• Safety and security needs, 64

  • Sainsbury, 15, 182

  • Sales promotions, 204

  • Salience, 81, 95

  • Salomon, 232233

  • Scent, 155

  • Schmitt, Bernd H., 153154, 510

  • Schultz, Don E., 152

  • Schultz, Howard, 140

  • Search goods, 7

  • Secondary brand associations
    • awareness/knowledge of entity, 234

    • celebrity endorsement, 250254

    • channels of distribution, 241

    • co-branding, 241247

    • commonality leveraging strategy, 235

    • company associations, 235238

    • complementarity branding strate gies, 235

    • country of origin/geographic areas, 238241

    • guidelines for, 234235

    • leveraging of, 430

    • licensing, 247250

    • meaningfulness of knowledge, 234

    • Salomon example, 232233

    • sporting, cultural, other events, 254255

    • third-party sources, 256257

    • transferability of knowledge, 234

  • Secondary meaning, 145

  • Security, 92

  • Segments. See Market segments

  • Seinfeld, 197

  • Seldin, Larry, 98

  • Self-actualization, 64

  • Self-branded ingredient, 245

  • Self-concept connection, 323

  • Self-construal, 440

  • Self-respect, 92

  • Selvadurai, Naveen, 217

  • Sense marketing, 154

  • Service effectiveness/efficiency, 85

  • Service empathy, 85

  • Service quality, dimensions of, 542543

  • Serviceability, 85

  • Services/service business, 1415, 153, 507, 542543

  • Shareholder value, 98, 103

  • Shelf impact, 138

  • Shine, Byung Chul, 438

  • Shock advertising, 48

  • Shocker, Allen D., 245

  • Shopkick app, 218

  • Shopper marketing, 173

  • Shutterfly, 99

  • Sibilants, 123

  • Siegel, Robert, 462

  • Simmons, Carolyn J., 440

  • Simon, Carol J., 346348

  • Simon, Hermann, 499

  • Simon and Sullivan’s brand equity value, 346348

  • Simonin, Bernard L., 245

  • Simonson, Alex, 144

  • Singapore Airlines, 69, 246

  • Skype, 279

  • Slogans, 10, 48, 130136
  • Small businesses, 544545

  • Smart Car, 243

  • Smith, Daniel C., 433, 437, 439

  • Smith Corona, 458

  • Snapple, 350

  • SNICKERS, 195196

  • Snuggle, 502

  • Social approval, 92

  • Social currency, 319

  • Social media, 2728, 210211, 320, 534

  • Social needs, 64

  • Social risk, 7

  • Socially responsible corporate image association, 385, 386387

  • Sood, Sanjay, 433, 434, 436, 438, 439, 440

  • Specialty stores, 172

  • Sponsorship programs. See Eventmarketing and sponsorships

  • Sporting events, 254255

  • Sports, arts, and entertainment, 1819

  • Srinivasan, V., 340, 342

  • Sriram, S., 342

  • Standardization vs. customization, 493502, 505507

  • Star Wars, 19

  • Starwood, 91

  • Stevia, 139

  • Stock market, 352353

  • Stock-keeping units (SKUs), 414

  • Store atmosphere, 242

  • Store brands. See Private labelstrategies

  • Store image, 242

  • Store-within-a-store, 179

  • Strategic brand management
    • brand marketing programs, 3031

    • brand performance, 32

    • brand positioning, 30

    • building brand equity, 522

    • defining, 30, 520

    • guidelines for, 520525

    • outcomes of brand equity, 522

    • process/main steps of, 3032

    • sources of brand equity, 521

    • sustaining brand equity, 32

    • tactical guidelines, 522525

  • Stuart, John, 56

  • Subaru, 55

  • Sub-branding, 364365, 375376, 405, 424

  • Subway, 84

  • Sullivan, Mary W., 346348, 437

  • Suning, 514

  • Super-branding, 439

  • Supply-side method, 215

  • Sustainability, 60

  • Swager, Andre, 154

  • Swait, Joffre, 342

  • Swaminathan, Vanitha, 437

  • Swann, Jerre, 144

  • Swatch, 243

  • Swyngedouw, Patrick, 353

  • Symbols and logos, 18, 127128

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