Chapter 4
Long-time behavior

4.1 Path regeneration and convergence

In this section, let c04-math-0001 be an irreducible recurrent Markov chain on c04-math-0002. For c04-math-0003, let the counting measure c04-math-0004 with integer values, and the empirical measure c04-math-0005, which is a probability measure, be the random measures given by


so that if c04-math-0007 is a real function on c04-math-0008, then

and if c04-math-0010 is in c04-math-0011, then


For any state c04-math-0013, Lemma 3.1.3 yields that c04-math-0014, and hence that the successive hitting times c04-math-0015 of c04-math-0016 defined in (2.2.2) are stopping times, which are finite, a.s. Moreover, if c04-math-0017, then


As c04-math-0019 is the first strict future hitting time of c04-math-0020 by the shifted chain c04-math-0021, the strong Markov property yields that the c04-math-0022 for c04-math-0023 are i.i.d. and have same law as c04-math-0024 when c04-math-0025. In particular, for any real function c04-math-0026, the

are i.i.d. and have same law as c04-math-0028 when c04-math-0029.

The path followed by the chain can be decomposed into its excursions from c04-math-0030, by setting (with the convention that an empty sum is null)

This will enable to use classic convergence results for i.i.d. sequences.

4.1.1 Pointwise ergodic theorem, extensions Pointwise ergodic theorem

The first result is basically a strong law of large numbers and is often used for positive recurrent chains. The terminology “pointwise” refers to a.s. convergence.

Note that if c04-math-0074 is a transient state for a Markov chain c04-math-0075, then it is visited at most a finite number of times, and c04-math-0076, a.s.

Statistical estimation of transition matrix

The pointwise ergodic theorem allows to estimate the transition matrix of an irreducible positive recurrent Markov chain.

Indeed, the snake chain c04-math-0077 is irreducible on its natural state space


and on this space has invariant law with generic term c04-math-0079, and hence, it is positive recurrent. The pointwise ergodic theorem then yields that


In theory, this could be also used for null recurrent chains (replacing the invariant law by the invariant measure); however, in practice, the convergence is much too slow. Ergodic theorem in probability

Given this proof, it is natural to try to relax the assumptions and consider the case in which c04-math-0081, instead of c04-math-0082. The difficulty is that the last hitting time of c04-math-0083 before time c04-math-0084, given by

with the convention c04-math-0086, is not a stopping time.

The following lemma is usually proved using some results of convergence of c04-math-0087, which we discuss later. We replace these by a coupling argument.

The following lemma is technical and is used to clarify statements.


In general, there is not a.s. convergence, see Chung, K.L. (1967), p. 97.

4.1.2 Central limit theorem for Markov chains

Obtaining confidence intervals is essential in practice, notably for elaborating and calibrating Monte Carlo methods (see Section 5.2) or statistical estimations. Note that c04-math-0193 has expectation c04-math-0194. Recall (4.1.1) and (4.1.2).

Theorem 14.7 and its Corollary in Chung, K.L. (1967), p. 88 give unpractical formulae for computing c04-math-0232, which can only be useful in very simple cases. Statistical or Monte Carlo methods may yield good approximations for c04-math-0233. The most interesting framework is the one for the pointwise ergodic theorem, when c04-math-0234 and c04-math-0235. If c04-math-0236 and c04-math-0237


in which the coefficients c04-math-0239 depend on the chain evolution in a complex way. Note that c04-math-0240.

It is possible to accumulate similar limit theorems using these ideas, such as an iterated logarithm law for Markov chains, see Chung, K.L. (1967), Section I.16.

4.1.3 Detailed examples Nearest-neighbor random walks

Consider the nearest-neighbor random walk reflected at c04-math-0241 on c04-math-0242, with matrix c04-math-0243 given for c04-math-0244 by


We have seen that it is positive recurrent if and only if c04-math-0246, and we have then computed its invariant law c04-math-0247. For instance, the proportion of time before time c04-math-0248 spent at the boundary c04-math-0249 is given by


the limit being given by the pointwise ergodic theorem. We have seen that it is null recurrent for c04-math-0251, and we have computed its invariant measure c04-math-0252. For instance, the ratio of the time before time c04-math-0253 spent at c04-math-0254 and that spent at c04-math-0255 is likewise given by

equation Ehrenfest Urn

See Section 1.4.4. Before time c04-math-0257, the proportion (or fraction) of time in which compartment c04-math-0258 is empty is given by


and that in which the number of molecules in compartment c04-math-0260 is c04-math-0261 by


see (3.2.6) and thereafter. State c04-math-0263 is hugely more frequent than state c04-math-0264. Its frequency of order c04-math-0265 can be interpreted in terms of the central limit theorem, according to which the mass of the invariant law c04-math-0266 is concentrated on a scale of c04-math-0267 around c04-math-0268. The pointwise ergodic theorem yields that


and for instance for c04-math-0270 and c04-math-0271 this yields

equation Word search

See Section 1.4.6. The invariant law c04-math-0273 has been computed in a specific occurrence and seen that the Markov chain is irreducible. Theorem 3.2.4 or its Corollary 3.2.7 yields that the chain is positive recurrent.

The frequency of nonoverlapping occurrences of the word GAG in the first c04-math-0274 characters of the infinite string is given by


Such results can be used for statistical tests to check whether the character string is indeed generated according to the model we have described.

4.2 Long-time behavior of the instantaneous laws

4.2.1 Period and aperiodic classes Period and aperiodicity

For certain Markov chains, certain states are periodically “forbidden”: for instance, the nearest-neighbor random walk on c04-math-0276, with matrix c04-math-0277 given by c04-math-0278 and c04-math-0279, alternates between even and odd states and exhibits a period of c04-math-0280.

If c04-math-0290, then the period is not defined (it could be said that it is infinity).

Note that c04-math-0291 is stable by addition, as c04-math-0292 for c04-math-0293 and c04-math-0294, and that the period c04-math-0295 is the least c04-math-0296 such that c04-math-0297 is aperiodic for the transition matrix c04-math-0298. These remarks are used in the proof of the following.


Aperiodicity, strong irreducibility, and Doeblin condition
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