3Italy 214

3UK 5, 69, 214, 249

22 Cans 225n

24 (TV show) 155

AAA projects 10, 11, 16n, 285

AB test 172, 177 – 8, 183n, 199 – 200

Adshel 263

advertising 173, 177, 182n, 260, 279n

APIs 261 – 2

frequency 263

measuring success 263

opt-in 262

outdoor 263

paid, cross-promotion, incentivized 260 – 1

partners 261 – 2

placing 262

reach/repeatability 263, 279n

standards of 262 – 3

turning off 275 – 6

see also marketing

agile approach 216, 218, 226n

AIDA (awareness, interest, desire, action) model 234 – 5

Aitcheson, Alistair 123, 128n

Amazon 223

Android 6, 111n, 221, 252

Angry Birds 104, 155, 263

app name 104, 111n

Appflood 260

Apple 3 – 4, 170, 181, 252

Applifier 141, 163n, 173, 177, 180, 260

apps 4, 5

AppStore 3 – 4, 104, 252

Arkanoid 105 – 6, 111n

Assassin’s Creed 153

asynchronous games 123, 124, 135

Atari 105

Azure 223

Bad Piggies 160

Barnson, Jay 128n

Bartle, Richard 32, 34n, 35, 56n, 108, 112n, 134, 172

Battleships 142

Bejeweled 26

Big Point Droid X 5, 15n

BlackBerry 85, 157

blind man and elephant story 55, 56n

blogs, bloggers 33n, 128n, 180, 181, 182n, 266

board games 43, 46, 118

BOGOF retailing 270

Boku 252

Bond moments 152 – 3, 154, 234

Boss Alien/Natural Motion 109

box-products 3, 10

brand building 154 – 5

Breakout 111n

Brian Lara Cricket 163n

Brick Breaker 105

Brislin, Simon 56n

British Telecom 65, 71n, 94n, 134

Buyer Behavior Curve 238, 239

buying products 265

AIDA model 234 – 5

and buyer remorse 237 – 8, 239, 240, 253n

charging upfront 242 – 3

and customer satisfaction 244

decision-making 237

and decision-making 249, 254n

demos 240 – 1

don’t nag/give reasons to act 244 – 5

engaging players 241

ethical principles 252 – 3

freemium model 243 – 4

and gateway good 250

influence of competition 247

maximizing utility 239 – 40

motivations 236 – 7

premium positives 242

premium problems 241 – 2

pricing strategy 247 – 50, 251 – 2

psychological principles 245, 250, 252 – 3

puppy-dog sale 246

social elements 239

tricking buyers 245 – 6

wants/needs dichotomy 235

Caillois, Roger

Definition of Play 30

Man, Play and Games 33n

Call of Duty 135, 142, 219

Candy Crush Saga 12, 51, 91, 94n, 104, 134, 156, 172, 270

card games 46 – 7, 272

Casual Connect Hamburg 2012 15n, 16n

Casual Connect Magazine 145n

Catron, Jesse 128n

Chartboost 177, 260

Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) 163n

chess 26, 44, 128n

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 278, 279n

churning 69 – 70, 86, 190 – 1, 202n

Clash of Clans 12, 127, 128n, 143, 268

clue objects 87

Cocos 214

Codemasters 163n

cognitive bias 94n

collectables 272 – 3

Columbo twist 160 – 1, 164n, 165 – 7, 234

computer games, gamers 30 – 1, 47, 89

consoles, console games 7, 135

consumables 268 – 9

context loop 51 – 4, 72 – 6, 91 – 2

Cook, Tim 4

Core Design 163n

core vision 208

Costikyan, Greg 27, 34n

Uncertainty in Games 30, 128n

CounterStrike 89, 94n, 134, 143, 144n

CPA (cost per action/acquisition) advertising 260, 279n

CPM (cost per mile) advertising 260, 279n

CrackBerry 85, 157

Csikszentmihályi, Mihály 102, 111n, 119

CSR Racing 51, 245

culture 122 – 3, 183n

Curiosity 225n – 6n

Curran, N. 254n

The Curse of Monkey Island 30

Dallas (TV show) 155

Dark Orbit (Big Point) 5


AB testing 199 – 200

background 190

capturing 113 – 15, 201 – 2

connected player problems 198 – 9

and data protection 196 – 7

expanding possibilities 199

finding missing data 191 – 2

and funnel analysis 192 – 3, 202n

and hazard analysis 194 – 6, 202n

importance of metrics/statistics 191

looking for trends 192

making inferences 197

mapping out 197 – 8, 202n

non-connected players 198

relevant 193 – 4

terminology 190 – 1

testing as a process 200 – 1

tracking players by ’days since download’ 193

see also surveys


and allocation of actions 93n

and ambiguity 120 – 1

buyers 249, 254n

and complexity level 249

emotional 65, 88

and game design 42

and games of progression 45

and loss aversion 49, 56n

and pattern-making 44

and probability 26, 119

soft variables 121

Demon Souls 120

demos 240 – 1

Deus Ex 44

A Developers’ Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse 15n

development team 217 – 18

device overlap 9 – 10

dice-based games 43

Digital Chocolate 135

digital distribution see marketing

Disney 263

Distimo 241 – 2, 253n

distributed denial of service (DDOS) 221

Doctor Who (TV show) 155 – 6

Dove brand 63

download services 261

downloadable content (DLC) 9

Duffy, Colin 71n

Dungeons & Dragons 11, 30

durable goods 270 – 1, 272

EA 12, 16n, 32, 156

Earl, Nick 12

Easter Eggs technique 124 – 5

EC2 223

Eidos 163n

emergent behavior 121, 125


and emotional engagement 245 – 6

Hot Cold Empathy 245 – 6, 254n

and loss aversion 246, 254n

puppy-dog sale 246

end-to-end testing 219, 221

engagement-led design 152

Blackberry twitch 157

Bond opening 152 – 3, 162

brand building 154 – 5

Columbo twist 160 – 1, 162

core experience 153 – 4

core values 154

Flash Gordon cliffhanger 155 – 6, 162

long term story arch 156 – 7

meaningful moments 159 – 60

never seen Star Wars model 158 – 9

opening experience 153

real-life interruptions 157 – 8

so-what question 162

understanding social consequences 159

ethics 252 – 3, 278 – 9

Everyplay 141, 160, 180


Bond opening 113 – 15

Columbo twist 165 – 7

concept creation 17 – 22

context loop 72 – 6

data capture 227 – 30

encouraging discovery through design 203 – 5

Flash Gordon cliffhanger 129 – 31

game mechanics 57 – 9

games as social 184 – 6

metagame 95 – 8

Star Wars factor 146 – 8

who are your players? 35 – 9

writing use cases 256 – 7

Exponential Demand Curve 247, 248

Facebook 12, 31, 32, 86, 89, 106, 123, 134, 135, 139, 141, 160, 177, 260, 263

Facebook poke 135 – 6

familiarity 118

and balance 107 – 8

and building expectations 106 – 7

and contempt 103

and disruption 104

and lucre dissonance 107 – 8, 110

and mass-marketing 109

and player types 109

and reward behaviors 108 – 9

and risk of disruption 107

and social interaction 106

and time 104

and trust 102

Farm Town 106

FarmVille 12, 30, 32, 48 – 9, 86, 89, 106, 111n, 128n, 135

Faulkner, William 226n

feedback loops 121 – 2, 128n

Fieldrunners 270 – 1

Fiksu 263, 279n

Firemint 156

first-person shooter (FPS) game 45, 48, 94n, 264 – 5

Fishlabs 92

Flash Gordon cliffhanger 155 – 6, 158

Flurry 15n, 202n

foreshadowing 72, 83, 84, 106 – 7, 141, 153, 163n

Free App Charts 341 – 2

Free2Play (F2P) 5, 28, 170, 172, 182n

additions to 6 – 7

benefits 53

design as manipulative 82

dominance of 6

and fairness 267 – 8

importance of non-payers 67 – 8

symptom not cause 14

freemiums 3

benefits 243

challenges 14 – 15

devices 7, 9 – 10

difference with premiums 243 – 4

monetization in 107 – 8

ongoing experience 240

player experience 14

and price elasticity of demand 247 – 9

problems 7

revenue 10

social games 12

From Software 120

fun 26, 33

finding 102

Galaxy on Fire Alliances 92

Gamasutra article 94n

gambling games 29 – 30, 34n

game anatomy

conditions, challenges, methods 45 – 6

control systems 47

creating context 52, 54

games within games 52

gossip effect 53

hub and spoke 44

in-game reminders 28

interactive techniques 44

intrinsic/extrinsic rewards 49 – 50

metagame 54 – 5

pattern-matching 26, 27, 42 – 5

pull/push elements 53

reasons to return 53 – 4

repetition 46, 155

rules 27, 28, 159

story/narrative 51 – 3, 54

victory condition 27, 28

visual/artistic elements 47

game design 2

avoid punishing players 48 – 9

copying/borrowing 105

and data collection 190 – 202

engagement-led 152 – 63

indie-ism 13

monetization tool 110 – 11

old school 13

paper prototyping techniques 112n

persistent world aspect 54

player objectives 107

reborn vets 13

tough but interesting 15

visual aspects 47

Game Horizon 2013 15n, 123

Game Monetization Europe 2013 (London) 94n

game theory 127

game-loops 45 – 6


added-value 264

bones/muscles of 42, 153

different types/genres 42

doubt/uncertainty 30

farming for gold 29

as fun 26, 33

inside knowledge 30 – 1

lifetime value 62

material interest/profit 28 – 9

motivations 29 – 30, 32 – 3, 48, 49, 51

and musical forms 89

as play 27 – 8, 30, 32

playing lots of games 94n

psychology of 27

range of devices 176

social 31 – 2, 239

standing out from the crowd 104

success/failure 47 – 8

games of emergence 44, 44 – 5

Games Horizon 2012 183n

games of progression 45, 50 – 1

games as a service

conclusions 284 – 5

framework 2

rethinking 3

rise in 3

soul of 70, 71n, 152

successful 53 – 4

and whole player lifecycle 102

GamesBrief 15n

Gartner Hype Curve 238, 253n

gateway good 250 – 1, 254n

GDC 2012 Roundtables 267

GDC Europe 2012 15n

GDC Online 56n

Google Play 104, 181

GREE 160, 177, 182n

Greedt Bankers 128n

Greedt Bankers Against the World 128n

GTA 180

Harvest Moon 106

HayDay 89

hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) 194, 202n

establish control point monitoring requirements 195

establish corrective procedures 195

establish critical limits for each control point 195

establish record-keeping process 196

hazard analysis 194

identify critical control points 194 – 5

review process 195

Heavy Rain 44, 56n

Hierarchy of Games see Oscar’s �Hierarchy of Games

hierarchy of needs 93n

Hocking, Clint, Bioshock107

Homo Ludus 159

Hot Cold Empathy 245, 254n

hot-cold empathy gap 94n

HTTPS protocol 198 – 9, 202n

Huitzinga, Johann 27 – 8, 30, 33n, 159

Hutch Games 7

imbalanced economy 126 – 7

in-game currency 108, 273 – 5

In-N-Burger 120, 128n

Infinity Blade 275

Innogames 90

innovation 5 – 6

interdependence theory 137

and communication 139

and complacency 139

emotional aspects 138

measuring relationships 137

satisfaction with relationships 137 – 8

internet 10, 134

investment 225n

iOS 5 – 6, 111n, 221, 261, 275

iOS App Store 9

iPhone 3 – 4, 6

Jackson, Gina 16n

J.C. Penney 244 – 5, 254n

JetPack Joyride 92, 126

Juul, Jesper, The Art of Failure30, 33n

Kahneman, Daniel 56n

Karade Kid 234, 253n

Kasparov, Gary 128n

Keller, K.L., Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity70n

Kelly, Tadhg 266, 279n

King Com 91, 270

Kirakowski, J. 254n

Kobayashi Maru 266, 279n

Koster, Rafe 27

A Theory of Fun 26, 33n, 55n

Kyoryu 128n

Lee, Kun Chang 254

Lewis, E. St Elmo 253n

Loewenstein, George 254n

Lord of the Rings Bowling 179

Lord of the Rings Online 11

loss aversion 49, 56n, 246, 247, 254n

lucre-ludo-narrative dissonance 107 – 8

Ludo 43, 56n, 118

Ludo-narrative dissonance 107

Magic: The Gathering 43

Manning, Adrian 144n

Maple Story (2003) 5

marketing 109, 163n, 164n

4Ps 171, 182n

communication 170, 177, 178 – 80

designer/developer involvement/attitude 170, 182n

and digital distribution 170, 176

fifth P (ie people) 171 – 2

investors, publishers, trade bodies 181 – 2

knowing the players 172

place (ie location/type of device) 176 – 7

and PR (Public Relations) 178

press/media 180 – 1

price 175 – 6

process 171

promotion 177 – 8

sharers 173 – 4

surveys 173, 178

team players 174 – 5

trust 174

whale players 173

see also advertising

Maslow, A.H. 93n, 236 – 7

Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) 5, 11 – 12, 45, 135

gold-farming 29

Masters, Ian 276 – 7

Meridian 59 45

metagame 54 – 5, 95 – 8, 268

microncosole 5

Microsoft 223

minimum viable product (MVP) 208, 213 – 14, 219

Mobile 7, 12

mobile games 172

Molyneux, Peter 225n

monetization 107 – 8, 110, 175

and buying consumables 268 – 9

context 265 – 6

exercise 280 – 1

and fairness 267 – 8

in-game currency 273 – 5

metagames 268

mixed model 277

not using 265

picking an option 266

product challenges 264 – 5

and randomness 277

Monkey Island 87

Monopoly 43, 118

Moore, Geoffrey, Crossing the Chasm64, 70n – 1n, 225n

MPlayer 71n, 134

Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) 32, 34n, 112n, 134, 144n

MyFarm 106

NASA 194

Natural Motion 183n

Neopets (1999) 5

new product introduction 63, 70n

NewZoo Global Games Market Report 7, 16n

nich games 134, 135

online games 94n, 134, 142

open access 4, 5

operant conditioning 46, 56n, 82

Oscar’s Hierarchy of Games 236 – 7

Paid App Charts 242

Papaya Mobile 68

paradox of choices 253n

Park, Bong-Won 254

pattern-matching 26, 27

complexity/repeatability 44

dice-based or board games 43

human skills 42 – 3

random 43

rules 44 – 5

Pavlov, I.P. 82, 93n

Penny Arcade 56n

permadeath model 120

Pet Society 12, 16n, 32

Picasso, Pablo 111n

Pillsbury Company 194

pivoting 208 – 9

Plant Pot Games 276 – 7

Plants vs Zombies 92

Plants vs Zombies 2 51, 153

play, players 33n

as absorbing 27 – 8

achievers 32

casual gamers need permission 64 – 5

and data collection 190 – 202

emotional range 33

engagement 68, 174, 241

enjoyment of game 67

exercise 35 – 9

explorers 32

as fun 27, 33

gender similarities 65

hardcore gamers as visionaries 64

Huitzinga’s definition 28

importance of non-payers 67 – 8

as interaction 32

in isolation 30

killers/trolls 32 – 3

knowledge of 172 – 4

methods 46 – 7

multiple motivations 28 – 9

as non-static 109

with others 31 – 2

performance metric 110

player-directed 86, 93n

potential 174 – 5

process 65 – 6

punishing 48 – 9, 86

reasons to return 53 – 4

regular changes 69

repetition 45 – 6, 67

rewards 49 – 50

sharers 173 – 4

skill of player 119 – 20

socializers 32, 33

style of 47

success 66

updating content 69

whale players 68, 173

player lifecycle 102, 234

acquisition/retention 68, 69, 171

churning 69 – 70

discovery stage 65 – 6, 237, 241

early adopters 64

early majority 64 – 5

engagement stage 67 – 8, 141, 244

learning stage 66 – 7, 140, 237, 241

product lifecycle analogy 62 – 4

Playfish 16n, 31, 106, 112n, 135

PlayStation Home 5, 10, 56n, 123, 192

PlayStation Network 135, 181

poker strategy 26, 33n

Ponzi scheme 268

Portal 104

Porter, Michael E., How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy182n

Post, Jack 56n

premium market 6, 7, 10 – 11, 12

press/media 180 – 1


and advertising 260 – 1

counterproductive actions 244 – 5

ease of payment 252

and personal threshold 244, 253n – 4n

positive aspects 242

problems with premium (upfront payment) 241 – 2

rent or buy 249 – 50

and risk 249

setting 251

upfront/inside the game charges 242 – 3

and value 244, 254n

price elasticity of demand 247 – 9

PRINCE2.0 226n

probability 26, 119

product development 161

agile system 216 – 18, 226n

alpha/beta audience 212, 226n

and core vision 208 – 9

delivering on-going service 224 – 5

design document 215 – 16

end-to-end testing 221

and fear of failure 209

feedback 212

flexibility/range 224

frequency of changes 214 – 15, 226n

integration testing 221, 226n

and life after launch 213 – 14

and MVP 208, 212 – 14

and new product introduction 63, 70n

preparation 222

prioritising features 210 – 11

publishing as separate activity 220

releases without releases 222 – 3

releasing 221 – 2

reviewing process 219

scrum master 218 – 19

server development/roll-back 224

small teams/less specialists 214

taking a break/switching team roles 219 – 20

technical specification/test script 226n

testing the product 212 – 13

thick and thin clients 223

Triangle of Development 209 – 10

unit testing 220 – 1

viability 211 – 12

waterfall model 215 – 16, 226n

product lifecycle

chasm in 65 – 6

diffusion of innovation 64

player lifecycle comparison 63

product extensions 63, 161

stages 62

product owner 216 – 17, 226n

PS4 5

psychology 245, 250, 253n, 254n

puzzle games 45

QA testing 219, 220

Quake 89, 94n, 143

Quake II 134

Real Racing 3 12, 87, 156, 271

Real-Time Worlds 7

real-world concept 122, 144n

and culture 122 – 3

and physical presence 123

and social bonds 124

Reil, Torsten 183n

resource management games 45 – 6

Restaurant City 32

revenue generation

advertising 260 – 3, 275 – 6


collectables 272 – 3

consumables 268 – 9

durable goods 270 – 3

ethical considerations 278 – 9

levels and episodes 276 – 7

monetization/virtual goods 264 – 8, 273 – 5

and randomness 277

review meetings

sprint retrospective 219

sprint review 219


determining progress 50 – 1

diminishing effects 50

extrinsic 50

intrinsic 49 – 50

understanding behaviors 108 – 9

rhythm of play

compulsion to play 85 – 6

CrackBerry effect 84 – 5

early patterns 82 – 3

energy technique 85 – 6, 87, 157

first impressions 81 – 2

friction factor 86, 87m 110

game loops 83

habitual behavior of returnees 84

heartbeat 82

interruptions 83

making progress 83 – 4

metagames 93

mode of use 87 – 8, 108, 157

mood 87 – 8, 108, 157

notification system 90

pace 88 – 9, 94n

patience and context 90 – 2

and player subconscious 85

player’s journey 80 – 1

regularity not addiction 82

rewards and challenges 92 – 3

social aspects 89 – 90

time delay/friction 86

Ries, Eric, The Lean Startup209, 225n

RiotE 179

Rodeo 243

Rogers, Scott 27, 104

Level Up: The Guide to Great Video Game Design 33n

Rovio 160, 263

RPG games 123, 127, 254n

RuneScape (2001) 5, 15n, 34n

Ryan, Nick 56n

SCE Japan 120

schedules of reinforcement 46, 106, 112n, 284

Schriber, Ian 128n

scrum master 218 – 19

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 202n

Senet 43, 56n

server-based distribution 223

servers 223 – 4

service approach 12 – 13, 208, 224 – 5, 246

see also product development

Shades 144n

Sim Social 32

SimCity Social 32

Simpsons Tapped Out 12

Sina Weibo 160

Singstar 89

six degress of socialization 140

go head-to-head 142 – 3

I beat your score 141

I see you play 140 – 1

let’s collaborate 142

see me play 141

we are guild 143

Skinner, B.F. 46, 56n

Skinner Box 46, 56n, 70, 82, 112n

Slamjet Stadium 123

social games 12, 31 – 2, 89, 184 – 6

background 134 – 5

complexity of 138

defining relationships 137

effect of Facebook on social games 135 – 6

emotional drivers 138

engagement with audience 139

increase in audience 135

interdependence theory 137 – 9, 143

six degrees of socialization 140 – 3

social media 10, 12, 160, 170, 173

social pyramid 144

soft variables 121, 125 – 6

Soli, Daniel 128n

Sonic the Hedgehog 155

Sony Liverpool Studio 7

Sony London Studio 123

Space Invaders 27, 245, 254n

Standard Query Language (SQL) 199

Star Trek Online 11, 266

Star Wars: The Old Republic 11

Star Wars (films) 158 – 9, 160, 163n

Steam 135

Subway Surfers 172

Super Mario Bros 30

surveys 173 – 4, 182n, 200

see also data

Tablet 7, 12

Taito 105, 111n

TapJoy 261

Telltale Games 128n

Tetris 44, 56n

Time Entertainment 163n

Tomb Raider 51 – 2

tower defense games 121, 128n

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 202n

Triangle of Development 209 – 10

Triangle of Free to Play 267

Triangle of Weirdness 103, 104, 111n

Tribal Wars 90

Tribes 143

Trubshaw, 134

TV cliffhangers 155, 163n

Tversky, Amos 56n

Twitter 160

UK Office of Fair Trading 7

uncertainty 264

ambiguity 120 – 1

balanced with repeatability 118

and building social bonds 124

and complex systems 121 – 2

Easter Egg technique 124 – 5

emergent behavior technique 125 – 6

and imbalanced economies 126 – 7

and probability 119

real-world considerations 122 – 3

skill of player 119 – 20

sources of 118

taking a chance 118 – 19

Unified Modelling Language (UML) 202n

Unity 214

Unreal 134

Unreal Engine 214

US Army Labs 194

video-on-demand 71n

virtual goods 264

The Walking Dead 104, 120, 128n

Warhammer Quest 243

Warman, Peter 16n

Warren, Richard 71n

waterfall approach 215 – 16

web games 89 – 90

websites 2, 15 – 16, 33 – 4, 56, 93 – 4, 111 – 12, 128, 144 – 5, 163 – 4, 182 – 3, 202, 225 – 6, 253 – 4, 279

Well of Energy Crystals 271, 279n

whale players 68, 173

Wireplay 65, 71n, 94n, 134, 144n

withering concept 48 – 9, 86

Words with Friends 124

World Of Warcraft 11, 135, 143

WorldPay 252

Xbox Live 50, 123, 135

Xbox LiveArcade 10

Xbox One 5

Zelda 44

Zombie Lane 89

Zynga 31, 106, 111n, 135, 177, 182n

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