Appendix A


A.1 Basic probabilistic notions

A.1.1 Discrete random variable, expectation, and generating function

A.1.1.1 General random variable and its law

A probability space b01-math-0001 will be considered throughout. In general, an r.v. with values in a measurable state space b01-math-0002 is a measurable function


Then, for every measurable subset b01-math-0004 of b01-math-0005, it holds that


The law of b01-math-0007 is the probability measure defined on b01-math-0008 by b01-math-0009 and, more concretely, for measurable subsets b01-math-0010, by


A.1.1.2 Random variable with discrete state space

Laws and expectations

In this appendix, b01-math-0012 will be assumed to be discrete (finite or countably infinite), with measurable structure (b01-math-0013-field) given by the collection of all subsets. Then, b01-math-0014 is an r.v. if and only if


In the sense of nonnegative or absolutely convergent series,


for b01-math-0017 and functions b01-math-0018, which are nonnegative (and then b01-math-0019 is in b01-math-0020) or satisfy b01-math-0021 (and then b01-math-0022 is in b01-math-0023).

Thus, the law b01-math-0024 of b01-math-0025 can be identified with the collection b01-math-0026 of nonnegative real numbers with sum b01-math-0027.

More generally, a (nonnegative) measure b01-math-0028 on a discrete space b01-math-0029 can be identified with a collection b01-math-0030 of nonnegative real numbers, and


where b01-math-0032 is nonnegative or satisfies b01-math-0033. Then, b01-math-0034 and b01-math-0035.

Note that the sum of a nonnegative or an absolutely converging series does not depend on the order of summation.

Integer valued random variables, possibly infinite

The natural state space of some random variables is b01-math-0036, for instance when they are defined as an infimum of a possibly empty subset of b01-math-0037 or as a possibly infinite sum of integers. The first step in their study is to try to determine whether b01-math-0038, and if yes to compute this quantity.

Distribution tails

For this, the formula


is often more practical than b01-math-0040. We give a related formula for b01-math-0041. Recall that if b01-math-0042, then b01-math-0043, and that


This formula is a particular instance of the following integration by parts formula: if b01-math-0051 is an b01-math-0052-valued r.v., and b01-math-0053 is absolutely continuous and has nonnegative density b01-math-0054, then by the Fubini theorem

Generating functions

The generating function for (the law of) an r.v. X with values in b01-math-0056 is denoted by b01-math-0057 and is given by the power series


possibly extended to b01-math-0059. If b01-math-0060, then b01-math-0061, and this formula can be used (with proper care) for b01-math-0062 with the convention b01-math-0063. If b01-math-0064, then


and thus the convergence radius is greater than or equal to b01-math-0066. Hence, b01-math-0067 is finite and continuous on b01-math-0068 and has derivatives of all orders b01-math-0069 at b01-math-0070 given by


The function b01-math-0072 is determined by its restriction on b01-math-0073, and for some computations, it is easier to work on this restriction.

Inversion formula

A Taylor series expansion of b01-math-0074 at b01-math-0075 shows that


which provides a theoretical inversion method yielding the law from the generating function. In practice, algebraic series expansions should be preferred.


Using the monotone convergence theorem (Theorem A.3.2), in b01-math-0077,


and the moments can be obtained from the second formula. If b01-math-0079, then b01-math-0080 and b01-math-0081 can be computed using the Taylor expansion of order b01-math-0082 for b01-math-0083 at b01-math-0084, given by

A.1.1 equation

If b01-math-0086 and b01-math-0087, then these Taylor expansions limited to order b01-math-0088 yield b01-math-0089.

Sums of independent random variables

The following result is one of the reasons that generating functions are important. The converse of this result uses multivariate generating functions.

Tail distributions

The following result is an application of the ideas of Lemma A.1.1 to generating functions.

A.1.2 Conditional probabilities and independence

A.1.2.1 Conditioning and total probability formula

If b01-math-0107 and b01-math-0108 are two events, b01-math-0109 can be denoted in some circumstances by b01-math-0110, and it is said “b01-math-0111 and b01-math-0112.”

If b01-math-0113, then we define the probability of b01-math-0114 conditional on b01-math-0115 by


and b01-math-0117 is a probability measure on b01-math-0118.

If b01-math-0119 is a nonnegative or integrable r.v. for b01-math-0120, then its expectation or variance conditional to b01-math-0121 s.t. b01-math-0122 is defined as its expectation or variance for b01-math-0123, that is,

Iterated conditioning

If b01-math-0125 is an event s.t. b01-math-0126, or equivalently b01-math-0127, then

Total probability

If b01-math-0129 is a countable collection of events s.t.


then the probability of any event b01-math-0131 or the expectation of any nonnegative or integrable r.v. b01-math-0132 can be obtained as


with the natural convention b01-math-0134 for b01-math-0135.

A.1.2.2 Independence and conditional independence

Independent events

Two events b01-math-0136 and b01-math-0137 are independent if and only if


and if b01-math-0139 this is equivalent to b01-math-0140. For an arbitrary index set b01-math-0141, the events b01-math-0142 are independent if and only if

Independent random variables, i.i.d. family

Two random variables b01-math-0144 and b01-math-0145 are independent if and only if, for all measurable b01-math-0146 and b01-math-0147 in the respective state spaces, b01-math-0148 and b01-math-0149 are independent, that is,


This expresses that the joint law b01-math-0151 is the product law b01-math-0152. Hence, the Fubini theorem yields that b01-math-0153 and b01-math-0154 are independent if and only if, for any b01-math-0155 and b01-math-0156, which are nonnegative or satisfy that b01-math-0157 be b01-math-0158,


If b01-math-0160 and b01-math-0161 have discrete state spaces, it is sufficient that b01-math-0162 for every b01-math-0163 and b01-math-0164 in the respective state spaces.

For an arbitrary index set b01-math-0168, the random variables b01-math-0169 are independent if and only if for any b01-math-0170 and b01-math-0171 and measurable b01-math-0172 included in the respective state spaces


that is, if and only if the joint laws are given by the product of the marginals


and the Fubini theorem can be used as earlier. If b01-math-0175 is finite, then it suffices to check this property for b01-math-0176.

The random variables b01-math-0177 are independent and identically distributed, i.i.d. for short, if they are independent and all have same law.

Independent b01-math-0178-fields

The most general independence notion is as follows. The sub-b01-math-0179-fields b01-math-0180 of b01-math-0181 (see Section A.3) are independent if and only if, for all b01-math-0182 and b01-math-0183 and b01-math-0184, it holds that


If b01-math-0186 is finite, then it suffices to check this property for b01-math-0187.

Note that the random variables b01-math-0188 are independent if and only if the generated sub-b01-math-0189-fields b01-math-0190 are independent and that the events b01-math-0191 are independent if and only if the random variables b01-math-0192 are independent.

Conditional independence

If b01-math-0193 is an event s.t. b01-math-0194, all these independence notions can be applied to the conditional probability measure b01-math-0195, and the terminology “independent conditional to b01-math-0196” is then used. In particular, b01-math-0197 and b01-math-0198 are independent conditional to b01-math-0199 if and only if


or, equivalently,


A.1.2.3 Basic limit theorems for i.i.d. random variables

The notion of a Markov chain is a generalization of the notion of a sequence of i.i.d. random variables. We recall two basic limit theorems for the latter. The first result shows that in a certain scale randomness tends to disappear, and the second quantifies precisely the residual randomness in the appropriate scale.


These two results have been adapted to recurrent Markov chains using regenerative techniques in Section 4.1. This has yielded notably the pointwise ergodic theorem and the Markov chain central limit theorem.

A.2 Discrete measure convergence

A.2.1 Total variation norm and maximal coupling

A.2.1.1 Total variation norm and duality

The state space b01-math-0211 will here be discrete, and we develop the notions in Section 1.2.2, see Section A.3.2 for some extensions to general measurable state spaces.

The space b01-math-0212 of signed measures with the total variation norm can be identified to the separable (with dense countable subset) Banach space (complete normed space) b01-math-0213 of summable real sequences indexed by b01-math-0214 with its natural norm. Its dual space b01-math-0215 of bounded functions with the supremum norm can be identified with the space b01-math-0216 of bounded sequences.

These vector spaces are of finite dimension if and only if b01-math-0217 is finite. Recall that a vector space is of finite dimensions if and only if all norms are equivalent.

The subset b01-math-0218 of finite nonnegative measures is a closed (for the norm) cone (stable by nonnegative linear combinations) of b01-math-0219. The set b01-math-0220 of probability measures is the intersection of b01-math-0221 with the unit sphere. Thus, b01-math-0222 is a closed convex subset of b01-math-0223 and is complete for the distance induced by the norm.

A.2.1.2 Total variation norm and maximal coupling


A.2.2 Duality between measures and functions

A.2.2.1 Dual Banach space and strong dual norm

Let b01-math-0293 be a Banach space. Its dual b01-math-0294 is the space of all continuous (for the norm) linear forms (real linear mappings) on b01-math-0295. The action of b01-math-0296 in b01-math-0297 on b01-math-0298 is denoted by duality brackets as


The strong dual norm on b01-math-0300 is given by the operator norm


and for this norm b01-math-0302 is a Banach space.

A.2.2.2 Discrete signed measures and classic sequence spaces

Let b01-math-0303 be a discrete state space. For b01-math-0304, let b01-math-0305 and b01-math-0306 denote the spaces of real sequences b01-math-0307 s.t., respectively,


If b01-math-0309 is finite, then all these finite sequence spaces can be identified to elements of b01-math-0310, and all these norms are equivalent. The main focus is on infinite b01-math-0311, and these spaces are isomorphic to the classic spaces of sequences indexed by b01-math-0312.

The Banach space b01-math-0313 of signed measures on b01-math-0314 with the total variation norm can be identified with the separable space b01-math-0315, and its dual b01-math-0316 with b01-math-0317 by identifying b01-math-0318 in b01-math-0319 with the linear form


and the norms are in duality with this duality bracket.

The Banach space b01-math-0321 is the subspace of b01-math-0322 of the sequences that converge to b01-math-0323: for all b01-math-0324, there exists a finite subset b01-math-0325 of b01-math-0326 s.t. b01-math-0327 for b01-math-0328 in b01-math-0329. Then, with continuous injections,


The countable space of sequences with finite support is dense in b01-math-0331 and in b01-math-0332 for b01-math-0333, and these Banach spaces hence are separable.

On the contrary, b01-math-0334 is not separable for in finite b01-math-0335, and its dual contains strictly b01-math-0336. Indeed, let b01-math-0337 be a sequence with values in b01-math-0338, b01-math-0339 an enumeration of b01-math-0340, and b01-math-0341 if b01-math-0342 and else b01-math-0343. Then, b01-math-0344 is in b01-math-0345 and


and thus b01-math-0347 cannot be dense in b01-math-0348.

The dual space of b01-math-0349 can be identified with b01-math-0350, with duality bracket for b01-math-0351 in b01-math-0352 and b01-math-0353 in b01-math-0354 again given by


For b01-math-0356 in b01-math-0357, for all b01-math-0358, there exists a finite subset b01-math-0359 of b01-math-0360 s.t. b01-math-0361, which readily yields using Lemma A.2.1 that


so that the total variation norm (or the b01-math-0363 norm) is the strong dual norm both considering b01-math-0364 (or b01-math-0365) as the dual of b01-math-0366 or as a subspace of the dual of b01-math-0367.

A.2.2.3 Weak topologies

The Banach space b01-math-0368 can be given the weak topology


also denoted by b01-math-0370. It can also be considered as the dual space of b01-math-0371, and given the weak-b01-math-0372 topology


also denoted by b01-math-0374. Recall that in infinite dimension the dual space of b01-math-0375 is much larger than b01-math-0376.

A simple fact is that a sequence b01-math-0377 converges for b01-math-0378 if and only if it is bounded (for the norm) and converges termwise. A diagonal subsequence extraction procedure then shows that a subset of b01-math-0379 is relatively compact for b01-math-0380 if and only if it is bounded.

Let b01-math-0381 be infinite and identified with b01-math-0382. Then, the sequence b01-math-0383 of b01-math-0384 clearly converges to b01-math-0385 for b01-math-0386, and hence b01-math-0387 is not closed for this topology. Moreover, this sequence cannot have an accumulation point for b01-math-0388, as this could only be b01-math-0389 as per the above-mentioned conditions, whereas b01-math-0390. Hence, the bounded set b01-math-0391 is not relatively compact for b01-math-0392 nor for the (stronger) topology of the total variation norm.

These are instances of far more general facts. Recall that a normed vector space is of finite dimension if and only if its unit sphere is compact and that the unit sphere is always compact for the weak-b01-math-0393 topology (but not necessarily for the weak topology), which helps explain its popularity, see the Banach–Alaoglu theorem (Rudin, W. (1991), Theorem 3.15).

A.2.3 Weak convergence of laws and convergence in law

Let us now assume that the above-mentioned notions are restricted to the space of probability measures b01-math-0394, that is, that both the sequence b01-math-0395 and its limit b01-math-0396 are probability measures.

Then, not only the b01-math-0397 and b01-math-0398 topologies coincide (a fact which extends to general state spaces), but as b01-math-0399 is discrete, they also coincide with both the topology of the termwise convergence (product topology) and the topology of the complete metric space given by the (trace of the) total variation norm.

The resulting topology is called the topology of weak convergence of probability measures. The convergence in law of random variables is defined as the weak convergence of their laws.

Indeed, clearly on b01-math-0400, the weakest topology is that of termwise convergence, and the strongest is that of total variation. Let b01-math-0401 for b01-math-0402 and b01-math-0403 be in b01-math-0404, and b01-math-0405 for every b01-math-0406 in b01-math-0407. Let b01-math-0408 be arbitrary. It is possible to choose a finite subset b01-math-0409 of b01-math-0410 and then b01-math-0411 s.t.


As these are probability measures, if b01-math-0413, then


and thus, b01-math-0415, and hence,


A.2.3.1 Relative compactness and tightness

The fact that b01-math-0417 is weak-b01-math-0418 relatively compact in b01-math-0419, and computations quite similar to that shown earlier, show that a subset b01-math-0420 of b01-math-0421 is relatively compact for the weak convergence of probability measures if and only if b01-math-0422 is tight, in the following sense: for every b01-math-0423, there exists a finite subset b01-math-0424 of b01-math-0425 s.t.

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