
images A


advanced execute options

<a4j:region>, 62

phase tracker, 6465

skipping model, 62, 64

advanced partial view rendering options (see Advanced partial view rendering options)

<a4j:actionListener>, 8283

Ajax status (see Ajax status)

<a4j:commandButton> and <a4j:commandLink>

adding execute attribute, 44

Ajax attributes, 46

Ajax behavior, 43

execute attribute, 46

input fields, 44

managed bean code, 44

RichFaces, 45

<a4j:poll>, 5354

delay setting, 7172

different components, events combining, 7273

JavaScript function

<a4j:jsFunction>, 47

HTML tag, 46

JSF programmatic Ajax approach, 49

#{} property, 49

managed bean, 49

render attribute, 48

sendAjaxRequest(), 48

server, data receiving, 48

logging and debugging information, 80, 82

passing parameters

<a4j:param>, 49

bean property, 51

<f:param>, 50

JSF code, 49

managed bean, 50, 51

onmouseout event, 50

onmouseover event, 50

param1, param2, and param3 form, 51

setdrink, 50

popup, Ajax request, 7980

programmatic Ajax, 5253

same component, events combining

context parameter, 71

managed bean, 69, 71

queue events, 7071

rendered page, 68

request execution, 68

sequence of events, 6970

"stale" responses, 7374

traffic control, client queue

<a4j:attachQueue>, 67

definition, 66

form-level queue, 67

named queue, 67

RichFaces queue, 66

standard Ajax queue, 65

view-level queue, 6667


code, 146

customized accordion control, 146

events and listeners, 147

item headers, 147

JavaScript API, 148

simple accordion control, 145

Advanced partial view rendering options


Ajax updates, 57

ajaxRendered="true" attribute, 55

auto-rendered panel, 57

block value, 59

component re-rendering, 56

components wrapping, 55

#{dynamicUpdateBean.display}, 56, 57

<h:panelGrid>, 58

JSF page, 56

managed bean, 57

page code, 58

placeholder, 57

render attribute, 55

RichFaces, 55

table, hide/show, 56

limitrender attribute, 5960

Ajax, 7, 8, 103, 104

bypassUpdates attribute

bypassUpdates Attribute, 36

displayed console, 35

JSF life cycle diagram, 34

JSF page, 37

managed bean, 34

phase listener, 35

register.xhtml page, 33

registration form, 33

Render Response phase, 37

Web application, 33

core functionality, 25

dynamic render

#{bean.renderComponents}, 30

clocks, 28

execute attribute options, 3233

init() method, 30

JSF page, 28, 31

managed bean, 29, 3132

updated selectComponents method, 30

<f:ajax> behavior, 18

features, 2627

JavaScript interactions

<a4j:ajax>, 4142

JavaScript function, 39

JSF page, 38

managed bean, 3839

onerror attribute, 41

onerror callback event, 41

RichFaces callback events, 41

standard Ajax request callback events, 38

sub-event alert dialog, 40

sub-events descriptions, 38

partial view processing

example code, 23

execute attribute, 22, 24

listener attribute, 24

managed bean, 23

predefined value @form, 25

partial view rendering, 2022

render attribute, 27

request sending, 1820, 8991


absolute positioning, 77

code, 77

definition, 75

JSF page, 76

manage bean, 76

named status, 78

request, 75

start facet, 78

startText and stopText attributes, 75

style attribute, 77

images B

Back to Server Validation, 312

Bean validation

constraints, 305

error messages, 307

JSF page, 306

images C

CDK: Building Custom Components, 355

Client function, 324325

Client-side JavaScript API, 91

activeItem attribute, 91

JSF page with buttons, 93

JSF server-side framework, 91

managed bean with action, 92

page code, 92

reference and method name, 92, 93

RichFaces components guide, 92

switchToltem, 93, 94

Client-side validation

messages/error messages

auto-rendered message, 309

icons, 309

layout, 311

summary and details styling, 310

updated page, 307

validator, 308

Collapsible panels

and expanded panel, 136

indication icons, 137

JavaScript API, 139

PanelToggleEvent, 138

switchType attribute, 138

Component Development Kit (CDK)

abstract component class, 365

@Attribute properties, 366

@JsfComponent properties, 365

spinner component, 365

UISpinner class, 367

client-side prototyping, 357

add script to HTML template, 360

DOM elements, 359

HTML prototype, 357

interactive spinner HTML prototype, 360

jQuery plug-in, 358

common attributes, 377

component code, 379

spinner.template.xml <cc:interface>, 378

template implementation, 379

update sample application code, 379

XML fragments from CDK, 377

component classes, 356

component renderer template, 368

<cc:implementation> section, 369

<cc:interface> section, 369

<cdk:object> tag, 369

<cdk:scriptObject> tag, 369

<cdk:scriptOption> tags, 369

encode, 372

getInputValue()method, 371 package, 370

purposes, 368

spinner.template.xml, 368

components library, 364

development plan, 356

disabled state, 379

events, listeners, and behaviors, 356

Maven project, 360

command, 361

JBoss artifacts, 361

list of dependencies, 361

plug-in, 362

structure, 363

renderer classes, 356

renderer template tags, 372

<cc:implementation> section, 373

<cc:interface> section, 372

cdk:passThrough, 374

cdk:passThroughWithExclusions, 374

JSTL tags, 374

sample application, 375

erroneous entry, 376

index.xhtml page, 376

renderedspinner component, 377

richfaces-archetype-simpleapp archetype, 375

spinner dependency, 375

skinning, 381

class encoding, 381

emeraldTown, 382

skinned spinner component, 382

stylesheet with spinner.ecss, 381

XML configuration, 356


classes, 342344

class names, 345

ECSS, 341342

properties, 340

images D

Drag and drop

Ajax request status, 289

code, 288

CSS classes, 296

custom static content, 297

default drag indicator, 296

drop zone, 288

image component draggable, 287

page, 297

server-side listener on drop, 289

shopping cart, 290

bean, 291

checkout page, 293

drop listener method, 293

initial page code, 291

product object, 290

product page, 292

tree components, 299

bean, 299

drop listener method, 302

JSF page, 300

nodes draggable, 302

Swing's TreeNode, 299

updated page, 301

two-way drag-and-drop operations, 294

method code, 294

modified panel with shopping cart, 295

modified products panel, 294

two items added to the cart, 295

type attribute, 288

updated code, 289

within tables, 303

Drag-and-Drop Components, 287

images E

ECSS files, 341

images F

Fetching algorithm, 103

images G

Graph validator, 313314

images I

Inplace input component, 90

images J

Java architecture for XML binding (JAXB), 176

JavaScript API

<a4j:param>, 321

<rich:componentControl>, 321

#rich:component(id) function, 317

accordion, 319

page code, 319

popup panel, 317

switching buttons, 319

updated popup, 318

<rich:hashParam>, 322

JavaServer Faces (JSF)

Ajax functionality, 4

compatibility matrix, 9

component rendering, 4, 6

definition, 3

DOM update, 11

event-based model, 67

extendibility feature, 4

HTML tags, 3

Mojarra, 3

MyFaces, 3

standard, 3

Struts, 12

user interface (UI) components, 35

versions, 3

web applications, 4


DOM, 326

hide() function, 328

named query, 330

page, 328

panel, 326

second argument, 330

updated panel, 326

zebra styled table, 329

JSF components. See Component Development Kit (CDK)

JSF page code, 86

images M

Mojarra, 3

MyFaces, 3

images P

Popup panel

header controls, 155

JavaScript API, 168


click/change, 156

component customization, 157

content updates, 159

modal popup, 153

non-modal state, 157

server-side action, 157

operation status, 165

panel header, 154

panel type, 153

performance, 167

table, 163

wizard, 160

images R

Rich components, 85

Ajax request, 85

Ajax behavior, 91

client event handler, 91

inplace input component, 90

JSF page with tab panel, 89

managed bean, 89

time component outside tab panel, 90

API (see Client-side JavaScrip API)

features, 86

label state, 85

render attribute, 89

<rich tabPanel>, 86

using facets, 86

<h:panelGrid>, 88

<h:panelGroup>, 88

header attribute, 87

JSF page code, 86

JSF page updation, 8788

list, 88

rich tab panel, 86

RichFaces component guide, 88

switchType attribute, 87

Rich data iteration components, 175

<a4j:repeat>, 197198

ArrangeableModel implementation, 238

append*() method, 241

BaseArrangeableHibernateModel, 239, 240

BasePageableModel, 238

filtered and sorted table, 243

FilteringBean, 239

getRowCount() method, 240

simple concrete object model class, 242

sortBy and filterExpression properties, 239

table, initial rendering, 242

trimmed methods, 241

data preparation

application scoped bean, 230231

BaseDescriptor, 230

CalendarConverter, 177178

GameDescriptor object, 176177 class, 178

GamesDescriptors list, 179

hibernate configuration file, 229

Hibernate Core (version 3.6.2), 228

HibernateUtils, 231

HSQLDB (version ), 228

JAXB, 176

XML file, 176177

ExtendedDataModel implementation

abstract class, 232

cachedRowCount bean property, 234

<c:forEach> usage, 236

custom model, 232233

dynamic columns, 237

footer facet, 236

isRowAvailable() method, 234

JSF DataModel, 232

PageableHibernateModel class, 235

process() method, 235

setRowIndex(index) method, 234

walk() method, 232235

grid, displaying data, 196197

<h:dataTable> component, 175

iteration components advanced models, 228

list, displaying data, 194196

partial table updates

<a4j:commandButton>, 208

addDiscount method, 208

Ajax component, 205

discount column and button, 207208

page definition, 206207

partial-table rendering, 207

render attribute, 207

<rich:dataTable> and <rich:extendedDataTable>, 209

@rows(rowKeysCollection) function, 207

SalesItem object code, 205

SalesReport bean code, 206

request variables

assignTo attribute, 211

iterationStatusVar variable, 209, 212, 213

Java code, 211

rowKey, 210211


for attribute, 200

JavaScript API, 204

look and feel customization, 201202

multiple scrollers, 200

page attribute, 200

<rich:dataGrid>, 203204

<rich:list>, 202203

rows attribute, 199

table footer, 198, 199

table pagination control, 198

<rich:dataTable>, 179, 180

collapsible data table, 183184

complex header structures, 182

header, 184, 185

JavaScript API, 187

look-and-feel customization, 180182

master-details tables, 185187

nested sub-tables, 182

OlympicGamesBean bean, 184

<rich:columnGroup> component, 184

rowspan, 184

<rich:extendedDataTable>, 188

<a4j:ajax>, 192

clientRows attribute, 190

column resize feature, 188

frozenColumns attribute, 190

Java code, 192

JavaScript API, 193

row data selection, 193

row selection control, 191

scrolling feature, 189

selection feature, 191192

selectionMode attribute, 191

table filtering, 225

API usage, 225227

bean code, 224225

CenturyFilter object, 225

cityFilteringString and countryFilteringString properties, 225

cityFinteringString and countryFilteringString properties, 224

filter() API method, 227

filterExpression, 223

GameDescriptor, 225

JavaScript API, 227

JSTL functions, 223, 225

noDataLabel attribute, 227

org.richfaces.model.Filter<T> interface, 223

page code, 223224

single accept(T t) method, 223

table sorting, 218

<a4j:commandLink> control, 216

code removing, 217218

comparator, 214

date object comparator method, 216

external controls, 213

Java code, 216, 218219

JavaScript API, 213, 220, 221

Olympic Games table, 214215

resetSorting method, 219

<rich:componentControl>, 220

simple text indication, 221222

sort() method, 219

sortBy attribute, 214, 217

SortingBean bean, 215216

sortOrder attribute, 214, 216

sortPriority attribute, 218

<ui:repeat> component, 175

Rich input and select components

#{}, 117

calendar component, 117

calendar internationalization

calendar labels attributes, 120

calendar message bundle keys, 120

faces-config.xml, 121

Italian locale, 121

Java source root folder, 121

UI labels localization, 120

client-side customization

component facets, 128

data model, client side, 125

dayClassFunction and dayDisableFunction, 125

JavaScript API, 127

<rich:calendar>, 126

<rich:component(id)>, 127

default label support, 96

month selection, 118

rendered inline, 119


additional button rendering, 105

Ajax, 103, 104

autocompleteList attribute, 104

autocompleteMethod, 104

Cached Ajax, 103, 104

Client, 103

client-side filter customization, 106

custom objects, 107108

fetching algorithm, 103

fetchValue, 109

JavaScript API, 110

JSF page, 108

layout attribute, 109

Lazy Client, 103

managed bean, 103104, 109

minChars condition, 105

<rich:suggestionBox> and rich:comboBox components, 103

selectFirst attribute, 105

state class, 108

tokens, 105


<a4j:ajax>, 131

asynchronous file input features, 128

component facets, 132

files uploading, 130

fileUploadListener, 129

images uploading, 130131

JavaScript API, 132

JSF page code, 129

managed bean snippet, 131

simple managed bean, 129

standard <h:form>, 129

UploadedFile interface methods, 129

web xml context-parameters, 129

web.xml context parameters, 130


Ajax behavior, 98

Ajax request, 97

change in value, 97

component switches, 96

default labels, 97

editEvent attribute, 98

handlers attributes, 97

input field, 96

input save/cancel control, 97

JavaScript API, 98

managed bean, 96

onchange event attribute, 97

saveOnblur property, 98

saveOnBlur="false", 98

spreadsheet functionality, 98

standard conversion and validation rules, 98

standard input component, 96


component activated, 99

defaultLabel attribute, 100

dependent select component, 100

drop-down list, 99

edited value, save/cancel, 100

edited value, save/cancelclient-side event handlers, 100

<f:selectItem> or <f:selectItems> tag, 100

#{inplaceSelectBean.fruit}, 100

Java bean, 101

JavaScript API, 102

JSF page code, 99

saveOnSelect and saveOnBlur, 102

single string property, 100


custom boundary values, 114

disabled attribute, 116

disabled manual input, 114

enableManualInput attribute, 114

input field completely, 115

InputNumberBean code, 114

inputPosition attribute, 115

JavaScript API, 116

showArrows attribute, 115

showBoundaryValues, 116

<rich_inputnumberspinner>, 116


client-side operation, 111

dynamic <rich:select> components, 113

enableManualInput="true", 111

<h:selectOneMenu> component, 111

JavaScript API, 113

JSF page, 112

pop-up selection, 111

standard UISelectOne component, 110

unchanged managed bean code, 112, 113

server-side customization

Ajax mode, 122

calendarDataModel Item Interface, 122

client mode, 122

custom data model, 122, 125

JSF page code, 123

managed bean code, 123125

standard JSF inputs, 9596

time selection, 119

Rich menu components, 245


drop-down menu code, 251

JavaScript API, 256

JavaScript handler methods, 252

JSF page, 253

managed bean, 252

menu items, 255

menuSelected property, 253

open file item, 253

popup panel, 254

#{rich:component('about')}.show(), 254

<rich:menuGroup> and <rich:menuSeparator>, 255

<rich:menuItem>, 252, 256

standard Ajax concepts, 251

standard POST request, 251

undo item, 253


activeItem attribute, 262

bubbleSelection, 259

file group expansion, 262

group definition, 263

icon attributes, 259

item definition, 263

JavaScript API, 264

managed bean code, 261

menu items, modification, 263

menu rendering code, 258

mode attributes, 260

open file menu item activation, 262

page code, 260261

panel menu code, 258, 259

popup addition, 263

popup panel opening, 263

server-side events, 260

standard and custom icons, 259

standard RichFaces icons, 259


<a4j:outputPanel>, 246

bean code, 247

built-in separators, 247

click-handling behaviors, 249

custom separator, 247

<h:panelGroup>, 248

items grouping, 248

items separator, 247

<rich:panel>, 245

<rich:popupPanel>, 249250

simple toolbar code, 246

skins CSS, 246

toolbar, JSF component, 249

UserBean code, 250

width and height, 246

Rich tab panel component, 86

Rich tree components, 265

expansion event handling, 277278

RichFaces tree, 265

RichFaces TreeNode interface

<rich:tree> building, 271

bean, 270

ExtendedDataModel, 269

isLeaf() method, 271

org.richfaces.model.TreeNode interface, 269

root node, 270

TreeNodeImpl implementation, 269


Entry, 281, 282

managed bean, 281282

page code, 282

<rich:treeNode>, 283


base FileSystem node class, 283284

bean, 284285

directories list, 285

file system representation, 283

nodes attribute, 285

rootDirs, 285

roots attribute, 283

trees rendering, 285

selection event handling, 276277

swing TreeNode interface

<rich:tree> building, 268

org.richfaces.model.TreeNode interface, 266

page code, 268

SwingTreeNodeImpl class, 266267

tree population, 267268

tree nodes lazy loading

getRowData() method, 280

org.richfaces.model.TreeNode-based model, 278279

toggle listener, 279280

tree with child nodes, 280

tree without child nodes, 279

UITree instance, 280

Tree Nodes markup, 271272

tree toggling and selection modes, 275

types of nodes

adding another property, 272

custom nodes, 274

Enum, 273274

nested <rich:treeNode> tags, 274

nodeType attribute, 272, 274

var attribute, 274

Rich validation

Bean validation, 305

client-side validation, 307

graph validator, 313


code generation, 16

Java classes, 15

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2 project

Ajax (see Ajax)

Apache Maven, 13

caching dependencies, 15

component development kit (CDK) annotations dependencies, 15

integrated development environment, 13

JAR files, 14

pom.xml(), 1314

validation dependencies, 14

JBoss 6 server, 16

JBoss tools, 16

skin, 1718

standard Maven project structure, 16

Tomcat, 16

RichFaces. See also JavaServer Faces (JSF)

a4j, 1

Ajax4jsf, 1011

client-side validation, 9

compatibility matrix, 9

component development kit (CDK), 10

contexts and dependency injection (CDI), 10

rich inplace input component, 3

skins, 9

tab panel and calendar components, 1, 2

tag libraries, 9

images S

Simple Rich panels

code, 133

header, 134

mouseover event, 135

nested panels, 135


blueSky skin, 335

code, 336

custom skin, 338

dynamically changing skins, 346 file, 339, 334

out-of-the-box skins, 333

parameters, 339

redefined skin-based CSS classes, 342

#{richSkin} implicit object, 351

ruby skin, 334

skin-based CSS, 341

source, 335

standard controls skinning, 347

user-defined style, 345

web.xml file, 338

Standard controls skinning

context parameter, 348

HTML tags, 349

JSF page, 347

org.richfaces.enableControlSkinningClasses, 348

.rfs-txt-general, 350

StartClock method, 54

images T

Tabbed panels

activeItem attribute, 141

code, 140

custom headers, 140

events and listeners, 141

Java bean code, 142

JavaScript API, 144

simple tab panel, 139

switched tab panel, 143

Themes. See Skins

Toggle panel

code, 149

custom tab panel, 151

Einstein button, 151

initial state, 148

JavaScript API, 152

name attribute, 150


body text, 169

city name, 168

data iteration components, 172

followMouse, 169

JavaScript API, 173

loading label, 169

server time and counter, 170

simple tooltip, 168

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