
From Aaftab Munshi

It has been a great privilege working with Ben, Dan, Tim, and James on this book. I want to thank our reviewers, Andrew Brownsword, Yahya H. Mizra, Dave Shreiner, and Michael Thurston, who took the time to review this book and provided valuable feedback that has improved the book tremendously. I want to thank our editor at Pearson, Debra Williams Cauley, for all her help in making this book happen.

I also want to thank my daughters, Hannah and Ellie, and the love of my life, Karen, without whom this book would not be possible.

From Benedict R. Gaster

I would like to thank AMD for supporting my work on OpenCL. There are four people in particular who have guided my understanding of the GPGPU revolution: Mike Houston, Justin Hensley, Lee Howes, and Laurent Morichetti.

This book would not have been possible without the continued enjoyment of life in Santa Cruz and going to the beach with Miranda, Maude, Polly, and Meg. Thanks!

From Timothy G. Mattson

I would like to thank Intel for giving me the freedom to pursue work on OpenCL. In particular, I want to thank Aaron Lefohn of Intel for bringing me into this project in the early days as it was just getting started. Most of all, however, I want to thank the amazing people in the OpenCL working group. I have learned a huge amount from this dedicated team of professionals.

From James Fung

It’s been a privilege to work alongside my coauthors and contribute to this book. I would also like to thank NVIDIA for all its support during writing as well as family and friends for their support and encouragement.

From Dan Ginsburg

I would like to thank Dr. Rudolph Pienaar and Dr. Ellen Grant at Children’s Hospital Boston for supporting me in writing this book and for their valuable contributions and insights. It has been an honor and a great privilege to work on this book with Affie, Ben, Tim, and James, who represent some of the sharpest minds in the parallel computing business. I also want to thank our editor, Debra Williams Cauley, for her unending patience and dedication, which were critical to the success of this project.

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