12.7 Summary

The purpose of this chapter is to apply creativity to generating a variety of concepts to choose from. Using both structured and unstructured creativity, we have worked to build out a number of concepts. This was based on two key ideas: More concepts will spur ideas for yet more concepts, and choosing among many concepts is more likely to yield a successful architecture than building out only one concept.

Figure 12.10 shows the number of concepts ballooning and then down-selected to a small number for more detailed trades. Specifically,

Two cones intersect in the center of the diagram with a large, flat oval

Figure 12.10  By expanding concepts and recombining concept fragments, we balloon the number of concepts under consideration. Subsequently, we use screening criteria to reduce these to a small number for further design.

  • 1 is the solution-neutral function.

  • N is the development of the concepts (Step 1).

  • (3 to 4)N is the expanding of each of the N ­concepts to reveal 3 to 4 internal functions, and the development of concept fragments for these (Step 2).

  • (3 to 4)N! is the combining to get all of the possible combinations of the fragment (Step 3).

  • 10 to 20 is the more qualitative down-selection (part of Step 4).

  • 5 to 7 is a quantitative down-selection (part of Step 4).

  • 2 to 3 is the final outcome of the concept ­development stage (part of Step 4).

With a view to building a more complete picture of the architecture, we will now move from concept to architecture in the remainder of the text. The primary role of the architect in this last phase is to manage the investment in complexity, so we proceed in the next chapter to define complexity. As we’ve seen here, decomposition of the solution is central to the concept and the architecture, so in the next chapter we will use decomposition as a tool to ­manage complexity.

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