Generating function

Theorem 2.2.5 yields that for every c02-math-0570 the functions c02-math-0571 and c02-math-0572 and c02-math-0573 satisfy

with boundary conditions c02-math-0575 and c02-math-0576, c02-math-0577 and c02-math-0578, and c02-math-0579, respectively. The characteristic polynomial for this second-order linear recursion is


We avoid treating separately the cases c02-math-0581 and c02-math-0582 by considering first the case c02-math-0583, for which c02-math-0584. Then, there are two distinct roots

the general solution is of the form c02-math-0586, and hence


Using c02-math-0588 and


the expressions for c02-math-0590 and c02-math-0591 and c02-math-0592 can be easily recovered, which is left as an exercise.

Explicit joint law

A Taylor expansion yields the joint law of c02-math-0593 and of the result of the game (ruin c02-math-0594, win if c02-math-0595), and hence the law of c02-math-0596. For c02-math-0597,


which yields expressions for c02-math-0599 and c02-math-0600 as rational functions of explicit polynomials, from which (Feller, W. (1968), XIV.5) derives the formula


Expectations, variances, and higher moments of c02-math-0602 and c02-math-0603 and c02-math-0604 can be derived by appropriate Taylor expansions at the point c02-math-0605 for c02-math-0606 and c02-math-0607 and c02-math-0608. Computations are tedious by hand but can be performed quickly by appropriate software.

2.3.2 Unilateral hitting time for a random walk

Consider a compulsive Gambler A, which gambles as long as he is not ruined, starting from an initial fortune c02-math-0609. This corresponds to taking c02-math-0610 and c02-math-0611 above. Now, the state space for c02-math-0612 is c02-math-0613, and


The game duration is c02-math-0615, and we set c02-math-0616 and c02-math-0617. Proposition 2.2.4 does no longer apply. Probability and mean duration for ruin

Taking limits

By monotone convergence (Theorem A.3.2),

  • If c02-math-0619 (game biased against the gambler), then c02-math-0620 and c02-math-0621, and Gambler A is ruined in finite time at “speed” c02-math-0622.
  • If c02-math-0623 (fair game), then c02-math-0624 and c02-math-0625, and Gambler A is eventually ruined, but the mean duration for that is infinite.
  • If c02-math-0626 (game biased toward the gambler), then c02-math-0627 and c02-math-0628 and hence c02-math-0629, and Gambler A is eventually ruined with probability c02-math-0630, and if he does so it happens at “speed” c02-math-0631. Obviously c02-math-0632.

A global expression for this is

Direct computation

We seek the least nonnegative solutions for the equations satisfying c02-math-0634 and c02-math-0635, by considering notably the behavior at infinity.

  • If c02-math-0636 then c02-math-0637 and c02-math-0638 for c02-math-0639, and hence c02-math-0640 and c02-math-0641.
  • If c02-math-0642 then c02-math-0643 and c02-math-0644 for c02-math-0645, and hence c02-math-0646 and c02-math-0647 for c02-math-0648.
  • If c02-math-0649 then c02-math-0650 and c02-math-0651 for c02-math-0652, and hence c02-math-0653 and c02-math-0654.

Note that if c02-math-0655 then the trivial infinite solution of the equations in Theorem 2.2.6 must be accepted, as no other solution is nonnegative. It would have been likewise if we had tried to compute thus c02-math-0656 for c02-math-0657.

Fair game and debt

If c02-math-0658 then c02-math-0659 for a sequence c02-math-0660 of i.i.d. r.v. such that c02-math-0661. Assuming c02-math-0662,


and hence c02-math-0664, despite the fact that c02-math-0665 yields that c02-math-0666, a.s. By dominated convergence (Theorem A.3.5), this implies that c02-math-0667.

Point of view of Gambler B

The situation seems more reasonable (but less realistic) from the perspective of Gambler B, who ardently desires to gain a sum c02-math-0668 and has infinite credit and a compliant adversary. Depending on his probability c02-math-0669 of winning at each toss, his eventual win probability and expected time to win are

  • If c02-math-0671 then he wins, a.s., after a mean duration of c02-math-0672.
  • If c02-math-0673 then he wins, a.s., but the expected time it takes is infinite, and the expectation of his maximal debt toward Gambler A is infinite.
  • If c02-math-0674 (as in a casino) then his probability of winning is c02-math-0675, and if he attains his goal then the expected time for this is c02-math-0676 (else he losses an unbounded quantity of money). Using the generating function

Let c02-math-0677. Theorem 2.2.5 yields that for c02-math-0678 the equation satisfied by c02-math-0679 is the extension of (2.3.8) for c02-math-0680 with boundary condition c02-math-0681.

If c02-math-0682 then c02-math-0683 and the general solution is given after (2.3.9). The minimality result in Theorem 2.2.5 and the fact that


yield that

Expectation and variance

As c02-math-0686 and c02-math-0687, it holds that


Classic Taylor expansions yield that, at a precision of order c02-math-0689,


and, using c02-math-0691,


Using c02-math-0693 and by identification, see (A.1.1), this yields that

  • if c02-math-0694 then c02-math-0695 and c02-math-0696 and moreover c02-math-0697,
  • if c02-math-0698 then c02-math-0699 and c02-math-0700.
Law of game duration

The classic Taylor expansion


using the generalized binomial coefficient defined by


yields that


By identification, for c02-math-0704, it holds that c02-math-0705 and

equation Use of the strong Markov property

The fact that


yields that the law of c02-math-0708 given that c02-math-0709 is the law of the sum of c02-math-0710 independent r.v. with same law as c02-math-0711 given that c02-math-0712 and implies that


It is actually a consequence of the strong Markov property: in order for Gambler A to loose c02-math-0714 units, he must first loose c02-math-0715 unit and then he starts independently of the past from a fortune of c02-math-0716 units; a simple recursion and the spatial homogeneity of a random walk conclude this. A precise formulation is left as an exercise.

2.3.3 Exit time from a box

Extensions of such results to multidimensional random walks are delicate, as the linear equations are much more involved and seldom have explicit solutions. Some guesswork easily allows to find a solution in the following example.

Let c02-math-0717 be the symmetric nearest-neighbor random walk on c02-math-0718 and c02-math-0719 be in c02-math-0720 for c02-math-0721. Consider c02-math-0722 and c02-math-0723, with


Theorem 2.2.6 yields that the function c02-math-0725 satisfies the affine equation with boundary condition


and, considering gambler's ruin, we obtain that

2.3.10 equation

Notably, if c02-math-0728 and c02-math-0729 for c02-math-0730 then c02-math-0731 is quadratic in c02-math-0732 and linear in the dimension c02-math-0733.

2.3.4 Branching process

See Section 1.4.3. We assume that


that is, that the mean number of offspring of an individual is finite, as well as c02-math-0735 and c02-math-0736 to avoid trivial situations. A quantity of interest is the extinction time


An essential fact is that if c02-math-0738 then c02-math-0739 can be obtained by the sum of the c02-math-0740 chains given by the descendants of each of the initial individuals and that these chains are independent and have same law as c02-math-0741 given that c02-math-0742. In particular, we study the case when c02-math-0743, the others being deduced easily. This property can be generalized to appropriate subpopulations and is called the branching property.

Notably, if c02-math-0744 then c02-math-0745 for c02-math-0746. This, and the “one step forward” method, yields that

which is the recursion in Section 1.4.3, obtained there by a different method. Probability and rate of extinction

By monotone limit (Lemma A.3.1),


Moreover, c02-math-0749, and the recursion (2.3.11) yields that


This recursion can also be obtained directly by the “one step forward” method: the branching property yields that c02-math-0751, and thus


Thus, c02-math-0753 solves the recursion c02-math-0754 started at c02-math-0755, and this nondecreasing sequence converges to c02-math-0756. As c02-math-0757 is continuous on c02-math-0758, the limit is the least fixed point c02-math-0759 of c02-math-0760 on c02-math-0761. Thus, the extinction probability is

Graphical study

The facts that c02-math-0763 and c02-math-0764 are continuous increasing on c02-math-0765, and c02-math-0766 and c02-math-0767 and c02-math-0768, allow to place the graph of c02-math-0769 with respect to the diagonal.

  • If c02-math-0770 then the only fixed point for c02-math-0771 is c02-math-0772, hence the extinction probability is c02-math-0773, and the population goes extinct, a.s.
  • If c02-math-0774 then there exists a unique fixed point c02-math-0775 other than c02-math-0776, and c02-math-0777 as c02-math-0778, hence the extinction probability is c02-math-0779.

See Figure 2.3.


Figure 2.3 Graphical study of c02-math-0780 with c02-math-0781. (Left) c02-math-0782, and the sequence converges to c02-math-0783. (Right) c02-math-0784, and the sequence converges to c02-math-0785, the unique fixed point of c02-math-0786 other than c02-math-0787.

Moreover, the strict convexity implies that


which yields some convergence rate results.

  • If c02-math-0789 then c02-math-0790 for c02-math-0791 and c02-math-0792.

    Indeed, then c02-math-0793 can be written as c02-math-0794 for c02-math-0795, and by iteration c02-math-0796 and hence c02-math-0797.

  • If c02-math-0798 then c02-math-0799 for every c02-math-0800.

    Indeed, c02-math-0801 and thus c02-math-0802, which implies the result as c02-math-0803.

  • If c02-math-0804 then c02-math-0805 for c02-math-0806, and c02-math-0807.

    Indeed, c02-math-0808 for c02-math-0809, and it is a simple matter to prove that c02-math-0810 (Figure 2.3).

Critical case

The case c02-math-0811 is called the critical case and is the most delicate to study. Assume that the number of offspring of a single individual has a variance or equivalently that c02-math-0812 or that c02-math-0813. Then c02-math-0814, and the population goes extinct, a.s., but has an infinite mean life time.

Indeed, c02-math-0815 implies for c02-math-0816 that


and as c02-math-0818 then c02-math-0819 with


and hence c02-math-0821. Mean population size

As c02-math-0822, an order c02-math-0823 Taylor expansion yields that


and by identification c02-math-0825 and hence


This can also be directly obtained by the “one step forward” method:


A few results follow from this.

  • If c02-math-0828 then the population mean size decreases exponentially.
  • If c02-math-0829 (critical case) then c02-math-0830 for all c02-math-0831, and c02-math-0832 for a (random) large enough c02-math-0833, a.s., and by dominated convergence (Theorem A.3.5) c02-math-0834. Hence, the population goes extinct, a.s., but its mean size remains constant, and the expectation of its maximal size is infinite.
  • If c02-math-0835 then the mean size increases exponentially. Variances and covariances

We assume c02-math-0836. Let


denote the variance of the number of offspring of an individual, and c02-math-0838 the variance of c02-math-0839. As c02-math-0840, using (A.1.1), at a precision of order c02-math-0841,


and by identification


Thus, c02-math-0844 and


Setting c02-math-0846, we obtain that c02-math-0847 and


and hence


For c02-math-0850, simple arguments yield that


and the covariance and correlation of c02-math-0852 and c02-math-0853 are given by


and more precisely


2.3.5 Word search

See Section 1.4.6. The quantity of interest is


The state space is finite and the chain irreducible, hence c02-math-0857 by Proposition 2.2.4. The expected value c02-math-0858 and of the generating function c02-math-0859 can easily be derived by solving the equations yielded by the “one step forward” method, but we leave that as an exercise.

We prefer to describe a more direct method, which is specific to this situation. It explores some possibilities of evolution in the near future, with horizon the word length. The word GAG is constituted of three letters. As c02-math-0860 is in c02-math-0861 and the sequence c02-math-0862 is i.i.d., for c02-math-0863, it holds that


and, considering the overlaps within the word GAG and c02-math-0865


and hence


As c02-math-0868 and c02-math-0869, it follows that


Generating function

Moreover, Lemma A.1.3 yields that c02-math-0871 for c02-math-0872, and (2.3.12) and c02-math-0873 yield that


so that eventually


As c02-math-0876, this yields c02-math-0877 again. Moreover, at a precision of order c02-math-0878,


and (A.1.1) yields that



2.1 Stopping times Let c02-math-0881 be a Markov chain on c02-math-0882, and c02-math-0883. Prove that the following random variables are stopping times.


2.2 Operations on stopping times Let c02-math-0885 and c02-math-0886 be two stopping times.

  1. (a) Prove that c02-math-0887 and c02-math-0888 and c02-math-0889 (with value c02-math-0890 if c02-math-0891) are stopping times.
  2. (b) Prove that if c02-math-0892 then c02-math-0893, then more generally that c02-math-0894.
  3. (c) Prove that if c02-math-0895 then c02-math-0896 and c02-math-0897. Deduce from this that c02-math-0898, the least c02-math-0899-field containing c02-math-0900.

2.3 Induced chain, 1 Let c02-math-0901 be a Markov chain on c02-math-0902 with matrix c02-math-0903, having no absorbing state. Let c02-math-0904 be defined by c02-math-0905 and c02-math-0906 and iteratively


Let c02-math-0908 denotes the filtration generated by c02-math-0909, and c02-math-0910 the one for c02-math-0911: the events in c02-math-0912 are of the form c02-math-0913, and those in c02-math-0914 of the form c02-math-0915. Let the matrix c02-math-0916 and for c02-math-0917, the geometric law c02-math-0918 on c02-math-0919 be defined by

  1. (a) Prove that c02-math-0921 is a transition matrix and that c02-math-0922 is irreducible if and only if c02-math-0923 is irreducible.
  2. (b) Prove that the c02-math-0924 are stopping times and that c02-math-0925.
  3. (c) Prove that c02-math-0926 is a Markov chain with transition matrix given by

    Prove that c02-math-0928 is a Markov chain with matrix c02-math-0929. Prove that

  4. (d) Prove that if c02-math-0931 is a stopping time for c02-math-0932, that is, for c02-math-0933, then c02-math-0934 is a stopping time for c02-math-0935, that is, for c02-math-0936.

2.4 Doeblin coupling Let c02-math-0937 be a Markov chain on c02-math-0938 with matrix c02-math-0939 satisfying




Let c02-math-0942 be a transition matrix on c02-math-0943 such that there exists c02-math-0944 and a probability measure c02-math-0945 such that c02-math-0946 for all c02-math-0947; this is the Doeblin condition of Theorem 1.3.4 for c02-math-0948.

  1. (a) Prove that c02-math-0949 is a stopping time.
  2. (b) Prove that c02-math-0950 has same law as c02-math-0951. Deduce from this, for instance using (1.2.2), that
  3. (c) Prove that we define transition matrices c02-math-0953 on c02-math-0954 and c02-math-0955 on c02-math-0956 by

    and that c02-math-0958.

  4. (d) Prove that c02-math-0959.
  5. (e) Prove that c02-math-0960 and c02-math-0961 are both Markov chains with matrix c02-math-0962.
  6. (f) Conclude that

    by using the fact that there exists r.v. c02-math-0964 and c02-math-0965 with laws c02-math-0966 and c02-math-0967 such that c02-math-0968 (see Lemma A.2.2).

2.5 The space station, see Exercise 1.1 The astronaut starts from module c02-math-0969.

  1. (a) What is his probability of reaching module c02-math-0970 before visiting the central module (module c02-math-0971)?
  2. (b) What is his probability of visiting all of the external ring (all peripheral modules and the links between them) before visiting the central module?
  3. (c) Compute the generating function, the law, and the expectation of the time that he takes to reach module c02-math-0972, conditional on the fact that he does so before visiting the central module.

2.6 The mouse, see Exercise 1.2 The mouse starts from room c02-math-0973. Compute the probability that it reaches room c02-math-0974 before returning to room c02-math-0975. Compute the generating function and expectation of the time it takes to reach room c02-math-0976, conditional on the fact that it does so before returning to room c02-math-0977.

2.7 Andy, see Exercise 1.6 Andy is just out of jail. Let c02-math-0978 be the number of consecutive evenings he spends out of jail, before his first return there. Compute c02-math-0979 for c02-math-0980. Compute the law and expectation of c02-math-0981.

2.8 Genetic models, see Exercise 1.8 Let c02-math-0982, and c02-math-0983 be the number of individuals of allele c02-math-0984 at time c02-math-0985. Consider the Dirichlet problem (2.2.5) for c02-math-0986 on c02-math-0987 for c02-math-0988.

  1. (a) Prove that for asynchronous reproduction the linear equation writes
  2. (b) What does this equation remind you of? Compute c02-math-0990 and c02-math-0991 (fixation probability and extinction probability for allele c02-math-0992).
  3. (c) Write the linear equation obtained in the case of synchronous reproduction. Prove that if c02-math-0993 then c02-math-0994 solves this equation. Compute c02-math-0995 and c02-math-0996.

2.9 Nearest-neighbor walk, 1-d Let c02-math-0997 be the random walk on c02-math-0998 with matrix given by c02-math-0999 and c02-math-1000. Let c02-math-1001 and c02-math-1002 for c02-math-1003, and c02-math-1004 and c02-math-1005.

  1. (a) Draw the graph of c02-math-1006. Is this matrix irreducible?
  2. (b) Let c02-math-1007 be in c02-math-1008. Prove, using results in Section 2.3.2, that

    and that c02-math-1010 if and only if c02-math-1011.

  3. (c) Let c02-math-1012 be in c02-math-1013. Prove that c02-math-1014 and c02-math-1015.
  4. (d) Prove that, for c02-math-1016,

    Prove that c02-math-1018 if c02-math-1019 and c02-math-1020 if c02-math-1021.

  5. (e) Prove that c02-math-1022 if c02-math-1023 and c02-math-1024 if c02-math-1025, a.s.
  6. (f) Prove that c02-math-1026 if c02-math-1027 and c02-math-1028 if c02-math-1029. In this last case, prove by considering c02-math-1030 that c02-math-1031 is not a stopping time.
  7. (g) Prove that c02-math-1032 if c02-math-1033 and c02-math-1034 if c02-math-1035. In this last case, prove that c02-math-1036 is not a stopping time.
  8. (h) Prove, using results in Section 2.3.2, that
  9. (i) Prove that c02-math-1038.
  10. (j) Deduce from this the law of c02-math-1039 when c02-math-1040.

2.10 Labouchère system, see Exercise 1.4 Let c02-math-1041 be the random walk on c02-math-1042 with matrix given by c02-math-1043 and c02-math-1044, and c02-math-1045.

  1. (a) What is the relation of these objects to Exercise 1.4?
  2. (b) Draw the graph of c02-math-1046. Is this matrix irreducible?
  3. (c) Prove that c02-math-1047 satisfies c02-math-1048 and

    Prove that this recursion has c02-math-1050 as a solution, then that its general solution is given for c02-math-1051 by c02-math-1052 with c02-math-1053 and for c02-math-1054 by c02-math-1055.

  4. (d) Prove that if c02-math-1056 then c02-math-1057 and if c02-math-1058 then c02-math-1059.

    Deduce from this that, for c02-math-1060, if c02-math-1061 then c02-math-1062 and if c02-math-1063 then c02-math-1064.

  5. (e) Prove that c02-math-1065 satisfies c02-math-1066 and

    Deduce from this that, for c02-math-1068, if c02-math-1069 then c02-math-1070 and if c02-math-1071 then c02-math-1072.

  6. (f) What prevents us from computing the generating function of c02-math-1073?
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