Group-Theoretic Facts about Ggeom and Garith

Theorem 6.1. Suppose N in Parith is geometrically semisimple. Then Ggeom,N is a normal subgroup of Garith,N.

Proof. Because N is geometrically semisimple, the group Ggeom,N is reductive, so it is the fixer of its invariants in all finite dimensional representations of the ambient Garith,N. By noetherianity, there is a finite list of representations of Garith,N such that Ggeom,N is the fixer of its invariants in these representations. Taking the direct sum of these representations, we get a single representation of Garith,N such that Ggeom,N is the fixer of its invariants in that single representation. This representation corresponds to an object M in <N>arith, and a Ggeom,N- invariant in that representation corresponds to a δ1 sitting inside Mgeom. So the entire space of Ggeom,N-invariants corresponds to the subobject Homgeom1, M)⊗δ1 of M. [This is an arithmetic subobject, of the form (a Gal(k/k)-representation)⊗δ1.] Thus the space of Ggeom,N -invariants is Garith,N -stable (because it corresponds to an arithmetic subobject of M). But the fixer of any Garith,N -stable subspace in any representation of Garith,N is a normal subgroup of Garith,N.images

Theorem 6.2. Suppose that N in Parith is arithmetically semisimple and pure of weight zero (i.e., ι-pure of weight zero for every ι). If Garith,N is finite, then N is punctual. Indeed, if every Frobenius conjugacy class FrobE,χ in Garith,N is quasiunipotent (:= all eigenvalues are roots of unity), then N is punctual.

Proof. We argue by contradiction. If N is not punctual, it has a non-punctual irreducible constituent. The Garith of this constituent is a quotient of Garith,N which inherits the quasiunipotence property. So we reduce to the case when N is G[1] for an (arithmetically irreducible, but we will not use this) middle extension sheaf G which is pure of weight –1. As every FrobE,χ is quasiunipotent, in particular it has unitary eigenvalues, so every fibre functor !χ is pure of weight zero, and hence every χ is good for N, and its fibre functor is just

!χ(M) ≅ H0c(G/k, M ⊗Lχ).

On some dense open set U ⊂ G, G|U is a lisse sheaf on U, pure of weight –1 and of some rank r ≥ 1. For any large enough finite field extension E/k, U(E) is nonempty. Pick such an E/k of even degree, and a point a ∈ U(E). For each character χ of G(E) ≅ E×, we have


By multiplicative Fourier inversion, we get


And for the finite extension En/E of degree n, we get


For each n, #G(En) = (#E)n – 1. So in terms of the r eigenvalues α1, …, αr of FrobE,a|G, we find that for every n ≥ 1, the quantity


is a cyclotomic integer (because each FrobEn,χ|!(N) is quasiunipotent).

From the relation of the first r Newton symmetric functions to the standard ones, we see that the characteristic polynomial of FrobE,a|G has coefficients in some cyclotomic field, call it L. Hence all Newton symmetric functions of the αi lie in L. Now consider the rational function of one variable T,


where the coefficients An = –((#E)n – 1)(∑i(αi)n) are, on the one hand, cyclotomic integers, and on the other hand lie in the fixed cyclotomic field L. Therefore the An lie in OL, the ring of integers in L. Therefore the power series around 0 for this rational function converges λ-adically in |T |λ < 1, for every nonarchimedean place λ of any algebraic closure of L.

By purity, each αi has complex absolute value 1/√#E, and hence for all i, j we have αi ≠ (#E)αj. So there is no cancellation in the expression


of our rational function. Hence for each i, 1/αi is a pole. Therefore we have

|1/αi|λ ≥ 1

for each nonarchimedean λ, which is to say

i|λ ≤ 1

for each nonarchimedean λ. Thus each αi is an algebraic integer (in some finite extension of L). But every archimedean absolute value of αi is 1/√#E < 1. This violates the product formula, and so achieves the desired contradiction.images

Corollary 6.3. Suppose that N in Parith is arithmetically semisimple and pure of weight zero (i.e., ι-pure of weight zero for every ι). Suppose further that its Tannakian determinant M := “det”(N) has Ggeom,M finite. If the group Garith,N/(Garith,N ∩ scalars) is finite, then N is punctual. Indeed, if every Frobenius conjugacy class FrobE,χ in Garith,N has a power which has all equal eigenvalues, then N is punctual.

Proof. M := “det”(N) is a one-dimensional object, i.e., an object of <N>arith with χ(Gm/k, M) = 1. One knows [Ka-ESDE, 8.5.3] that the only such objects on G/kGm/k are either punctual objects δa for some a ∈ G(k), or are multiplicative translates of hypergeometric sheaves H(Ã, χ1, …, χn; ρ1, …, ρm)[1], where Max(n, m) ≥ 1 and where, for all i, j, we have χiρj. But such a hypergeometric sheaf has its Ggeom equal to the group GL(1). Indeed, by [Ka-ESDE, 8.2.3] and [Ka-ESDE, 8.4.2 (5)], for any integer r ≥ 1, the r-fold middle convolution of H(Ã, χ1, …, χn; ρ1, …, ρm)[1] with itself is the hypergeometric sheaf of type (rn, rm) given by

H(Ã, each χi repeated r times; each ρj repeated r times)[1].

Thus no Tannakian tensor power of H(Ã, χ1, …, χn; ρ1, …, ρm)[1] is trivial, so its Ggeom must be the entire group GL(1).

Therefore M, having finite Ggeom, is geometrically some δa, forsome a ∈ G(k). But M lies in <N>arith, so we must have a ∈ G(k), and M is arithmetically αdeg ⊗ δa, for some unitary α.

The statement to be proven, that N is punctual, is a geometric one. And our hypotheses remain valid if we pass from k to any finite extension field E/k. Doing so, we may reduce to the case when G/k is split. Let us denote by d = “dim”N := χ(Gm/k, N) the “dimension” of N. Choose a d’th root β of 1/α, and a d’th root b of 1/a in some finite extension field of k. Again extending scalars, we may reduce to the case when b ∈ k×. Now consider the object N?mid (βdeg ⊗ δb), on G/k. This object satisfies all our hypotheses, but now its determinant is arithmetically trivial. So if every FrobE,χ has a power with equal eigenvalues, those equal eigenvalues must be d’th roots of unity, since the determinant is 1. Hence every FrobE,χ is quasiunipotent, and we conclude by the previous result that N?mid βdeg ⊗δb is punctual. Hence N itself is punctual.images

Theorem 6.4. Suppose that N in Parith is arithmetically semisimple and pure of weight zero (i.e., ι-pure of weight zero for every ι). If Ggeom,N is finite, then N is punctual.

Proof. We argue by contradiction. If N is not punctual, it has some arithmetically irreducible constituent M which is not punctual. Then Ggeom,M is finite, being a quotient of Ggeom,N. So we are reduced to the case when M is arithmetically irreducible, of the form G[1] for an arithmetically irreducible middle extension sheaf G.

We wish to reduce further to the case in which G is geometrically irreducible. Think of G as the extension by direct image of an arithmetically irreducible lisse sheaf F on a dense open set U ⊂ G. If Fgeom1(U)is M niFi, with the Fi inequivalent irreducible representations of πgeom1(U), then πarith1(U) must transitively permute the iso-typical components niFi. Passing to a finite extension field E/k, we reduce to the case when each isotypical component niFi is a πarith1(U)-representation.

Passing to one isotypical component, we reduce to the case when N is geometrically G[1] for a middle extension sheaf G, itself the extension by direct image of a lisse sheaf F on U/k such that F = nF1 is geometrically isotypical. Because we have extended scalars, F may not be arithmetically irreducible, but each of its arithmetically irreducible constituents is itself geometrically isotypical, of the form nF1 for some possibly lower value of n. So it suffices to treat the case in which F is both arithmetically irreducible and geometrically isotypical (i.e., geometrically nF1 for some geometrically irreducible F1 and some n ≥ 1). We claim that in fact n = 1, i.e., that F is geometrically irreducible. To see this, we argue as follows. Consider the dense subgroup Γ of πarith1(U) is given by the semidirect product Γ := πgeom1(U) FZ, where we take for F an element of degree one in πarith1(U). Because Γ is dense in πarith1(U), F is Γ-irreducible. So the isomorphism class of F1 must be invariant by Γ. In other words, F1 is a representation of πgeom1(U) whose isomorphism class is invariant by F, and hence F1 admits a structure of Γ-representation. As representations of Γ, we have

FF1Homgeom(F1, F).

Here Homgeom(F1, F) is an FZ-representation. It must be irreducible, because F is Γ-irreducible. But n = dimHomgeom(F1, F), hence n = 1 (because every irreducible representation of the abelian group FZ has dimension one). Therefore F itself is geometrically irreducible, and so G[1] is geometrically irreducible.

So our situation is that we have an object N = G[1] which is both arithmetically and geometrically irreducible, pure of weight zero, and whose Ggeom,N is finite. Therefore its Tannakian determinant M := det(N) has Ggeom, M finite. Now Ggeom,N acts irreducibly in the representation corresponding to N. But Ggeom,N is normal in Garith,N, so every element of Garith,N normalizes the finite irreducible group Ggeom,N. But Aut(Ggeom,N) is certainly finite, so a (fixed) power of every element in Garith,N commutes with the irreducible group Ggeom,N, so is scalar. In particular, each FrobE,χ has a power which is scalar. The desired contradiction then results from the previous Corollary 6.3.images

Theorem 6.5. Suppose that N in Parith is arithmetically semisimple and pure of weight zero (i.e., ι-pure of weight zero for every ι). Then the group Ggeom,N/G0geom, N of connected components of Ggeom,N is cyclic of some prime to p order n. Its order n is the order of the group

k×ζ ∈< N >geom}.

The irreducible punctual objects in < N >geom are precisely the objects δζ with ζ ∈ μn(k).

Proof. Since Ggeom,N is normal in Garith,N, G0geom,N is also normal in Garith,N. So we may take a faithful representation of the quotient group Garith,N/G0geom,N ; this is an object M in Parith which is arithmetically semisimple and pure of weight zero, and whose Ggeom,M is given by Ggeom,M = Ggeom,N/G0geom, N. Hence M is punctual, so geometrically a direct sum of finitely many objects δai for various ai in k×. But each ai lies in a finite field, hence the group generated by the ai is a finite subgroup of k×, so it is the group μn(k) for some prime to p integer n. So the objects in <M>geom are just the direct sums of finitely many objects δζi, for various ζi ∈ μn(k), i.e., they are the representations of Z/nZ. But this same M is a faithful representation of the smaller group Ggeom,N/G0geom,N. Hence Ggeom,N/G0geom,N = Z/nZ, and the irreducible punctual objects in < N >geom are precisely the objects δζ with ζ ∈ μn(k).images

Corollary 6.6. Suppose that N in Parith is arithmetically semisimple and pure of weight zero (i.e., ι-pure of weight zero for every ι). Then G0geom,N, viewed inside Ggeom,N, is the fixer of all punctual objects in <N>geom. In particular, Ggeom,N is connected if and only if the only irreducible punctual object in <N>geom is δ1.

Proof. Because G0geom,N is normal in the reductive group Ggeom,N, it is itself reductive, so is the fixer of its invariants in <N>geom. We must show that its invariants there are precisely the punctual objects in <N>geom.

Any punctual object in <N>geom is a sum of objects δζ, with ζ k× (necessarily) a root of unity, so G0geom,N acts trivially on any punctual object in <N>geom. Conversely, suppose L ∈ <N>geom is an irreducible object on which G0geom,N acts trivially. We must show that L is punctual. In any case, L, like any irreducible object of <N>geom, is geometrically a direct factor of some object of <N>arith, indeed of some direct sum of multiple middle convolutions of N and its Tannakian dual N. So L is geometrically a direct factor of some arithmetically irreducible object M of <N>arith. If M is punctual, then L is punctual. If M is not punctual, we get a contradiction as follows: if M is not punctual, then it is j?F[1] for some arithmetically irreducible lisse sheaf on some dense open set j : U ⊂ G. Exactly as in the proof of Theorem 6.4, after a finite extension of the ground field, we reduce to the case when M is geometrically irreducible, hence geometrically isomorphic to L. But M is not punctual, so not fixed by G0geom,N, contradiction.images

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