A.3 Measure-theoretic framework

This appendix introduces without proofs the main notions and results in measure and integration theory, which allow to treat the subject of Markov chains in a mathematically rigorous way.

A.3.1 Probability spaces

A probability space b01-math-0427 is given by

  1. a set b01-math-0428 encoding all possible random outcomes,
  2. a b01-math-0429-field b01-math-0430, which is a set constituted of certain subsets of b01-math-0431, and satisfies
    • the set b01-math-0432 is in b01-math-0433,
    • if b01-math-0434 is in b01-math-0435, then its complement b01-math-0436 is in b01-math-0437,
    • if b01-math-0438 for b01-math-0439 in b01-math-0440 is in b01-math-0441, then b01-math-0442 is in b01-math-0443,
  3. a probability measure b01-math-0444, which is a mapping b01-math-0445 satisfying
    • it holds that b01-math-0446,
    • the b01-math-0447-additivity property: if b01-math-0448 for b01-math-0449 in b01-math-0450 are pairwise disjoint sets of b01-math-0451, then

The elements of b01-math-0453 are called events, and regroup certain random outcomes leading to situations of interest in such a way that these can be attributed a “likelihood measure” using b01-math-0454.

Clearly, b01-math-0455, and b01-math-0456 and more generally b01-math-0457, and if b01-math-0458 for b01-math-0459 in b01-math-0460 is in b01-math-0461, then b01-math-0462. Note that in order to consider finite unions or intersections it suffices to use b01-math-0463 or b01-math-0464 where necessary.

The trivial b01-math-0465-field b01-math-0466 is included in any b01-math-0467-field, which is in turn included in the b01-math-0468-field of all subsets of b01-math-0469. The latter is often the one of choice when possible, and notably if b01-math-0470 is countable, but it is often too large to define an appropriate probability measure b01-math-0471 on it. Moreover, the notion of sub-b01-math-0472-field is used to encode partial information available in a probabilistic model.

The following important property is in fact equivalent to b01-math-0473-additivity, using the fact that b01-math-0474 is a finite measure.

A.3.1.1 Generated b01-math-0487-field and information

An arbitrary intersection of b01-math-0488-fields is a b01-math-0489-field, and the set of all subsets of b01-math-0490 is a b01-math-0491-field. This allows to define the b01-math-0492-field generated by a set b01-math-0493 of subsets of b01-math-0494 as the intersection of all b01-math-0495-fields containing b01-math-0496, and thus it is the least b01-math-0497-field containing b01-math-0498. This b01-math-0499-field is denoted by b01-math-0500 and encodes the probabilistic information available by observing b01-math-0501.

A.3.1.2 Almost sure (a.s.) and negligible

A subset of b01-math-0502 containing an event of probability b01-math-0503 is said to be almost sure, a subset of b01-math-0504 included in an event of probability b01-math-0505 is said to be negligible, and these are two complementary notions. The b01-math-0506-additivity property yields that a countable union of negligible events is negligible. By complementation, a countable intersection of almost sure sets is almost sure. A property is almost sure, or holds a.s., if the set of all b01-math-0507 in b01-math-0508 that satisfy it is almost sure. The classical abbreviation for almost sure is “a.s.” and is often left implicit, but care needs to be taken if a uncountable number of operations are performed.

A.3.2 Measurable spaces and functions: signed and nonnegative

A set b01-math-0509 furnished with a b01-math-0510-field b01-math-0511 is said to be measurable. A mapping b01-math-0512 from a measurable set b01-math-0513 with b01-math-0514-field b01-math-0515 to another measurable set b01-math-0516 with b01-math-0517-field b01-math-0518 is said to be measurable if and only if


A (nonnegative) measure b01-math-0520 on a measurable set b01-math-0521 with b01-math-0522-field b01-math-0523 is a b01-math-0524-additive mapping b01-math-0525.

By b01-math-0526-additivity, if b01-math-0527 and b01-math-0528 are in b01-math-0529 and b01-math-0530, then b01-math-0531. The measure b01-math-0532 is said to be finite if b01-math-0533, and then b01-math-0534, and to be a probability measure or a law if b01-math-0535, and then b01-math-0536.

Many results for probability spaces can be extended in this framework (which is usually introduced first) using the classical computation conventions in b01-math-0537.

For instance, b01-math-0538 if this quantity has a meaning. As in Lemma A.3.1, the b01-math-0539-additivity property is equivalent to the fact that if b01-math-0540 is a nondecreasing sequence of events in b01-math-0541, then b01-math-0542. Moreover, by complementation, if b01-math-0543 is a nonincreasing sequence of events in b01-math-0544 s.t. b01-math-0545 for some b01-math-0546, then b01-math-0547.

A further extension is given by signed measures b01-math-0548, which are b01-math-0549-additive mappings b01-math-0550. The Hahn–Banach decomposition yields an essentially unique decomposition of a signed measure b01-math-0551 into a difference of nonnegative finite measures, under the form b01-math-0552, in which the supports b01-math-0553 and b01-math-0554 of b01-math-0555 and b01-math-0556 are disjoint. The finite nonnegative measure b01-math-0557 is called the total variation measure of b01-math-0558, and its total mass b01-math-0559 is called the total variation norm of b01-math-0560.

The space b01-math-0561 of all signed measures is a Banach space for this norm, which can be identified with a closed subspace of the strong dual of the functional space b01-math-0562.

For every (nonnegative, possible infinite) reference measure b01-math-0563, the Banach space b01-math-0564 contains a subspace that can be identified with b01-math-0565 by identifying any measure b01-math-0566, which is absolutely continuous w.r.t. b01-math-0567 with its Radon–Nikodym derivative b01-math-0568. If b01-math-0569 is discrete, then a natural and universal choice for b01-math-0570 is the counting measure, and thus b01-math-0571 can be identified with the collection b01-math-0572 and b01-math-0573 with b01-math-0574.

A.3.3 Random variables, their laws, and expectations

A.3.3.1 Random variables and their laws

A probability space b01-math-0575 is given. A random variable (r.v.) with values in a measurable set b01-math-0576 with b01-math-0577-field b01-math-0578 is a measurable function b01-math-0579, which satisfies


For an arbitrary mapping b01-math-0581, the set


is a b01-math-0583-field, called the b01-math-0584-field generated by b01-math-0585, encoding the information available on b01-math-0586 by observing b01-math-0587. Notably, b01-math-0588 is measurable if and only if b01-math-0589.

The probability space b01-math-0590 is often only assumed to be fixed without further precision and represents some kind of ideal probabilistic knowledge. Only the properties of certain random variables are precisely given. These often represent indirect observations or effects of the random outcomes, and it is natural to focus on them to get useful information.

The law of the r.v. b01-math-0591 is the probability measure b01-math-0592 on b01-math-0593, which is well defined as b01-math-0594 is measurable. It is denoted by b01-math-0595 or b01-math-0596 and is given by


Then, b01-math-0598 is a probability space which encodes the probabilistic information available on the outcomes of b01-math-0599.

A.3.3.2 Expectation for b01-math-0600-valued random variables

The expectation b01-math-0601 will be defined as a monotone linear extension of the probability measure b01-math-0602, first for random variables taking a finite number of values in b01-math-0603, then for general random variables with values in b01-math-0604, and finally for real random variables satisfying an integrability condition. The notation b01-math-0605 is sometimes used to stress b01-math-0606.

This procedure allows to define the integral b01-math-0607 of a measurable function b01-math-0608, from b01-math-0609 with b01-math-0610-field b01-math-0611 to b01-math-0612 with b01-math-0613-field b01-math-0614, by a measure b01-math-0615, but we restrict this to probability measures for the sake of concision.

The classic structure of b01-math-0616 is extended to b01-math-0617 by setting

Finite number of values

If b01-math-0619 is an r.v. taking a finite number of values in b01-math-0620, then


In particular,


For such random variables, this defines a monotone operator, in the sense that


which moreover is nonnegative linear, in the sense that

Extension by supremum

For an r.v. b01-math-0625 with values in b01-math-0626, let




This extension of b01-math-0629 is still monotone and nonnegative, from which we deduce the following extension of the monotone limit lemma (Lemma A.3.1). This is where the fact that b01-math-0630 is measurable becomes crucial.

Nonnegative linearity

This theorem allows to prove that b01-math-0643 is nonnegative linear, by replacing the supremum in the definition by the limit of an adequate nondecreasing sequence. If b01-math-0644 is a b01-math-0645-valued r.v., then we define for b01-math-0646 the dyadic approximation b01-math-0647 satisfying


If b01-math-0649 and b01-math-0650 are b01-math-0651-r.v., and b01-math-0652, then

Fatou's Lemma

An important corollary of the monotone convergence theorem is the following.

Let us finish with a quite useful result.

A.3.3.3 Real-valued random variables and integrability

Let b01-math-0669 be an r.v. with values in b01-math-0670. Let


so that


The natural extension to b01-math-0673 of the operations on b01-math-0674 lead to setting, except if the indeterminacy b01-math-0675 occurs,


This definition is monotone and linear: if all is well defined in b01-math-0677, then


A.3.3.4 Integrable random variables

In particular,


and the latter is well defined. This is the most useful case and is extended by linearity to define b01-math-0680 for b01-math-0681 with values in b01-math-0682 satisfying b01-math-0683 for some (and then every) norm b01-math-0684. Then, b01-math-0685 is said to be integrable. The integrable random variables form a vector space


It is a simple matter to check that if b01-math-0687 is an r.v. with values in b01-math-0688 and b01-math-0689 is measurable then


in all cases in which one of these expressions can be defined, and then all can.

The expectation has good properties w.r.t. the a.s. convergence of random variables. The monotone convergence theorem has already been seen. Its corollary the Fatou lemma will be used to prove an important result.

A sequence of b01-math-0691-valued random variables b01-math-0692 is said to be dominated by an r.v. b01-math-0693 if


and to be dominated in b01-math-0695 by b01-math-0696 if moreover b01-math-0697. The sequence is thus dominated in b01-math-0698 if and only if


This theorem can be extended to the case when


Indeed, the Borel–Cantelli lemma implies that then, from each subsequence, a further subsubsequence converging a.s. can be extracted. Applying Theorem A.3.5 to this a.s. converging sequence yields that the only accumulation point in b01-math-0711 for b01-math-0712 is b01-math-0713, and hence that b01-math-0714.

A.3.3.5 Convexity inequalities and b01-math-0715 spaces

For b01-math-0731, we will check that the set of all b01-math-0732-valued random variables b01-math-0733 s.t. b01-math-0734 forms a Banach space, denoted by


if two a.s. equal random variables are identified (i.e., on the quotient space). In particular, b01-math-0736 is a Hilbert space with scalar product


This proof remains valid if b01-math-0772 is replaced by an arbitrary positive measure. The case b01-math-0773 is a special case of the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality.

The Jensen inequality yields that if b01-math-0790, then b01-math-0791. The linear form b01-math-0792 hence has operator norm b01-math-0793, as


with equality for constant b01-math-0795.

A.3.4 Random sequences and Kolmogorov extension theorem

Let us go back to Section 1.1. Let be given a family of laws b01-math-0801 on b01-math-0802, for b01-math-0803 and b01-math-0804 in b01-math-0805. Two natural questions arise:

  • Does there exist a probability space b01-math-0806, a b01-math-0807-field on b01-math-0808, and an r.v. b01-math-0809, satisfying that

    that is, this family of laws are the finite-dimensional marginals of b01-math-0811?

  • If it is so, is the law of b01-math-0812 unique, that is, is it characterized by its finite-dimensional marginals?

Clearly, the b01-math-0813 must be consistent, or compatible: if b01-math-0814 is a b01-math-0815-tuple included in the b01-math-0816-tuple b01-math-0817, then b01-math-0818 must be equal to the corresponding marginal of b01-math-0819.

It is natural and “economical” to take b01-math-0820, called the canonical space, the process b01-math-0821 given by the canonical projections


called the canonical process, and to furnish b01-math-0823 with the smallest b01-math-0824-field s.t. each b01-math-0825 and hence each b01-math-0826 is an r.v.: the product b01-math-0827-field


Note that if b01-math-0829 is a sequence of subsets of the discrete space b01-math-0830, then


and that events of this form are sufficient to characterize convergence in results such as the pointwise ergodic theorem (Theorem 4.1.1). See also Section 2.1.1.

By construction, b01-math-0832 is measurable and hence an r.v. on b01-math-0833 furnished with the product b01-math-0834-field, and if this space is furnished with a probability measure b01-math-0835, then b01-math-0836 has law b01-math-0837.

The following result is fundamental. It is relatively easy to show the uniqueness part: any two laws on the product b01-math-0838-field with the same finite-dimensional marginals are equal. The difficult part is the existence result, which relies on the Caratheodory extension theorem.

The explicit form given in Definition 1.2.1, in terms of the initial law and the transition matrix b01-math-0848, allows to check easily that these probability measures are consistent. The Kolmogorov extension theorem then yields the existence and uniqueness of the law of the Markov chain on the product space. This yields the mathematical foundation for all the theory of Markov chains.

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