Chapter 5 Function

5.1 Introduction

The analysis of function and form are interwoven. This chapter is the complement of Chapter 4 and establishes the groundwork for the analysis of function. When employing zigzagging (Section 3.5), the architect works in one domain for a period and then switches to the other. Therefore, discussing form first does not imply any strict sequence in analysis, but rather is a topical organization of material.

Function is less tangible than form, so we begin by defining and describing function in Section 5.2. In Section 5.3, we discuss the externally delivered function that is linked to the primary purpose of the system. This external function emerges from internal functions, as described in Section 5.4. The internal operands create functional interaction and yield the functional architecture (Section 5.5). A system often delivers secondary externally delivered functions as well, and these are discussed in Section 5.6. A short discussion of representing function in SysML concludes the chapter.

In this analysis of function, we will again be guided by a set of questions, given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 | Questions for defining function and architecture

Question Produces
  1. 5a. What is the primary externally delivered value-related function? The value-related operand, its value- related states, and the process of ­changing the states? What is the abstraction of the instrumental form?

An operand‑process‑form construct that ­defines the abstraction of the system
  1. 5b. What are the principal internal functions? The internal operands and processes?

A set of processes and operands that represent the first-level and potentially second-level downward abstractions of the decomposed system
  1. 5c. What is the functional architecture? How do these internal functions connect to form the value pathway? How does the principal external function emerge?

A set of interactions among the processes at any level of


  1. 5d. What are the other important secondary value related external functions? How do they emerge from internal functions and pathways?

Other processes, operands, and their ­functional architecture that deliver value in addition to the principal externally delivered function
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