
Using Your Breath

‘Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.’ – Thích Nhimaget Himagenh

Breathing is the foundation of mindfulness. It can help slow everything down, calm your mind and body and bring you into the present moment.

There are a number of ways you can focus on your breath – you can start by being aware that, just like the ocean waves, your breaths come and go. Each time you breathe out, you can let go and release your thoughts about the past and future. Just focus on breathing in … then breathing out. That's mindful breathing.

You will notice thoughts arising as you breathe. Let them come and go and return your focus and attention to your breathing.

Mindful breathing is like a reset button you can push to return yourself to the present moment whenever you feel the need, an effective way of orienting yourself to the now, not because the breath has some magical property but because it's always there with you.

Try to practise mindful breathing for a minute or two a few times each day. It could be before you get dressed in the morning, on the journey to work, with a cup of tea, at lunch or before you get ready for bed.

There are a number of ways you can keep focused on breathing. Try them and see which one you prefer – which ones are the most doable for you? Wondering which breathing technique to use is not as important as just remembering to use one of them!

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