

Someone once said, “We see the future by standing upon the shoulders of those who have gone before us.” While I don't mean to imply that the following persons have preceded me in time (for I'm much too old for that), I do want to acknowledge that they have preceded me in knowledge and that they have given of that knowledge generously to make this book possible.

My sincere appreciation goes to the many people who have contributed to this book, but I am especially indebted to:

  • Gerald J. (Jerry) Burke, of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and cocreator of NEC-2, who gave so generously of his time to review this manuscript and to make many valuable suggestions.
  • Jack Sellmeyer, Sellmeyer Engineering, McKinney, TX, and former coworker at Collins Radio Company, whose contributions and patience through the years have provided the practical experience necessary to bring realism to theory.
  • Paul Carlier, FanField, Ltd., UK, for his contribution to, and review of, that portion of the manuscript pertaining to measured data.

And for years of discussions and the sharing of practical experience, I express my sincere appreciation to my long-time friend, Paul Cram, Broadcast Technical Services, Mansfield, GA, who started working with directional antennas when the concept first appeared in 1935. Now in his nineties, Paul is still in the profession and aggressively applying NEC-2 to broadcast directional antennas.

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