• M & M’s, 115

  • Macy’s, 2, 392, 482

  • Mad Men, 203

  • Madden, Thomas J., 353

  • Magazines, 198199

  • Mahajan, Vijay, 245

  • Managerial persistence, 24

  • Manufacturers, 6

  • Marineau, Philip, 425

  • Market, 51

  • Market approach, 346

  • Market coverage, 411

  • Market dynamics, 103

  • Market leadership, 23

  • Market performance, 102103

  • Market segments, 32, 52, 348349
    • African Americans, 485

    • behavioral segmentation, 5152

    • cultural segments, 483484

    • demographic segments, 483484

    • identifying, 469470

    • regional markets, 482483

    • segmentation bases, 5153

  • Market share, 103

  • Marketing. See also Global marketing
    • advantages of strong brands, 41

    • brand equity and, 450

    • buzz marketing, 219

    • cause marketing for brand equity, 395398

    • consumer response to, 488489

    • creating ROI from, 351

    • crisis marketing, 476478

    • dashboards, 280281

    • experiential marketing, 153154

    • future priorities, 533534

    • green marketing, 397398

    • integrating programs and activities, 151159

    • managing marketing partners, 285286

    • marketing assessment system, 284

    • one-to-one marketing, 156157

    • organizational design for, 283285

    • permission marketing, 157158

    • personalizing of, 153158

    • perspectives on, 150151

    • relationship marketing, 154155

    • social media. See Social media

    • word-of-mouth, 218219

  • Marketing audit, 265

  • Marketing channels, 171

  • Marketing communications. See also Advertising; Integrated marketing communication (IMC) program
    • billboards and posters, 201202

    • brand extensions, 409

    • brand-building communications, 191193

    • challenges in, 191193

    • database marketing, 201

    • defining, 190

    • direct response, 200

    • effectiveness of, 192

    • event marketing and sponsorship, 211216

    • ideal ad campaign, 193

    • industrial/business-to-business products, 541

    • information processing model, 192193

    • interactive, 208211

    • mobile marketing, 216218

    • movies, airlines, lounges, other places, 202

    • multiple communications, 193

    • new media environment, 191193

    • online ads, 208210

    • options for, 190

    • pitfalls in, 192

    • point of purchase, 203204

    • print, 198200

    • product placement, 203

    • promotion, 204208

    • public relations and publicity, 218

    • radio, 197198

    • strengthening communication effects, 223

    • television, 194197

    • web sites, 208

  • Marketing infrastructure, 503504

  • Marketing partners/partnerships, 175, 285286

  • Marketing program
    • brand extensions, 409, 429430

    • brand line campaigns, 388

    • brand positioning and, 270271

    • corporate image campaigns, 387389

    • cost advantages in global program, 487

    • investment in, 101

    • optimal marketing program, 429430

    • reinforcing brands with, 456462

    • for strong brand, 526528

    • uniformity in, 487

  • Marketing-based comparative approaches, 337339
  • Marks & Spencer, 15

  • Marlboro, 165166, 511

  • Marriott, 368369

  • Martin, Chris, 451

  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 6364

  • Mass customization, 155156

  • Mass market, 24, 34

  • MasterCard, 97, 99, 488

  • Matta, Shashi, 440

  • Maxwell House, 301

  • Mayo Clinic, 278

  • McCarthy, Michael S., 438

  • McDonald’s, 45, 406407, 503504

  • McGovern, Gail, 280281

  • McQuarrie, Ed, 309

  • Meaningfulness, 115

  • Means-end chains, 64

  • Media environment, 191193

  • Media fragmentation, 2728

  • Memorability, 115

  • Mental maps, 268, 299

  • Mercedes Benz, 243

  • Mercedes-Benz, 45

  • Merchandising licensing, 247249

  • Merchant, Gordon, 412

  • Mergers and acquisitions, 343

  • Message strategy, 194

  • Method Products, 141142

  • Me-too entry, 421

  • Meyer, Christopher, 154

  • Michelin, 117, 422

  • Michelob, 453

  • Microsoft, 309

  • Migration strategies, 471

  • Milberg, Sandra, 432

  • Milberg, Sandra J., 438

  • Miller beer, 60, 367, 418

  • Millward Brown, 276

  • Millward Brown’s Brand Dynamics model, 323324

  • Mind share, 82

  • Miniard, Paul W., 440

  • Mithas, Sunil, 353

  • Mizik, Natalie, 353

  • Mobile marketing, 216218

  • Modifier, 372

  • Monga, Alokparna Basu, 440

  • Moosejaw Mountaineering, 152153

  • Morgan, Neil A., 353

  • Morgeson, Forest V., III, 353

  • Morpheme, 123

  • Morrin, Maureen, 438

  • Motel 6, 197

  • Mountain Dew, 464, 466

  • MTV, 268269, 460

  • Multidimensional scaling (MDS), 316

  • Multiple communications, 193

  • Multiple information provision strategy, 222

  • Murdoch, Rupert, 344345

  • Mustafa, Isaiah, 28

  • Muthukrishan, A. V., 433434

  • Mycoskie, Blake, 387

  • Mystery shoppers, 309

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