Queuing application

A system (for instance a processor) processes jobs (such as computations) in synchronized manner. A waiting room (buffer) allows to store jobs before they are processed. The instants of synchronization are numbered c03-math-0800 and c03-math-0801 denotes the number of jobs in the system just after time c03-math-0802.

Between time c03-math-0803 and time c03-math-0804, a random number c03-math-0805 of new jobs arrive, and up to a random number c03-math-0806 of the c03-math-0807 jobs already there can be processed, so that


In a simple special case, there is an integer c03-math-0809 s.t. c03-math-0810, and it is said that the queue has c03-math-0811 servers.

The r.v. c03-math-0812 are assumed to be i.i.d. and independent of c03-math-0813, and then Theorem 1.2.3 yields that c03-math-0814 is a Markov chain on c03-math-0815. We assume that


so that there is a closed irreducible class containing c03-math-0817, and we consider the chain restricted to this class, which is irreducible. We further assume that c03-math-0818 and c03-math-0819 are integrable, and will see that then the behavior of c03-math-0820 depends on the joint law of c03-math-0821 essentially only through c03-math-0822.

For c03-math-0823, we have c03-math-0824 and hence, c03-math-0825, and c03-math-0826 a.s., and c03-math-0827, and thus c03-math-0828 by dominated convergence (Theorem A.3.5). We deduce a number of facts from this observation.

  • If c03-math-0829, then there exists c03-math-0830 s.t. if c03-math-0831 then c03-math-0832. Then, the Foster criterion (Theorem 3.3.6) with c03-math-0833 and c03-math-0834 yields that the chain is positive recurrent, and c03-math-0835.
  • If c03-math-0836, then the Tweedie criterion (Theorem 3.3.4) with c03-math-0837 and c03-math-0838 yields that the chain cannot be positive recurrent.
  • If c03-math-0839 and c03-math-0840 and c03-math-0841 are square integrable, then the Lamperti criterion (Theorem 3.3.3) with c03-math-0842 and c03-math-0843 yields that the chain is transient. If only c03-math-0844 is square integrable, then if c03-math-0845 is large enough then

    and the chain c03-math-0847 with arrival and potential departures given by c03-math-0848 is transient, and as c03-math-0849 then c03-math-0850 is transient.

  • If c03-math-0851 and c03-math-0852, then Theorem 3.3.5 with c03-math-0853 and c03-math-0854 yields that the chain is recurrent, and hence null recurrent. Necessity of jump amplitude control

In Theorems 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, the hypotheses c03-math-0855 are quite natural, but the hypotheses c03-math-0856 controlling the jump amplitudes cannot be suppressed (but can be weakened).

We will see this on an example. Consider the queuing system with


Then, c03-math-0858 is s.t. c03-math-0859 and c03-math-0860 for c03-math-0861 and is a random walk on c03-math-0862 reflected at c03-math-0863. For c03-math-0864 and c03-math-0865 with c03-math-0866 and c03-math-0867, it holds that c03-math-0868 and c03-math-0869 and, for c03-math-0870,


so that hypothesis c03-math-0872 of Theorem 3.3.4 is satisfied, and if c03-math-0873, then


so that hypothesis c03-math-0875 of Theorem 3.3.3 is satisfied.

Nevertheless, c03-math-0876 and we have seen that c03-math-0877 is positive recurrent for c03-math-0878, null recurrent for c03-math-0879, and transient for c03-math-0880.

The hypothesis in Theorem 3.3.5 and hypothesis c03-math-0881 in Theorem 3.3.6 are also quite natural. The latter is enough to obtain the bound c03-math-0882 for c03-math-0883, but an assumption such as hypothesis c03-math-0884 must be made to conclude to positive recurrence. For instance, let c03-math-0885 be a Markov chain with matrix c03-math-0886 s.t.


For c03-math-0888 and c03-math-0889, it holds that c03-math-0890 for c03-math-0891, and hypothesis c03-math-0892 of Theorem 3.3.6 holds, but the chain is null recurrent as


3.3.3 Time reversal, reversibility, and adjoint chain Time reversal in equilibrium

Let c03-math-0894 be a Markov chain, c03-math-0895 an integer, and c03-math-0896 for c03-math-0897. Then,


and c03-math-0899 corresponds to a time-inhomogeneous Markov chain with transition matrices given by


This chain is homogeneous if and only if c03-math-0901 is an invariant law, that is, if and only the chain is at equilibrium. Doubly stationary Markov chain

Let c03-math-0911 be a transition matrix with an invariant law c03-math-0912. Let c03-math-0913 have law c03-math-0914, let c03-math-0915 and c03-math-0916 be Markov chains of matrices c03-math-0917 and c03-math-0918, which are independent conditional on c03-math-0919, and let c03-math-0920. Then, c03-math-0921 is a stationary Markov chain in time c03-math-0922 with transition matrix c03-math-0923, called the doubly stationary Markov chain of matrix c03-math-0924, which can be imagined to be “started” at c03-math-0925. Reversible measures

The equality c03-math-0926 holds if and only if c03-math-0927 solves the local balance equations (3.2.5).

Then, the chain and its matrix are said to be reversible (in equilibrium), and c03-math-0928 to be a reversible law for c03-math-0929. The equations (3.2.5) are also called the reversibility equations and their nonnegative and nonzero solutions the reversible measures.

In equilibrium, the probabilistic evolution of a reversible chain is the same in direct or reverse time, which is natural for many statistical mechanics models such as the Ehrenfest Urn. Adjoint chain, superinvariant measures, and superharmonic functions

We gather some simple facts in the following lemma.

This allows to understand the relations between Theorems 3.2.3 and 3.3.1. Let c03-math-0991 be an irreducible recurrent transition matrix on c03-math-0992 and c03-math-0993 an arbitrary canonical invariant law.

If c03-math-0994 is a superinvariant measure for c03-math-0995, then the function c03-math-0996 is nonnegative and superharmonic for c03-math-0997, which is irreducible recurrent, and Theorem 3.3.1 yields that c03-math-0998 is constant, that is, Theorem 3.2.3.

Conversely, if c03-math-0999 nonnegative and superharmonic for c03-math-1000, then c03-math-1001 is a superharmonic measure for c03-math-1002, and Theorem 3.2.3 yields that c03-math-1003 is constant, that is, the “only if” part of Theorem 3.3.1.

The following result can be useful in the (rare) cases in which a matrix is not reversible, but its time reversal in equilibrium can be guessed.

3.3.4 Birth-and-death chains

A Markov chain on c03-math-1015 (or on an interval of c03-math-1016) s.t.


is called a birth-and-death chain. All other terms of c03-math-1018 are then zero, this matrix is determined by the Birth-and-death probabilities


which satisfy c03-math-1020, and its graph is given by


Several of the examples we have examined are birth-and-death chains: Nearest-neighbor random walks on c03-math-1021, Nearest-neighbor random walks reflected at c03-math-1022 on c03-math-1023, gambler's ruin, and macroscopic description for the Ehrenfest Urn on c03-math-1024.

The chain is irreducible on c03-math-1025 if and only if


Birth-and-death on c03-math-1027 or c03-math-1028

Similarly, c03-math-1029 is a closed irreducible class if and only if


and c03-math-1031 is a closed irreducible class if and only if


In these cases, the restriction of the chain is considered. It can be interpreted as describing the evolution of a population that can only increase or decrease by one individual at each step, according to whether there has been a birth or a death of an individual, hence the terminology.

We now give several helpful results, among which a generalization of the gambler's ruin law.

If the birth-and-death chain is irreducible on c03-math-1099 for a finite c03-math-1100, then it is always positive recurrent, and the invariant law c03-math-1101 is obtained by replacing c03-math-1102 by c03-math-1103 in the formula.


Several exercises of Chapter 1 involve irreducibility and invariant laws.

3.1 Generating functions and potential matrix Let c03-math-1114 be a Markov chain on c03-math-1115 with matrix c03-math-1116. For c03-math-1117 and c03-math-1118 in c03-math-1119, consider the power series, for c03-math-1120,

  1. (a) Prove that c03-math-1122 converges for c03-math-1123 and c03-math-1124 for c03-math-1125 and that
  2. (b) Prove that c03-math-1127 for c03-math-1128. Prove that, c03-math-1129 denoting the identity matrix,
  3. (c) Prove that c03-math-1131 and that if c03-math-1132 and c03-math-1133, then c03-math-1134.
  4. (d) We are going to apply these results to the nearest-neighbor random walk on c03-math-1135, with matrix given by c03-math-1136 and c03-math-1137. We recall that c03-math-1138.

    Compute c03-math-1139 for c03-math-1140 and c03-math-1141. Compute c03-math-1142 and then c03-math-1143. When is this random walk recurrent?

3.2 Symmetric random Walks with independent coordinates Let c03-math-1144 be the transition matrix of the symmetric random walk on c03-math-1145, given by c03-math-1146. Use the Potential matrix criterion to prove that c03-math-1147 and c03-math-1148 are recurrent and c03-math-1149 is transient.

3.3 Lemma 3.1.3, alternate proofs Let c03-math-1150 be a Markov chain on c03-math-1151 with matrix c03-math-1152, and c03-math-1153 in c03-math-1154 be s.t. c03-math-1155 is recurrent and c03-math-1156.

  1. (a) Prove that c03-math-1157. Deduce from this that c03-math-1158 and thus that c03-math-1159. Prove that c03-math-1160 is recurrent, for instance using the Potential matrix criterion. Deduce from all this that c03-math-1161.
  2. (b) Prove that c03-math-1162. Prove that c03-math-1163. Prove that c03-math-1164. Prove that c03-math-1165. Conclude that c03-math-1166 is recurrent and then that c03-math-1167.
  3. (c) Prove that c03-math-1168 and, for c03-math-1169,

    Deduce from this that c03-math-1171 and then that c03-math-1172. Conclude that c03-math-1173.

3.4 Decomposition Find the transient class and the recurrent classes for the Markov chains with graph (every arrow corresponding to a positive transition probability) and matrices given by


3.5 Genetic models, see Exercise 1.8 Decompose each state space into its transient class and its recurrent classes. Prove without computations that the population will eventually be composed of individuals having all the same allele, a phenomenon called “allele fixation.”

3.6 Balance equations on a subset Let c03-math-1174 be a transition matrix on c03-math-1175. Prove that for any subset c03-math-1176 of c03-math-1177 an invariant measure c03-math-1178 satisfies the balance equation


3.7 See Lemma 3.1.1 Let c03-math-1180 be a Markov chain on c03-math-1181 having an invariant law c03-math-1182. Prove that c03-math-1183. Deduce from this that c03-math-1184 or c03-math-1185.

3.8 Induced chain, see Exercise 2.3 Let c03-math-1186 be an irreducible transition matrix.

  1. (a) Prove that the induced transition matrix c03-math-1187 is recurrent if and only if c03-math-1188 is recurrent.
  2. (b) If c03-math-1189 is an invariant measure for c03-math-1190, find an invariant measure c03-math-1191 for c03-math-1192. If c03-math-1193 is an invariant measure for c03-math-1194, find an invariant measure c03-math-1195 for c03-math-1196.
  3. (c) Prove that if c03-math-1197 is positive recurrent, then c03-math-1198 is positive recurrent.
  4. (d) Let c03-math-1199 and c03-math-1200. Let c03-math-1201 on c03-math-1202 given by c03-math-1203 and c03-math-1204 and c03-math-1205 for c03-math-1206, and c03-math-1207. Compute c03-math-1208, prove that c03-math-1209 is positive recurrent and that c03-math-1210 is null recurrent.

3.9 Difficult advance Let c03-math-1211 be the Markov chain on c03-math-1212 with matrix given by c03-math-1213 for c03-math-1214 and c03-math-1215 for c03-math-1216, with c03-math-1217 and c03-math-1218.

  1. (a) Prove that c03-math-1219 is irreducible. Are there any reversible measures?
  2. (b) Find the invariant measures. Is there uniqueness for these?
  3. (c) Prove that the chain is recurrent positive if and only if c03-math-1220, and compute then the invariant law. What is the value of c03-math-1221 for c03-math-1222?
  4. (d) Let c03-math-1223 and c03-math-1224 and c03-math-1225, c03-math-1226. Prove that the c03-math-1227 are stopping times which are finite, a.s. Prove that c03-math-1228 is a Markov chain on c03-math-1229 and give its transition matrix c03-math-1230.
  5. (e) Let c03-math-1231 be the induced chain constituted of the successive distinct states visited by c03-math-1232. We admit it is a Markov chain, see Exercise 2.3. Give its transition matrix c03-math-1233.
  6. (f) Use known results to prove that c03-math-1234 is null recurrent if c03-math-1235 and transient if c03-math-1236. Deduce from this that the same property for c03-math-1237 and for c03-math-1238.

3.10 Queue with c03-math-1239 servers, 1 The evolution of a queue with c03-math-1240 servers is given by a birth-and-death chain on c03-math-1241 s.t. c03-math-1242 and c03-math-1243 for c03-math-1244, with c03-math-1245 and c03-math-1246. Let c03-math-1247.

  1. (a) Is this chain irreducible?
  2. (b) Prove that there is a unique invariant measure, and compute it in terms of c03-math-1248 and c03-math-1249.
  3. (c) Prove that the chain is positive recurrent if and only if c03-math-1250.
  4. (d) Prove that the chain is null recurrent if c03-math-1251 and transient if c03-math-1252, first using results on birth-and-death chains, and then using Lyapunov functions.
  5. (e) We now considered the generalized case in which c03-math-1253, so that c03-math-1254. Prove that there is an invariant law c03-math-1255, compute it explicitly, and prove that the chain is positive recurrent. Compute c03-math-1256.

3.11 ALOHA The ALOHA protocol was established in 1970 in order to manage a star-shaped wireless network, linking a large number of computers through a central hub on two frequencies, one for sending and the other for receiving.

A signal regularly emitted by the hub allows to synchronize emissions by cutting time into timeslots of same duration, sufficient for sending a certain quantity of bits called a packet. If a single computer tries to emit during a timeslot, it is successful and the packet is retransmitted by the hub to all computers. If two or more computers attempt transmission in a timeslot, then the packets interfere and the attempt is unsuccessful; this event is called a collision. The only information available to the computers is whether there has been at least one collision or not. When there is a collision, the computers attempt to retransmit after a random duration. For a simple Markovian analysis, we assume that this happens with probability c03-math-1257 in each subsequent timeslot, so that the duration is geometric.

Let c03-math-1258 be the initial number of packets awaiting retransmission, c03-math-1259 be i.i.d., where c03-math-1260 is the number of new transmission attempts in timeslot c03-math-1261, and c03-math-1262 be i.i.d., where c03-math-1263 with probability c03-math-1264 if the c03-math-1265-th packet awaiting retransmission after timeslot c03-math-1266 undergoes a retransmission attempt in timeslot c03-math-1267, or else c03-math-1268. All these r.v. are independent. We assume that

  1. (a) Prove that the number of packets awaiting retransmission after timeslot c03-math-1270 is given by

    and that c03-math-1272 is an irreducible Markov chain on c03-math-1273.

  2. (b) If c03-math-1274, use the Lamperti criterion (Theorem 3.3.3) to prove that this chain is transient for every c03-math-1275.
  3. (c) Conclude to the same result when c03-math-1276.

3.12 Queuing by sessions Time is discrete, c03-math-1277 jobs arrive at time c03-math-1278 in i.i.d. manner, and c03-math-1279 and c03-math-1280. Session c03-math-1281 is devoted to servicing exclusively and exhaustively the c03-math-1282 jobs that were waiting at its start, and has an integer-valued random duration c03-math-1283, which conditional on c03-math-1284 is integrable, independent of the rest, and has law not depending on c03-math-1285.

  1. (a) Prove that c03-math-1286 is a Markov chain on c03-math-1287.
  2. (b) Prove that c03-math-1288 belongs to a closed irreducible class and that all states outside this class are transient.
  3. (c) We consider the restriction of the chain to this closed irreducible class. Prove that if c03-math-1289 then the chain is positive recurrent.
  4. (d) Prove that if c03-math-1290, then c03-math-1291 is positive recurrent. Prove that c03-math-1292 satisfies hypothesis c03-math-1293 of the Lamperti criterion for c03-math-1294 and c03-math-1295. Does it satisfy hypothesis c03-math-1296 of the Lamperti criterion or of the Tweedie criterion?

3.13 Big jumps Let c03-math-1297 be a Markov chain on c03-math-1298 with matrix c03-math-1299 with only nonzero terms c03-math-1300 and c03-math-1301.

  1. (a) Prove that this chain is irreducible.
  2. (b) Prove that if c03-math-1302, then the chain is positive recurrent and that there exists c03-math-1303 and a finite subset c03-math-1304 of c03-math-1305 s.t. c03-math-1306.
  3. (c) Prove that if c03-math-1307, then the chain is transient.

3.14 Quick return Let c03-math-1308 be a Markov chain on c03-math-1309 with matrix c03-math-1310. Assume that there exists a nonempty subset c03-math-1311 of c03-math-1312 and c03-math-1313 and c03-math-1314 s.t. if c03-math-1315, then c03-math-1316 and c03-math-1317. (We may assume that c03-math-1318 vanishes on c03-math-1319.) Let c03-math-1320.

  1. (a) Prove that c03-math-1321 for c03-math-1322 and c03-math-1323. Deduce from this that c03-math-1324 for c03-math-1325 and c03-math-1326.
  2. (b) Prove that c03-math-1327 and that c03-math-1328 for c03-math-1329 and c03-math-1330.
  3. (c) Let c03-math-1331, and c03-math-1332 be i.i.d., the power series c03-math-1333 have convergence radius c03-math-1334, and c03-math-1335. Consider c03-math-1336 independent of c03-math-1337 and (queue with c03-math-1338 servers)

    Prove that there exists c03-math-1340 and c03-math-1341 s.t. c03-math-1342. Find a finite subset c03-math-1343 of c03-math-1344 and a function c03-math-1345 satisfying the above.

  4. (d) Let c03-math-1346 be a nonempty subset of c03-math-1347 s.t. c03-math-1348. Find c03-math-1349 and c03-math-1350 satisfying the above. For which renewal processes does this hold for c03-math-1351?

3.15 Adjoints Let c03-math-1352 be the transition matrix of the nearest-neighbor random walk on c03-math-1353, given by c03-math-1354 and c03-math-1355. Give the adjoint transition matrix with respect to c03-math-1356 and the adjoint transition matrix with respect to the uniform measure.

3.16 Labouchère system, see Exercises 1.4 and 2.10 Let c03-math-1357 be the random walk on c03-math-1358 with matrix c03-math-1359 given by c03-math-1360 and c03-math-1361.

  1. (a) Are there any reversible measures?
  2. (b) Prove that if c03-math-1362, then an invariant measure must be of the form c03-math-1363 for c03-math-1364, and if c03-math-1365 of the form c03-math-1366.
  3. (c) By considering the behaviors for c03-math-1367 and c03-math-1368, prove that if c03-math-1369, then the invariant measures are of the form c03-math-1370 with c03-math-1371 and c03-math-1372 not both zero and that if c03-math-1373, then the unique invariant measure is uniform. Deduce from this that if c03-math-1374, then this random walk is transient.
  4. (d) Let c03-math-1375 be the random walk reflected at c03-math-1376 on c03-math-1377, with matrix c03-math-1378 given by c03-math-1379 and c03-math-1380 for c03-math-1381, and c03-math-1382. Write the global balance equations. Prove that if c03-math-1383, then the unique invariant measure is c03-math-1384, and if c03-math-1385, then the unique invariant measure is uniform.
  5. (e) Prove that c03-math-1386 is positive recurrent if and only if c03-math-1387, and compute the invariant law c03-math-1388 if it exists. Compute c03-math-1389.
  6. (f) Use a Lyapunov function technique to prove that c03-math-1390 is positive recurrent if c03-math-1391, null recurrent if c03-math-1392, and transient if c03-math-1393.

3.17 Random walk on a graph A discrete set c03-math-1394 is furnished with a (nonoriented) graph structure as follows. The elements of c03-math-1395 are the nodes of the graph, and the elements of c03-math-1396 are the links of the graph. The neighborhood of c03-math-1397 is given by c03-math-1398, and the degree of c03-math-1399 is given by its number of neighbors c03-math-1400. It is assumed that c03-math-1401 for every c03-math-1402. The random walk on the graph c03-math-1403 is defined as the Markov chain c03-math-1404 on c03-math-1405 s.t. if c03-math-1406, then c03-math-1407 is chosen uniformly in c03-math-1408.

  1. (a) Give an explicit expression for the transition matrix c03-math-1409 of c03-math-1410. Give a simple condition for it to be irreducible.
  2. (b) Describe the symmetric nearest-neighbor random walk on c03-math-1411 and the microscopic representation of the Ehrenfest Urn as random walks on graphs.
  3. (c) Assume that c03-math-1412 is irreducible. Find a reversible measure for this chain. Give a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the chain to be positive recurrent and then give an expression for the invariant law c03-math-1413.
  4. (d) Let c03-math-1414 and

    Find two (nonproportional) invariant measures for the random walk. Prove that the random walk is transient.

3.18 Caricature of TCP In a caricature of the transmission control protocol (TCP), which manages the window sizes for data transmission in the Internet, any packet is independently received with probability c03-math-1416, and the consecutive distinct window sizes (in packets) c03-math-1417 for c03-math-1418 constitute a Markov chain on c03-math-1419, with matrix c03-math-1420 with nonzero terms c03-math-1421 and c03-math-1422.

  1. (a) Prove that this Markov chain is irreducible. Prove that there exists a unique invariant law c03-math-1423, by using a Lyapunov function technique.
  2. (b) Write the global balance equations satisfied by the invariant law c03-math-1424.
  3. (c) Prove that, for c03-math-1425,
  4. (d) Deduce from this, for c03-math-1427, that c03-math-1428 and then that c03-math-1429.
  5. (e) Prove that c03-math-1430.
  6. (f) Let c03-math-1431 and c03-math-1432. Prove that c03-math-1433 is nondecreasing, c03-math-1434, and c03-math-1435.
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