
During the past few years, heterogeneous computers composed of CPUs and GPUs have revolutionized computing. By matching different parts of a workload to the most suitable processor, tremendous performance gains have been achieved.

Much of this revolution has been driven by the emergence of many-core processors such as GPUs. For example, it is now possible to buy a graphics card that can execute more than a trillion floating point operations per second (teraflops). These GPUs were designed to render beautiful images, but for the right workloads, they can also be used as high-performance computing engines for applications from scientific computing to augmented reality.

A natural question is why these many-core processors are so fast compared to traditional single core CPUs. The fundamental driving force is innovative parallel hardware. Parallel computing is more efficient than sequential computing because chips are fundamentally parallel. Modern chips contain billions of transistors. Many-core processors organize these transistors into many parallel processors consisting of hundreds of floating point units. Another important reason for their speed advantage is new parallel software. Utilizing all these computing resources requires that we develop parallel programs. The efficiency gains due to software and hardware allow us to get more FLOPs per Watt or per dollar than a single-core CPU.

Computing systems are a symbiotic combination of hardware and software. Hardware is not useful without a good programming model. The success of CPUs has been tied to the success of their programming models, as exemplified by the C language and its successors. C nicely abstracts a sequential computer. To fully exploit heterogeneous computers, we need new programming models that nicely abstract a modern parallel computer. And we can look to techniques established in graphics as a guide to the new programming models we need for heterogeneous computing.

I have been interested in programming models for graphics for many years. It started in 1988 when I was a software engineer at PIXAR, where I developed the RenderMan shading language. A decade later graphics systems became fast enough that we could consider developing shading languages for GPUs. With Kekoa Proudfoot and Bill Mark, we developed a real-time shading language, RTSL. RTSL ran on graphics hardware by compiling shading language programs into pixel shader programs, the assembly language for graphics hardware of the day. Bill Mark subsequently went to work at NVIDIA, where he developed Cg. More recently, I have been working with Tim Foley at Intel, who has developed a new shading language called Spark. Spark takes shading languages to the next level by abstracting complex graphics pipelines with new capabilities such as tesselation.

While developing these languages, I always knew that GPUs could be used for much more than graphics. Several other groups had demonstrated that graphics hardware could be used for applications beyond graphics. This led to the GPGPU (General-Purpose GPU) movement. The demonstrations were hacked together using the graphics library. For GPUs to be used more widely, they needed a more general programming environment that was not tied to graphics. To meet this need, we started the Brook for GPU Project at Stanford. The basic idea behind Brook was to treat the GPU as a data-parallel processor. Data-parallel programming has been extremely successful for parallel computing, and with Brook we were able to show that data-parallel programming primitives could be implemented on a GPU. Brook made it possible for a developer to write an application in a widely used parallel programming model.

Brook was built as a proof of concept. Ian Buck, a graduate student at Stanford, went on to NVIDIA to develop CUDA. CUDA extended Brook in important ways. It introduced the concept of cooperating thread arrays, or thread blocks. A cooperating thread array captured the locality in a GPU core, where a block of threads executing the same program could also communicate through local memory and synchronize through barriers. More importantly, CUDA created an environment for GPU Computing that has enabled a rich ecosystem of application developers, middleware providers, and vendors.

OpenCL (Open Computing Language) provides a logical extension of the core ideas from GPU Computing—the era of ubiquitous heterogeneous parallel computing. OpenCL has been carefully designed by the Khronos Group with input from many vendors and software experts. OpenCL benefits from the experience gained using CUDA in creating a software standard that can be implemented by many vendors. OpenCL implementations run now on widely used hardware, including CPUs and GPUs from NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel, as well as platforms based on DSPs and FPGAs. By standardizing the programming model, developers can count on more software tools and hardware platforms.

What is most exciting about OpenCL is that it doesn’t only standardize what has been done, but represents the efforts of an active community that is pushing the frontier of parallel computing. For example, OpenCL provides innovative capabilities for scheduling tasks on the GPU. The developers of OpenCL have have combined the best features of task-parallel and data-parallel computing. I expect future versions of OpenCL to be equally innovative. Like its father, OpenGL, OpenCL will likely grow over time with new versions with more and more capability.

This book describes the complete OpenCL Programming Model. One of the coauthors, Aaftab, was the key mind behind the system. He has joined forces with other key designers of OpenCL to write an accessible authoritative guide. Welcome to the new world of heterogeneous computing.

Pat Hanrahan
Stanford University

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