Solutions for Chapter 2

  1. 2.1 Then, b03-math-0282, b03-math-0283, and b03-math-0284.
  2. 2.2.a By definition of stopping times, b03-math-0285 and b03-math-0286 belong to b03-math-0287. Thus, by definition of the b03-math-0288-field b03-math-0289,
  3. also belong to b03-math-0291, and b03-math-0292 and b03-math-0293 are also stopping times. Moreover,
  4. where b03-math-0295, and b03-math-0296 can be written as b03-math-0297 so that b03-math-0298. Hence, b03-math-0299, and thus, b03-math-0300 is a stopping time.
  5. 2.2.b If b03-math-0301 and b03-math-0302, then
  6. and hence b03-math-0304. Applying this to b03-math-0305 and b03-math-0306 yields that b03-math-0307. If b03-math-0308, then
  7. and hence, b03-math-0310. Thus, b03-math-0311.
  8. 2.2.c Then, b03-math-0312 and b03-math-0313 and thus, b03-math-0314, which is a b03-math-0315-field, and thus, b03-math-0316. Conversely, let b03-math-0317. Then,
  9. and thus, b03-math-0319, and similarly b03-math-0320, hence
  10. We conclude that b03-math-0322.
  11. 2.3.a The matrix b03-math-0323 is Markovian as
  12. Moreover,
  13. 2.3.b As b03-math-0326, the b03-math-0327 are stopping times. Moreover,
  14. as
  15. 2.3.c Let b03-math-0330, b03-math-0331, and b03-math-0332. If b03-math-0333, b03-math-0334, b03-math-0335, then

    or else the first and last terms in the previous equation are b03 zero and hence equal. Thus, b03-math-0337 is a Markov chain with the said transition matrix.

    Summation over b03-math-0338 yields that


    and thus, b03-math-0340 is a Markov chain with matrix b03-math-0341. The Markov property yields that


    and hence,



  16. 2.3.d Then, b03-math-0345. By definition of filtrations, b03-math-0346 can be written as b03-math-0347 and b03-math-0348 as b03-math-0349. If b03-math-0350, then b03-math-0351 can be written in terms of b03-math-0352, i.e. that is, there exists a deterministic function b03-math-0353 such that b03-math-0354. Hence,
  17. so that b03-math-0356 is a stopping time for b03-math-0357.
  18. 2.4.a Then, b03-math-0358. Actually, b03-math-0359 is the first hitting time of the diagonal b03-math-0360 by b03-math-0361.
  19. 2.4.b Then,

    and the first r.h.s. term can be expressed as the sum over b03-math-0363 of


    and the fact that b03-math-0365 also has matrix b03-math-0366, b03-math-0367, and the Markov property (Theorem 2.1.1) yields that this expression can be written as


    By summing all these terms, we find that


    and hence, b03-math-0370 has same law as b03-math-0371.


  20. 2.4.c All this is straightforward to check.
  21. 2.4.d For b03-math-0373, it holds that b03-math-0374, and the Markov property (Theorem 2.1.1) yields that
  22. and we conclude by iteration, considering that b03-math-0376.
  23. 2.4.e By assumption,
  24. and we conclude by summing over b03-math-0378 and then over b03-math-0379.
  25. 2.4.f As b03-math-0380 and b03-math-0381, we conclude by the previous results.
  26. 2.5.a Let b03-math-0382. We are interested in b03-math-0383.

    By symmetry, b03-math-0384, and the “one step forward” method (Theorem 2.2.2) yields that b03-math-0385 and b03-math-0386 and b03-math-0387 and b03-math-0388 and b03-math-0389. Hence,


    and thus b03-math-0391.

  27. 2.5.b The visit consists in reaching module b03-math-0392 from module b03-math-0393 by one side, go b03-math-0394 times back and forth from module b03-math-0395 to module b03-math-0396 on that side, then either go to module b03-math-0397 by the other side or go to module b03-math-0398 by the same side, and then reach module b03-math-0399 from module b03-math-0400 by the other side, all this without visiting module b03-math-0401.

    The Markov property (Theorem 2.1.3) and symmetry arguments yield that the probability of this event is

  28. 2.5.c Let b03-math-0403 for b03-math-0404. We are interested in b03-math-0405.

    By symmetry, b03-math-0406, and the “one step forward” method (Theorem 2.2.5) yields that b03-math-0407 and b03-math-0408, b03-math-0409, and b03-math-0410, and b03-math-0411. Hence,


    so that b03-math-0413.

    We again find that b03-math-0414, and by identification




    and hence, b03-math-0417 by identification.

  29. 2.6 We are interested in b03-math-0418 for b03-math-0419 and b03-math-0420. Let b03-math-0421.

    Then, b03-math-0422 by the “one step forward” method.

    This method also yields that (Theorem 2.2.5) b03-math-0423 and b03-math-0424, b03-math-0425, b03-math-0426, b03-math-0427, b03-math-0428. Thus, b03-math-0429 and b03-math-0430 and then,


    and hence, b03-math-0432, and finally,


    Then, b03-math-0434, the conditional generating function is given by b03-math-0435, and a Taylor expansion at b03-math-0436 yields


    and thus, by identification, the conditional expectation is b03-math-0438.

  30. 2.7 If b03-math-0439 for b03-math-0440, then b03-math-0441. The “one step forward” method (Theorem 2.2.5) yields that b03-math-0442 and
  31. so that
  32. By identification,
  33. Moreover, the Taylor expansion
  34. yields that b03-math-0447.
  35. 2.8.a This equation writes, for b03-math-0448,
  36. is of the form b03-math-0450 and has b03-math-0451 as a solution, hence the result. (The direct computation is simple.)
  37. 2.8.b This is the same equation found in the Dirichlet problem in gambler's ruin when the gain probability at each toss for Gambler A is b03-math-0452 (see Section 2.3.1). We refer to that section for the computation of b03-math-0453 and b03-math-0454.
  38. 2.8.c Transitions are according to a binomial law. The equation is, for b03-math-0455,
  39. If b03-math-0457, then b03-math-0458 and classically (total mass and expectation of a binomial law) for b03-math-0459, the r.h.s. of the equation takes the value b03-math-0460, and hence, as for gambler's ruin, b03-math-0461 and b03-math-0462.
  40. 2.9.a The graph can be found in Section 3.1.3. Clearly, b03-math-0463 is irreducible.
  41. 2.9.b If b03-math-0464, then b03-math-0465. For b03-math-0466, a simple spatial translation allows to use the results in Section 2.3.2. For b03-math-0467, it suffices to interchange b03-math-0468 and b03-math-0469 as well as b03-math-0470 and b03-math-0471 and use the previous result.
  42. 2.9.c By the “one step forward” method, b03-math-0472 and b03-math-0473. Hence, the results follow from the previous ones.
  43. 2.9.d The strong Markov property (Theorem 2.1.3) and the preceding results allow to compute b03-math-0474. Moreover, b03-math-0475.
  44. 2.9.e If b03-math-0476, then b03-math-0477 for all b03-math-0478 and the chain goes to infinity, a.s. More precisely, if b03-math-0479, then as previously shown b03-math-0480 for b03-math-0481, and thus b03-math-0482. Similarly, if b03-math-0483, then b03-math-0484.
  45. 2.9.f Then, b03-math-0485 and we conclude by a previous result.

    If b03-math-0486 a.s., then b03-math-0487 cannot hit b03-math-0488, and hence does not have same law as b03-math-0489. By contradiction, b03-math-0490 cannot be a stopping time, as then the strong Markov property would have applied.

  46. 2.9.g Then,

    and previous results allow to conclude.

    If b03-math-0492, then b03-math-0493 cannot reach a state greater than its initial value, and hence does not have same law as b03-math-0494. By contradiction, b03-math-0495 cannot be a stopping time, as then the strong Markov property would have applied.

  47. 2.9.h If b03-math-0496, then b03-math-0497, hence the result. The result for b03-math-0498 is obtained by symmetry.
  48. 2.9.i The “one step forward” method yields that
  49. in which we use the classic Taylor expansion provided at the end of Section 2.3.2. By identification, b03-math-0500 for b03-math-0501.
  50. 2.10.a We have b03-math-0502 for b03-math-0503.
  51. 2.10.b Straightforward, notably b03-math-0504 is clearly irreducible.
  52. 2.10.c The “one step forward” method (Theorem 2.2.2) yields the equation. Its characteristic polynomial is b03-math-0505, and its roots are b03-math-0506 and b03-math-0507 and b03-math-0508. This yields the general solution, considering the case of multiple roots.
  53. 2.10.d We have only two boundary conditions, whereas the space of general solutions is of dimension three, so we must use the minimality result in Theorem 2.(2.2 to find the solution of interest.
  54. 2.10.e We use Theorem 2.(2.6 and seek the least solution with values in b03-math-0509. We use the above-mentioned general solution for the associated linear equation, and a particular solution of the form b03-math-0510 when b03-math-0511 is a simple root and b03-math-0512 if it is a double.
  55. 2.10.f We may use Theorem 2.2.5, but we do not have a trivial solution for the characteristic polynomial of degree three b03-math-0513 for the linear recursion.
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