Solutions for the exercises

Solutions for Chapter 1

  1. 1.1 This constitutes a Markov chain on b03-math-0001 with matrix
  2. from which the graph is readily deduced. The astronaut can reach any module from any module in a finite number of steps, and hence, the chain is irreducible, and as the state space is finite, this yields that there exists a unique invariant measure b03-math-0003. Moreover, b03-math-0004 and by uniqueness and symmetry, b03-math-0005, and hence, b03-math-0006. By normalization, we conclude that b03-math-0007 and b03-math-0008.
  3. 1.2 This constitutes a Markov chain on b03-math-0009 with matrix
  4. from which the graph is readily deduced. The mouse can reach one room from any other room in a finite number of steps, and hence, the chain is irreducible, and as the state space is finite, this yields that there exists a unique invariant measure b03-math-0011. Solving a simple linear system and normalizing the solution yield b03-math-0012.
  5. 1.3.a The uniform measure is invariant if and only if the matrix is doubly stochastic.
  6. 1.3.b The uniform measure is again invariant for b03-math-0013 for all b03-math-0014.
  7. 1.3.c Then, b03-math-0015, where b03-math-0016 is the law of the jumps.
  8. 1.4.a The non zero terms are b03-math-0017 and for b03-math-0018 and b03-math-0019,
  9. Any wager lost during the game is inscribed in the list and will be wagered again in the future. When the list is empty, the gambler would have won the initial sum of all the terms on the list b03-math-0021, with the other gains cancelling precisely the losses occurred during the game.
  10. 1.4.b Then, b03-math-0022 can be written in terms of b03-math-0023 as
  11. and the Markov property for b03-math-0025 yields that the terms of this sum write
  12. and hence,
  13. where the non zero terms of b03-math-0028 are b03-math-0029 and b03-math-0030 for b03-math-0031 and b03-math-0032 for b03-math-0033.
  14. 1.5.a A natural state space is the set of permutations of b03-math-0034, of the form b03-math-0035, which has cardinal b03-math-0036. By definition
  15. Clearly, b03-math-0038 is irreducible. As the state space is finite, this implies existence and uniqueness for the invariant law b03-math-0039. Intuition (the matrix is doubly stochastic) or solving a simple linear system shows that b03-math-0040 is the uniform law, with density b03-math-0041.
  16. 1.5.b A natural state space is the set b03-math-0042 of cardinal b03-math-0043, and
  17. is clearly irreducible; hence, there is a unique invariant law. The invariant law is the uniform law, with density b03-math-0045.
  18. 1.5.c The characteristic polynomial of b03-math-0046 is

    in which b03-math-0048 with equality on the left for b03-math-0049. Hence, b03-math-0050 has three distinct roots


    Hence, b03-math-0052, where


    If b03-math-0054 is even, then b03-math-0055, and b03-math-0056 so that b03-math-0057 yields b03-math-0058.

    If b03-math-0059 is odd, then b03-math-0060, and b03-math-0061 so that b03-math-0062 yields b03-math-0063.

    As computing b03-math-0064 is quite simple, this yields an explicit expression for b03-math-0065.

    The law of b03-math-0066 converges to the uniform law at rate b03-math-0067, which is maximal for b03-math-0068 and then takes the value b03-math-0069.

  19. 1.6 The transition matrix is given by

    and the graph can easily be deduced from it. Clearly, b03-math-0071 is irreducible. As the state space is finite, it implies that there is a unique invariant law b03-math-0072. This law solves


    hence b03-math-0074, then b03-math-0075. As b03-math-0076, normalization yields b03-math-0077, b03-math-0078 and b03-math-0079.

    The characteristic polynomial of b03-math-0080 is


    Hence, b03-math-0082 with b03-math-0083, b03-math-0084, and b03-math-0085. Thus, b03-math-0086 and b03-math-0087. The law of b03-math-0088 converges to b03-math-0089 at rate b03-math-0090.

  20. 1.7.a States b03-math-0091 for b03-math-0092, b03-math-0093, and b03-math-0094 are wins for Player A and states b03-math-0095 for b03-math-0096, b03-math-0097, and b03-math-0098 are wins for Player B, and they are the absorbing states.

    Let b03-math-0099 and b03-math-0100, or b03-math-0101 and b03-math-0102.

    Considering all rallies, transitions from b03-math-0103 to b03-math-0104 have probability b03-math-0105, from b03-math-0106 to b03-math-0107 probability b03-math-0108, and symmetrically from b03-math-0109 to b03-math-0110 probability b03-math-0111 and from b03-math-0112 to b03-math-0113 probability b03-math-0114.

    Considering only the points scored, transitions from b03-math-0115 to b03-math-0116 have probability b03-math-0117, from b03-math-0118 to b03-math-0119 probability b03-math-0120, and symmetrically from b03-math-0121 to b03-math-0122 probability b03-math-0123 and from b03-math-0124 to b03-math-0125 probability b03-math-0126.

  21. 1.7.b Straightforward.
  22. 1.7.c We use the transition for scored points. Player B wins in b03-math-0127 points if he or she scores first, and we have seen that this happens with probability b03-math-0128.

    Player B wins in b03-math-0129 points if Player A scores b03-math-0130 point and then Player B scores b03-math-0131, if Player B scores b03-math-0132 and then Player A scores b03-math-0133 and then Player B scores b03-math-0134, or if Player B scores b03-math-0135 points in a row, which happens with probability




    The hyperbole b03-math-0138 divides the square b03-math-0139 into two subsets. In the first subset, in which b03-math-0140, Player B should go to b03-math-0141 points (this is the largest subset and contains the diagonal, which is tangent at b03-math-0142 to the hyperbole). In the other, in which b03-math-0143, Player B should go to b03-math-0144 points.

  23. 1.8.a The microscopic representation b03-math-0145 yields the macroscopic representation
  24. 1.8.b Synchronous: the transition from b03-math-0147 to b03-math-0148 and the transition from b03-math-0149 to b03-math-0150 have probabilities
  25. Asynchronous: for b03-math-0152, the transition from b03-math-0153 to the vector in which b03-math-0154 is replaced by b03-math-0155 and, for b03-math-0156, the transition from b03-math-0157 if b03-math-0158 to b03-math-0159 and if b03-math-0160 to the vector in which the b03-math-0161 th coordinate is replaced by b03-math-0162 and the b03-math-0163 th by b03-math-0164, have probabilities
  26. The absorbing states are the pure states, constituting of populations carrying a single allele.
  27. 1.9.a For instance,
  28. 1.9.b As then b03-math-0167, Theorem 1.(2.3 yields that b03-math-0168 is a Markov chain on b03-math-0169 with matrix given by b03-math-0170 and b03-math-0171 for b03-math-0172. This matrix is clearly irreducible, but the state space is infinite and we cannot conclude now on existence and uniqueness for invariant law.

    As an invariant measure, b03-math-0173, satisfies the equation b03-math-0174, which develops into


    so that necessarily b03-math-0176, and we check that b03-math-0177. Moreover, b03-math-0178 and hence, b03-math-0179 for b03-math-0180, which is a geometric law on b03-math-0181.

  29. 1.9.c As b03-math-0182, Theorem 1.(2.3 yields that b03-math-0183 is a Markov chain on b03-math-0184, with matrix given by b03-math-0185, b03-math-0186, and b03-math-0187 for b03-math-0188.
  30. 1.9.d Then, b03-math-0189, and as b03-math-0190, b03-math-0191. Hence, for b03-math-0192,
  31. 1.9.e This probability is b03-math-0194.
  32. 1.10.a The non zero terms of b03-math-0195 are b03-math-0196 for b03-math-0197, b03-math-0198, and b03-math-0199, where b03-math-0200 is obtained from b03-math-0201 by interchanging b03-math-0202 and b03-math-0203. The matrix is clearly irreducible. As the state space is finite, this implies that there exists a unique invariant law b03-math-0204. Intuition (the matrix is doubly stochastic) or a simple computation shows that the uniform law with density b03-math-0205 is invariant.
  33. 1.10.b The non zero terms of b03-math-0206 are, for b03-math-0207,
  34. The matrix is clearly irreducible. As the state space is finite, this implies that there exists a unique invariant law b03-math-0209. A combinatorial computation starting from b03-math-0210 yields that b03-math-0211 for b03-math-0212. This is a hypergeometric law.
  35. 1.10.c The Markov property yields that
  36. and this affine recursion is solved by
  37. Moreover, b03-math-0215 and hence,
  38. Then, b03-math-0217 at rate b03-math-0218.
  39. 1.11.a Theorem 1.(2.3 yields that this is a Markov chain.
  40. 1.11.b Computations, quite similar to those for branching, show that
  41. 1.11.c Similarly, or by a Taylor expansion,
  42. which takes the value b03-math-0221 if b03-math-0222 or else b03-math-0223 if b03-math-0224.
  43. 1.12.a Theorem 1.(2.3 yields that this is a Markov chain. The irreducibility condition is obvious.
  44. 1.12.b Then, b03-math-0225 can be written, using independence, as
  45. 1.12.c Then, necessarily
  46. and thus, b03-math-0228. For b03-math-0229,
  47. and identification of the b03-math-0231 terms yields that b03-math-0232.
  48. 1.12.d As b03-math-0233, necessarily b03-math-0234, and if b03-math-0235, then b03-math-0236, and the chain cannot be irreducible (as then b03-math-0237) and thus b03-math-0238 and b03-math-0239 as b03-math-0240.
  49. 1.12.e If b03-math-0241, then
  50. and hence, b03-math-0243, and using b03-math-0244 and identifying the terms in b03-math-0245 in the above-mentioned Taylor expansion yields that b03-math-0246.
  51. 1.13.a By definition and the basic properties of the total variation norm, b03-math-0247. For all b03-math-0248 and b03-math-0249, if b03-math-0250 is such that b03-math-0251, then b03-math-0252 and hence,
  52. so that b03-math-0254.
  53. 1.13.b Then, b03-math-0255 for all laws b03-math-0256 and b03-math-0257, all b03-math-0258 such that b03-math-0259, and all b03-math-0260, and
  54. implies that b03-math-0262. This yields that b03-math-0263. Then, it is a simple matter to obtain that b03-math-0264 and then that b03-math-0265.
  55. 1.13.c Taking b03-math-0266, it holds that b03-math-0267, which forms a geometrically convergent series, hence classically b03-math-0268 is Cauchy, and as the metric space is complete, there is a limit b03-math-0269, which is b03-math-0270 invariant. Then, b03-math-0271.
  56. 1.13.d For all b03-math-0272, b03-math-0273, and b03-math-0274 such that b03-math-0275, it holds that b03-math-0276. It is a simple matter to conclude.
  57. 1.13.e For all b03-math-0277, b03-math-0278, and b03-math-0279 such that b03-math-0280, it holds that
  58. It is a simple matter to conclude.
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