• Back-to-basics strategy, 463, 465, 470

  • Balachander, Subramaniam, 342

  • Barich, Howard, 340

  • Barone, Michael J., 440

  • Barwise, Patrick, 342, 504505

  • Baskin, Jonathan, 44

  • Bedbury, Scott, 66, 283

  • Behavior. See Consumer behavior

  • Behavioral loyalty, 92, 318

  • Behavioral segmentation, 5152

  • Beliefs, 314315

  • Ben & Jerry’s, 387

  • Benetton, 134

  • Betty Crocker, 131

  • Beverage category hierarchy, 82

  • Bhat, Subodh, 429

  • Bic, 427

  • Bickart, B. A., 440

  • Billabong, 412

  • Billboards and posters, 201202

  • Blattberg, Robert C., 107

  • Blind testing research studies, 336

  • Blogs, 24, 533534

  • Blue Moon, 237

  • Blurring, 144

  • BMW, 63, 93, 370, 462

  • Body Shop, 49

  • Boeing, 10

  • Boloco, 390391

  • Bonfire of the Brands (Boorman), 44

  • Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, 89

  • Boorman, Neil, 44

  • Boush, D. M., 433, 437

  • Brand activity, 102

  • Brand actualization, 362

  • Brand alliances, 245

  • Brand America, 239

  • Brand architecture, 358365
    • brand extensions, 536

    • brand positioning, 364

    • brand-product matrix, 359

    • defining, 358

    • evaluating strategy, 393

    • future priorities, 535536

    • implementing of, 393394

    • sub-branding, 364365

  • Brand associations. See also Secondary brand associations
    • brand extensions and, 430

    • brand image, 4851, 315

    • brand name and, 122124

    • core brand associations, 268

    • creation of new brand associations, 233

    • customer mind-set and, 101102

    • favorability of, 50, 521

    • imagery, 8687

    • non-product-related imagery, 458462

    • product-related performance, 457458

    • purchase/usage imagery, 8687

    • strength of, 50, 521

    • uniqueness of, 5051, 521

  • Brand attachment, 102

  • Brand attributes, 49

  • Brand audits, 32, 265271. See also Brand tracking studies
    • brand exploratory, 267270

    • brand inventory, 266267

    • positioning and marketing program, 270271

  • Brand awareness, 44, 4548
    • advantages of, 46

    • brand names and, 120122

    • breadth and depth of, 80, 520

    • choice advantages, 46

    • consideration advantages, 46

    • corporate societal marketing, 395396

    • customer mind-set and, 101102

    • defining, 358, 520

    • desired awareness and image, 376377

    • establishing of, 47

    • expanding of, 467469

    • learning advantages, 46

    • purchase ability, 46

    • purchase motivation, 46

    • quantitative research techniques, 311

    • recall, 45

    • recognition, 45

    • tracking survey, 273

  • Brand balance, 539

  • Brand benefits, 49

  • Brand boundaries, 360361

  • Brand building
    • brand salience, 7980

    • building blocks of, 79

    • customers’ ownership, 9697

    • duality of strong brand, 97

    • four steps in, 79

    • implications of, 94100

    • luxury brands, 86

    • measures of, 9596

    • resonance and focus, 99100

    • richness of brand, 99

    • sponsorships, 214

    • values, 87

  • Brand charter, 279

  • Brand communities, 94, 396

  • Brand concept, 432

  • Brand concept maps (BCM), 269

  • Brand considerations, 90

  • Brand consistency, 432, 452453

  • Brand contribution, 103

  • Brand credibility, 89, 9596, 385386, 396

  • Brand design. See also Packaging

  • Brand dynamics, 323324

  • Brand Dynamics model, 323324

  • Brand elements
    • adaptability, 116

    • brand audit, 288

    • brand extension, 429430

    • brand names, 119126

    • changing of, 471

    • characters, 128130

    • choice of, 31

    • combining of, 377379

    • criteria for choosing of, 114119

    • defining, 23, 114

    • future priorities, 536

    • global brand equity, 507

    • jingles, 136

    • legal considerations, 143145

    • likeability, 115

    • linking to multiple products, 379380

    • logos and symbols, 127128

    • meaningfulness, 115

    • memorability, 115

    • options and tactics for, 119

    • packaging, 136139

    • protectability, 119

    • slogans, 130136

    • transferability, 116

    • URLs, 127

  • Brand endorsement strategy, 379

  • Brand engagement, 320, 321, 396

  • Brand engagement scale, 318, 319

  • Brand equity. See also Marketing
    • in African Americans, 485

    • benefits of, 335

    • brand awareness and, 4548

    • brand extensions and, 420422

    • brand image and, 4851

    • brand vision, 360

    • as bridge, 4243

    • building of, 522

    • concept of, 2930

    • coordinating media for, 223

    • corporate brand equity, 380

    • customer diversity, 530531

    • customer empowerment, 532

    • customer equity vs., 107109

    • customer-based, 4043, 98

    • defining the strategy, 32

    • as direction for future, 43

    • finance and, 352354

    • geographic boundaries, cultures, and market segments, 32

    • growing and sustaining, 32

    • leveraging secondary brand knowledge, 3132, 232

    • making a brand strong, 4345

    • managing over time, 32, 524

    • measurement of, 264, 523524

    • organizational responsibilities, 281286

    • outcomes of, 336337, 522

    • overseeing of, 283

    • price strategy and, 165171

    • protecting, 537

    • protecting sources of, 454455

    • as reflection of past, 4243

    • sources of, 4551, 521

  • Brand equity management system
    • brand charter, 279

    • brand equity report, 280281

    • brand equity responsibilities, 281286

    • defining, 32

    • establishing of, 277286

    • managing marketing partners, 285286

    • organizational design and structures, 283285

  • Brand equity measurement system, 32
  • Brand equity report, 280

  • Brand exploration, 291

  • Brand exploratory, 267270
    • preliminary activities, 267

    • qualitative research, 268

    • quantitative research, 270

  • Brand Extendability Scorecard, 442443

  • Brand extensions
    • academic research on, 431441

    • advantages of, 407412

    • brand equity, 420422

    • brand image and, 408

    • cannibalizing parent brand, 416

    • category extension, 399

    • checklist for, 431

    • to clarify brand meaning, 410411

    • as confusing/frustrating, 413

    • consumer evaluation of, 420424

    • consumer variety-seeking, 409

    • creating extension equity, 421422

    • defining, 405

    • dilution effects, 441

    • dilution of brand meaning, 418

    • diminish category identification, 416

    • disadvantages of, 413419

    • efficiencies of, 409

    • examples of, 420

    • failure of, 415

    • feedback benefits of, 410412

    • future priorities, 536

    • gaining distribution and trial, 408

    • image of parent brand, 418

    • for increased competition, 28

    • increased market coverage, 411

    • line extension, 399

    • managerial assumptions, 420422

    • marketing programs and, 408

    • new brands and, 418419

    • new customers to franchise, 411

    • new product acceptance, 408409

    • new products and, 404407

    • parent brand equity, 422

    • parent brand image, 411

    • perceived risk, 408

    • promotional expenditures, 409

    • retailer resistance to, 414

    • revitalizing the brand, 412

    • scoring, 442443

    • subsequent extensions, 412

    • vertical brand extensions, 423424

  • Brand extensions, evaluation of, 424430
    • brand elements, 429430

    • consumer factors, 427

    • corporate/competitive factors, 428

    • define actual/desired consumer knowledge, 424426

    • evaluate potential of candidate, 426429

    • identify extension candidates, 426

    • leveraging secondary brand associa tions, 430

    • marketing programs for launch, 429430

    • parent brand equity, 430

  • Brand feelings, 9091
    • brand tracking survey, 274

    • corporate societal marketing, 396

    • excitement, 92

    • fun, 91

    • security, 92

    • self-respect, 92

    • social approval, 92

    • summary, 92

    • warmth, 91

  • Brand functions, 67

  • Brand growth, 363

  • Brand hierarchy, 32, 370380, 525
    • corporate/company brand level, 370371

    • decisions of, 374

    • design of, 372380

    • desired awareness and image, 376377

    • family brand level, 371372

    • individual brand level, 372

    • modifier level, 372

    • number of levels of, 374376

    • product descriptor, 372

  • Brand history, 88

  • Brand identity, 79, 140. See also Brand elements

  • Brand image, 44, 4851, 358, 521
    • brand extensions and, 408, 411

    • brand tracking survey, 274

    • consistency in, 487

    • corporate societal marketing, 396

    • favorability of, 50

    • global brand, 492

    • improving of, 469471

    • strength of, 4851

    • uniqueness of, 5051

  • Brand imagery, 8587

  • Brand inventory, 266267, 288
    • rationale for, 267

  • Brand investments, 538

  • Brand journalism, 531

  • Brand judgments, 8990, 273
    • brand considerations, 90

    • brand credibility, 89

    • brand quality, 89

    • brand superiority, 90

  • Brand knowledge, 233234. See also Secondary brand associations
    • cause marketing program and, 234

    • guidelines for, 521

    • strong brand and, 4345

    • summary of, 520

    • transfer of, 234

  • Brand knowledge structure (BKS), 347

  • Brand leadership, 2324

  • Brand licensing, 343

  • Brand line, 359

  • Brand line campaigns, 388

  • Brand loyalty, 7, 52, 94, 96

  • Brand management. See also Strategic brand management
    • brand priorities, 528539

    • changing brand elements, 469471

    • consistency and change, 453

    • customer-centered, 108

    • establishment of standards, 35

    • expanding brand awareness, 467469

    • fortifying vs. leveraging, 456

    • improving brand image, 469471

    • maintaining consistency, 452453

    • managerial assumptions, 420422

    • market leaders and failures, 452453

    • marketing programs and, 456462

    • new/additional usage opportunities, 467469

    • product-related performance asso ciations, 457458

    • protecting brand equity, 454455

    • reinforcing brands, 451462

    • repositioning, 470471

    • revitalizing brands, 462471

    • Rolex example, 287293

    • seven deadly sins of, 526528

  • Brand mantras
    • communicate, simplify, inspire, 68

    • core brand associations, 268

    • defining and establishing, 6568

    • designing of, 6668

    • implementing of, 68

  • Brand marketers, 539

  • Brand marketing programs
    • brand elements, 31

    • integrating/supporting the brand, 31

    • leveraging secondary associations, 3132

    • planning and implementing, 3031

    • positioning and, 270271

    • standardization vs. customization, 493499

  • Brand meaning, 79, 8587, 410411, 418

  • Brand mix, 359

  • Brand name, 23, 119126
    • brand associations and, 122124

    • brand awareness and, 120122

    • differentiated, distinctive, and unique, 121122

    • familiarity and meaningfulness, 121

    • linguistic characteristics, 123124

    • naming guidelines, 120124

    • naming mistakes, 124125

    • naming procedures, 124126

    • pronunciation and spelling of, 120121

    • trademark issues of, 144145

  • Brand partnerships, 504505

  • Brand performance, 32, 8385, 8889, 273274, 457458

  • Brand persistence, 363

  • Brand personality, 87, 305306, 381

  • Brand personas, 271

  • Brand portfolio decisions, 343

  • Brand portfolios, 32, 359
    • acquiring new customers, 471472

    • adjustments to, 471474

    • cash cows, 367

    • defining, 365

    • flankers, 366367

    • high-end prestige brand, 367370

    • low-end entry-level brand, 367

    • Marriott example, 368369

    • migration strategies, 471

    • obsolescing existing products, 473474

    • retiring brands, 472473

    • role of brands in, 366

  • Brand positioning, 364. See also Posi tioning guidelines
    • basic concepts, 51

    • conflicts in, 283

    • defined, 51

    • global brand positioning, 492493

    • identifying and establishing, 30, 5157

    • marketing program and, 270271

    • model, 30, 40, 538

    • nature of competition, 5354

    • points-of-parity/-difference, 5457

    • target market, 5153

  • Brand potential, 358364, 535536

  • Brand priorities, 528539
    • brand balance, 539

    • brand positioning model, 538

    • brand resonance model, 538

    • brand value chain model, 538

    • cause marketing, 537

    • customer diversity, 530531

    • customer empowerment, 532

    • customer focus, 528532

    • deeper understanding of, 538

    • marketing program, 533534

    • product performance, 532533

    • protecting brand equity, 537

  • Brand proliferation, 2627, 414

  • Brand prominence, 319

  • Brand quality, 89

  • Brand recall, 45, 312313, 543
    • categorical brand recall, 315

    • language and, 509510

  • Brand recognition, 45, 311312

  • Brand relationship quality (BRQ), 320323

  • Brand relationships, 79, 318323
    • attitudinal attachment, 319

    • behavioral loyalty, 318

    • consumer-brand relationship, 321

    • Fournier’s research, 320323

  • Brand Report Card, 527

  • Brand resonance, 9294, 274
    • attitudinal attachment, 9293

    • behavioral loyalty, 92, 94

    • focus and, 99100

    • global brand, 492

    • model, 30, 40, 79, 538

    • sense of community, 93

  • Brand responses, 79, 89, 316317, 492

  • Brand salience, 7983, 492
    • breadth and depth of awareness, 80

    • product category structure, 8182

    • strategic implications, 8283

    • summary of, 83

  • Brand scents, 155

  • Brand signature, 223

  • Brand strength, 25, 103, 349

  • Brand superiority, 90

  • Brand tracking studies, 32
    • corporate (family) brand tracking, 272274

    • global tracking, 274275

    • how to conduct, 275276

    • interpretation of, 277

    • product-brand tracking, 272

    • sample survey, 273274

    • what to track, 272275

    • when/where to track, 275276

    • whom to track, 275

  • Brand value, 8. See also Valuation approaches

  • Brand value chain, 100104
    • customer mind-set, 101102

    • implications of, 103104

    • investor sentiment multiplier, 103

    • market performance, 102103

    • marketing program investment, 101

    • marketplace conditions multiplier, 102

    • program quality multiplier, 101

    • shareholder value, 103

    • value strategies, 101103

  • Brand value chain model, 30, 40, 79, 538

  • Brand-aschematic consumers, 440

  • BrandAsset Valuator (BAV). See Young & Rubicam’s BrandAsset Valuator (BAV)

  • Brand-based comparative approaches, 336337

  • Brand-development review, 283

  • Brand-driven organization, 282

  • Branded house, 364

  • Branded variants, 176

  • Branding effects, 440

  • Branding Only Works on Cattle (Baskin), 44

  • Branding philosophy, 531

  • Branding strategies. See also Global brand strategy
    • accountability, 2829

    • brand architecture, 358365

    • brand hierarchy, 370380

    • brand line campaigns, 388

    • brand proliferation, 2627

    • business-to-business products, 913

    • cause marketing, 395398

    • challenges and opportunities of, 2429

    • co-branding, 241247

    • combining brand elements, 377379

    • competition, 28

    • corporate image campaigns, 387389

    • costs, 28

    • customers and, 2425

    • defining, 32

    • design of, 372380

    • desired awareness and image, 376377

    • economic downturn, 26, 27

    • emotional branding, 9092

    • finance and, 352354

    • geographic locations, 20

    • green marketing, 397398

    • high-tech products, 1113

    • historical origins, 3336

    • ideas and causes, 20

    • internal branding, 69

    • legal branding considerations, 143145

    • linking brand elements to multiple products, 379380

    • media fragmentation, 2728

    • online products and services, 1516

    • people and organizations, 1718

    • person branding, 255

    • physical goods, 913

    • private label strategy, 182184

    • retailers and distributors, 15

    • services, 1416

    • social media, 2728

    • sports, arts, and entertainment, 1819

  • Brand/price tradeoff, 339340

  • Brand-product matrix, 359

  • Brand(s)
    • actual/desired consumer knowledge of, 424426

    • application of, 820

    • competitive advantage of, 34

    • consumers and, 67

    • defined, 26

    • duality of, 97

    • earnings of, 78

    • firms and, 78

    • future brand priorities, 528539

    • imitator brands, 144

    • importance of, 68

    • option value of, 109

    • orphan brand, 472473

    • as perceptual entity, 8

    • power of, 94

    • product decisions and, 7

    • products vs., 36

    • reinforcement strategies, 475

    • retiring of, 472473

    • revitalizing of, 412, 462471, 475

    • richness of, 99

    • strong brands, 2024, 42, 4345, 526528

    • value of, 78, 349

  • Brand-schematic consumers, 440

  • Brand-self connection, 319

  • Brand-specific associations, 433

  • Brandt, Louis, 292

  • Branson, Richard, 416418

  • Breadth of awareness, 80

  • Bridges, Sheri, 433, 436, 438, 439

  • Bristol-Myers Squibb, 58

  • British Airways, 385

  • Broad information provision strategy, 222

  • Broniarczyk, Susan M., 433

  • Bubble exercises, 300

  • Buchanan, L., 440

  • Burberry, 464

  • Burke, Raymond R., 340

  • Burrell, Thomas, 485

  • Burton Snowboards, 310

  • Business-to-business branding, 913

  • Business-to-business products, 507

  • Business-to-business segmentation bases, 5152

  • Buzz marketing, 219

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