Part 3 Creating System Architecture

In Part 2, we retrospectively analyzed the decisions of other architects. We worked backwards through existing architectures to identify the form, function, architecture, and concept. Now begins the harder work of real synthesis: defining architectures that do not yet exist, and doing so for complex systems.

Part 3: Creating System Architecture, takes a forward path, from early identification of system needs to concept selection and architecture. However, in complex systems, we can no longer represent examples in their entirety. Our emphasis switches from complete representations to choosing the right lens through which to view the architecture. It will become increasingly important that we choose lenses wisely, lest we become inundated with information.

In Chapter 9, we outline the role of the architect, in terms of tasks and deliverables, and then focus on the first task, reducing ambiguity. We then proceed to a tool to drive ambiguity from the system—a holistic product development process. Chapter 10 identifies the main organizational interfaces as potential opportunities for reducing ambiguity in architecture: corporate strategy, marketing, regulation, internal and external competence to manufacture, and operations.

In Chapter 11, we examine a systematic way to capture the needs of stakeholders, prioritize them, and convert them into goals for the system. Then, in Chapter 12, we propose approaches to focusing the creativity of the architect on inventing and selecting concepts. Finally, in Chapter 13, we review approaches to managing complexity during system development.

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