1.3 Natural duality: algebraic approach

An algebraic study based on the natural duality between the space of signed measures c01-math-0360 and the space of bounded functions c01-math-0361 will provide some structural results. These results are quite complete for finite state spaces c01-math-0362. The complete study for arbitrary discrete c01-math-0363 will be done later using probabilistic techniques. A reader for which this is the main interest may go directly to Section 1.4.

1.3.1 Complex eigenvalues and spectrum Some reminders

The eigenvalues of the operator


are given by all c01-math-0365 such that c01-math-0366 is not injective as an operator on c01-math-0367.

The eigenspace of c01-math-0368 is the kernel


and its nonzero elements are called eigenvectors. Hence, c01-math-0370 in c01-math-0371 is an eigenvector of c01-math-0372 if and only if


and then


The generalized eigenspace of c01-math-0375 is given by


If it contains strictly the eigenspace, then it contains some c01-math-0377 and some eigenvector c01-math-0378 such that


and then


An eigenvalue is said to be

  • semisimple if the eigenspace and generalized eigenspace coincide,
  • simple if these spaces have dimension c01-math-0381.

Similar definitions involving c01-math-0382 are given for the adjoint operator


Its eigenspaces are often said to be eigenspaces on the left, or left eigenspaces, of c01-math-0384. Those of


may accordingly be called eigenspaces on the right, or right eigenspaces, of c01-math-0386.

Hence, c01-math-0387 is a left eigenvector of c01-math-0388 if and only if


and then


If the generalized left eigenspace of c01-math-0391 contains strictly the eigenspace, then it contains some c01-math-0392 and some left eigenvector c01-math-0393 such that


and then


The spectrum c01-math-0396 of c01-math-0397 on c01-math-0398 is given by


It is a simple matter to check that, using c01-math-0400 in the definition,


and mentions of “left” or “right” are useless.

The spectrum c01-math-0402 contains both the left and right eigenvectors. In finite dimensions, invertibility of an operator is the same as injectivity, and hence the spectrum, the left eigenspace, and the right eigenspace coincide, but it is not so in general.

If c01-math-0403 is in the spectrum of an operator on a real vector space, such as c01-math-0404 or c01-math-0405, then c01-math-0406 is also in the spectrum, and if moreover c01-math-0407 is an eigenvalue, then c01-math-0408 is an eigenvalue, and the corresponding (generalized) eigenspaces are conjugate.

If c01-math-0409, then c01-math-0410 can be considered instead of c01-math-0411 in all definitions. Moreover, the real and complex (generalized) eigenspaces have same dimension. Algebraic results for transition matrices Uniqueness for invariant laws and irreducibility

A state c01-math-0453 in c01-math-0454 is absorbing if c01-math-0455 and then c01-math-0456 is an invariant law for c01-math-0457.

If c01-math-0458 contains subsets c01-math-0459 for c01-math-0460 such that c01-math-0461 for every c01-math-0462, these are said to be absorbing or closed. The restriction of c01-math-0463 to each c01-math-0464 is Markovian; if it has an invariant measure c01-math-0465, then any convex combination c01-math-0466 is an invariant measure on c01-math-0467, and if the c01-math-0468 are laws then c01-math-0469 is an invariant law. (By abuse of notation, c01-math-0470 denotes the extension of the measure to c01-math-0471 vanishing outside of c01-math-0472.)

Hence, any uniqueness result for invariant measures or laws requires adequate assumptions excluding the above situation.

The standard hypothesis for this is that of irreducibility: a transition matrix c01-math-0473 on c01-math-0474 is irreducible if, for every c01-math-0475 and c01-math-0476 in c01-math-0477, there exists c01-math-0478 such that c01-math-0479. Equivalently, there exists in the oriented graph of the matrix a path covering the whole graph (respecting orientation). This notion will be further developed in due time.


This proof heavily uses techniques that are referred under the terminology “the maximum principle,” which we will try to explain in Section 1.3.3.

1.3.2 Doeblin condition and strong irreducibility

A transition matrix c01-math-0522 is strongly irreducible if there exists c01-math-0523 such that c01-math-0524.

Note that c01-math-0586 and that c01-math-0587 only in the trivial case in which c01-math-0588 is a sequence of i.i.d. r.v. of law c01-math-0589.

The Doeblin Condition (or strong irreducibility) is seldom satisfied when the state space c01-math-0590 is infinite. For a finite state space, Section 4.2.1 will give verifiable conditions for strong irreducibility. The following result is interesting in these perspectives.

1.3.3 Finite state space Markov chains Perron–Frobenius theorem

If the state space c01-math-0597 is finite, then the vector spaces c01-math-0598 and c01-math-0599 have finite dimension c01-math-0600.

Then, the eigenvalues and the dimensions of the eigenspaces and generalized eigenspaces of c01-math-0601, which are by definition those of c01-math-0602 and c01-math-0603, are identical, and the spectrum is constituted of the eigenvalues.

A function c01-math-0604 is harmonic if c01-math-0605. It is a right eigenvector for the eigenvalue c01-math-0606.

Theorem 4.2.7 will provide an extension of these results for infinite c01-math-0655, by wholly different methods. (Saloff-Coste, L. (1997), Section 1.2) provides a detailed commentary on the Doeblin condition and the Perron–Frobenius theorem.

Maximum principle

This terminology comes from the following short direct proof of the fact that if the state space c01-math-0656 is finite and c01-math-0657 is irreducible, then every harmonic function is constant. If c01-math-0658 is harmonic on c01-math-0659, then it attains its maximum in at least a state c01-math-0660. Moreover,


and as c01-math-0662 is a probability measure, c01-math-0663 for all c01-math-0664 such that c01-math-0665. Thus, irreducibility yields that c01-math-0666 for every c01-math-0667, and thus that c01-math-0668 is constant. Computation of the instantaneous and invariant laws

We are now going to solve the recursion for the instantaneous laws c01-math-0669, and see how the situation deteriorates in practice very quickly as the size of the state space increases.

The chain with two states

Let us denote the states by c01-math-0670 and c01-math-0671. There exists c01-math-0672 such that the transition matrix c01-math-0673 and its graph are given by


The recursion formula c01-math-0674 then writes


and the affine constraint c01-math-0676 allows to reduce this linear recursion in dimension c01-math-0677 to the affine recursion, in dimension c01-math-0678,


If c01-math-0680, then c01-math-0681 and every law is invariant, and c01-math-0682 is not irreducible as c01-math-0683. Else, the unique fixed point is c01-math-0684, the unique invariant law is c01-math-0685, and


and the formula for c01-math-0687 is obtained by symmetry or as c01-math-0688.

If c01-math-0689, then c01-math-0690 has eigenvalues c01-math-0691 and c01-math-0692, the latter with eigenvector c01-math-0693, and the chain alternates between the states c01-math-0694 and c01-math-0695 and c01-math-0696 is equal to c01-math-0697 for even c01-math-0698 and to c01-math-0699 for odd c01-math-0700.

If c01-math-0701, then c01-math-0702 and c01-math-0703 with geometric rate with reason c01-math-0704.

The chain with three states

Let us denote the states by c01-math-0705, c01-math-0706, and c01-math-0707. There exists c01-math-0708, c01-math-0709, c01-math-0710, c01-math-0711, c01-math-0712, and c01-math-0713 in c01-math-0714, satisfying c01-math-0715, c01-math-0716, and c01-math-0717, such that the transition matrix c01-math-0718 and its graph are given by


As discussed above, we could reduce the linear recursion in dimension c01-math-0719 to an affine recursion in dimension c01-math-0720. Instead, we give the elements of a vectorial computation in dimension c01-math-0721, which can be generalized to all dimensions. This exploits the fact that c01-math-0722 is an eigenvalue of c01-math-0723 and hence a root of its characteristic polynomial c01-math-0724. Hence,


and by developing this polynomial and using the fact that c01-math-0726 is a root, c01-math-0727 factorizes into


The polynomial of degree c01-math-0729 is the characteristic polynomial of the affine recursion in dimension c01-math-0730. It has two possible equal roots c01-math-0731 and c01-math-0732 in c01-math-0733, and if c01-math-0734, then c01-math-0735. Their exact theoretical expression is not very simple, as the discriminant of this polynomial does not simplify in general, but they can easily be computed on a case-by-case basis.

In order to compute c01-math-0736, we will use the Cayley–Hamilton theorem, according to which c01-math-0737 (nul matrix). The Euclidean division of c01-math-0738 by c01-math-0739 yields


and in order to effectively compute c01-math-0741, c01-math-0742, and c01-math-0743, we take the values of the polynomials for the roots of c01-math-0744, which yields the linear system


This system has rank c01-math-0746 if the three roots are distinct.

If there is a double root c01-math-0747 (be it c01-math-0748 or c01-math-0749), then two of these equations are identical, but as the double root is also a root of c01-math-0750, a simple derivative yields a third equation c01-math-0751, which is linearly independent of the two others.

If the three roots of c01-math-0752 are equal, then they are equal to c01-math-0753 and c01-math-0754.

If c01-math-0755 is irreducible, then there exists a unique invariant law c01-math-0756, given by

The chain with a finite number of states

Let c01-math-0758. The above-mentioned method can be extended without any theoretical problem.

The Euclidean division c01-math-0759 and c01-math-0760 yield that


If c01-math-0762 are the distinct roots of c01-math-0763 and c01-math-0764 are their multiplicities, then


is a system of c01-math-0766 linearly independent equations for the c01-math-0767 unknowns c01-math-0768, which thus has a unique solution.

The enormous obstacle for the effective implementation of this method for computing c01-math-0769 is that we must compute the roots of c01-math-0770 first. The main information we have is that c01-math-0771 is a root, and in general, computing the roots becomes a considerable problem as soon as c01-math-0772. Once the roots are found, solving the linear system and finding the invariant laws is a problem only when c01-math-0773 is much larger.

This general method is simpler than finding the reduced Jordan form c01-math-0774 for c01-math-0775, which also necessitates to find the roots of the characteristic polynomial c01-math-0776, and then solving a linear system to find the change-of-basis matrix c01-math-0777 and its inverse c01-math-0778. Then, c01-math-0779, where c01-math-0780 can be made explicit.

1.4 Detailed examples

We are going to describe in informal manner some problems concerning random evolutions, for which the answers will obviously depend on some data or parameters. We then will model these problems using Markov chains.

These models will be studied in detail all along our study of Markov chains, which they will help to illustrate.

In these descriptions, random variables and draws will be supposed to be independent if not stated otherwise.

1.4.1 Random walk on a network

A particle evolves on a network c01-math-0781, that is, on a discrete additive subgroup such as c01-math-0782. From c01-math-0783 in c01-math-0784, it chooses to go to c01-math-0785 in c01-math-0786 with probability c01-math-0787, which satisfies c01-math-0788. This can be, for instance, a model for the evolution of an electron in a network of crystals.

Some natural questions are the following:

  • Does the particle escape to infinity?
  • If yes, at what speed?
  • With what probability does it reach a certain subset in finite time?
  • What is the mean time for that? Modeling

Let c01-math-0789 be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables such that c01-math-0790, and


Theorem 1.2.3 shows that c01-math-0792 is a Markov chain on c01-math-0793, with a transition matrix, which is spatially homogeneous, or invariant by translation, given by


The matrix c01-math-0795 restricted to the network generated by all c01-math-0796 such that c01-math-0797 is irreducible. The constant measures are invariant, as


If c01-math-0799, then the strong law of large numbers yields that


and for c01-math-0801 the chain goes to infinity in the direction of c01-math-0802. The case c01-math-0803 is problematic, and if c01-math-0804, then the central limit theorem shows that c01-math-0805 converges in law to c01-math-0806, which gives some hints to the long-time behavior of the chain.

Nearest-neighbor random walk

For c01-math-0807, this Markov chain is called a nearest-neighbor random walk when c01-math-0808 for c01-math-0809, and the symmetric nearest-neighbor random walk when c01-math-0810 for c01-math-0811. These terminologies are used for other regular networks, such as the one in Figure 1.1.


Figure 1.1 Symmetric nearest-neighbor random walk on regular planar triangular network.

1.4.2 Gambler's ruin

Two gamblers A and B play a game of head or tails. Gambler A starts with a fortune of c01-math-0812 units of money and Gambler B of c01-math-0813 units. At each toss, each gambler makes a bet of c01-math-0814 unit, Gambler A wins with probability c01-math-0815 and loses with probability c01-math-0816, and the total of the bets is given to the winner; a gambler thus either wins or loses c01-math-0817 unit.

The game continues until one of the gamblers is ruined: he or she is left with a fortune of c01-math-0821 units, the global winner with a fortune of c01-math-0822 units, and the game stops. This is illustrated in Figure 1.2.


Figure 1.2 Gambler's ruin. Gambler A finishes the game at time c01-math-0818 with a gain of c01-math-0819 units starting from a fortune of c01-math-0820 units. The successive states of his fortune are represented by the • and joined by dashes. The arrows on the vertical axis give his probabilities of winning or losing at each toss.

When c01-math-0823, the game is said to be fair, else to be biased.

As an example, Gambler A goes to a casino (Gambler B). He decides to gamble c01-math-0824 unit at each draw of red or black at roulette and to stop either after having won a total of c01-math-0825 units (what he or she would like to gain) or lost a total of c01-math-0826 units (the maximal loss he or she allows himself).

Owing to the c01-math-0827 and (most usually) the double c01-math-0828 on the roulette, which are neither red nor black, the game is biased against him, and c01-math-0829 is worth either c01-math-0830 if there is no double c01-math-0831 or c01-math-0832 if there is one.

From a formal point of view, there is a symmetry in the game obtained by switching c01-math-0833 and c01-math-0834 simultaneously with c01-math-0835 and c01-math-0836. In practice, no casino allows a bias in favor of the gambler, nor even a fair game.

A unilateral case will also be considered, in which c01-math-0837 and c01-math-0838. In the casino example, this corresponds to a compulsive gambler, who will stop only when ruined. In all cases, the evolution of the gambler's fortune is given by a nearest-neighbor random walk on c01-math-0839, stopped when it hits a certain boundary.

Some natural questions are the following:

  • What is the probability that Gambler A will be eventually ruined?
  • Will the game eventually end ?
  • If yes, what is the mean duration of the game?
  • What is the law of the duration of the game (possibly infinite) ? Stopped random walk

In all cases, the evolution of the gambler's fortune is given by a nearest-neighbor random walk on c01-math-0840 stopped when it hits a certain boundary. Modeling

The evolution of the fortune of Gambler A can be represented using a sequence c01-math-0841 of i.i.d. r.v. satisfying c01-math-0842 and c01-math-0843 by


where c01-math-0845 is its initial fortune c01-math-0846, or more generally a r.v. with values in c01-math-0847 and independent of c01-math-0848. Gambler B's fortune at time c01-math-0849 is c01-math-0850.

Theorem 1.2.3 yields that c01-math-0851 is a Markov chain on c01-math-0852 with matrix and graph given by

1.4.3 equation

the other terms of c01-math-0855 being 0.

The states c01-math-0856 and c01-math-0857 are absorbing, hence c01-math-0858 is not irreducible. The invariant measures c01-math-0859 are of the form c01-math-0860 if c01-math-0861 with c01-math-0862 and c01-math-0863 arbitrary, and uniqueness does not hold (uniqueness being understood as “up to proportionality”).

1.4.3 Branching process: evolution of a population

We study the successive generation of a population, constituted for instance of viruses in an organism, of infected people during an epidemic, or of neutrons during an atomic reaction.

The individuals of one generation disappear in the following, giving birth there each to c01-math-0864 descendants with probability c01-math-0865, with c01-math-0866. A classic subcase is that of a binary division: c01-math-0867 and c01-math-0868.

The result of this random evolution mechanism is called a branching process. It is also called a Galton–Watson process; the initial study of Galton and Watson, preceded by a similar study of Bienaymé, bore on family names in Great Britain.

Some natural questions are the following:

  • What is the law of the number of individuals in the c01-math-0869th generation?
  • Will the population become extinct, almost surely (a.s.), and else with what probability?
  • What is the long-time population behavior when it does not become extinct? Modeling

We shall construct a Markov chain c01-math-0870 corresponding to the sizes (numbers of individuals) of the population along the generations.

Let c01-math-0871 be i.i.d. r.v. such that c01-math-0872 for c01-math-0873 in c01-math-0874. We assume that the c01-math-0875 individuals of generation c01-math-0876 are numbered c01-math-0877 and that the c01-math-0878th one yields c01-math-0879 descendants in generation c01-math-0880, so that


(An empty sum being null by convention.)

Figure 1.3 illustrates this using the genealogical tree of a population, which gives the relationships between individuals in addition to the sizes of the generations, and explains the term “branching.”


Figure 1.3 Branching process. (b) The genealogical tree for a population during six generations; • represent individuals and dashed lines their parental relations. (a) The vertical axis gives the numbers c01-math-0888 of the generations, of which the sizes figure on its right. (c) The table underneath the horizontal axis gives the c01-math-0889 for c01-math-0890 and c01-math-0891, of which the sum over c01-math-0892 yields c01-math-0893.

The state space of c01-math-0882 is c01-math-0883, and Theorem 1.2.3 applied to c01-math-0884 yields that it is a Markov chain. The transition matrix is given by


and state c01-math-0886 is absorbing. The matrix is not practical to use under this form.

It is much more practical to use generating functions. If


denotes the generating function of the reproduction law, the i.i.d. manner in which individuals reproduce yields that


For c01-math-0895 in c01-math-0896, let


denote the generating function of the size of generation c01-math-0898. An elementary probabilistic computation yields that, for c01-math-0899,


and hence that


We will later see how to obtain this result by Markov chain techniques and then how to exploit it.

1.4.4 Ehrenfest's Urn

A container (urn,…) is constituted of two communicating compartments and contains a large number of particles (such as gas molecules). These are initially distributed in the two compartments according to some law, and move around and can switch compartment.

Tatiana and Paul Ehrenfest proposed a statistical mechanics model for this phenomenon. It is a discrete time model, in which at each step a particle is chosen uniformly among all particles and changes compartment. See Figure 1.4.


Figure 1.4 The Ehrenfest Urn. Shown at an instant when a particle transits from the right compartment to the left one. The choice of the particle that changes compartment at each step is uniform.

Some natural questions are the following:

  • starting from an unbalanced distribution of particles between compartments, is the distribution of particles going to become more balanced in time?
  • In what sense, with what uncertainty, at what rate?
  • Is the distribution going to go through astonishing states, such as having all particles in a single compartment, and at what frequency? Microscopic modeling

Let c01-math-0902 be the number of molecules, and let the compartments be numbered by c01-math-0903 and c01-math-0904.

A microscopic description of the system at time c01-math-0905 is given by


where the c01-math-0907th coordinate c01-math-0908 is the number of the compartment in which the c01-math-0909th particle is located.

Starting from a sequence c01-math-0910 of i.i.d. r.v. which are uniform on c01-math-0911, and an initial r.v. c01-math-0912 independent of this sequence, we define recursively c01-math-0913 for c01-math-0914 by changing the coordinate of rank c01-math-0915 of c01-math-0916. This random recursion is a faithful rendering of the particle dynamics.

Theorem 1.2.3 implies that c01-math-0917 is a Markov chain on c01-math-0918 with matrix given by


This is the symmetric nearest-neighbor random walk on the unit hypercube c01-math-0920. This chain is irreducible.

Invariant law

This chain has for unique invariant law the uniform law c01-math-0921 with density c01-math-0922.

As the typical magnitude of c01-math-0923 is comparable to the Avogadro number c01-math-0924, the number c01-math-0925 of configurations is enormously huge. Any computation, even for the invariant law, is of a combinatorial nature and will be most likely untractable. Reduced macroscopic description

According to statistical mechanics, we should take advantage of the symmetries of the system, in order to stop following individual particles and consider collective behaviors instead.

A reduced macroscopic description of the system is the number of particles in compartment c01-math-0926 at time c01-math-0927, given in terms of the microscopic description by


The information carried by c01-math-0929 being less than the information carried by c01-math-0930, it is not clear that c01-math-0931 is a Markov chain, but the symmetry of particle dynamics will allow to prove it.

For c01-math-0932, let c01-math-0933 be the permutation of c01-math-0934 obtained by first placing in increasing order the c01-math-0935 such that c01-math-0936 and then by increasing order the c01-math-0937 such that c01-math-0938. Setting


it holds that


For some deterministic c01-math-0941 and c01-math-0942, using the random recursion for c01-math-0943,


and hence, for all c01-math-0945 and c01-math-0946,


as c01-math-0948 is uniform and independent of c01-math-0949. Hence, c01-math-0950 is uniform on c01-math-0951 and independent of c01-math-0952. By a simple recursion, we conclude that the c01-math-0953 are i.i.d. r.v. which are uniform on c01-math-0954 and independent of c01-math-0955 and hence of c01-math-0956.

Thus, Theorem 1.2.3 yields that c01-math-0957 is a Markov chain on c01-math-0958 with matrix c01-math-0959 and graph given by

1.4.4 equation

all other terms of c01-math-0961 being zero. As c01-math-0962 is irreducible on c01-math-0963, it is clear that c01-math-0964 is irreducible on c01-math-0965, and this can be readily checked.

Invariant law

As the uniform law on c01-math-0966, with density c01-math-0967, is invariant for c01-math-0968, a simple combinatorial computation yields that the invariant law for c01-math-0969 is binomial c01-math-0970, given by


This law distributes the particles uniformly in both compartments, and this is preserved by the random evolution.

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