Chapter 2
Past, present, and future

2.1 Markov property and its extensions

2.1.1 Past c02-math-0001-field, filtration, and translation operators

Let c02-math-0002 be a sequence of random variables. The c02-math-0003-fields


contain all events that can be observed using exclusively c02-math-0005, that is, the past up to time c02-math-0006 included of the sequence. Obviously


A family of nondecreasing c02-math-0008-fields, such as c02-math-0009, is called a filtration, and provides a mathematical framework for the accumulation of information obtained by the step-by-step observation of the sequence.

Product c02-math-0010-field

Definition 1.2.1 gives an expression for the probability of any event c02-math-0011 in c02-math-0012 in terms of c02-math-0013 and c02-math-0014. The Kolmogorov extension theorem (Theorem A.3.10) in Section A.3.4 of the Appendix then attributes a corresponding probability to any event in the product c02-math-0015-field of c02-math-0016, which is the smallest c02-math-0017-field containing every c02-math-0018, which we denote by c02-math-0019. The c02-math-0020-field c02-math-0021 contains all the information that can be reconstructed from the observation of an arbitrarily large finite number of terms of the sequence c02-math-0022.

As a c02-math-0023-field is stable under countable intersections, c02-math-0024 contains events allowing to characterize a.s. convergences, of which we will discuss later.

Shift operators

For c02-math-0025, the shift operators c02-math-0026 act on sequences of r.v. by


This action extends naturally to any c02-math-0028-measurable random variable c02-math-0029 and to any event c02-math-0030 in c02-math-0031 : if c02-math-0032 and c02-math-0033 for some measurable (deterministic) function c02-math-0034 on c02-math-0035 and measurable subset c02-math-0036, then


The c02-math-0038-field c02-math-0039 is included in c02-math-0040 and contains the events of the future after time c02-math-0041 included for the sequence. It corresponds for c02-math-0042 to what c02-math-0043 corresponds for c02-math-0044.

2.1.2 Markov property

Definition 1.2.1 is in fact equivalent to the following Markov property, which is apparently stronger as it yields that the past and the future of a Markov chain are independent conditional on its present state.

Thus, conditional to c02-math-0076, the future after time c02-math-0077 of the chain is given by a “regeneration” of the chain starting at c02-math-0078 and independent of the past. Note that past and future are taken in wide sense and include the present: both c02-math-0079 and c02-math-0080 may contain information on c02-math-0081 “superseded” by the conditioning on c02-math-0082. All this is illustrated by Figure 2.1, for c02-math-0083.


Figure 2.1 Strong Markov property. The successive states of c02-math-0084 are represented by the filled circles and are linearly interpolated by dashed lines and c02-math-0085 is a stopping time.

These formulae are compact, have rich interpretations, and can readily be extended, for instance, if c02-math-0086 and c02-math-0087 are nonnegative or bounded then

We now proceed to further extend them by replacing deterministic instants c02-math-0089 by an adequate class of random instants.

2.1.3 Stopping times and strong Markov property

A stopping time will be defined as a random instant that can be determined “in real time” from the observation of the chain, and hence at which a decision (such as stopping a game) can be taken without further knowledge of the future.

The equivalences in the definition follow readily from


We set c02-math-0099 and c02-math-0100 on c02-math-0101. On c02-math-0102, it holds that, for c02-math-0103,


For c02-math-0105, it holds that c02-math-0106, and for any c02-math-0107, one can determine whether a certain c02-math-0108 is in c02-math-0109 by examining only c02-math-0110.

Trivial example: deterministic times

If c02-math-0111 is deterministic, that is, if


then c02-math-0113 is a stopping time and c02-math-0114.

We shall give nontrivial examples of stopping times after the next fundamental result, illustrated in Figure 2.1, which yields that Theorem 2.1.1 and its corollaries, such as (2.1.1), hold conditionally on c02-math-0115 by replacing c02-math-0116 with a stopping time c02-math-0117.

A “last hitting time,” a “time of maximum,” and so on are generally not stopping times, as the future knowledge they imply usually prevents the formula for the strong Markov property to hold.

2.2 Hitting times and distribution

2.2.1 Hitting times, induced chain, and hitting distribution First hitting time and first strict future hitting time

Let c02-math-0139 be a subset of c02-math-0140. The r.v., with values in c02-math-0141, defined by


are stopping times, as c02-math-0143 and c02-math-0144. Clearly,


When c02-math-0146, the notations c02-math-0147 and c02-math-0148 are used. The notations c02-math-0149 and c02-math-0150 or c02-math-0151 and c02-math-0152, or even c02-math-0153 and c02-math-0154 if the contest is clear, will also be used. See Figure 2.2 in which c02-math-0155.


Figure 2.2 Successive hitting times of c02-math-0169 and induced chain. The successive states of c02-math-0170 are represented by the filled circles and are linearly interpolated, and c02-math-0171 corresponds to the points between the two horizontal lines. We see c02-math-0172 for c02-math-0173, c02-math-0174, and c02-math-0175.

Classically, c02-math-0156 is called the (first) hitting time of c02-math-0157 by the chain and c02-math-0158 the (first) strict future hitting time of c02-math-0159 by the chain. Successive hitting times and induced chain

The successive hitting times c02-math-0160 of c02-math-0161 by the chain c02-math-0162 are given by

2.2.2 equation

These are stopping times, as c02-math-0164.

If c02-math-0165 then we set c02-math-0166, which is the state occupied at the c02-math-0167th hit of c02-math-0168 by the chain. This is illustrated in Figure 2.2.

If c02-math-0176 for every c02-math-0177, then c02-math-0178 is said to be recurrent. Then, the strong Markov property (Theorem 2.1.3) yields that if c02-math-0179, for instance, if c02-math-0180 a.s., then c02-math-0181 for all c02-math-0182, and moreover that c02-math-0183 is a Markov chain on c02-math-0184, which is called the induced chain of c02-math-0185 in c02-math-0186.

Cemetery state

In order to define c02-math-0187 in all generality, we can set c02-math-0188 if c02-math-0189 for a cemetery state c02-math-0190 adjoined to c02-math-0191. The strong Markov property implies that c02-math-0192 thus defined is a Markov chain on the enlarged state space c02-math-0193, also called the induced chain; one can add that it is killed after its last hit of c02-math-0194. Hitting distribution and induced chain

For c02-math-0195, the matrix and function

2.2.3 equation

only depend on c02-math-0197 and on c02-math-0198 as the starting states are specified. When c02-math-0199, the notations c02-math-0200 and c02-math-0201 are used, and c02-math-0202 and c02-math-0203 when the context is clear.

Clearly, c02-math-0204 for c02-math-0205 and c02-math-0206 is sub-Markovian (nonnegative terms, sum of each line bounded by c02-math-0207) and is Markovian if and only if c02-math-0208.

The restriction of c02-math-0209 to c02-math-0210 is Markovian if and only if c02-math-0211 is recurrent and then it is the transition matrix of the induced chain c02-math-0212. Else, a Markovian extension of c02-math-0213 is obtained using a cemetery state c02-math-0214 adjoined to c02-math-0215, and setting c02-math-0216 for c02-math-0217 in c02-math-0218 and c02-math-0219; its restriction to c02-math-0220 is the transition matrix of the induced chain on the extended state space. The matrix of the chain conditioned to return to c02-math-0221 is given by c02-math-0222.

The matrix notation conventions in Section 1.2.2 are used for c02-math-0223. For c02-math-0224 in c02-math-0225, the line vector c02-math-0226 is a subprobability measure, with support c02-math-0227 and total mass c02-math-0228, called the (possibly defective) hitting distribution of c02-math-0229 starting from c02-math-0230. It associates to c02-math-0231 the quantity


For c02-math-0233 or c02-math-0234, the function c02-math-0235 is given for c02-math-0236 by

and this can be extended to signed bounded functions, by setting


Clearly, c02-math-0239 and c02-math-0240 and c02-math-0241. If c02-math-0242 then c02-math-0243 and in particular c02-math-0244 and c02-math-0245.

2.2.2 “One step forward” method, Dirichlet problem General principle

Let c02-math-0246 be a Markov chain with matrix c02-math-0247. The Markov property (Theorem 2.1.1) yields that the shifted chain by one step


is also a Markov chain with matrix c02-math-0249 and that conditional on c02-math-0250 it is started at c02-math-0251 and independent of c02-math-0252. This is illustrated in Figure 2.1, with c02-math-0253.

The “one step forward” method

The “one step forward” method, or the method of conditioning on the first step, exploits this fact. It consists in rewriting quantities of interest for c02-math-0254 in terms of the shifted chain c02-math-0255 and then using the above observation to establish equations for these quantities. These equations can then be solved or studied qualitatively and quantitatively.

A natural framework for this method is the study of hitting times and locations of c02-math-0256, as:

  • the hitting time c02-math-0257 is a function of c02-math-0258, and c02-math-0259 the same function of c02-math-0260;
  • if c02-math-0261 then c02-math-0262 and c02-math-0263 and if c02-math-0264 then c02-math-0265 and c02-math-0266 on c02-math-0267. Hitting distribution and Dirichlet problem

This method will provide an equation for c02-math-0268, which we are going to study.

All that matters about c02-math-0280 is its restriction to the boundary of c02-math-0281 for c02-math-0282 given by


and the solution is the null extension of c02-math-0284.

The r.v. c02-math-0285 and subprobability measure c02-math-0286 are also called the exit time and distribution of c02-math-0287 by the chain, and one must take care about notation.


Dirichlet problem and recurrence

A direct consequence of Theorem 2.2.2 is that an irreducible Markov chain on a finite state space hits every state c02-math-0354 starting from any state c02-math-0355, a.s., as irreducibility implies that c02-math-0356 for all c02-math-0357 and hence that c02-math-0358, and the theorem yields that c02-math-0359. The strong Markov property implies that if c02-math-0360 for all c02-math-0361, then the Markov chain visits every state infinitely often, a.s.

We give a more general result. A subset c02-math-0362 of c02-math-0363 communicates with another subset c02-math-0364 of c02-math-0365 if for every c02-math-0366 there exists c02-math-0367 and c02-math-0368 such that c02-math-0369. This is always the case if c02-math-0370 is irreducible and c02-math-0371 is nonempty. Generating functions, joint distribution of hitting time, and location

Let c02-math-0391 be nonempty. In order to study the (defective) joint distribution of c02-math-0392 and c02-math-0393, consider for c02-math-0394, and c02-math-0395 the generating functions given for c02-math-0396 by

2.2.6 equation

which depend only on the matrix c02-math-0398 of the chain. Clearly,


The notations c02-math-0400 and c02-math-0401 are used for c02-math-0402, and c02-math-0403 and c02-math-0404 when the context is clear. Then


which allows to study the condition law of c02-math-0406 given c02-math-0407 and c02-math-0408. Direct computations for expectations

For c02-math-0432 and c02-math-0433, we have


Nevertheless, it may be best to work directly on c02-math-0435 and c02-math-0436, and possibly one may be able to solve the corresponding equations and not those for c02-math-0437. Let


The notations c02-math-0439 and c02-math-0440 are used for c02-math-0441, and c02-math-0442 and c02-math-0443 if the context is clear.


The “right-hand side” c02-math-0490 or c02-math-0491 of the affine equation is a solution of the associated linear equation, which corresponds to the Dirichlet problem (2.2.5). This fact can be exploited to find a particular solution of the affine equation.

2.3 Detailed examples

The results in this section will be now applied to some quantities of interest for the detailed examples described in Section 1.4. The main idea will be to solve the equations derived by the “one step forward” method, using the results obtained on the Dirichlet problem and related equations when appropriate.

The description of the Monte Carlo method for the approximate solution of the Dirichlet problem is left for Section 5.1.

2.3.1 Gambler's ruin

See Section 1.4.2. Here c02-math-0492 and c02-math-0493, and the game duration is c02-math-0494. We set c02-math-0495. Gambler A is ruined if c02-math-0496 and then Gambler B wins. There is a symmetry between the gamblers by interchanging c02-math-0497 with c02-math-0498 and c02-math-0499 with c02-math-0500. Finite game and ruin probability

Starting from an initial fortune of c02-math-0501, the probability of eventual ruin and eventual win of Gambler A are given by


and the probability that the game eventually terminates by


Proposition 2.2.4 implies that c02-math-0504, but a direct proof will be provided.

Theorem 2.2.2 (or a direct implementation of the “one step forward” method) yields that c02-math-0505 and c02-math-0506 and c02-math-0507 are solutions of

with respective boundary conditions c02-math-0509 and c02-math-0510, c02-math-0511 and c02-math-0512, and c02-math-0513.

This is a linear second-order recursion, with characteristic polynomial


with roots c02-math-0515 and c02-math-0516, which can possibly be equal.

Biased game

This is the case c02-math-0517, in which the roots are distinct. The general solution is given by c02-math-0518, hence c02-math-0519 and

Fair game

This is the case c02-math-0521, in which c02-math-0522 is a double root. The general solution is given by c02-math-0523, hence c02-math-0524 and


These are the limits for c02-math-0526 going to c02-math-0527 of the values for the biased game. Mean game duration

Theorem 2.2.6 yields that the function c02-math-0528 for c02-math-0529 satisfies


with c02-math-0531 and that c02-math-0532 satisfies the same equation in which c02-math-0533 is replaced by c02-math-0534.

The general solution of such an affine equation is given by the sum of a particular solution and of the general solution to the related linear equation (2.3.7), the latter being already known. The r.h.s. c02-math-0535 is one of these general solutions, a fact to be exploited in order to find a particular solution.

Biased game

A particular solution of the form c02-math-0536 satisfies


which yields for the r.h.s. c02-math-0538 that c02-math-0539 and c02-math-0540, for c02-math-0541 that c02-math-0542, and for c02-math-0543 that c02-math-0544 and c02-math-0545, the sum of the previous quantities. The null boundary conditions allow to conclude that


as soon as we have eliminated the possibility of infinite solutions. This is a delicate point in Theorem 2.2.6, see the remark thereafter.

As c02-math-0547 is finite, Proposition 2.2.4 allows to conclude. A more direct proof is that the solution for the r.h.s. c02-math-0548 (the formula for c02-math-0549) is nondecreasing from the value c02-math-0550 at state c02-math-0551 to a certain state, then is nonincreasing down to the value c02-math-0552 at state c02-math-0553, and hence is nonnegative, and the minimality result in Theorem 2.2.6 allows to eliminate the infinite solution.

It can be noted that c02-math-0554 is the mean, weighted by the probabilities of ruin and of win, of two quantities of opposite signs, which essentially correspond to a motion with speed c02-math-0555. This is called a ballistic phenomenon.

Fair game

A particular solution of the form c02-math-0556 satisfies


which yields for c02-math-0558 that c02-math-0559 and c02-math-0560, for c02-math-0561 that c02-math-0562 and c02-math-0563, and for c02-math-0564 that c02-math-0565 and c02-math-0566 (the sums). The null boundary conditions allow to conclude that


where the infinite solution can be eliminated by Proposition 2.2.4 or remarking that these solutions are nonnegative.

The mean time taken to reach a distance c02-math-0568 is of order c02-math-0569, which corresponds to a diffusive phenomenon.

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