3.2 Invariant measures and recurrence

3.2.1 Invariant laws and measures Invariant laws, stationary chain, and balance equations

Let c03-math-0296 be a Markov chain with matrix c03-math-0297, and c03-math-0298 be its instantaneous laws. Then, c03-math-0299 solves the linear (or affine) recursion c03-math-0300 and, under weak continuity assumptions, can converge to some law c03-math-0301 only if c03-math-0302 is a fixed point for the recursion, and hence only if c03-math-0303.

If a law c03-math-0304 is s.t. c03-math-0305, and if c03-math-0306, then


and hence, c03-math-0308 is a Markov chain with matrix c03-math-0309 and initial law c03-math-0310 and thus has same law as c03-math-0311. The chain is then said to be in equilibrium or stationary, and c03-math-0312 is said to be its invariant law or stationary distribution.

In order to search for an invariant law, three main steps must be followed in order.

  1. Solve the linear equation c03-math-0313.
  2. Find which solutions c03-math-0314 are nonnegative and nonzero. Such a solution is called an invariant measure.
  3. For any such invariant measure c03-math-0315, check whether c03-math-0316 (always true if c03-math-0317 is finite), and if so normalize c03-math-0318 to obtain an invariant law c03-math-0319.

The linear equation c03-math-0320 for the invariant measure can be written in a number of equivalent ways, among which c03-math-0321. It is practical to use such condensed abstract notations for the invariant measure equation, but it is important to be able to write it as a system if one wants to solve it, for instance as follows.

Global balance (or equilibrium) equations

This is the linear system

It can be interpreted as a balance equation on the graph between all which “leaves” c03-math-0323 and all which “enters” c03-math-0324, in strict sense.

The same balance reasoning taken in wide sense yields c03-math-0325, and we obtain this equivalent version of the invariant measure equation using that c03-math-0326. If c03-math-0327 is an invariant measure then, for every subset c03-math-0328 of c03-math-0329, the balance equation


holds for what leaves and enters it. The simple proof is left as an exercise.

As in all developed expressions for c03-math-0331, the global balance system is in general highly coupled and is very difficult to solve. This is why the following system is of interest.

Local balance (or equilibrium) equations

This is the linear system

It can be interpreted as a balance equation on the graph between all which goes from c03-math-0333 to c03-math-0334 and all which goes from c03-math-0335 to c03-math-0336.

By summing over c03-math-0337, we readily check that any solution of (3.2.5) is a solution of (3.2.4), but the converse can easily be seen to be false. This system is much less coupled and simpler to solve that the global balance, and often should be tried first, by it often has only the null solution.

This system is also called the detailed balance equations, as well as the reversibility equations, and the latter terminology will be explained later. Uniqueness, superinvariant measures, and positivity

The space of invariant measures constitutes a positive cone (without the origin).

An invariant measure c03-math-0338 is said to be unique if it is so up to a positive multiplicative constant, that is, if this space is reduced to the half-line c03-math-0339 generated by c03-math-0340. Then, if c03-math-0341, then c03-math-0342 is the unique invariant law or else if c03-math-0343 then there is no invariant law.

A measure c03-math-0344 is said to be superinvariant if c03-math-0345 and c03-math-0346. Note that any invariant measure is superinvariant. This notion will be helpful for the uniqueness results. We use the classic conventions for addition and multiplication in c03-math-0347 (see Section A.3.3).

3.2.2 Canonical invariant measure

The strong Markov property naturally leads to decompose a Markov chain started at a recurrent state c03-math-0379 into its excursions from c03-math-0380, which are i.i.d. The number of visits to a point c03-math-0381 during the first excursion can be written indifferently as


These two sums are in correspondence by a step of the chain, and we will see that an invariant measure is obtained by taking expectations.

The canonical invariant measure is above all a theoretical tool and is usually impossible to compute. It has just been used to prove that any Markov chain with a recurrent state has an invariant measure. It will be used again in the following uniqueness theorem, the proof of which is due to C. Derman, and uses a minimality result quite similar to Theorem 2.2.2.

3.2.3 Positive recurrence, invariant law criterion

Let c03-math-0425 be a Markov chain, and c03-math-0426 for c03-math-0427 in c03-math-0428. A recurrent state c03-math-0429 is said to be either null recurrent or positive recurrent according to the alternative


A transition matrix or Markov chain is said to be positive recurrent if all the states are so. The following fundamental result establishes a strong link between this sample path property and an algebraic property. Finite state space

The following simple corollary is very important in practice and can readily be proved directly. Mean return time in a finite set

We give an extension of this result, which is quite useful for certain positive recurrence criteria.

3.2.4 Detailed examples Nearest-neighbor walk in one dimension

The nearest-neighbor random walk on c03-math-0492 with probability c03-math-0493 of going to the right and c03-math-0494 of going to the left is an irreducible Markov chain (see Section 3.1.3). The local balance equations are given by


and have solution c03-math-0496. The global balance equations are given by


and this second-order linear recursion has characteristic polynomial


with roots c03-math-0499 and c03-math-0500, possibly equal.

If c03-math-0501, then the invariant measures are of the form c03-math-0502 for all c03-math-0503 and c03-math-0504 s.t. c03-math-0505. There is nonuniqueness of the invariant measure, and Theorem 3.2.3 yields that the random walk is transient.

If c03-math-0506, then the general solution for the global balance equation is c03-math-0507, and the nonnegative solutions are of constant equal to c03-math-0508. Hence, the uniform measure is the unique invariant measure, and as it is of infinite mass there is no invariant law. The invariant law criterion (Theorem 3.2.4) yields that this chain is not positive recurrent.

In Section 3.1.3, we have used the study of the unilateral hitting time to prove that for c03-math-0509 the chain is recurrent, and hence, it is null recurrent.

We have given examples, when c03-math-0510 in which there is nonuniqueness of the invariant measure, and when c03-math-0511 in which the uniqueness result in Theorem 3.2.3 requires the nonnegativity assumption. Symmetric random walk in many dimensions

For the symmetric random walk on c03-math-0512 for c03-math-0513, the unique invariant measure is uniform. As it has infinite mass, there is no invariant law. The invariant law criterion (Theorem 3.2.4) yields that this chain is not positive recurrent.

We have used the Potential matrix criterion in Section 3.1.3 to prove that in dimension c03-math-0514 and c03-math-0515 the random walk is recurrent, and hence null recurrent, whereas in dimension c03-math-0516 it is transient. Nearest-neighbor walk in one dimension reflected at 0

Let us consider the random walk on c03-math-0517 reflected at c03-math-0518, for which c03-math-0519 and c03-math-0520 for c03-math-0521 and at the boundary c03-math-0522 and c03-math-0523, with graph


Two cases of particular interest are c03-math-0524 and c03-math-0525.

The global balance equations are given by


Hence, c03-math-0527 and then c03-math-0528, and clearly the recursion then determines c03-math-0529 for c03-math-0530, so that there is uniqueness of the invariant measure.

The values c03-math-0531 for c03-math-0532 could be determined under the general form c03-math-0533 if c03-math-0534 or c03-math-0535 if c03-math-0536, by determining c03-math-0537 and c03-math-0538 using the values for c03-math-0539 and c03-math-0540, but it is much simpler to use the local balance equations.

The local balance equations are


and thus c03-math-0542 and c03-math-0543 for c03-math-0544, and hence,


For c03-math-0546, this is a geometric sequence.

If c03-math-0547, then c03-math-0548 and the invariant law criterion (Theorem 3.2.4) yields that the chain is positive recurrent. For c03-math-0549,


and the unique invariant law is given by c03-math-0551. For c03-math-0552, it holds that


and for c03-math-0554 we obtain the geometric law c03-math-0555 for c03-math-0556.

If c03-math-0557, then this measure has infinite mass, and the chain cannot be positive recurrent. The results on the unilateral hitting time, or on the nearest-neighbor random walk on c03-math-0558, yield that the chain is null recurrent if c03-math-0559 and transient if c03-math-0560. Ehrenfest Urn

See Section 1.4.4. The chains c03-math-0561 on c03-math-0562 and c03-math-0563 on c03-math-0564 are irreducible, and Corollary 3.2.7 yields that they are positive recurrent.

We have seen that the invariant law of c03-math-0565 is the uniform law on c03-math-0566, and deduced from this that the invariant law of c03-math-0567 is binomial c03-math-0568, given by


We also can recover the invariant law of c03-math-0570 by solving the local balance equation, given by


see (1.4.4), and hence,


Finding the invariant law c03-math-0573 reduces now to computing the normalizing constant


and we again find that c03-math-0575.

Such a normalizing problem happens systematically, and may well be untractable, be it the computation of an infinite sum or of a huge combinatorial finite sum.

Mean time to return to vacuum

Starting at c03-math-0576, the mean waiting time before compartment c03-math-0577 is empty again is given by


This is absolutely enormous for c03-math-0579 of the order of the Avogadro's number. Compared to it, the duration of the universe is absolutely negligible (in an adequate timescale).

Mean time to return to balanced state

Consider state c03-math-0580, which is a well-balanced state. It is the mean value of c03-math-0581 in equilibrium if c03-math-0582 is even, or else the nearest integer below it. According to whether c03-math-0583 is even or odd,


and the Stirling formula c03-math-0585 yields that

3.2.6 equation



and c03-math-0588 is even small compared to the number of molecules c03-math-0589, the inverse of which should give the order of magnitude of the time-step.

Refutation of the Refutation of statistical mechanics

This model was given by the Ehrenfest spouses as a refutation of critiques of statistical mechanics based on the fact that such a random evolution would visit all states infinitely often, even the less likely ones.

We see how important it is to obtain a wholly explicit invariant law. In particular it is important to compute the normalizing factor for a known invariant measure, or at least to derive a good approximation for it. This is a classic difficulty encountered in statistical mechanics in order to obtain useful results. Renewal process

See Section 1.4.5. Assume that c03-math-0590 is irreducible. A necessary and sufficient condition for c03-math-0591 to be recurrent is that


and this is also the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant measure. We have given an explicit expression for the invariant measure when it exists, and shown that then it is unique.

A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant law c03-math-0593 is that


and we have given an explicit expression for c03-math-0595 when it exists. By the invariant law criterion, this is also a necessary and sufficient condition for positive recurrence.

All this is actually obvious, as c03-math-0596 when c03-math-0597.

Note that if c03-math-0598, then the renewal process is an example of an irreducible Markov chain having no invariant measure. Word search

See Section 1.4.6. The chain is irreducible on a finite state space, so that Corollary 3.2.7 of the invariant law criterion yields that it is positive recurrent. Its invariant law was computed at the end of Section 1.2. Snake chain

See Section 1.4.6, where we proved that if c03-math-0599 has an invariant law then so does c03-math-0600. The invariant law criterion yields that if c03-math-0601 is irreducible positive recurrent on c03-math-0602, then so is c03-math-0603 on its natural state space c03-math-0604. It is clear that if c03-math-0605 is null recurrent for c03-math-0606, then c03-math-0607 cannot be positive recurrent for c03-math-0608, and hence is null recurrent. Product chain

See Section 1.4.7. One must be well aware that c03-math-0609 and c03-math-0610 may be irreducible without c03-math-0611 being so.

The decomposition in recurrent classes and the invariant law criterion yield that if for c03-math-0612 every state is positive recurrent for c03-math-0613, then there exists invariant laws c03-math-0614 for c03-math-0615. Then, c03-math-0616 is an invariant law for c03-math-0617, which is hence positive recurrent.

If for c03-math-0618 every state is null recurrent for c03-math-0619, then c03-math-0620 may be either transient or null recurrent (see Exercise 3.2).

3.3 Complements

This is a section giving some openings toward theoretical and practical tools for the study of Markov chains in the perspective of this chapter.

3.3.1 Hitting times and superharmonic functions Superharmonic, subharmonic, and harmonic functions

A function c03-math-0621 on c03-math-0622 is said to be harmonic if c03-math-0623, or equivalently if c03-math-0624, that is, if it is an eigenvector of c03-math-0625 for the eigenvalue c03-math-0626. A function c03-math-0627 is said to be superharmonic if c03-math-0628 and to be subharmonic if c03-math-0629.

Note that a function c03-math-0630 is subharmonic if and only if c03-math-0631 is superharmonic and harmonic if and only if c03-math-0632 is both superharmonic and subharmonic.

The constant functions are harmonic, and a natural question is whether these are the only harmonic functions. Theorem 2.2.2 will be very useful in this perspective, for instance, it yields that


is the least nonnegative superharmonic function, which is larger than c03-math-0634 on c03-math-0635.

This theorem recalls Theorem 3.2.3, and we will develop in Lemma 3.3.9 and thereafter an appropriate duality to deduce one from the other. Care must be taken, as there exists transient transition matrices without any invariant measure, see the renewal process for c03-math-0659; others with a unique invariant measure, see the nearest-neighbor random walks reflected at c03-math-0660 on c03-math-0661; and others with nonunique invariant laws, see the nearest-neighbor random walks on c03-math-0662. Supermartingale techniques

It is instructive to give two proofs of the “only if” part of Theorem 3.3.1 (the most difficult) using supermartingale concepts.

We assume that c03-math-0663 is nonnegative superharmonic and that c03-math-0664 is irreducible recurrent. A fundamental observation is that if c03-math-0665 is a Markov chain and c03-math-0666 is superharmonic, then c03-math-0667 is a supermartingale.

First Proof

This uses a deep result of martingale theory, the Doob convergence theorem, which yields that the nonnegative supermartingale c03-math-0668 converges, a.s. Moreover, as c03-math-0669 is recurrent, c03-math-0670 visits infinitely often c03-math-0671 for every c03-math-0672 in c03-math-0673. This is only possible if c03-math-0674 is constant.

Second Proof (J.L. Doob)

This uses more elementary results. Let c03-math-0675 and c03-math-0676 be in c03-math-0677, and


Then, c03-math-0679 and the stopped process c03-math-0680 are supermartingales, and thus


and as c03-math-0682 by Lemma 3.1.3, the Fatou lemma (Lemma A.3.3) yields that


Hence, c03-math-0684 is constant, as c03-math-0685 and c03-math-0686 are arbitrary.

In this and the following proofs, we have elected to use results in Markov chain theory such as Lemma 3.1.3 as much as possible but could replace them by the Doob convergence theorem to prove convergences.

3.3.2 Lyapunov functions

The main intuition behind the second proof is that the supermartingale c03-math-0687 has difficulty going uphill in the mean.

This leads naturally to the notion of Lyapunov function, which is a function of which the behavior on sample paths allows to determine the behavior of the latter: go to infinity and then the chain is transient, come always back to a given finite set and then the chain is recurrent, do so quickly and then the chain is positive recurrent.

We give some examples of such results among a wide variety, in a way greatly inspired by the presentation by Robert, P. (2003). Transience and nonpositive-recurrence criteria

A simple corollary of the “only if” part of Theorem 3.3.1 allows to get rid of a subset c03-math-0688 of the state space c03-math-0689 in which the Markov chain behaves “poorly.”

It is a simple matter to adapt the proof using Theorem 2.2.2 or the second supermartingale proof for Theorem 3.3.1, and this is left as an exercise.

Note that c03-math-0705 and that we may assume that c03-math-0706. The functions under consideration are basically upper-bounded subharmonic and nonnegative.

The sequel is an endeavor to replace the upper-bound assumption by integrability assumptions. Let us start with a variant of results due to J. Lamperti.

The next criterion, due to R. Tweedie, uses a submartingale and a direct computation of c03-math-0726 convergence. Positive recurrence criteria

Such criteria cannot be based on solid results such as Theorem 3.3.1 and are more delicate. We are back to functions that are basically nonnegative superharmonic and to supermartingales.

Theorem 3.3.5 in conjunction with Theorem 3.3.4 provides a null recurrence criterion. Under stronger assumptions, a positive recurrence criterion is obtained.

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