





About the Author


CHAPTER 1  The Array Adjustment Process

1.1 The Nature of NEC-2 1

1.2 The Directional Antenna Adjusting Process

1.3 Local and Global Minima

1.4 The Role of NEC-2

1.5 Analysis Overview

1.6 Additional NEC-2 Benefits

1.7 Software Requirements


CHAPTER 2  NEC-2 Fundamentals

2.1 Scope

2.2 The NEC-2 Engine

2.3 NEC-2 Operation

2.4 Creating the Input File

2.4.1 Naming the Files

2.4.2 Data Commands

2.4.3 Data Command Types

2.4.4 An Input File Illustration

2.5 Reading the Output File

2.5.1 The Header

2.5.2 Structure Specifications

2.5.3 Segmentation Data

2.5.4 Data Commands, Frequency, Loading, and Environment Data

2.5.5 Antenna Input Parameters

2.5.6 Currents and Locations

2.5.7 Current Moments

2.5.8 Power Budget

2.5.9 Radiation Pattern

2.6 Exercises


CHAPTER 3  Modeling the Radiator

3.1 Modeling Guidelines

3.2 Guideline Summary

3.2.1 Modeling the Radiator

3.2.2 Modeling the Voltage Source

3.3 Tower Configurations

3.3.1 Single-Wire Configuration

3.3.2 Four-Wire Configuration

3.3.3 Two-Wire Configuration

3.3.4 Lattice Configuration

3.4 Viewing Tower Configuration

3.5 Exercises


CHAPTER 4  Array Geometry

4.1 The Coordinate System

4.2 Array Geometry: An Example

4.3 The Array Input File

4.4 Exercises


CHAPTER 5  Loads, Networks, and Transmission Lines

5.1 Modeling Impedance Loads

5.2 Modeling Nonradiating Networks

5.2.1 Typical Networks

5.2.2 Typical Network Applications

5.2.3 General Guidelines for Networks

5.3 Modeling Transmission Lines

5.4 Network Output File Listing

5.4.1 Network Descriptions

5.4.2 Source and Load Impedance to the Networks

5.4.3 Network Input Parameters

5.5 Exercises


CHAPTER 6  Calculating Base Drive Voltages

6.1 Base Drive Voltages

6.2 Direct and Induced Currents

6.3 Current Moments

6.4 Development Concept

6.4.1 Unity Drive

6.4.2 Normalized Drive

6.4.3 Full Power Drive

6.4.4 Shunt Reactance and Networks

6.5 Example: A Three-Tower Array

6.5.1 Create a Unity Drive File

6.5.2 Calculate Unity Drive Current Moments

6.5.3 Solve for the Normalized Drive Voltages

6.5.4 Determine the Full Power Drive Voltages

6.6 Exercises


CHAPTER 7  Using Data from the Output File

7.1 Overview

7.2 Verify the Field Ratios

7.3 Plot Far-Field Radiation Pattern

7.4 Detuning Unused Towers

7.4.1 Detuning by Base Loading

7.4.2 Detuning by Skirting

7.5 Antenna Monitor Readings

7.5.1 Optimum Height for Sample Loops

7.5.2 Arbitrary Height for Sample Loops

7.5.3 Base Current Samples

7.5.4 Base Voltage Samples

7.6 Drive Point Impedance

7.6.1 Drive Point Impedance When Using a Network

7.7 Exercises


CHAPTER 8  Model by Measurement

8.1 Objective

8.2 Adjusting the Model

8.2.1 Number of Segments

8.2.2 Tower Diameter

8.2.3 Segment and Radius Taper

8.2.4 Base Capacity

8.2.5 Drive Segment Radius

8.3 Exercise


CHAPTER 9  Top-Loaded and Skirted Towers

9.1 General Considerations

9.2 Top Loading

9.2.1 Estimating the Size of the Top Hat

9.2.2 Determining the Degree of Top Loading

9.3 Skirted Towers

9.4 Folded Monopole

9.5 Exercises


CHAPTER 10  System Bandwidth Analysis

10.1 Introduction

10.2 System Definition

10.2.1 Tower Models

10.2.2 Tower Base Drive Voltages

10.3 Bandwidth Analysis

10.3.1 Source Impedance of the Drive Voltage

10.3.2 Intermediate Data

10.3.3 Total System Bandwidth Data

10.4 Bandwidth Conclusions


CHAPTER 11  Case Studies

11.1 Comparative Data

11.2 Case Study 1: Three-Tower Array

11.2.1 Array Description: Three-Tower Array

11.2.2 Self-Impedance: Three-Tower Array

11.2.3 Antenna Monitor Reading: Three-Tower Array

11.2.4 Array Data: Three-Tower Array

11.2.5 Discussion: Three-Tower Array

11.2.6 NEC-2 Input File: Three-Tower Array

11.3 Case Study 2: Six-Tower Array, Day Pattern

11.3.1 Array Description: Six-Tower Array, Day Pattern

11.3.2 Self-impedance: Six-Tower Array, Day Pattern

11.3.3 Antenna Monitor Reading: Six-Tower Array, Day Pattern

11.3.4 Array Data: Six-Tower Array, Day Pattern

11.3.5 Discussion: Six-Tower Array, Day Pattern

11.3.6 NEC-2 Input File

11.4 Case Study 3: Six-Tower Array, Night Pattern

11.4.1 Array Description: Six-Tower Array, Night Pattern

11.4.2 Self-Impedance: Six-Tower Array, Night Pattern

11.4.3 Antenna Monitor Readings: Six-Tower Array, Night Pattern

11.4.4 Array Data: Six-Tower Array, Night Pattern

11.4.5 Discussion: Six-Tower Array, Night Pattern

11.4.6 NEC-2 Input File: Six-Tower Array, Night Pattern

11.5 Case Study 4: Tall-Tower Array

11.5.1 Array Description: Tall Towers

11.5.2 Self-Impedance: Tall Towers

11.5.3 Antenna Monitor Reading: Tall Towers

11.5.4 Array Data: Tall Towers

11.5.5 Discussion: Tall Towers

11.5.6 NEC-2 Input File: Tall Towers


CHAPTER 12  Supplemental Topics

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Parallel Feeds: Network Combiners

12.3 New Structures: The NX Command

12.4 Numerical Green's Function

12.5 Ground Screens

12.5.1 The GN Command

12.5.2 The GR Command

12.6 Finite Ground

12.6.1 Reflection Coefficient Approximation

12.6.2 Sommerfeld/Norton Analysis


APPENDIX A NEC-2 Input File Statements

1.0 Comment Commands (CM, CE)

2.0 Structure Geometry Commands

3.0 Program Control Commands


APPENDIX B Error Messages



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Disk Content

1.3 Essential Software

2.1 Software Installation

3.1 User Manual

3.1.1 bnec.exe


3.3 NecDrv2.EXE



4.1 Software Support



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