Fibre Functors

At this point, we introduce the fibre functor suggested by Deligne. The proof that it is in fact a fibre functor is given in the Appendix.

Theorem 3.1. (Deligne) Denoting by

j0 : Gm/kA1/k

the inclusion, the construction

M image H0(A1/k, j0!M)

is a fibre functor on the Tannakian category P.

For any Kummer sheaf Lχ on Gm/k, the operation M image MLχ is an autoequivalence of P with itself as Tannakian category. So we get the following corollary.

Corollary 3.2. For any Kummer sheaf Lχ on Gm/k, the construction

M image H0(A1/k, j0!(MLχ))

is a fibre functor !χ on the Tannakian category P.

Let us say that a Kummer sheaf Lχ on Gm/k is good for the object N of P if, denoting by j : Gm/kP1/k the inclusion, the canonical “forget supports” map is an isomorphism

Rj!(NLχ) ≅ Rj?(NLχ).

Lemma 3.3. Given a semisimple object N of P and a Kummer sheaf Lχ on Gm/k, the following conditions are equivalent.

(1) The Kummer sheaf Lχ is good for N.

(2) The natural “forget supports” and “restriction” maps

H0c(Gm/k, NLχ) → !χ(N) := H0(A1/k, j0!(NLχ))


!χ(N) := H0(A1/k, j0!(NLχ)) → H0(Gm/k, NLχ)

are both isomorphisms.

(3) The natural “forget supports” map is an isomorphism

H0c(Gm/k, NLχ) ≅ H0(Gm/k, NLχ).

Proof. We reduce immediately to the case when N is irreducible. If N is δt for some point tGm(k), then every χ is good for N, all three conditions trivially hold, and there is nothing to prove. Suppose now that N is G[1] for G an irreducible middle extension sheaf on Gm/k which is not a Kummer sheaf. Replacing N by NLχ, we reduce to the case when χ is the trivial character image. Then (1) is the statement that the inertia groups I(0) and I(∞) acting on G have neither nonzero invariants nor coinvariants, i.e., that GI(0) = H1(I(0), G) = 0 and GI(∞) = H1(I(∞), G) = 0. We factor j as j ◦ j0, where j0 is the inclusion of Gm into A1, and j is the inclusion of A1 into P1. We have a short exact sequence of sheaves

0 → j!G = j!j0!Gj?j0!GGI(∞)→ 0,

where GI(∞) is viewed as a punctual sheaf supported at ∞. We view this as a short exact sequence of perverse sheaves

0 → GI(∞)j!G[1] = j∞!j0!G[1] → j?j0!G[1] → 0.

Similarly, we have a short exact sequence of perverse sheaves

0 → j?j0!G[1] → Rj?j0!G[1] → H1(I(∞),G) → 0,

where now H1(I(∞), G) is viewed as a punctual sheaf supported at ∞. Taking their cohomology sequences on P1, we get short exact sequences

0 → GI(∞)H0c(Gm/k, G[1]) → H0(P1/k, j? j0!G[1]) → 0


0 → H0(P1 /k, j? j0!G[1]) → H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) → H1(I(∞), G) → 0.

Splicing these together, we get a four term exact sequence

0 → GI(∞)H0c(Gm/k, G[1]) → H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) → H1(I(∞), G) → 0.

A similar argument, starting with Rj?j0!G[1], gives a four term exact sequence

0 GI(∞)H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) → H0(Gm/k, G[1]) → H1(I(0), G) → 0.

These two four term exact sequences show the equivalence of (1) and (2). It is trivial that (2) implies (3). We now show that (3) implies (1).

Suppose (3) holds. Then the composition of the two maps

H0c (Gm/k,N) → H0(A1/k, j0!N) → H0(Gm/k, N)

is an isomorphism. Therefore the first map is injective, and this implies that GI(∞) = 0, which in turn implies that H1(I(∞), G) = 0 (since GI(∞) and H1(I(∞), G) have the same dimension). And the second map is surjective, which gives the vanishing of H1(I(0), G), and this vanishing in turn implies the vanishing of GI(0). image

As noted at the end of the last chapter, an irreducible object of P is just an irreducible perverse sheaf which lies in P, i.e., it is an irreducible perverse sheaf which is not a Kummer sheaf Lχ[1]. Similarly for the notion of a semisimple object of P; it is a direct sum of irreducible perverse sheaves, each of which lies in P (i.e., none of which is a Kummer sheaf Lχ[1]). Let us denote by Pss the full subcategory of P consisting of semisimple objects. This is a subcategory stable by middle convolution (because given two semisimple objects M and N in P, each is a completely reducible representation of the Tannakian group Ggeom,MN. This group is reductive, because it has a faithful completely reducible representation, namely MN. Then every representation of Ggeom,MN is completely reducible, in particular the one corresponding to M ?mid N, which is thus a semisimple object in P. For this category Pss, its inclusion into Perv is exact, and the Tannakian group Ggeom,N attached to every N in Pss is reductive.

We end this chapter by recording two general lemmas.

Lemma 3.4. For any perverse sheaf N on Gm/k, whether or not in P, the groups Hi(A1/k, j0!N) vanish for i ≠ 0, and

dim H0(A1/k, j0!N) = χ(Gm/k, N) = χc(Gm/k, N).

Proof. Every perverse sheaf on Gm/k is a successive extension of finitely many geometrically irreducible ones, so we reduce to the case when N is geometrically irreducible. If N is punctual, some δa, the assertion is obvious. If N is G[1] for an irreducible middle extension sheaf, then Hi(A1/k, j0!N) = Hi+1(A1/k, j0!G). The group H2(A1/k,j0!G) vanishes because an affine curve has cohomological dimension one, and the group H0(A1/k, j0!G) vanishes because G has no nonzero punctual sections on Gm. Once we have this vanishing, we have dim H0(A1/k, j0!N) = χ(A1/k, j0!N). Then χ(A1/k, j0!N) = χc(A1/k, j0!N) because χ = χc on a curve (and indeed quite generally, cf. [Lau-CC]). Tautologically we have χc(A1/k, j0!N) = χc(Gm/k, N), and again χc(Gm/k, N) = χ(Gm/k, N). image

Lemma 3.5. For any perverse sheaf N on Gm/k, whether or not in P, the groups Hic(Gm/k, N) vanish for i < 0 and for i > 1.

Proof. Using the long exact cohomology sequence, we reduce immediately to the case when N is irreducible. If N is punctual, the assertion is obvious. If N is a middle extension F[1], then F has no nonzero punctual sections, i.e., H–1c (Gm/k, F[1]) = H0c(Gm/k, F) = 0; the groups Hic(Gm/k, F[1]) = Hi+1c (Gm/k, F) with i ≤ –2 or i ≥ 2 vanish trivially. image

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