

1xx, HTTP status code, 275

2xx, HTTP status code, 275

3xx, HTTP status code, 275

4xx, HTTP status code, 275

5xx, HTTP status code, 275

200 -OK, HTTP status code, 68

201 -Created, HTTP status code, 69

202 -Accepted, HTTP status code, 69

304- Not Modified, HTTP status code, 69, 164–165

400 errors, 72, 118

401 Unauthorized error response, 72

404 Not Found error response, 72

405 Method Not Allowed error response, 72

406 Not Acceptable error response, 72

409 Conflict error response, 72


Accept headers

406 Not Acceptable error response and, 72

defining routes for service with Rails 3, 90

using for versioning, 65–66

access authorization screen, OAuth, 248

access key ID, AWS, 182, 192

access token, OAuth

consuming data from external services, 251–252

implementing, 249

pushing data into external service, 253–254

ActiveModel library

overview of, 132

serialization, 134–136

validations, 132–134

ActiveSupport library, 134–136

activity model, Rails social feed reader, 48–49

activity streams, Rails social feed reader features, 46

addressability, URIs and, 266


creating subscription activities with, 51

initiating tasks or callbacks, 238

Memcached time-based expiration, 160

after_save callback, 238

after_validation callback, 238


achieving with REST. See REST (Representational State Transfer)

defined, 39

of service-oriented design, 36–37

SOA increasing organizational, 28

AJAX widget, 254

algorithms, load balancing, 148–152

Amazon Web Services. See AWS (Amazon Web Services)

AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)

client library, 224–227

defined, 217

RabbitMQ and. See RabbitMQ and AMQP

AMQP.start, AMQP client, 225

Apache Commons HTTPClient library, 117

Apache web server

SSL encryption for, 210

URI length limit in, 82

API (application programming interfaces). See also service and API design

data is, in messaging systems, 234–236

design guidelines, 85–86

designing multi-get requests, 81–82

designing service interface, 82–85

overview of, 79–81

architectural constraints, REST as set of, 263–264

architectural elements, REST, 265

architectural views, REST, 265

asterisk (*) wildcard operator, AMQP topic exchanges, 220–223

asynchronous communications

messaging creating more robust, 215

in RabbitMQ with EventMachine, 224

synchronous vs., 216–217

using queues for messaging in, 217

asynchronous I/O, 108–109

asynchronous writes

field value checking and, 232

overview of, 227–230

Atom feeds, 50, 239

atomic APIs, 75–76

attributes method, ActiveModel serialization, 134

attributes= method, ActiveModel serialization, 134–136


defined, 185

HTTP, 186–187

and message signing, 187

and message signing, public/private key pairs, 192–196

and message signing, shared secrets with HMAC, 187–192

and message signing, what to sign, 197

OAuth for. See OAuth

overview of, 185–186

for Rails applications, 199–200

SSL certificates for, 198–199

Authlogic, 10


defined, 185

firewalls, 201–203

overview of, 201

RBAC, 203–209


CAP theorem and, 231

eventual consistency and, 231–232

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

access key ID/secret authorization, 192

development of, 28

parsing XML with EC2 Query API, 168–174

service-oriented design of, 27–28

SOAP requests, 180–184

WSDL in, 178–180


backend processes, and load balancing least-connections, 150–151

overview of, 148

round-robin, 149–150

URI-based, 151–152

background processes

current Rails social feed reader setup, 46

with Delayed Job, 43–44

full Rails deployment with, 44–45

simple Rails deployment with, 41–43

before_save callback, 238

before_validation callback, 238

belongs_to relationships, Rails social feed reader

activity model, 48–49

comment model, 53

entry model, 51

follow model, 49–50

subscription model, 51

vote model, 52

BERT-RPC messaging standard, 216

bindings, AMQP

direct exchanges with, 219

exchanges copying messages to all queues with, 219

fanout exchanges with, 220

topic exchanges with, 220–223

using AMQP client, 225

blocking I/O, 107–109

browsers, URI length limits of, 82

Bundler, 124

Bunny client library, 226–227

business logic isolation, service-oriented design, 30–32


cacert.pem, SSL authentication, 198

cache constraint, REST design, 264

Cache-Control header, expiration-based caching, 162

Cache-Control: public, HTTP cache header, 69

cache hit ratios, 152

cache keys, generational, 160–161


with Bundler, 124

defined, 147, 155

expiration-based, 158–160, 162–163

headers for service APIs, 69

highest level joins and, 74–75

with HTTP. See HTTP caching

with Memcached. See Memcached

multi-get APIs and, 77

partitioning services on read/write frequencies, 62

call depth, 75

Callable interface, 116


overview of, 238

web hook. See web hooks

canonicalized_params, message signing, 197

CAP (consistency, availability, and partition tolerance) theorem, 230–234

capacity, 147–148

case study

conclusion, 58

converting to services, 54–58

typical Rails application, 41–45

case study, Rails social feed reader application, 45–54

activity model, 48–49

comment model, 53–54

current setup overview, 46

entry model, 51–52

features, 46

feed model, 50

follow model, 49–50

overview of, 45

subscription model, 51

user model, 47–48

vote model, 52–53

certificates, SSL. See SSL certificates

client libraries

AMQP client, 224–226

Apache Commons HTTPClient library, 117

Bunny client, 226–227

memcache-client, 156–158

parsing XML, 167

reactor, 108

working with SOAP in Ruby, 177

yajl-ruby. See yajl-ruby library

client libraries, developing for services

with ActiveModel, 132–136

with ActiveSupport, 134–136

connecting to services. See connection and request logic, client libraries

mock, stubs, and tests, 143–146

overview of, 123

packaging, 123–127

parsing logic, 127–131

summary review, 146

client library implementation

creating user, 21–22

defined, 18

destroying user, 24

finding user, 18–21

updating user, 22–23

verifying user, 24–26

client/server constraint, REST design, 264

client.rb file

implementing User.create, 22

implementing User.destroy, 24

implementing User.find, 20

implementing User.login, 25–26

implementing User.update, 23

client_spec.rb file

spec’ing User.create, 21–22

spec’ing User.find, 19–20

spec’ing User.login, 25

spec’ing User.update, 23

CloudFront, Amazon Web Services, 28

code base, developing Rails in single, 41

code-on-demand constraint, REST design, 264

code, scalability of service-oriented design and, 36

comment model, 53–54


activity model, 49

features of, 46

partitioning on logical function, 62

reuse of services for, 38

successful response bodies for, 70–71

URIs and interface design, 67

user model, 48

components, as REST architectural elements, 265 file

accessing RBAC with Rack adapter, 208–209

implementing Rack: :Throttle, 260–261

Sinatra directory structure, 95–96

user service implementation, 5

confirmation page, OAuth consumer registration, 247

CONNECT method, 268

connecting to services, 107–121

blocking I/O, threading and parallelism, 107–109

client libraries, 136–143

handling error conditions, 118–119

with JRuby, 115–117

logging for performance, 117–118

with multi-threaded requests, 113–115

overview of, 107

requests in development environments, 121

summary review, 121

testing and mocking service calls, 119–120

with Typhoeus, 109–113

connection and request logic, client libraries

overview of, 136

performing data reads, 136–142

performing data writes, 142–143

connector view, REST, 265

connectors, RESTful web services design, 265


CAP theorem and, 231

designing around eventual, 232–234

eventual, 231–232

constraints, architectural. See REST (Representational State Transfer)

consumers, AMQP

AMQP client library, 224–226

Bunny client library, 227

function of, 218

message acknowledgements, 224

pushing messages to, 224

saving persistent messages until pushed off to, 223

consumers, OAuth, 246–249

consuming data, from external services, 251–252

continuous integration servers, web hooks utilized by, 240–241


breaking up into services, 55–58

current setup, 46

implementing services with Rails, 90–95

partitioning on logical function, 62

quick iterations and, 60

counter caches

comment model, Rails social feed reader, 52–53

customizing in Rack: :Throttle, 260–261

vote model, Rails social feed reader using, 52–53


encryption preventing attack on, 213

implementing HTTP authentication, 186–187

implementing user verification, 17

Twitter OAuth consumer application, 247

verification of user, 16–17, 24–25

CRUD (create, update, delete) operations service requirements, 2

URIs and interface design, 67

cryptographic hashes, for signed messages, 187

CSS selectors, Nokogiri support for, 174–177

Curb library, 107

curl commands, implementing RBAC, 209


data elements, RESTful architecture, 265

data models. See models

data reads, performing

developing client libraries, 136–142

routing through messaging system, 227

data stores, using write exchange, 228

data view, REST, 265

data writes, performing

in eventually consistent system, 231–234

service client libraries and, 142–143

through RESTful HTTP services, 227–230

database server

shared system isolation and, 32

simple Rails deployment, 41–42

Delayed Job, 42–44

DELETE method

client library implementation, 24

as idempotent action, 245

as idempotent method, 268–269

implementing HMAC signing, 189

RESTful services design utilizing, 271

single requests in Typhoeus, 111

in URIs and interface design, 67

user service implementation, 15–16

delete method, Sinatra, 16

denormalization, Rails social feed reader

activity model, 48–49

migrating model to, 87

minimizing joins with, 64

service-oriented design vs., 34–35

dependencies, managing with Bundler, 124

deployment, service-oriented design for, 36

desktop applications, authentication. See OAuth

destroying user, client library implementation, 24

development environments, requests in, 121

direct exchanges, RabbitMQ and AMQP, 218–220

directory structure

Rack, 100

service client libraries, 123–127

Sinatra, 95–96

Distributed Ruby (DRb), 216

down votes, Rails social feed reader, 52–53

DRb (Distributed Ruby), 216

durability, RabbitMQ and AMQP, 223


EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), AWS, 28

Edge side includes (ESI), 56–58

email notifications, Rails social feed reader, 46, 61


adding to underlying model over time, 88

parsing JSON in Ruby, 131


defined, 185

overview of, 209–210

public/private keys for, 210–213

SSL for, 210

entitystore, Rack-Cache gateway cache, 166

Entry class, ReadingList service, 141

entry model, Rails social feed reader, 51–52

env variable, Rack, 106

:environment task, implementing user service, 6

Ernie, messaging standard, 216

error responses

handling general data, 118–119

handling with PUT method, 15

implementing service with Rails controller code, 93–94

service API standards for, 72–73

ESI (Edge side includes), 56–58

ETag header, HTTP, 69, 163–165

EventMachine, 108, 224–226

eventual consistency, 231–234

exchanges, RabbitMQ and AMQP

direct exchanges, 218–220

durable, 223

fanout exchanges, 220

overview of, 218

topic exchanges, 220–223

Executors class, 116

expiration-based caching

Expires header, HTTP, 69

HTTP, 162–163

manual, with Memcached, 159–160

time-based, with Memcached, 158–159

exponential backoff, for callback receivers, 245

external interoperability, service-oriented design, 37

external services

authenticating with OAuth, 245–251

consuming data, 251–252

dealing with failure, 244–245

ensuring performance and reliability, 258–261

overview of, 237

pushing data, 253–254

request lifecycle, 254

summary review, 261

worker processes, 254–258

working with web hooks. See web hooks



load balancing ensuring, 148

request lifecycle of external services and, 254

round-robin load balancer providing, 149

FakeWeb, 120

fanout exchanges, RabbitMQ and AMQP, 220

feed-crawling system, Rails, 68

feed model, Rails, 50, 60

field operations, messaging systems, 234–236

field value checking, in eventually consistent system, 232

Fielding, Roy, 263–265, 270–271

FIFO (first-in, first-out) data structure, 217

files structure, service client libraries, 123–127

Firefox, URI length limit of, 82

firewalls, 201–203

first-in, first-out (FIFO) data structure, 217

follow model, Rails social feed reader, 49–50, 67


message, 217

for resources, as representations, 267–268

from_xml method, parsing XML, 172–173, 175–176

full isolation, service-oriented design, 32–33

Future class, 116–117


.gem files, 124, 127

gem install command

ActiveRecord, 3

building/deploying library with RubyGems, 127

JSON Ruby, 4

Typhoeus, 4

gemcutter gems, installing Jeweler, 125


creating with gemspec file, 124

creating with Jeweler, 124–125

parsing JSON in Ruby with JSON, 128–129

performing data reads, 136–142

reusing services with, 38

gemspec file, Jeweler, 124

Gem::Specification documentation page, 124


encryption with public/private key pairs, 211

public/private key pairs for RSA authentication, 193–194

generational cache keys, Memcached, 160–161

GET method

atomic APIs and, 76

HEAD method vs., 271

in HMAC signing, 189

as idempotent action, 245

as idempotent method, 268

multi-get APIs and, 76–77, 81–82

in Rails controller code, 94

in ReadingList service, 140

in requests in Typhoeus, 111–112

RESTful services design utilizing, 269

as safe method, 268

in URIs and interface design, 67–68

user service implementation, 6–11

git gems, Jeweler, 125

Github, 240–242

global interpreter lock (GIL), 109, 113

Google Gmail, 254


Handsoap library, 177

HAProxy load balancer, 153–155

hardware load balancers, 152–155

Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) signing, 180–184, 187–192

has_many relationships, Rail social feed reader

entry model, 51

feed model, 50

user model, 47

has_many: through relationship, user model, 47–48

HEAD method

as idempotent method, 245, 268

rare use of, 268

RESTful services design utilizing, 271

as safe method, 268

headers, HTTP, 271–274

highest level, joining at, 74–75

HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) signing, 180–184, 187–192

HMAC::SHA256 signer, 189

HmacSignature, 189–191

HOOK: INCOMING TRAFFIC, firewalls, 202

host object, data reads, 137–138

Hpricot, 174

.html file, sepcifying representations, 267

HTTP authentication, 186–187

HTTP-based services, 1–2

HTTP caching

expiration-based, 162–163

HTTP-based data reads, 227

implementing with Rack-Cache, 165–166

implementing with Squid and Varnish, 166

overview of, 162

validation-based, 163–165

HTTP headers, RESTful services design, 271–274

HTTP libraries

defined, 4

as message transport protocol in SOA, 215

service API standards for responses, 68–73

service interface design methods, 82–85

Typhoeus as preferred, 21

HTTP methods, RESTful services design, 268–271

HTTP requests

in development environments, 121

logging for performance, 117–118

multiple-threaded, 113–115

in parallel with JRuby, 115–117

services responding to, 1

Typhoeus simultaneous, 111–113

Typhoeus single, 109–111

HTTP status codes

RESTful services design, 274–275

service API standards for errors, 72, 93–94, 117–118

service API standards for successful responses, 68–69, 94

hybrid system, designing application as, 60–61

hydra class

defined, 137

logging for performance, 117–118

making single requests, 109–110

performing data reads, 137–139

pushing data into external service, 253–254


idempotent methods

defined, 245

overview of, 268–269

info routing key, AMQP direct exchanges, 220

integration servers, web hooks utilized by, 240–242

Integrity integration server, 240

interface design, and URIs, 66–68

internal interoperability, service-oriented design, 37

Internet Explorer, URI length limit of, 82


achieving with REST. See REST (Representational State Transfer)

service-oriented design and, 37, 39

invalid credentials, testing for, 17

invalidation, cache, 158–161

IP addresses, and firewalls, 201–203

iprange filter, firewalls, 202

iptables, firewalls, 201–202

iptables-restore command, firewalls, 203

iptables-save command, firewalls, 203


achieving with REST. See REST (Representational State Transfer)

business logic, 30–32

full, 32–33

service-oriented design and, 38

shared system, 32

testing in, 34

iteration speed, partitioning services on, 60–61


Jeweler, 123–126

jeweler-help command, 125

jgem command, 128–129


call depth issues, 75

at highest level, 74–75

overview of, 73

partitioning services by minimizing, 63–64

performing data reads, 137

storing references, 73–74

URIs and interface design, 67


connecting to services, 115–117

installing JSON gem on, 128

Nokogiri compatibility with, 174

running requests in parallel with, 115–117

using kernel-level threads, 109


ActiveModel serialization module for, 134–136

implementing service with Sinatra, 96–100

overview of, 3–4

parsing in request body, 94

parsing in Ruby. See parsing JSON in Ruby

parsing with yajl-ruby library, 94

serialization standard, 216

spec’ing POST user, 12

.json file, sepcifying representations, 267

JSON.parse call, 129


key/value stores, Memcached, 156



interoperability of service-oriented design, 37

specifying for representation of resources, 267–268

Last-Modified header, HTTP caching, 69, 163–165


caching increasing, 155

least-connections load balancer improving, 150

load balancing maintaining, 148

overview of, 147–148

layered system constraint, REST design, 264

least-connections load balancers, 150–151

least-recently used (LRU) eviction algorithm, 160–161

legacy services. See parsing XML, for legacy services

libcurl, 4, 109

libcurl-multi libraries, 4, 109

libraries. See client libraries

libxml library, installing Nokogiri, 174

LibXml-Ruby, 174

libxslt library, installing Nokogiri, 174

LimitRequestLine directive, Apache, 82

load balancing

defined, 147

implementing, 152–155

least-connections, 150–151

overview of, 148

round-robin, 149–150

URI-based, 151–152

lock service, enforcing uniqueness, 233


handling error conditions, 118

for performance, 117–118

using AMQP client, 225

logical function, partitioning on, 61–62

lower-level services, partitioning, 61–62

LRU (least-recently used) eviction algorithm, 160–161


man-in-the-middle attacks, preventing, 187, 209–210

manual expiration, Memcached, 159–160

mapping, Ruby objects with ActiveRecord, 3

Marshal module, memcache-client library, 157–158

memcache-client library, 156–158

Memcached, 155–161

deploying Rails with background processes, 44–45

generational cache keys, 160–161

manual expiration, 159–160

Memcached client and ActiveRecord, 156–158

overview of, 155–156

time-based expiration, 158–159

memory, caching objects in. See Memcached

message signing

authentication using, 187

public/private key pairs with RSA, 192–196

shared secrets with HMAC, 187–192

what to sign, 197

messaging, 215–236

benefits of signing, 185

CAP theorem and, 230–234

creating systems tolerant of usage spikes, 143

data as API, 234–236

formats, 217

moving outside request life cycle with, 243–244

queues, 217

RabbitMQ and AMQP. See RabbitMQ and AMQP

summary review, 236

synchronous vs. asynchronous, 216–217, 227–230

understanding, 215–216

metastore option, Rack-Cache, 166

methods, HTTP, 268–271

metrics, performance of services, 259–260

migration. See also Rails social feed reader application

agility of service-oriented design for, 36

creating user model with, 9–10

MIME types, indicating service versions, 65–66


service calls, 119–120

service client libraries, 143–146

model file, 9–10


breaking up into into services, 55–58

creating user model, 47–48

current setup, 46

implementing services with, 86–88

quick iterations and, 60

mod_ssl, SSL for encryption, 210

Mongrel, HAProxy with, 154–156


latency of services, 147

partitioning on logical function, 61

multi-get APIs, 75–77

multi-get requests, 81–82

multi-threaded requests, connecting to services, 113–115

multiple-model APIs, 77–78

multithreaded I/O, 107–109


named scopes, creating models, 86–87

naming conventions

creating gems with Jeweler, 125–126

specifying representation of requested resources, 267

URIs and, 266

native (kernel-level) threads

achieving parallelism, 108–109

thread pools for, 115

NeverBlock library, 108

next page functionality

creating pagination, 94

implementing services, 91–92, 97–98, 103–104

performing data reads, 140

Nginx web server

enabling SSL for encryption, 210

URI length limit of, 82

Nokogiri, 167

notifications, receiving, 228–230

notify exchange, messaging-based writes, 228–230



consuming data from external services, 251–252

implementing consumer, 246–249

implementing provider, 249–251

overview of, 245

object/relational mapper (ORM), 3

objects, JSON, 127–128

on_complete handler

logging for performance, 117–118

ReadingList service, 140–141

simultaneous requests in Typhoeus, 112–113

single requests in Typhoeus, 110

online references

ActiveModel built-in validators, 134

ActiveRecord, 3

Amazon EC2 Query API documentation, 168–170

Amazon’s Product Advertising API, 178

AMQP, 218

AMQP client, 224

Apache Commons HTTPClient library, 117

Bundler, 124

Bunny client library, 226–227

creating gem with gemspec file, 124

Delayed Job, 43

ESI (Edge side includes), 57

EventMachine, 224

Gem::Specification documentation page, 124

HTTP request headers, 273

Jeweler, 124–127

JSON, 4, 94

libcurl installation, Typhoeus, 109

libraries for working with SOAP, 177

messaging standards for Ruby, 216

mocking service calls, 120

performing data reads, 137

presenter pattern, 94

PubSubHubbub, 239

Rack: :Throttle, 260

reactor design pattern implementations, 108

receiving web hooks, 240

REST concept, 263

REXML, 170

Rspec, 4

ruby-hmac gem, 187

Ruby on Rails guide to security, 200

Sinatra, 3

Typhoeus, 4

vendor tree, 66

worker processes for servolux library, 254

WSDL file, 178

XPath, 170

yajl-ruby project, 129

openssl, public/private key pairs, 193

optimistic locking, for uniqueness, 233

optimistic systems, for transactions, 233

OPTIONS method

rare use of, 268

RESTful services design utilizing, 271

ORM (object/relational mapper), 3


packaging library

organizing structure of files and directories, 123–126

with RubyGems, 127

parallel request method, atomic APIs, 76


with asynchronous I/O, 108

for data read requests, 136

with JRuby, 115–117

with multiple-threaded requests, 113–115

with multithreaded I/O, 107–109

overview of, 107–108

with Typhoeus, 109

params hash

implementing GET user, 11

pushing data into external service, 253–254

parsing JSON in Ruby

with JSON gem, 128–129

overview of, 127–128

wrapping parsed results, 130–131

yajl-ruby library, 94, 129–130

parsing XML, for legacy services

summary review, 184

using Nokogiri, 174–177

using REXML, 170–174

writing classes using SOAP calls, 177–184

XML, 167–170

partition tolerance, 231–232

partitioning into separate services

on iteration speed, 60–61

on join frequency, 63–64

on logical function, 61–62

on read/write frequencies, 62–63

scalability of service-oriented design, 35

transactions using, 234


HTTP authentication, 186–187

user authentication, 185

user verification, 16–18

validating user model, 10

patterns, AMQP topic exchanges messages based on, 220–223


external services and, 254, 258–261

logging for, 117–118

multiple-threaded requests for, 113–115

persistency slowing, 223

RabbitMQ and AMQP, 223

Squid and Varnish benefits, 166

threaded I/O and, 109

typical Rails issues, 45

persistency, RabbitMQ and AMQP, 223

Phusion Passenger load balancer, 153

pings, PubSubHubbub, 239


RBAC, 203

reuse of services, 38

ports, restricting with firewalls, 202–203

POST body

encryption with public/private key pairs, 210–211

message signing, 197

POST method

designing service interface, 85

HMAC signing, 189

implementing service with multi-get interface, 81–82

pushing data into external service, 253–254

RESTful services design utilizing, 269

single requests in Typhoeus, 111

URIs and interface design, 67–68

user service implementation, 11–13

post-receive hooks, web hooks, 240–242

pound sign (#) wildcard operator, AMQP topic exchanges, 220–223

presenter pattern, 94

previous page functionality

creating pagination, 94

implementing services, 91–92, 97–98, 103–104

performing data reads, 140

process view, REST, 265

producer, AMQP, 219

profiles, Rails social feed reader, 46

The Programmable Web, 237

provider, implementing OAuth, 249–251

public-facing APIs, reusing services with, 38

public/private key pairs

for encryption, 210–212

generating with RSA, 192–196

PubSubHubbub, 239

pushing data, into external services, 224, 253–254

PUT method

designing service interface, 85

HMAC signing and, 189

as idempotent action, 245

as idempotent method, 268–269

implementing User.update, 23

RESTful services design utilizing, 269–271

single requests in Typhoeus, 111

URIs and interface design, 67

user service implementation, 13–15


query strings

authentication with, 195

encryption with, 210–213

signing, 197

signing requests using HMAC, 187, 190–191

querying user authentication, RBAC service, 204–206, 209


acknowledgement in AMQP-based, 245

basic metrics in, 259

messaging, 217

RabbitMQ and AMQP, 218, 223, 225

running multiple-threaded requests in, 114–115

segregating by service, 259

using worker processes, 254–258

quotas, monitoring external services, 260


RabbitMQ and AMQP

acknowledgement, 245

client libraries, 224–227

durability and persistence, 223–224

exchanges and bindings, 218–223

moving work outside request life cycle, 243–244

overview of, 217–218

queues in RabbitMQ, 218


HTTP authentication in, 186–187

implementing services with, 100–106

Rails and Sinatra built on top of, 79, 95

throttling in, 260

Rack adapter

implementing encryption, 212–213

implementing HMAC signing, 190–192

implementing RBAC, 206–209

Rack-Cache gateway cache, HTTP caching, 165–166

Rack: :Throttle, 260–261

Rack::SignatureValidator, 191–192

rackup file, Rack, 100–106

Rails applications

authentication for, 199–200

implementing service with, 79

implementing service with Sinatra vs., 100

Rails 2.3 routes, 88–89

Rails 3 routes, 89–90

Rails controller code, 90–95

typical, 41–45

Rails social feed reader application

activity model, 48–49

breaking up into services, 54–58

comment model, 53–54

current set up, 46

entry model, 51–52

features, 46

feed model, 50

follow model, 49–50

overview of, 45

segmenting into services, 54

service and API design. See service and API design

subscription model, 51

summary review, 58

user model, 47–48

vote model, 52–53


ActiveModel serialization, 135–136

ActiveModel validation, 132–134

data reads, 137

data writes, 142–143

simultaneous requests in Typhoeus, 113

RBAC authorization service

overview of, 203–206

Rack adapter, 206–209

reactor design pattern, 108

read/write frequencies, partitioning services on, 62–63

read_attribute_for_validation method, ActiveModel, 133

reading data

logic for, 136–142

from queue in RabbitMQ, 218

ReadingList service, 137–142

recording failures, 245

references, storing joined data, 73–74

registration, OAuth, 246

relationships, Rails social feed reader

comment model, 54

current setup, 46

entry model, 52

feed model, 50

subscription model, 51

user model, 47–48

vote model, 53

reliability, external services, 258–261

replay attacks, preventing, 189

replicated data, minimizing joins with, 64

representation headers, RESTful services design, 273

representations, REST and, 267–268

request class, 109–110, 116

request headers, RESTful services design, 272–273

request lifecycle, external services, 254, 258

request objects, ReadingList service, 142

request signing

authentication and, 187

public/private key pairs with RSA, 192–196

shared secrets with HMAC, 187–192

what to sign, 197

request token, OAuth, 248–249

Request wrapper, Rack, 106

requests, SOAP, 180–184

Resource class, RBAC, 204

resource-oriented architecture (ROA), 29


RBAC roles for, 203–206

REST and, 265–268

response bodies, 70–73

response codes, customizing in Rack: :Throttle, 262

response headers, RESTful services design, 274

response object, Typhoeus, 109–110

response time, 147–148

REST (Representational State Transfer)

service versions, 65

sessions as resources in, 17

SOA vs. service-oriented design vs., 28–29

this book focusing on services for, 2

using HTTP APIs for messaging, 215

REST (Representational State Transfer), understanding

architectural elements, 264–265

architectural views, 265

constraints, 264

HTTP headers, 271–274

HTTP methods, 268–271

HTTP status codes, 274–275

overview of, 263–264

and resources, 265–268

uniform interface of, 268

RESTful Web Services (Richardson and Ruby), 29

retry logic

designing callback receivers, 245

handling error conditions, 119

reuse, 38–39

Revactor library, 108

REXML, 167, 170–174

ROA (resource-oriented architecture), 29

robust architecture, service-oriented design, 34–35

robustness, 39

RoleBased class, RBAC, 204

roles, RBAC, 203–206

round-robin load balancers, 149–150

routers, exchanges vs., 218

routes, defining for services

Rails 2.3, 88–89

Rails 3, 89–90

Sinatra vs. Rails, 100

routes.rb, 88–90

routing keys, RabbitMQ and AMQP

defined, 218

in direct exchanges, 218–220

in fanout exchanges, 220

modifications to field operations, 235–236

in topic exchanges, 220–223

RSA algorithm, public/private key pairs with, 192–196

Rspec, testing library, 4

RSS feeds, 50, 239

rssCloud, 239

Ruby bindings to YAJL, 4

ruby-hmac gem, implementing HMAC, 187

Ruby tool set

ActiveRecord, 3

JSON, 3–4

Rspec, 4

Sinatra, 2–3

Typhoeus, 4


building/deploying library, 127

installing memcache-client library, 156–157

structuring library files/directories, 123–126

run call, Typhoeus, 110


safe methods, 268

save method, data writes, 142–143

Savon library, 177–178

Savon:Client object, SOAP requests, 183

Savon:Result object, SOAP requests, 182


achieving with REST. See REST (Representational State Transfer)

defined, 39

load balancing allowing, 148

Rails applications issues, 45

round-robin load balancer providing, 149

in service-oriented design, 35–36

searching, reusing services in, 38


authentication. See authentication

authorization. See authorization

encryption, 209–213

overview of, 185

password. See passwords

for SOAP requests, 180

segregating queues by service, 259


ActiveModel, 134–136

as goal of message formats, 216


XML as format for, 167

service and API design, 59–78

API complexity and, 75–78

handling error responses, 72–73

handling joins, 73–75

partitioning on iteration speed, 60–61

partitioning on join frequency, 63–64

partitioning on logical function, 61–62

partitioning on read/write frequencies, 62–63

successful responses, 68–71

summary review, 78

URIs and interface design, 66–68

versioning, 64–66

Service class, 96, 100

service library, 55–58

service-oriented architecture (SOA)

comparing with other design strategies, 28–29

HTTP in, 215

service-oriented design

agility, 36–37

case study. See case study

interoperability, 37

isolation, 30–34

making case for, 29–30

reuse, 38

robustness, 34–35

scalability, 35–36

SOA vs. RESTFUL architecture vs., 28–29

summary review, 38–39

understanding, 27

uses of, 27–28

service.rb file

implementing DELETE user, 15–16

implementing GET user, 10–11

implementing POST user, 12–13

implementing PUT user, 14–15

implementing service with Sinatra, 96–100

implementing user verification, 17–18

spec’ing User.destroy, 24

spec’ing User.find, 18–20 file, 100


breaking up Rails application into, 54–58

requirements, 2

Ruby tool set, 2–4

segmenting Rails application into, 54

understanding, 1–2

services, implementing

API design guidelines, 85–86

creating data models, 86–88

creating full Rails application, 88–95

multi-get interface, 81–82

summary review, 106

using raw Rack interface, 100–106

using Sinatra interface, 95–100

vote interface, 82–85

vote service. See vote service

service_spec.rb file

spec’ing DELETE user, 15

spec’ing GET user, 6–9

spec’ing POST user, 12

spec’ing PUT user, 13

spec’ing user verification, 16

servolux library, worker processes, 254–258

shared key value store, partitioning, 61–62

shared messaging system, partitioning, 61–62

shared secret key, SOAP requests, 182

shared secrets, HMAC signing, 187–192

shared system isolation, service-oriented design, 32–33

SIGHUP, worker processes, 257–258

signature class, creating HMAC, 188–189

signature_is_valid? HMAC signing, 190

SIGTERM, worker processes, 257–258

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Web Services, 28, 62

Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Web Services, 28, 62

SimpleDB, AWS, 28

simultaneous HTTP requests, Typhoeus, 111–113


defined, 79, 95

handling RBAC service users/roles, 205–206

implementing services with, 95–100

overview of, 2–3

single HTTP requests, Typhoeus, 109–111

single-table inheritance (STI), 49, 52

SOA (service-oriented architecture)

comparing with other design strategies, 28–29

HTTP in, 215

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

making requests, 180–184

as messaging format, 215–216

overview of, 177

with WSDL file, 177–180

soap4r library, 177

social feed reader case study. See Rails social feed reader application

software load balancers, 152–155

specs, user service implementation

DELETE user, 15

GET user, 6–9

POST user, 12

PUT user, 13–14

User.destroy, 24

User.login, 25

verification, 16–17

SQS (Simple Queue Service), Amazon Web Services, 28, 62

Squid gateway cache, 166

SR/AW (synchronous reads, asynchronous writes)

field value checking and, 232

HTTP-based reads, 227

messaging-based writes, 227–230

understanding, 227

and value uniqueness, 233

SSL certificates

authentication with, 198–200

encryption with, 210

using basic HTTP authentication with, 187

stateless constraint, REST design, 264

status codes. See HTTP status codes

status update, Twitter, 253–254

STI (single-table inheritance), 49, 52

storage service

feed entry, 60–61

requirements, 2

strings, Memcached storing types other than, 157–158

stubbing, service client libraries, 143–146

subscribe blocks, consumers for Bunny client library, 227


activity model, 48–49

queues in RabbitMQ, 218, 225

Rails social feed reader, 49, 51

synchronous reads, asynchronous writes and, 229

user model, 47

successful responses, service API standards, 68–71

synchronous communications, 216–217

synchronous reads, asynchronous writes. See SR/AW (synchronous reads, asynchronous writes)


tagging systems, reusing services, 38

TCP requests, firewalls, 202

team size

Rails applications issues, 45

scalability of service-oriented design, 36


GET user, 8–9

in isolation, 34

Rails applications, 41

Rspec as preferred library for, 4

service calls, 119–120

service client libraries, 143–146

Thin, HAProxy with, 154

thread pools, 114–117


achieving parallelism with, 108–109

running multiple-threaded requests, 113–115

throttling, monitoring external services, 260

throughput, 147–148

time-based expiration-based caching, Memcached, 158–159, 160

time sensitivity, request lifecycle of external services, 254

time value

HMAC signing in Rack, 191

preventing replay attacks, 189

timestamp_and_signature method, HMAC signing, 182


OAuth provider, 249–251

OAuth requests, 248–249

topic exchange, RabbitMQ and AMQP, 220–223, 228

topics, PubSubHubbub, 239

TRACE method, 268

transactions, in eventually consistent system, 233–234

tweet, pushing data into Twitter, 253–254

TweetSender module, 256–257


consuming data, 251–252

open access of, 251

pushing data into, 253–254

request lifecycle, 254

using OAuth authentication, 245–251

worker processes, 254–258


defined, 109

HTTP authentication, 186

as HTTP library, 4

logging for performance, 117–118

making simultaneous requests, 111–113

making single requests, 109–111

mocking service calls, 119–120

using re-try logic, 118–119


Unicorn load balancer, 153–155

uniform interface constraint

HTTP headers, 271–274

HTTP methods, 268–271

HTTP status codes, 274–275

in REST design, 264

uniqueness, eventually consistent systems, 232–233

up votes, Rails social feed reader, 52–53

updates, user

agility of service-oriented design for, 36

client library implementation, 23

PUT method for, 13–15

updating service versions, 64–65

URI-based load balancers, 151–152

URIs (uniform resource identifiers)

defining for Sinatra, 100

GET limitation on length of, 82

handling joins, 73–74

interface design and, 66–68

ReadingList service, 140

REST and, 266

service design implementation, 80–81

service interface design, 82–85

service version indicated in, 64–65

specifying representation of requested resources, 267

spec’ing user verification, 17

successful response bodies and, 70


messaging, 215

RBAC service implementation, 205

user authentication

HTTP, 186–187

messaging signing for, 185

overview of, 185

for Rails, 199–200

request signing for, 187

reuse of services for, 38

User class, RBAC, 204

user-level threads, 108–109, 113

user login verification, 2

user model

creating, 9–10

Rails social feed reader, 47–48

user name

HTTP authentication, 186–187

implementing user verification, 17–18

as simplest form of user authentication, 185

spec’ing user verification, 16–17

user profiles, 46

user-service directory, 5, 10–11

user service implementation

for authentication, 199–200

deleting user, 15–16

overview of, 5–6

POSTing user, 11–13

PUTing user, 13–15

using GET, 6–11

verifying user, 16–18

User.create, 21–22

User.destroy, 24

User.find, 18–21

User.login, 25–26

user.notify exchange, 229–230


client library implementation. See client library implementation

creating/authorizing roles for, 203–206

/users/:name/authorization, 205

User.update, 23

user.write exchange, 229–230

UUIDs, multi-get, 82


valid credentials, testing for, 17

validates_acceptance_of, ActiveModel, 133

validates_confirmation_of, ActiveModel, 133

validates_exclusion_of, ActiveModel, 134

validates_format_of, ActiveModel, 134

validates_inclusion_of, ActiveModel, 134

validates_length_of, ActiveModel, 134

validates_numericality_of, ActiveModel, 134

validates_presence_of, ActiveModel, 134

validates_uniqueness_of, 134

validates_with, ActiveModel, 134

validation. See also authentication

ActiveModel, 132–134

creating model, 86–87

creating user model, 10

HTTP caching based on, 163–164

not occuring in client library, 22

with Rails controller code, 93

verifying user credentials, 24–26

Validations module, ActiveModel, 132–134

value uniqueness, eventually consistent systems, 232–233

Varnish gateway cache, 166

vendor tree, defining application MIME types, 66

vendors, interoperability of service-oriented design, 37

verification, user

client library implementation, 25–26

user service implementation, 16–18

versioning services

agility and, 37

overview of, 64–65

version.rb file, Jeweler, 126


breaking up into services, 55–58

current setup, 46

partitioning on logical function, 62

quick iterations and, 60

REST architectural, 265

Vogels, Werner, 27–28

vote model, Rails social feed reader, 52–53

vote service

API design guidelines, 85–86

creating data models, 86–88

multi-get interface, 81–82

overview of, 79–81

with Rack, 100–106

with Rails, 88–95

with Sinatra, 95–100

summary review, 106

vote interface, 82–85


activity model, 49

features, 46

partitioning services on read/write frequencies, 63

vote model, Rails social feed reader, 52–53

VotesService class, 105–106


web hooks

overview of, 237

providing, 242–244

PubSubHubbub, 239

receiving, 240–242

strategies for dealing with failure, 244–245

summary review, 261

understanding, 238–239

web server

full Rails deployment with, 43–45

simple Rails deployment with, 41–43

Web Services Description Language. See WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

WebhookCallback model, 243–244

wildcards, for AMQP topic exchanges, 220–223

worker processes, external services, 254–258

WorkerPool module, 255–258

wrapping parsed results, JSON, 130–131

write exchange

and field value checking, 232

with minimal writes, 236

overview of, 228–230


classes that make SOAP calls. See SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

classes to parse service responses. See parsing XML, for legacy services

messaging-based writes, 228–230

partitioning services on read/write frequencies, 62–63

performing data writes, 142–143

WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

constructing requests without, 183–184

exploring web services, 177–180

making requests, 180–182

WSSE (WS-Security), SOAP requests, 180


X-Auth-Sig header

HMAC signing, 189

using public/private key pairs, 194

X-Auth-User header

HMAC signing, 190

using public/private key pairs, 194


implementing web services. See SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

parsing. See parsing XML, for legacy services

.xml file, sepcifying representations, 267


defined, 170

REXML full support for, 170


yajl-ruby library, 94, 129–130

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