Eliminating Duplicate Subobjects with virtual Base-Class Inheritance

The problem of duplicate subobjects is resolved with virtual inheritance. When a base class is inherited as virtual, only one subobject will appear in the derived class—a process called virtual base-class inheritance. Figure 21.14 revises the program of Fig. 21.13 to use a virtual base class.

 1   // Fig. 21.14: fig21_14.cpp
 2   // Using virtual base classes.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using namespace std;
 6   // class Base definition
 7   class Base
 8   {
 9   public:
10      virtual void print() const = 0; // pure virtual
11   }; // end class Base
13   // class DerivedOne definition
14   class DerivedOne : virtual public Base
15   {
16   public:
17      // override print function
18      void print() const        
19      {                         
20         cout << "DerivedOne ";
21      } // end function print   
22   }; // end DerivedOne class
24   // class DerivedTwo definition
25   class DerivedTwo : virtual public Base
26   {
27   public:
28      // override print function
29      void print() const        
30      {                         
31         cout << "DerivedTwo ";
32      } // end function print   
33   }; // end DerivedTwo class
35   // class Multiple definition
36   class Multiple : public DerivedOne, public DerivedTwo
37   {
38   public:
39      // qualify which version of function print
40      void print() const                        
41      {                                         
42         DerivedTwo::print();                   
43      } // end function print                   
44   }; // end Multiple class
46   int main()
47   {
48      Multiple both; // instantiate Multiple object
49      DerivedOne one; // instantiate DerivedOne object
50      DerivedTwo two; // instantiate DerivedTwo object
52      // declare array of base-class pointers and initialize
53      // each element to a derived-class type
54      Base *array[ 3 ];
55      array[ 0 ] = &both;
56      array[ 1 ] = &one;
57      array[ 2 ] = &two;
59      // polymorphically invoke function print
60      for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
61         array[ i ]->print();
62   } // end main


Fig. 21.14. Using virtual base classes.

The key change is that classes DerivedOne (line 14) and DerivedTwo (line 25) each inherit from Base by specifying virtual public Base. Since both classes inherit from Base, they each contain a Base subobject. The benefit of virtual inheritance is not clear until class Multiple inherits from DerivedOne and DerivedTwo (line 36). Since each of the base classes used virtual inheritance to inherit class Base’s members, the compiler ensures that only one Base subobject is inherited into class Multiple. This eliminates the ambiguity error generated by the compiler in Fig. 21.13. The compiler now allows the implicit conversion of the derived-class pointer (&both) to the base-class pointer array[ 0 ] in line 55 in main. The for statement in lines 60–61 polymorphically calls print for each object.

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