Frobenius Conjugacy Classes

Let G/k be a form of Gm, and N in Parith an object which is ι-pure of weight zero and arithmetically semisimple. If G/k is Gm/k, then we have the fibre functor on <N>arith given by

M images !(N) := H0(A1/k, j0!M),

on which Frobk operates. And for each finite extension field E/k and each character χ of G(E), we have the fibre functor !χ on <N>arith given by

!χ(M) := !(M ⊗Lχ),

on which FrobE operates. This action of FrobE on !χ gives us an element in the Tannakian group Garith,N,!x for <N>arith, and so a conjugacy class FrobE,χ in the reference Tannakian group Garith,N := Garith,N,!. By the definition of this conjugacy class, we have an identity of characteristic polynomials

det(1 – T FrobE,χ|!(N)) = det(1 – T FrobE|!χ(N)).

When G/k is the nonsplit form, then the definition of ! depends upon a choice, and so in general only Frobk2 acts on it. For a finite extension field E/k and a character χ of G(E), we have the fibre functor !χ on <N>arith given by

!χ(M) := !(M ⊗Lχ),

but we have FrobE acting on it only if either deg(E/k) is even (in which case G/E is Gm/E) or if χ is good for N, in which case !χ is the fibre functor

M images H0c(G/k, M ⊗Lχ),

on which FrobE acts. So we get conjugacy classes FrobE,χ in the reference Tannakian group Garith,N when either χ is good for N or when E/k has even degree. And again here we have an identity of characteristic polynomials

det(1 – T FrobE,χ|!(N)) = det(1 – TFrobE|!χ(N)).

In either the split or nonsplit case, when χ is good for N, the conjugacy class FrobE,χ has unitary eigenvalues in every representation of the reductive group Garith,N. Now fix a maximal compact subgroup K of the complex reductive group Garith,N (C). As explained in the introduction, the semisimple part (in the sense of Jordan decomposition) of FrobE,χ gives rise to a well-defined conjugacy class θE,χ in K.

As we will see later when we try to compute examples, the Frobenius conjugacy classes FrobE,χ in Garith,N attached to χ’s which are not good for N will also play a key role, providing a substitute for local monodromy. But for the time being we focus on the classes θE,χ in K.

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