Chapter 4. Programming with OpenCL C

The OpenCL C programming language is used to create programs that describe data-parallel kernels and tasks that can be executed on one or more heterogeneous devices such as CPUs, GPUs, and other processors referred to as accelerators such as DSPs and the Cell Broadband Engine (B.E.) processor. An OpenCL program is similar to a dynamic library, and an OpenCL kernel is similar to an exported function from the dynamic library. Applications directly call the functions exported by a dynamic library from their code. Applications, however, cannot call an OpenCL kernel directly but instead queue the execution of the kernel to a command-queue created for a device. The kernel is executed asynchronously with the application code running on the host CPU.

OpenCL C is based on the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 C language specification (referred to in short as C99) with some restrictions and specific extensions to the language for parallelism. In this chapter, we describe how to write data-parallel kernels using OpenCL C and cover the features supported by OpenCL C.

Writing a Data-Parallel Kernel Using OpenCL C

As described in Chapter 1, data parallelism in OpenCL is expressed as an N-dimensional computation domain, where N = 1, 2, or 3. The N-D domain defines the total number of work-items that can execute in parallel. Let’s look at how a data-parallel kernel would be written in OpenCL C by taking a simple example of summing two arrays of floats. A sequential version of this code would perform the sum by summing individual elements of both arrays inside a for loop:

scalar_add (int n, const float *a, const float *b, float *result)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
        result[i] = a[i] + b[i];

A data-parallel version of the code in OpenCL C would look like this:

kernel void
scalar_add (global const float *a,
            global const float *b,
            global float *result)
    int id = get_global_id(0);
    result[id] = a[id] + b[id];

The scalar_add function declaration uses the kernel qualifier to indicate that this is an OpenCL C kernel. Note that the scalar_add kernel includes only the code to compute the sum of each individual element, aka the inner loop. The N-D domain will be a one-dimensional domain set to n. The kernel is executed for each of the n work-items to produce the sum of arrays a and b. In order for this to work, each executing work-item needs to know which individual elements from arrays a and b need to be summed. This must be a unique value for each work-item and should be derived from the N-D domain specified when queuing the kernel for execution. The get_global_id(0) returns the one-dimensional global ID for each work-item. Ignore the global qualifiers specified in the kernel for now; they will be discussed later in this chapter.

Figure 4.1 shows how get_global_id can be used to identify a unique work-item from the list of work-items executing a kernel.

Figure 4.1 Mapping get_global_id to a work-item


The OpenCL C language with examples is described in depth in the sections that follow. The language is derived from C99 with restrictions that are described at the end of this chapter.

OpenCL C also adds the following features to C99:

Vector data types. A number of OpenCL devices such as Intel SSE, AltiVec for POWER and Cell, and ARM NEON support a vector instruction set. This vector instruction set is accessed in C/C++ code through built-in functions (some of which may be device-specific) or device-specific assembly instructions. In OpenCL C, vector data types can be used in the same way scalar types are used in C. This makes it much easier for developers to write vector code because similar operators can be used for both vector and scalar data types. It also makes it easy to write portable vector code because the OpenCL compiler is now responsible for mapping the vector operations in OpenCL C to the appropriate vector ISA for a device. Vectorizing code also helps improve memory bandwidth because of regular memory accesses and better coalescing of these memory accesses.

Address space qualifiers. OpenCL devices such as GPUs implement a memory hierarchy. The address space qualifiers are used to identify a specific memory region in the hierarchy.

Additions to the language for parallelism. These include support for work-items, work-groups, and synchronization between work-items in a work-group.

Images. OpenCL C adds image and sampler data types and built-in functions to read and write images.

An extensive set of built-in functions such as math, integer, geometric, and relational functions. These are described in detail in Chapter 5.

Scalar Data Types

The C99 scalar data types supported by OpenCL C are described in Table 4.1. Unlike C, OpenCL C describes the sizes, that is, the exact number of bits for the integer and floating-point data types.

Table 4.1 Built-In Scalar Data Types



The half Data Type

The half data type must be IEEE 754-2008-compliant. half numbers have 1 sign bit, 5 exponent bits, and 10 mantissa bits. The interpretation of the sign, exponent, and mantissa is analogous to that of IEEE 754 floating-point numbers. The exponent bias is 15. The half data type must represent finite and normal numbers, denormalized numbers, infinities, and NaN. Denormalized numbers for the half data type, which may be generated when converting a float to a half using the built-in function vstore_half and converting a half to a float using the built-in function vload_half, cannot be flushed to zero.

Conversions from float to half correctly round the mantissa to 11 bits of precision. Conversions from half to float are lossless; all half numbers are exactly representable as float values.

The half data type can be used only to declare a pointer to a buffer that contains half values. A few valid examples are given here:

bar(global half *p)

foo(global half *pg, local half *pl)
    global half *ptr;
    int offset;

    ptr = pg + offset;

Following is an example that is not a valid usage of the half type:

half a;
half a[100];

half *p;
a = *p;    // not allowed. must use vload_half function

Loads from a pointer to a half and stores to a pointer to a half can be performed using the vload_half, vload_halfn, vloada_halfn and vstore_half, vstore_halfn, and vstorea_halfn functions, respectively. The load functions read scalar or vector half values from memory and convert them to a scalar or vector float value. The store functions take a scalar or vector float value as input, convert it to a half scalar or vector value (with appropriate rounding mode), and write the half scalar or vector value to memory.

Vector Data Types

For the scalar integer and floating-point data types described in Table 4.1, OpenCL C adds support for vector data types. The vector data type is defined with the type name, that is, char, uchar, short, ushort, int, uint, float, long, or ulong followed by a literal value n that defines the number of elements in the vector. Supported values of n are 2, 3, 4, 8, and 16 for all vector data types. Optionally, vector data types are also defined for double and half. These are available only if the device supports the double-precision and half-precision extensions. The supported vector data types are described in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Built-In Vector Data Types


Variables declared to be a scalar or vector data type are always aligned to the size of the data type used in bytes. Built-in data types must be aligned to a power of 2 bytes in size. A built-in data type that is not a power of 2 bytes in size must be aligned to the next-larger power of 2. This rule does not apply to structs or unions.

For example, a float4 variable will be aligned to a 16-byte boundary and a char2 variable will be aligned to a 2-byte boundary. For 3-component vector data types, the size of the data type is 4 × sizeof(component). This means that a 3-component vector data type will be aligned to a 4 × sizeof(component) boundary.

The OpenCL compiler is responsible for aligning data items appropriately as required by the data type. The only exception is for an argument to a kernel function that is declared to be a pointer to a data type. For such functions, the compiler can assume that the pointee is always appropriately aligned as required by the data type.

For application convenience and to ensure that the data store is appropriately aligned, the data types listed in Table 4.3 are made available to the application.

Table 4.3 Application Data Types



Vector Literals

Vector literals can be used to create vectors from a list of scalars, vectors, or a combination of scalar and vectors. A vector literal can be used either as a vector initializer or as a primary expression. A vector literal cannot be used as an l-value.

A vector literal is written as a parenthesized vector type followed by a parenthesized comma-delimited list of parameters. A vector literal operates as an overloaded function. The forms of the function that are available are the set of possible argument lists for which all arguments have the same element type as the result vector, and the total number of elements is equal to the number of elements in the result vector. In addition, a form with a single scalar of the same type as the element type of the vector is available. For example, the following forms are available for float4:

(float4)( float, float, float, float )
(float4)( float2, float, float )
(float4)( float, float2, float )
(float4)( float, float, float2 )
(float4)( float2, float2 )
(float4)( float3, float )
(float4)( float, float3 )
(float4)( float )

Operands are evaluated by standard rules for function evaluation, except that no implicit scalar widening occurs. The operands are assigned to their respective positions in the result vector as they appear in memory order. That is, the first element of the first operand is assigned to result.x, the second element of the first operand (or the first element of the second operand if the first operand was a scalar) is assigned to result.y, and so on. If the operand is a scalar, the operand is replicated across all lanes of the result vector.

The following example shows a vector float4 created from a list of scalars:

float4  f = (float4)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);

The following example shows a vector uint4 created from a scalar, which is replicated across the components of the vector:

uint4   u = (uint4)(1); // u will be (1, 1, 1, 1)

The following examples show more complex combinations of a vector being created using a scalar and smaller vector types:

float4  f = (float4)((float2)(1.0f, 2.0f), (float2)(3.0f, 4.0f));
float4  f = (float4)(1.0f, (float2)(2.0f, 3.0f), 4.0f);

The following examples describe how not to create vector literals. All of these examples should result in a compilation error.

float4  f = (float4)(1.0f, 2.0f);
float4  f = (float2)(1.0f, 2.0f);
float4  f = (float4)(1.0f, (float2)(2.0f, 3.0f));

Vector Components

The components of vector data types with 1 to 4 components (aka elements) can be addressed as <vector>.xyzw. Table 4.4 lists the components that can be accessed for various vector types.

Table 4.4 Accessing Vector Components


Accessing components beyond those declared for the vector type is an error. The following describes legal and illegal examples of accessing vector components:

float2 pos;
pos.x = 1.0f; // is legal
pos.z = 1.0f; // is illegal

float3 pos;
pos.z = 1.0f; // is legal
pos.w = 1.0f; // is illegal

The component selection syntax allows multiple components to be selected by appending their names after the period (.). A few examples that show how to use the component selection syntax are given here:

float4 c;

c.xyzw = (float4)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
c.z = 1.0f;
c.xy = (float2)(3.0f, 4.0f); = (float3)(3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f);

The component selection syntax also allows components to be permuted or replicated as shown in the following examples:

float4 pos = (float4)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
float4 swiz = pos.wzyx; // swiz = (4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f)
float4 dup = pox.xxyy;  // dup = (1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f)

Vector components can also be accessed using a numeric index to refer to the appropriate elements in the vector. The numeric indices that can be used are listed in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Numeric Indices for Built-In Vector Data Types


All numeric indices must be preceded by the letter s or S. In the following example f.s0 refers to the first element of the float8 variable f and f.s7 refers to the eighth element of the float8 variable f:

float8 f

In the following example (or x.sA) refers to the eleventh element of the float16 variable x and x.sf (or x.sF) refers to the sixteenth element of the float16 variable x:

float16 x

The numeric indices cannot be intermixed with the .xyzw notation. For example:

float4 f;
float4 v_A = f.xs123;  // is illegal
float4 v_B = f.s012w;  // is illegal

Vector data types can use the .lo (or .odd) and .hi (or .even) suffixes to get smaller vector types or to combine smaller vector types into a larger vector type. Multiple levels of .lo (or .odd) and .hi (or .even) suffixes can be used until they refer to a scalar type.

The .lo suffix refers to the lower half of a given vector. The .hi suffix refers to the upper half of a given vector. The .odd suffix refers to the odd elements of a given vector. The .even suffix refers to the even elements of a given vector. Some examples to illustrate this concept are given here:

float4 vf;

float2 low = vf.lo;    // returns vf.xy
float2 high = vf.hi;   // returns
float x = low.low;     // returns low.x
float y = low.hi;      // returns low.y

float2 odd = vf.odd;   // returns vf.yw
float2 even = vf.even; // returns vf.xz

For a 3-component vector, the suffixes .lo (or .odd) and .hi (or .even) operate as if the 3-component vector were a 4-component vector with the value in the w component undefined.

Other Data Types

The other data types supported by OpenCL C are described in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 Other Built-In Data Types


There are a few restrictions on the use of image and sampler types:

• The image and samplers types are defined only if the device supports images.

• Image and sampler types cannot be declared as arrays. Here are a couple of examples that show these illegal use cases:

kernel void
foo(image2d_t imgA[10]) // error. images cannot be declared
                        //        as arrays
    image2d_t imgB[4];  // error. images cannot be declared
                        //        as arrays

kernel void
foo(sampler_t smpA[10]) // error. samplers cannot be declared
                        //        as arrays
    sampler_t smpB[4];  // error. samplers cannot be declared
                        //        as arrays

• The image2d_t, image3d_t, and sampler_t data types cannot be declared in a struct.

• Variables cannot be declared to be pointers of image2d_t, image3d_t, and sampler_t data types.

Derived Types

The C99 derived types (arrays, structs, unions, and pointers) constructed from the built-in data types described in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 are supported. There are a few restrictions on the use of derived types:

• The struct type cannot contain any pointers if the struct or pointer to a struct is used as an argument type to a kernel function. For example, the following use case is invalid:

typedef struct {
    int  x;
    global float *f;
} mystruct_t;

kernel void
foo(global mystruct_t *p) // error. mystruct_t contains                           //        a pointer

• The struct type can contain pointers only if the struct or pointer to a struct is used as an argument type to a non-kernel function or declared as a variable inside a kernel or non-kernel function. For example, the following use case is valid:

my_func(mystruct_t *p)

kernel void
foo(global int *p1, global float *p2)
    mystruct_t s;

    s.x = p1[get_global_id(0)];
    s.f = p2;

Implicit Type Conversions

Implicit type conversion is an automatic type conversion done by the compiler whenever data from different types is intermixed. Implicit conversions of scalar built-in types defined in Table 4.1 (except void, double,1 and half2) are supported. When an implicit conversion is done, it is not just a reinterpretation of the expression’s value but a conversion of that value to an equivalent value in the new type.

Consider the following example:

float f = 3;      // implicit conversion to float value 3.0
int   i = 5.23f;  // implicit conversion to integer value 5

In this example, the value 3 is converted to a float value 3.0f and then assigned to f. The value 5.23f is converted to an int value 5 and then assigned to i. In the second example, the fractional part of the float value is dropped because integers cannot support fractional values; this is an example of an unsafe type conversion.


Note that some type conversions are inherently unsafe, and if the compiler can detect that an unsafe conversion is being implicitly requested, it will issue a warning.

Implicit conversions for pointer types follow the rules described in the C99 specification. Implicit conversions between built-in vector data types are disallowed. For example:

float4 f;
int4   i;

f = i;  // illegal implicit conversion between vector data types

There are graphics shading languages such as OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and the DirectX Shading Language (HLSL) that do allow implicit conversions between vector types. However, prior art for vector casts in C doesn’t support conversion casts. The AltiVec Technology Programming Interface Manual (, Section 2.4.6, describes the function of casts between vector types. The casts are conversion-free. Thus, any conforming AltiVec compiler has this behavior. Examples include XL C, GCC, MrC, Metrowerks, and Green Hills. IBM’s Cell SPE C language extension (C/C++ Language Extensions for Cell Broadband Engine Architecture; see Section 1.4.5) has the same behavior. GCC and ICC have adopted the conversion-free cast model for SSE ( The following code example shows the behavior of these compilers:

#include <stdio.h>

// Declare some vector types. This should work on most compilers
// that try to be GCC compatible. Alternatives are provided
// for those that don't conform to GCC behavior in vector
// type declaration.
// Here a vFloat is a vector of four floats, and
// a vInt is a vector of four 32-bit ints.
#if 1
    // This should work on most compilers that try
    // to be GCC compatible
    // cc main.c -Wall -pedantic
    typedef float vFloat __attribute__ ((__vector_size__(16)));
    typedef int   vInt   __attribute__ ((__vector_size__(16)));
    #define init_vFloat(a, b, c, d)    (const vFloat) {a, b, c, d}
    //Not GCC compatible
    #if defined( __SSE2__ )
        // depending on compiler you might need to pass
        // something like -msse2 to turn on SSE2
        #include <emmintrin.h>
        typedef __m128  vFloat;
        typedef __m128i vInt;
        static inline vFloat init_vFloat(float a, float b,
                                         float c, float d);
        static inline vFloat init_vFloat(float a, float b,
                                         float c, float d)
        { union{ vFloat v; float f[4];}u;
          u.f[0] = a; u.f[1] = b;
          u.f[2] = c; u.f[3] = d;
          return u.v;
    #elif defined( __VEC__ )
        // depending on compiler you might need to pass
        // something like -faltivec or -maltivec or
        // "Enable AltiVec Extensions" to turn this part on
        #include <altivec.h>
        typedef vector float vFloat;
        typedef vector int   vInt;

        #if 1
            // for compliant compilers
            #define init_vFloat(a, b, c, d)
                     (const vFloat) (a, b, c, d)
            // for FSF GCC
            #define init_vFloat(a, b, c, d)
                     (const vFloat) {a, b, c, d}

print_vInt(vInt v)
    union{ vInt v; int i[4]; }u;
    u.v = v;

    printf("vInt: 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x 0x%8.8x ",
                        u.i[0], u.i[1], u.i[2], u.i[3]);

print_vFloat(vFloat v)
    union{ vFloat v; float i[4]; }u;
    u.v = v;

    printf("vFloat: %f %f %f %f ", u.i[0], u.i[1], u.i[2], u.i[3]);

    vFloat  f = init_vFloat(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
    vInt    i;


    printf("assign with cast:  vInt i = (vInt) f; " );
    i = (vInt) f;


    return 0;

The output of this code example demonstrates that conversions between vector data types implemented by some C compilers3 such as GCC are cast-free.

vFloat: 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000
assign with cast:  vInt i = (vInt) f;
vInt: 0x3f800000 0x40000000 0x40400000 0x40800000

So we have prior art in C where casts between vector data types do not perform conversions as opposed to graphics shading languages that do perform conversions. The OpenCL working group decided it was best to make implicit conversions between vector data types illegal. It turns out that this was the right thing to do for other reasons, as discussed in the section “Explicit Conversions” later in this chapter.

Usual Arithmetic Conversions

Many operators that expect operands of arithmetic types (integer or floating-point types) cause conversions and yield result types in a similar way. The purpose is to determine a common real type for the operands and result. For the specified operands, each operand is converted, without change of type domain, to a type whose corresponding real type is the common real type. For this purpose, all vector types are considered to have a higher conversion rank than scalars. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the common real type is also the corresponding real type of the result, whose type domain is the type domain of the operands if they are the same, and complex otherwise. This pattern is called the usual arithmetic conversions.

If the operands are of more than one vector type, then a compile-time error will occur. Implicit conversions between vector types are not permitted.

Otherwise, if there is only a single vector type, and all other operands are scalar types, the scalar types are converted to the type of the vector element, and then widened into a new vector containing the same number of elements as the vector, by duplication of the scalar value across the width of the new vector. A compile-time error will occur if any scalar operand has greater rank than the type of the vector element. For this purpose, the rank order is defined as follows:

1. The rank of a floating-point type is greater than the rank of another floating-point type if the floating-point type can exactly represent all numeric values in the second floating-point type. (For this purpose, the encoding of the floating-point value is used, rather than the subset of the encoding usable by the device.)

2. The rank of any floating-point type is greater than the rank of any integer type.

3. The rank of an integer type is greater than the rank of an integer type with less precision.

4. The rank of an unsigned integer type is greater than the rank of a signed integer type with the same precision.

5. bool has a rank less than any other type.

6. The rank of an enumerated type is equal to the rank of the compatible integer type.

7. For all types T1, T2, and T3, if T1 has greater rank than T2, and T2 has greater rank than T3, then T1 has greater rank than T3.

Otherwise, if all operands are scalar, the usual arithmetic conversions apply as defined by Section of the C99 specification.

Following are a few examples of legal usual arithmetic conversions with vectors and vector and scalar operands:

short a;
int4  b;
int4  c = b + a;

In this example, the variable a, which is of type short, is converted to an int4 and the vector addition is then performed.

int    a;
float4 b;
float4 c = b + a;

In the preceding example, the variable a, which is of type int, is converted to a float4 and the vector addition is then performed.

float4 a;
float4 b;
float4 c = b + a;

In this example, no conversions need to be performed because a, b, and c are all the same type.

Here are a few examples of illegal usual arithmetic conversions with vectors and vector and scalar operands:

int    a;
short4 b;
short4 c = b + a; // cannot convert & widen int to short4

double a;
float4 b;
float4 c = b + a; // cannot convert & widen double to float4

int4   a;
float4 b;
float4 c = b + a; // cannot cast between different vector types

Explicit Casts

Standard type casts for the built-in scalar data types defined in Table 4.1 will perform appropriate conversion (except void and half4). In the next example, f stores 0x3F800000 and i stores 0x1, which is the floating-point value 1.0f in f converted to an integer value:

float f = 1.0f;
int   i = (int)f;

Explicit casts between vector types are not legal. The following examples will generate a compilation error:

int4   i;
uint4  u = (uint4)i;   // compile error

float4 f;
int4   i = (int4)f;    // compile error

float4 f;
int8   i = (int8)f;    // compile error

Scalar to vector conversions are performed by casting the scalar to the desired vector data type. Type casting will also perform the appropriate arithmetic conversion. Conversions to built-in integer vector types are performed with the round-toward-zero rounding mode. Conversions to built-in floating-point vector types are performed with the round-to-nearest rounding mode. When casting a bool to a vector integer data type, the vector components will be set to -1 (that is, all bits are set) if the bool value is true and 0 otherwise.

Here are some examples of explicit casts:

float4 f = 1.0f;
float4 va = (float4)f;  // va is a float4 vector
                        // with elements ( f, f, f, f )

uchar u = 0xFF;
float4 vb = (float4)u;  // vb is a float4 vector with elements
                        // ( (float)u, (float)u,
                        //   (float)u, (float)u )

float f = 2.0f;
int2 vc = (int2)f;      // vc is an int2 vector with elements
                        // ( (int)f, (int)f )

uchar4 vtrue =(uchar4)true;  // vtrue is a uchar4 vector with
                             // elements(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)

Explicit Conversions

In the preceding sections we learned that implicit conversions and explicit casts do not allow conversions between vector types. However, there are many cases where we need to convert a vector type to another type. In addition, it may be necessary to specify the rounding mode that should be used to perform the conversion and whether the results of the conversion are to be saturated. This is useful for both scalar and vector data types.

Consider the following example:

float x;
int   i = (int)x;

In this example the value in x is truncated to an integer value and stored in i; that is, the cast performs round-toward-zero rounding when converting the floating-point value to an integer value.

Sometimes we need to round the floating-point value to the nearest integer. The following example shows how this is typically done:

float x;
int   i = (int)(x + 0.5f);

This works correctly for most values of x except when x is 0.5f – 1 ulp5 or if x is a negative number. When x is 0.5f – 1 ulp, (int)(x + 0.5f) returns 1; that is, it rounds up instead of rounding down. When x is a negative number, (int)(x + 0.5f) rounds down instead of rounding up.

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>

    float a = 0.5f;
    float b = a – nextafterf(a, (float)-INFINITY); // a – 1 ulp

    printf("a = %8x, b = %8x ",
                    *(unsigned int *)&a, *(unsigned int *)&b);
    printf("(int)(a + 0.5f) = %d ", (int)(a + 0.5f));
    printf("(int)(b + 0.5f) = %d ", (int)(b + 0.5f));

The printed values are:

a = 3f000000, b = 3effffff  // where b = a – 1 ulp.
(int)(a + 0.5f) = 1,
(int)(b + 0.5f) = 1

We could fix these issues by adding appropriate checks to see what value x is and then perform the correct conversion, but there is hardware to do these conversions with rounding and saturation on most devices. It is important from a performance perspective that OpenCL C allows developers to perform these conversions using the appropriate hardware ISA as opposed to emulating in software. This is why OpenCL implements built-in functions that perform conversions from one type to another with options that select saturation and one of four rounding modes.

Explicit conversions may be performed using either of the following:

destType convert_destType<_sat><_roundingMode> (sourceType)
destType convert_destTypen<_sat><_roundingMode> (sourceTypen)

These provide a full set of type conversions for the following scalar types: char, uchar, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double,6 half,7 and the built-in vector types derived therefrom. The operand and result type must have the same number of elements. The operand and result type may be the same type, in which case the conversion has no effect on the type or value.

In the following example, convert_int4 converts a uchar4 vector u to an int4 vector c:

uchar4 u;
int4   c = convert_int4(u);

In the next example, convert_int converts a float scalar f to an int scalar i:

float f;
int   i = convert_int(f);

The optional rounding mode modifier can be set to one of the values described in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7 Rounding Modes for Conversions


The optional saturation modifier (_sat) can be used to specify that the results of the conversion must be saturated to the result type. When the conversion operand is either greater than the greatest representable destination value or less than the least representable destination value, it is said to be out of range. When converting between integer types, the resulting value for out-of-range inputs will be equal to the set of least significant bits in the source operand element that fits in the corresponding destination element. When converting from a floating-point type to an integer type, the behavior is implementation-defined.

Conversions to integer type may opt to convert using the optional saturated mode by appending the _sat modifier to the conversion function name. When in saturated mode, values that are outside the representable range clamp to the nearest representable value in the destination format. (NaN should be converted to 0.)

Conversions to a floating-point type conform to IEEE 754 rounding rules. The _sat modifier may not be used for conversions to floating-point formats.

Following are a few examples of using explicit conversion functions.

The next example shows a conversion of a float4 to a ushort4 with round-to-nearest rounding mode and saturation. Figure 4.2 describes the values in f and the result of conversion in c.

float4  f = (float4)(-5.0f, 254.5f, 254.6f, 1.2e9f);

ushort4 c = convert_uchar4_sat_rte(f);

Figure 4.2 Converting a float4 to a ushort4 with round-to-nearest rounding and saturation


The next example describes the behavior of the saturation modifier when converting a signed value to an unsigned value or performing a down-conversion with integer types:

short4 s;

// negative values clamped to 0
ushort4 u = convert_ushort4_sat(s);

// values > CHAR_MAX converted to CHAR_MAX
// values < CHAR_MIN converted to CHAR_MIN
char4 c = convert_char4_sat(s);

The following example illustrates conversion from a floating-point to an integer with saturation and rounding mode modifiers:

float4 f;

// values implementation-defined for f > INT_MAX, f < INT_MAX, or
int4 i = convert_int4(f);

// values > INT_MAX clamp to INT_MAX,
// values < INT_MIN clamp to INT_MIN
// NaN should produce 0.
// The _rtz rounding mode is used to produce the integer values.
int4 i2 = convert_int4_sat(f);

// similar to convert_int4 except that floating-point values
// are rounded to the nearest integer instead of truncated
int4 i3 = convert_int4_rte(f);

// similar to convert_int4_sat except that floating-point values
// are rounded to the nearest integer instead of truncated
int4 i4 = convert_int4_sat_rte(f);

The final conversion example given here shows conversions from an integer to a floating-point value with and without the optional rounding mode modifier:

int4 i;

// convert ints to floats using the round-to-nearest rounding mode
float4 f = convert_float4(i);

// convert ints to floats; integer values that cannot be
// exactly represented as floats should round up to the next
// representable float
float4 f = convert_float4_rtp(i);

Reinterpreting Data as Another Type

Consider the case where you want to mask off the sign bit of a floating-point type. There are multiple ways to solve this in C—using pointer aliasing, unions, or memcpy. Of these, only memcpy is strictly correct in C99. Because OpenCL C does not support memcpy, we need a different method to perform this masking-off operation. The general capability we need is the ability to reinterpret bits in a data type as another data type. In the example where we want to mask off the sign bit of a floating-point type, we want to reinterpret these bits as an unsigned integer type and then mask off the sign bit. Other examples include using the result of a vector relational operator and extracting the exponent or mantissa bits of a floating-point type.

The as_type and as_typen built-in functions allow you to reinterpret bits of a data type as another data type of the same size. The as_type is used for scalar data types (except bool and void) and as_typen for vector data types. double and half are supported only if the appropriate extensions are supported by the implementation.

The following example describes how you would mask off the sign bit of a floating-point type using the as_type built-in function:

float f;
uint  u;

u = as_uint(f);
f = as_float(u & ~(1 << 31));

If the operand and result type contain the same number of elements, the bits in the operand are returned directly without modification as the new type. If the operand and result type contain a different number of elements, two cases arise:

• The operand is a 4-component vector and the result is a 3-component vector. In this case, the xyz components of the operand and the result will have the same bits. The w component of the result is considered to be undefined.

• For all other cases, the behavior is implementation-defined.

We next describe a few examples that show how to use as_type and as_typen. The following example shows how to reinterpret an int as a float:

uint  u = 0x3f800000;
float f = as_float(u);

The variable u, which is declared as an unsigned integer, contains the value 0x3f800000. This represents the single-precision floating-point value 1.0. The variable f now contains the floating-point value 1.0.

In the next example, we reinterpret a float4 as an int4:

float4 f = (float4)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
int4 i = as_int4(f);

The variable i, defined to be of type int4, will have the following values in its xyzw components: 0x3f800000, 0x40000000, 0x40400000, 0x40800000.

The next example shows how we can perform the ternary selection operator (?:) for floating-point vector types using as_typen:

// Perform the operation f = f < g ? f : 0 for components of a
// vector
float4 f, g;
int4 is_less = f < g;

// Each component of the is_less vector will be 0 if result of <
// operation is false and will be -1 (i.e., all bits set) if
// the result of < operation is true.

f = as_float4(as_int4(f) & is_less);
// This basically selects f or 0 depending on the values in is_less.

The following example describes cases where the operand and result have a different number of results, in which case the behavior of as_type and as_typen is implementation-defined:

int i;
short2 j = as_short2(i); // Legal. Result is implementation-defined

int4 i;
short8 j = as_short8(i); // Legal. Result is implementation-defined

float4 f;
float3 g = as_float3(f); // Legal. will have same values as
                         // g.w is undefined

This example describes reinterpreting a 4-component vector as a 3-component vector:

float4 f;
float3 g = as_float3(f); // Legal. will have same values as
                         // g.w is undefined

The next example shows invalid ways of using as_type and as_typen, which should result in compilation errors:

float4 f;
double4 g = as_double4(f); // Error. Result and operand have
                           // different sizes.

float3 f;
float4 g = as_float4(f); // Error. Result and operand have
                         // different sizes

Vector Operators

Table 4.8 describes the list of operators that can be used with vector data types or a combination of vector and scalar data types.

Table 4.8 Operators That Can Be Used with Vector Data Types


The behavior of these operators for scalar data types is as described by the C99 specification. The following sections discuss how each operator works with operands that are vector data types or vector and scalar data types.

Arithmetic Operators

The arithmetic operators—add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/)—operate on built-in integer and floating-point scalar and vector data types. The remainder operator (%) operates on built-in integer scalar and vector data types only. The following cases arise:

• The two operands are scalars. In this case, the operation is applied according to C99 rules.

• One operand is a scalar and the other is a vector. The scalar operand may be subject to the usual arithmetic conversion to the element type used by the vector operand and is then widened to a vector that has the same number of elements as the vector operand. The operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

• The two operands are vectors of the same type. In this case, the operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

For integer types, a divide by zero or a division that results in a value that is outside the range will not cause an exception but will result in an unspecified value. Division by zero for floating-point types will result in ±infinity or NaN as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard.

A few examples will illustrate how the arithmetic operators work when one operand is a scalar and the other a vector, or when both operands are vectors.

The first example in Figure 4.3 shows two vectors being added:

int4 v_iA = (int4)(7, -3, -2, 5);
int4 v_iB = (int4)(1, 2, 3, 4);
int4 v_iC = v_iA + v_iB;

Figure 4.3 Adding two vectors


The result of the addition stored in vector v_iC is (8, -1, 1, 9).

The next example in Figure 4.4 shows a multiplication operation where operands are a vector and a scalar. In this example, the scalar is just widened to the size of the vector and the components of each vector are multiplied:

float4 vf = (float4)(3.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -2.0f);
float4 result = vf * 2.5f;

Figure 4.4 Multiplying a vector and a scalar with widening


The result of the multiplication stored in vector result is (7.5f, -2.5f, 2.5f, -5.0f).

The next example in Figure 4.5 shows how we can multiply a vector and a scalar where the scalar is implicitly converted and widened:

float4 vf = (float4)(3.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -2.0f);
float4 result = vf * 2;

Figure 4.5 Multiplying a vector and a scalar with conversion and widening


The result of the multiplication stored in the vector result is (6.0f, -2.0f, 2.0f, -4.0f).

Relational and Equality Operators

The relational operators—greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal (>=), and less than or equal (<=)—and equality operators—equal (==) and not equal (!=)—operate on built-in integer and floating-point scalar and vector data types. The result is an integer scalar or vector type. The following cases arise:

• The two operands are scalars. In this case, the operation is applied according to C99 rules.

• One operand is a scalar and the other is a vector. The scalar operand may be subject to the usual arithmetic conversion to the element type used by the vector operand and is then widened to a vector that has the same number of elements as the vector operand. The operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

• The two operands are vectors of the same type. In this case, the operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

The result is a scalar signed integer of type int if both source operands are scalar and a vector signed integer type of the same size as the vector source operand. The result is of type charn if the source operands are charn or ucharn; shortn if the source operands are shortn, shortn, or halfn; intn if the source operands are intn, uintn, or floatn; longn if the source operands are longn, ulongn, or doublen.

For scalar types, these operators return 0 if the specified relation is false and 1 if the specified relation is true. For vector types, these operators return 0 if the specified relation is false and -1 (i.e., all bits set) if the specified relation is true. The relational operators always return 0 if one or both arguments are not a number (NaN). The equality operator equal (==) returns 0 if one or both arguments are not a number (NaN), and the equality operator not equal (!=) returns 1 (for scalar source operands) or -1 (for vector source operands) if one or both arguments are not a number (NaN).

Bitwise Operators

The bitwise operators—and (&), or (|), exclusive or (^), and not (~)—operate on built-in integer scalar and vector data types. The result is an integer scalar or vector type. The following cases arise:

• The two operands are scalars. In this case, the operation is applied according to C99 rules.

• One operand is a scalar and the other is a vector. The scalar operand may be subject to the usual arithmetic conversion to the element type used by the vector operand and is then widened to a vector that has the same number of elements as the vector operand. The operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

• The two operands are vectors of the same type. In this case, the operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

Logical Operators

The logical operators—and (&&), or (||)—operate on built-in integer scalar and vector data types. The result is an integer scalar or vector type. The following cases arise:

• The two operands are scalars. In this case, the operation is applied according to C99 rules.

• One operand is a scalar and the other is a vector. The scalar operand may be subject to the usual arithmetic conversion to the element type used by the vector operand and is then widened to a vector that has the same number of elements as the vector operand. The operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

• The two operands are vectors of the same type. In this case, the operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

If both source operands are scalar, the logical operator and (&&) will evaluate the right-hand operand only if the left-hand operand compares unequal to 0, and the logical operator or (||) will evaluate the right-hand operand only if the left-hand operand compares equal to 0. If one or both source operands are vector types, both operands are evaluated.

The result is a scalar signed integer of type int if both source operands are scalar and a vector signed integer type of the same size as the vector source operand. The result is of type charn if the source operands are charn or ucharn; shortn if the source operands are shortn or ushortn; intn if the source operands are intn or uintn; or longn if the source operands are longn or ulongn.

For scalar types, these operators return 0 if the specified relation is false and 1 if the specified relation is true. For vector types, these operators return 0 if the specified relation is false and -1 (i.e., all bits set) if the specified relation is true.

The logical exclusive operator (^^) is reserved for future use.

Conditional Operator

The ternary selection operator (?:) operates on three expressions (expr1 ? expr2 : expr3). This operator evaluates the first expression, expr1, which can be a scalar or vector type except the built-in floating-point types. If the result is a scalar value, the second expression, expr2, is evaluated if the result compares unequal to 0; otherwise the third expression, expr3, is evaluated. If the result is a vector value, then (expr1 ? expr2 : expr3) is applied component-wise and is equivalent to calling the built-in function select(expr3, expr2, expr1). The second and third expressions can be any type as long as their types match or if an implicit conversion can be applied to one of the expressions to make their types match, or if one is a vector and the other is a scalar, in which case the usual arithmetic conversion followed by widening is applied to the scalar to match the vector operand type. This resulting matching type is the type of the entire expression.

A few examples will show how the ternary selection operator works with scalar and vector types:

int4   va, vb, vc, vd;
int    a, b, c, d;
float4 vf;

vc = d ? va : vb;  // vc = va if d is true, = vb if d is false

vc = vd ? va : vb; // vc.x = vd.x ? va.x : vb.x
                   // vc.y = vd.y ? va.y : vb.y
                   // vc.z = vd.z ? va.z : vb.z
                   // vc.w = vd.w ? va.w : vb.w

vc = vd ? a : vb;  // a is widened to an int4 first
                   // vc.x = vd.x ? va.x : vb.x
                   // vc.y = vd.y ? va.y : vb.y
                   // vc.z = vd.z ? va.z : vb.z
                   // vc.w = vd.w ? va.w : vb.w

vc = vd ? va : vf; // error – vector types va & vf do not match

Shift Operators

The shift operators—right shift (>>) and left shift (<<)—operate on built-in integer scalar and vector data types. The result is an integer scalar or vector type. The rightmost operand must be a scalar if the first operand is a scalar. For example:

uint  a, b, c;
uint2 r0, r1;

c = a << b;   // legal – both operands are scalars
r1 = a << r0; // illegal – first operand is a scalar and
              // therefore second operand (r0) must also be scalar.
c = b << r0;  // illegal – first operand is a scalar and
              // therefore second operand (r0) must also be scalar.

The rightmost operand can be a vector or scalar if the first operand is a vector. For vector types, the operators are applied component-wise.

If operands are scalar, the result of E1 << E2 is E1 left-shifted by log2(N) least significant bits in E2. The vacated bits are filled with zeros. If E2 is negative or has a value that is greater than or equal to the width of E1, the C99 specification states that the behavior is undefined. Most implementations typically return 0.

Consider the following example:

char x = 1;
char y = -2;
x = x << y;

When compiled using a C compiler such as GCC on an Intel x86 processor, (x << y) will return 0. However, with OpenCL C, (x << y) is implemented as (x << (y & 0x7)), which returns 0x40.

For vector types, N is the number of bits that can represent the type of elements in a vector type for E1 used to perform the left shift. For example:

char2 x = (uchar2)(1, 2);
char  y = -9;

x = x << y;

Because components of vector x are an unsigned char, the vector shift operation is performed as ( (1 << (y & 0x7)), (2 << (y & 0x7)) ).

Similarly, if operands are scalar, the result of E1 >> E2 is E1 right-shifted by log2(N) least significant bits in E2. If E2 is negative or has a value that is greater than or equal to the width of E1, the C99 specification states that the behavior is undefined. For vector types, N is the number of bits that can represent the type of elements in a vector type for E1 used to perform the right shift. The vacated bits are filled with zeros if E1 is an unsigned type or is a signed type but is not a negative value. If E1 is a signed type and a negative value, the vacated bits are filled with ones.

Unary Operators

The arithmetic unary operators (+ and -) operate on built-in scalar and vector types.

The arithmetic post- and pre- increment (++) and decrement (--) operators operate on built-in scalar and vector data types except the built-in scalar and vector floating-point data types. These operators work component-wise on their operands and result in the same type they operated on.

The logical unary operator not (!) operates on built-in scalar and vector data types except the built-in scalar and vector floating-point data types. These operators work component-wise on their operands. The result is a scalar signed integer of type int if both source operands are scalar and a vector signed integer type of the same size as the vector source operand. The result is of type charn if the source operands are charn or ucharn; shortn if the source operands are shortn or ushortn; intn if the source operands are intn or uintn; or longn if the source operands are longn or ulongn.

For scalar types, these operators return 0 if the specified relation is false and 1 if the specified relation is true. For vector types, these operators return 0 if the specified relation is false and -1 (i.e., all bits set) if the specified relation is true.

The comma operator (,) operates on expressions by returning the type and value of the rightmost expression in a comma-separated list of expressions. All expressions are evaluated, in order, from left to right. For example:

// comma acts as a separator not an operator.
int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, x;

// comma acts as an operator
x = a += 2, a + b;      // a = 3, x = 5
x = (a, b, c);          // x = 3

The sizeof operator yields the size (in bytes) of its operand. The result is an integer value. The result is 1 if the operand is of type char or uchar; 2 if the operand is of type short, ushort, or half; 4 if the operand is of type int, uint, or float; and 8 if the operand is of type long, ulong, or double. The result is number of components in vector * size of each scalar component if the operand is a vector type except for 3-component vectors, which return 4 * size of each scalar component. If the operand is an array type, the result is the total number of bytes in the array, and if the operand is a structure or union type, the result is the total number of bytes in such an object, including any internal or trailing padding.

The behavior of applying the sizeof operator to the image2d_t, image3d_t, sampler_t, and event_t types is implementation-defined. For some implementations, sizeof(sampler_t) = 4 and on some implementation this may result in a compile-time error. For portability across OpenCL implementations, it is recommended not to use the sizeof operator for these types.

The unary operator (*) denotes indirection. If the operand points to an object, the result is an l-value designating the object. If the operand has type “pointer to type,” the result has type type. If an invalid value has been assigned to the pointer, the behavior of the indirection operator is undefined.

The unary operator (&) returns the address of its operand.

Assignment Operator

Assignments of values to variables names are done with the assignment operator (=), such as

lvalue = expression

The assignment operator stores the value of expression into lvalue. The following cases arise:

• The two operands are scalars. In this case, the operation is applied according to C99 rules.

• One operand is a scalar and the other is a vector. The scalar operand is explicitly converted to the element type used by the vector operand and is then widened to a vector that has the same number of elements as the vector operand. The operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

• The two operands are vectors of the same type. In this case, the operation is applied component-wise, resulting in the same size vector.

The following expressions are equivalent:

lvalue op= expression
lvalue = lvalue op expression

The lvalue and expression must satisfy the requirements for both operator op and assignment (=).


OpenCL C supports four types of qualifiers: function qualifiers, address space qualifiers, access qualifiers, and type qualifiers.

Function Qualifiers

OpenCL C adds the kernel (or __kernel) function qualifier. This qualifier is used to specify that a function in the program source is a kernel function. The following example demonstrates the use of the kernel qualifier:

kernel void
parallel_add(global float *a, global float *b, global float *result)

// The following example is an example of an illegal kernel
// declaration and will result in a compile-time error.
// The kernel function has a return type of int instead of void.
kernel int
parallel_add(global float *a, global float *b, global float *result)

The following rules apply to kernel functions:

• The return type must be void. If the return type is not void, it will result in a compilation error.

• The function can be executed on a device by enqueuing a command to execute the kernel from the host.

• The function behaves as a regular function if it is called from a kernel function. The only restriction is that a kernel function with variables declared inside the function with the local qualifier cannot be called from another kernel function.

The following example shows a kernel function calling another kernel function that has variables declared with the local qualifier. The behavior is implementation-defined so it is not portable across implementations and should therefore be avoided.

kernel void
my_func_a(global float *src, global float *dst)
    local float l_var[32];


kernel void
my_func_b(global float * src, global float *dst)
    my_func_a(src, dst); // implementation-defined behavior

A better way to implement this example that is also portable is to pass the local variable as an argument to the kernel:

kernel void
my_func_a(global float *src, global float *dst, local float *l_var)


kernel void
my_func_b(global float * src, global float *dst, local float *l_var)
    my_func_a(src, dst, l_var);

Kernel Attribute Qualifiers

The kernel qualifier can be used with the keyword __attribute__ to declare the following additional information about the kernel:

__attribute__((work_group_size_hint(X, Y, Z))) is a hint to the compiler and is intended to specify the work-group size that will most likely be used, that is, the value specified in the local_work_size argument to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.

__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(X, Y, Z))) is intended to specify the work-group size that will be used, that is, the value specified in the local_work_size argument to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel. This provides an opportunity for the compiler to perform specific optimizations that depend on knowing what the work-group size is.

__attribute__((vec_type_hint(<type>))) is a hint to the compiler on the computational width of the kernel, that is, the size of the data type the kernel is operating on. This serves as a hint to an auto-vectorizing compiler. The default value of <type> is int, indicating that the kernel is scalar in nature and the auto-vectorizer can therefore vectorize the code across the SIMD lanes of the vector unit for multiple work-items.

Address Space Qualifiers

Work-items executing a kernel have access to four distinct memory regions. These memory regions can be specified as a type qualifier. The type qualifier can be global (or __global), local (or __local), constant (or __constant), or private (or __private).

If the type of an object is qualified by an address space name, the object is allocated in the specified address space. If the address space name is not specified, then the object is allocated in the generic address space. The generic address space name (for arguments to functions in a program, or local variables in a function) is private.

A few examples that describe how to specify address space names follow:

// declares a pointer p in the private address space that points to
// a float object in address space global
global float *p;

// declares an array of integers in the private address space
int   f[4];

// for my_func_a function we have the following arguments:
//   src - declares a pointer in the private address space that
//         points to a float object in address space constant
//   v   - allocate in the private address space
my_func_a(constant float *src, int4 v)
    float temp;  // temp is allocated in the private address space.

Arguments to a kernel function that are declared to be a pointer of a type must point to one of the following address spaces only: global, local, or constant. Not specifying an address space name for such arguments will result in a compilation error. This limitation does not apply to non-kernel functions in a program.

A few examples of legal and illegal use cases are shown here:

kernel void my_func(int *p) // illegal because generic address space
                            // name for p is private.
kernel void
my_func(private int *p) // illegal because memory pointed to by
                        // p is allocated in private.
my_func(int *p) // generic address space name for p is private.
                // legal as my_func is not a kernel function
my_func(private int *p) // legal as my_func is not a kernel function

Global Address Space

This address space name is used to refer to memory objects (buffers and images) allocated from the global memory region. This memory region allows read/write access to all work-items in all work-groups executing a kernel. This address space is identified by the global qualifier.

A buffer object can be declared as a pointer to a scalar, vector, or user-defined struct. Some examples are:

global float4 *color;    // an array of float4 elements

typedef struct {
    float3 a;
    int2   b[2];
} foo_t;
global foo_t *my_info;    // an array of foo_t elements

The global address qualifier should not be used for image types.

Pointers to the global address space are allowed as arguments to functions (including kernel functions) and variables declared inside functions. Variables declared inside a function cannot be allocated in the global address space.

A few examples of legal and illegal use cases are shown here:

my_func(global float4 *vA, global float4 *vB)
    global float4 *p;   // legal
    global float4 a;    // illegal

Constant Address Space

This address space name is used to describe variables allocated in global memory that are accessed inside a kernel(s) as read-only variables. This memory region allows read-only access to all work-items in all work-groups executing a kernel. This address space is identified by the constant qualifier.

Image types cannot be allocated in the constant address space. The following example shows imgA allocated in the constant address space, which is illegal and will result in a compilation error:

kernel void
my_func(constant image2d_t imgA)

Pointers to the constant address space are allowed as arguments to functions (including kernel functions) and variables declared inside functions.

Variables in kernel function scope (i.e., the outermost scope of a kernel function) can be allocated in the constant address space. Variables in program scope (i.e., global variables in a program) can be allocated only in the constant address space. All such variables are required to be initialized, and the values used to initialize these variables must be compile-time constants. Writing to such a variable will result in a compile-time error.

Also, storage for all string literals declared in a program will be in the constant address space.

A few examples of legal and illegal use cases follow:

// legal - program scope variables can be allocated only
// in the constant address space
constant float wtsA[] = { 0, 1, 2, . . . };  // program scope

// illegal - program scope variables can be allocated only
// in the constant address space
global float wtsB[] = { 0, 1, 2, . . . };

kernel void
my_func(constant float4 *vA, constant float4 *vB)
    constant float4 *p = vA;  // legal
    constant float a;         // illegal – not initialized
    constant float b = 2.0f;  // legal – initialized with a compile-
                              //         time constant

    p[0] = (float4)(1.0f);    // illegal – p cannot be modified

    // the string "opencl version" is allocated in the
    // constant address space
    char *c = "opencl version";



The number of variables declared in the constant address space that can be used by a kernel is limited to CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_ARGS. OpenCL 1.1 describes that the minimum value all implementations must support is eight. So up to eight variables declared in the constant address space can be used by a kernel and are guaranteed to work portably across all implementations. The size of these eight constant arguments is given by CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE and is set to 64KB. It is therefore possible that multiple constant declarations (especially those defined in the program scope) can be merged into one constant buffer as long as their total size is less than CL_DEVICE_MAX_CONSTANT_BUFFER_SIZE. This aggregation of multiple variables declared to be in the constant address space is not a required behavior and so may not be implemented by all OpenCL implementations. For portable code, the developer should assume that these variables do not get aggregated into a single constant buffer.

Local Address Space

This address space name is used to describe variables that need to be allocated in local memory and are shared by all work-items of a work-group but not across work-groups executing a kernel. This memory region allows read/write access to all work-items in a work-group. This address space is identified by the local qualifier.

A good analogy for local memory is a user-managed cache. Local memory can significantly improve performance if a work-item or multiple work-items in a work-group are reading from the same location in global memory. For example, when applying a Gaussian filter to an image, multiple work-items read overlapping regions of the image. The overlap region size is determined by the width of the filter. Instead of reading multiple times from global memory (which is an order of magnitude slower), it is preferable to read the required data from global memory once into local memory and then have the work-items read multiple times from local memory.

Pointers to the local address space are allowed as arguments to functions (including kernel functions) and variables declared inside functions.

Variables declared inside a kernel function can be allocated in the local address space but with a few restrictions:

• These variable declarations must occur at kernel function scope.

• These variables cannot be initialized.

Note that variables in the local address space that are passed as pointer arguments to or declared inside a kernel function exist only for the lifetime of the work-group executing the kernel.

A few examples of legal and illegal use cases are shown here:

kernel void
my_func(global float4 *vA, local float4 *l)
    local  float4 *p;   // legal
    local  float4 a;    // legal
    a = 1;
    local  float4 b = (float4)(0); // illegal – b cannot be
                                   //           initialized

    if (...)
        local float c;  // illegal – must be allocated at
                        // kernel function scope

Private Address Space

This address space name is used to describe variables that are private to a work-item and cannot be shared between work-items in a work-group or across work-groups. This address space is identified by the private qualifier.

Variables inside a kernel function not declared with an address space qualifier, all variables declared inside non-kernel functions, and all function arguments are in the private address space.

Casting between Address Spaces

A pointer in an address space can be assigned to another pointer only in the same address space. Casting a pointer in one address space to a pointer in a different address space is illegal. For example:

kernel void
my_func(global float4 *particles)
    // legal – particle_ptr & particles are in the
    //         same address space
    global float *particle_ptr = (global float *)particles;

    // illegal – private_ptr and particle_ptr are in different
    //           address spaces
    float *private_ptr = (float *)particle_ptr;

Access Qualifiers

The access qualifiers can be specified with arguments that are an image type. These qualifiers specify whether the image is a read-only (read_only or __read_only) or write-only (write_only or __write_only) image. This is because of a limitation of current GPUs that do not allow reading and writing to the same image in a kernel. The reason for this is that image reads are cached in a texture cache, but writes to an image do not update the texture cache.

In the following example imageA is a read-only 2D image object and imageB is a write-only 2D image object:

kernel void
my_func(read_only image2d_t imageA, write_only image2d_t imageB)

Images declared with the read_only qualifier can be used with the built-in functions that read from an image. However, these images cannot be used with built-in functions that write to an image. Similarly, images declared with the write_only qualifier can be used only to write to an image and cannot be used to read from an image. The following examples demonstrate this:

kernel void
my_func(read_only image2d_t imageA,
        write_only image2d_t imageB,
        sampler_t sampler)
    float4 clr;
    float2 coords;

    clr = read_imagef(imageA, sampler, coords); // legal
    clr = read_imagef(imageB, sampler, coords); // illegal

    write_imagef(imageA, coords, &clr);         // illegal
    write_imagef(imageB, coords, &clr);         // legal

imageA is declared to be a read_only image so it cannot be passed as an argument to write_imagef. Similarly, imageB is declared to be a write_only image so it cannot be passed as an argument to read_imagef.

The read-write qualifier (read_write or __read_write) is reserved. Using this qualifier will result in a compile-time error.

Type Qualifiers

The type qualifiers const, restrict, and volatile as defined by the C99 specification are supported. These qualifiers cannot be used with the image2d_t and image3d_t type. Types other than pointer types cannot use the restrict qualifier.


The following names are reserved for use as keywords in OpenCL C and cannot be used otherwise:

• Names already reserved as keywords by C99

• OpenCL C data types (defined in Tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.6)

• Address space qualifiers: __global, global, __local, local, __constant, constant, __private, and private

• Function qualifiers: __kernel and kernel

• Access qualifiers: __read_only, read_only, __write_only, write_only, __read_write, and read_write

Preprocessor Directives and Macros

The preprocessing directives defined by the C99 specification are supported. These include

# non-directive

The defined operator is also included.

The following example demonstrates the use of #if, #elif, #else, and #endif preprocessor macros. In this example, we use the preprocessor macros to determine which arithmetic operation to apply in the kernel. The kernel source is described here:

#define OP_ADD          1
#define OP_SUBTRACT     2
#define OP_MULTIPLY     3
#define OP_DIVIDE       4

kernel void
foo(global float *dst, global float *srcA, global float *srcB)
    size_t id = get_global_id(0);
    dst[id] = srcA[id] + srcB[id];
    dst[id] = srcA[id] – srcB[id];
    dst[id] = srcA[id] * srcB[id];
    dst[id] = srcA[id] / srcB[id];
    dst[id] = NAN;

To build the program executable with the appropriate value for OP_TYPE, the application calls clBuildProgram as follows:

// build program so that kernel foo does an add operation
err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL,
                                "-DOP_TYPE=1", NULL, NULL);

Pragma Directives

The #pragma directive is described as

#pragma pp-tokensopt new-line

A #pragma directive where the preprocessing token OPENCL (used instead of STDC) does not immediately follow pragma in the directive (prior to any macro replacement) causes the implementation to behave in an implementation-defined manner. The behavior might cause translation to fail or cause the translator or the resulting program to behave in a nonconforming manner. Any such pragma that is not recognized by the implementation is ignored. If the preprocessing token OPENCL does immediately follow pragma in the directive (prior to any macro replacement), then no macro replacement is performed on the directive.

The following standard pragma directives are available.

Floating-Point Pragma

The FP_CONTRACT floating-point pragma can be used to allow (if the state is on) or disallow (if the state is off) the implementation to contract expressions. The FP_CONTRACT pragma definition is

#pragma OPENCL FP_CONTRACT on-off-switch
            on-off-switch: one of ON OFF DEFAULT

A detailed description of #pragma OPENCL FP_CONTRACT is found in Chapter 5 in the section “Floating-Point Pragmas.”

Compiler Directives for Optional Extensions

The #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION directive controls the behavior of the OpenCL compiler with respect to language extensions. The #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION directive is defined as follows, where extension_name is the name of the extension:

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION extension_name: behavior
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION all : behavior
            behavior: enable or disable

The extension_name will have names of the form cl_khr_<name> for an extension (such as cl_khr_fp64) approved by the OpenCL working group and will have names of the form cl_<vendor_name>_<name> for vendor extensions. The token all means that the behavior applies to all extensions supported by the compiler. The behavior can be set to one of the values given in Table 4.9.

Table 4.9 Optional Extension Behavior Description


The #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION directive is a simple, low-level mechanism to set the behavior for each language extension. It does not define policies such as which combinations are appropriate; these are defined elsewhere. The order of directives matters in setting the behavior for each extension. Directives that occur later override those seen earlier. The all variant sets the behavior for all extensions, overriding all previously issued extension directives, but only if the behavior is set to disable.

An extension needs to be enabled before any language feature (such as preprocessor macros, data types, or built-in functions) of this extension is used in the OpenCL program source. The following example shows how to enable the double-precision floating-point extension:

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
double x = 2.0;

If this extension is not supported, then a compilation error will be reported for double x = 2.0. If this extension is supported, this enables the use of double-precision floating-point extensions in the program source following this directive.

Similarly, the cl_khr_3d_image_writes extension adds new built-in functions that support writing to a 3D image:

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
kernel void my_func(write_only image3d_t img, ...)
    float4 coord, clr;
    write_imagef(img, coord, clr);

The built-in functions such as write_imagef with image3d_t in the preceding example can be called only if this extension is enabled; otherwise a compilation error will occur.

The initial state of the compiler is as if the following directive were issued, telling the compiler that all error and warning reporting must be done according to this specification, ignoring any extensions:

#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION all : disable

Every extension that affects the OpenCL language semantics or syntax or adds built-in functions to the language must also create a preprocessor #define that matches the extension name string. This #define would be available in the language if and only if the extension is supported on a given implementation. For example, an extension that adds the extension string cl_khr_fp64 should also add a preprocessor #define called cl_khr_fp64. A kernel can now use this preprocessor #define to do something like this:

#ifdef cl_khr_fp64
    // do something using this extension
    // do something else or #error


The following predefined macro names are available:

__FILE__ is the presumed name of the current source file (a character string literal).

__LINE__ is the presumed line number (within the current source file) of the current source line (an integer constant).

CL_VERSION_1_0 substitutes the integer 100, reflecting the OpenCL 1.0 version.

CL_VERSION_1_1 substitutes the integer 110, reflecting the OpenCL 1.1 version.

__OPENCL_VERSION__ substitutes an integer reflecting the version number of the OpenCL supported by the OpenCL device. This reflects both the language version supported and the device capabilities as given in Table 4.3 of the OpenCL 1.1 specification. The version of OpenCL described in this book will have __OPENCL_VERSION__ substitute the integer 110.

__ENDIAN_LITTLE__ is used to determine if the OpenCL device is a little endian architecture or a big endian architecture (an integer constant of 1 if the device is little endian and is undefined otherwise).

__kernel_exec(X, typen) (and kernel_exec(X, typen)) is defined as

__kernel __attribute__((work_group_size_hint(X, 1, 1)))

__IMAGE_SUPPORT__ is used to determine if the OpenCL device supports images. This is an integer constant of 1 if images are supported and is undefined otherwise.

__FAST_RELAXED_MATH__ is used to determine if the –cl-fast-relaxed-math optimization option is specified in build options given to clBuildProgram. This is an integer constant of 1 if the –cl-fast-relaxed-math build option is specified and is undefined otherwise.

The macro names defined by the C99 specification but not currently supported by OpenCL are reserved for future use.


OpenCL C implements the following restrictions. Some of these restrictions have already been described in this chapter but are also included here to provide a single place where the language restrictions are described.

• Kernel functions have the following restrictions:

• Arguments to kernel functions that are pointers must use the global, constant, or local qualifier.

• An argument to a kernel function cannot be declared as a pointer to a pointer(s).

• Arguments to kernel functions cannot be declared with the following built-in types: bool, half, size_t, ptrdiff_t, intptr_t, uintptr_t, or event_t.

• The return type for a kernel function must be void.

• Arguments to kernel functions that are declared to be a struct cannot pass OpenCL objects (such as buffers, images) as elements of the struct.

• Bit field struct members are not supported.

• Variable-length arrays and structures with flexible (or unsized) arrays are not supported.

• Variadic macros and functions are not supported.

• The extern, static, auto, and register storage class specifiers are not supported.

• Predefined identifiers such as __func__ are not supported.

• Recursion is not supported.

• The library functions defined in the C99 standard headers—assert.h, ctype.h, complex.h, errno.h, fenv.h, float.h, inttypes.h, limits.h, locale.h, setjmp.h, signal.h, stdarg.h, stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, tgmath.h, time.h, wchar.h, and wctype.h—are not available and cannot be included by a program.

• The image types image2d_t and image3d_t can be specified only as the types of a function argument. They cannot be declared as local variables inside a function or as the return types of a function. An image function argument cannot be modified. An image type cannot be used with the private, local, and constant address space qualifiers. An image type cannot be used with the read_write access qualifier, which is reserved for future use. An image type cannot be used to declare a variable, a structure or union field, an array of images, a pointer to an image, or the return type of a function.

• The sampler type sampler_t can be specified only as the type of a function argument or a variable declared in the program scope or the outermost scope of a kernel function. The behavior of a sampler variable declared in a non-outermost scope of a kernel function is implementation-defined. A sampler argument or a variable cannot be modified. The sampler type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field, an array of samplers, a pointer to a sampler, or the return type of a function. The sampler type cannot be used with the local and global address space qualifiers.

• The event type event_t can be used as the type of a function argument except for kernel functions or a variable declared inside a function. The event type can be used to declare an array of events. The event type can be used to declare a pointer to an event, for example, event_t *event_ptr. An event argument or variable cannot be modified. The event type cannot be used to declare a structure or union field, or for variables declared in the program scope. The event type cannot be used with the local, constant, and global address space qualifiers.

• The behavior of irreducible control flow in a kernel is implementation-defined. Irreducible control flow is typically encountered in code that uses gotos. An example of irreducible control flow is a goto jumping inside a nested loop or a Duff’s device.

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