List of Figures

1.1 Symmetric nearest-neighbor random walk on regular planar triangular network.
1.2 Gambler's ruin. Gambler A finishes the game at time f03-math-0001 with a gain of f03-math-0002 units starting from a fortune of f03-math-0003 units. The successive states of his fortune are represented by the • and joined by dashes. The arrows on the vertical axis give his probabilities of winning or losing at each toss.
1.3 Branching process. (b) The genealogical tree for a population during six generations; • represent individuals and dashed lines their parental relations. (a) The vertical axis gives the numbers f03-math-0004 of the generations, of which the sizes figure on its right. (c) The table underneath the horizontal axis gives the f03-math-0005 for f03-math-0006 and f03-math-0007, of which the sum over f03-math-0008 yields f03-math-0009.
1.4 The Ehrenfest Urn. Shown at an instant when a particle transits from the right compartment to the left one. The choice of the particle that changes compartment at each step is uniform.
1.5 Renewal process. The • represent the ages at the discrete instants on the horizontal axis and are linearly interpolated by dashes in their increasing phases. Then, f03-math-0010 if f03-math-0011. The f03-math-0012 represent the two possible ages at time f03-math-0013, which are f03-math-0014 if f03-math-0015 and f03-math-0016 if f03-math-0017.
1.6 Search for the word GAG: Markov chain graph. The graph for the automaton is obtained by replacing f03-math-0018 by “if the next term is f03-math-0019,” f03-math-0020 by “if the next term is f03-math-0021,” f03-math-0022 by “if the next term is not f03-math-0023,” and f03-math-0024 by “if the next term is neither f03-math-0025 nor f03-math-0026.”
1.7 Product chain. The first and second coordinates are drawn independently according to f03-math-0027 and f03-math-0028.
2.1 Strong Markov property. The successive states of f03-math-0029 are represented by the filled circles and are linearly interpolated by dashed lines and f03-math-0030 is a stopping time.
2.2 Successive hitting times of f03-math-0031 and induced chain. The successive states of f03-math-0032 are represented by the filled circles and are linearly interpolated, and f03-math-0033 corresponds to the points between the two horizontal lines. We see f03-math-0034 for f03-math-0035, f03-math-0036, and f03-math-0037.
2.3 Graphical study of f03-math-0038 with f03-math-0039. (Left) f03-math-0040, and the sequence converges to f03-math-0041. (Right) f03-math-0042, and the sequence converges to f03-math-0043, the unique fixed point of f03-math-0044 other than f03-math-0045.
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