you might want to check them out. Hearing about a problem from your pager is a lot nicer than hearing about it from a client or an employee!

Using these products, you can specify a series of computers or devices to be periodically tested. The tests can include ping, SNMP, file sharing services, Windows Service activity, disk space availability, server responsiveness, and so on. Failures can be announced to a list of alert recipients via pager, email, or printout. (Different problems may call for different announcement methods, of course. If your LAN is down, an email alert won't get delivered.) Some products can even send announcements to selected employees based on their work schedules.

Using these tools, you can enter a list of your most important network servers and other resources, and rest assured that if something goes wrong with any of them, you'll be notified immediately.

The following are a few products worth investigating. Each of these programs can detect whether a remote server is active, can test various types of network services (for example, file sharing, Web services, and so on), and can send a message to a pager if a failure occurs.

Reviewing these products, I found that the product quality is roughly proportional to the price, and it's best, if possible, to use one that runs as a Windows service so that it can do its job even while nobody is logged in to the monitoring computer.

These products are not quite as sophisticated or well designed as their $20,000 cousins, but they might be just the ticket for a small business.

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