An O(2n) Example

In this chapter, we work over a finite field k of odd characteristic. Fix an even integer 2n ≥ 4 and a monic polynomial f(x) ∈ k[x] of degree 2n, f(x) = ∑2ni=0 Aixi, A2n = 1. We make the following three assumptions about f.

(1) f has 2n distinct roots in k, and A0 = –1.

(2) gcd{i|Ai ≠ 0} = 1.

(3) f is antipalindromic, i.e., for fpal(x) := x2n f(1/x), we have fpal(x) = –f(x).

Theorem 24.1. For χ2 the quadratic character of k×, form the object N := Lχ2(f)(1/2)[1] Parith. We have the following results.

(1) Ggeom,N = O(2n).

(2) Choose a nontrivial additive character à of k, and define


the normalized Gauss sum. Then for the constant-field twisted object Nα := αdegN we have

Ggeom,Nα = Garith,Nα = O(2n).

(3) If –1 is a square in k, then Ggeom,N = Garith,N = O(2n).

Proof. (3) is a special case of (2), simply because α = ±1 when –1 is a square in k. And (1) results from (2), since N and Nα are geometrically isomorphic. To prove (2), we argue as follows. The complex conjugate of α is χ2(–1)α. This, together with the fact that f is antipalindromic, shows that Nα is arithmetically self-dual. As Nα is irreducible, the duality is either symplectic or orthogonal. So either we have


or we have


The second case is impossible, because by Lemma 23.1, the determinant of N (and so also the determinant of Nα) is geometrically δ–1, so we cannot have Ggeom,NαSp(2n). Therefore the duality is orthogonal. Just as in the proof of Theorem 23.2, hypothesis (2) on f implies that Nα is geometrically Lie-irreducible. The Frobenius torus argument of Theorem 23.2 then shows that G0geom,Nα must be SO(2n). But the determinant of Nα is geometrically nontrivial, so from the inclusions

SO(2n) = G0geom,NαGgeom,NαGarith,NαO(2n)

we infer (2).images

Remark 24.2. A monic antipalindromic polynomial of degree 2n over a field k of odd characteristic can be written uniquely as xn(P(x) – P(1/x)) with P(x) a monic polynomial of degree n with vanishing constant term. In this way, the space MonicAntipal2n of monic antipalindromic polynomials of degree 2n becomes the affine space An–1. In MonicAntipal2n, the condition of having 2n distinct roots, i.e., of having an invertible discriminant, defines an open dense set. Indeed, the set is obviously open, so it suffices to observe that it is nonempty. If 2n – 1 is invertible in k, then the polynomial x2n + x2n–1x – 1 has all distinct roots (as it is (x + 1)(x2n–1 – 1)). If If 2n is invertible in k, then x2n – 1 has all distinct roots.

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