Chapter 6. Finite State Machines

Now that we’ve become experts at writing generic servers, the time has come to master our next behavior. When prototyping systems with what eventually became Erlang, language inventors Joe Armstrong, Mike Williams, and Robert Virding were implementing a soft telephony switch allowing them to phone each other and say hello.1 Each phone accessing the switch was prototyped as a process acting as an FSM. At any one time, the function would represent the state the phone was in (on hook, off hook, dialing, ringing, etc.) and receive events associated with that state (incoming call, dial, off hook, on hook, etc.).

One of the outcomes of this prototyping activity was to ensure that Erlang became a language suited for and optimized for building nontrivial and scalable FSMs, a key component in many complex systems. Developers use FSMs to program protocol stacks, connectors, proxies, workflow systems, gaming engines, and simulations, to mention but a few examples. So it was no surprise that when OTP behaviors came along, they included generic FSMs.

In this chapter, we introduce FSMs implemented in pure Erlang. We break an example up into generic and specific code, migrating it to the gen_fsm behavior. The good news is that all the borderline cases relating to concurrency and error handling that apply to generic servers also apply to FSMs. So while we might mention some of them, there will be no need for us to go into the same level of detail. After all, an FSM implementation is essentially a special variant of a generic server.

Finite State Machines the Erlang Way

Before diving into our examples, let’s get a bit of automata theory out of the way. An FSM is an abstract model consisting of a finite number of states and incoming events. When the program is in each state, it can receive certain events from the environment—and only those events. When an event arrives and the FSM is in a certain state, the program executes some predetermined actions associated with that state and transitions to a new state. The FSM then waits for a new event, in the new state.

For instance, in the FSM shown in Figure 6-1, the state day can handle events eclipse and sunset. eclipse keeps the FSM in its current state, while event sunset causes a transition to state night. In state night, event sunrise causes a transition back to state day. Any other events coming out of sequence (such as sunrise when in state day) are handled only after a transition to a state where they can be dealt with.

The state and event transitions in the FSM process
Figure 6-1. Erlang FSM

In Erlang, each state is represented within a tail-recursive function and events are represented as messages. So for Figure 6-1, the code for state day would look as follows:

day() ->
        eclipse -> day();
        sunset  -> night()

Upon receiving an incoming event, the FSM executes one or more actions before transitioning to its next state. The state transition is achieved by calling the next function, determined by the combination of the current state and inbound event. In the following example, the combination of the event sunrise in state night will result in the action defined in the function make_roosters_crow/0, followed by a transition to state day. Note how we are not allowing solar eclipses to take place at night. If the FSM receives an eclipse event, it remains in the process mailbox until the FSM transitions to a state that can handle it:

night() ->
        sunrise ->

When you start an FSM, you need to give it a starting state and initialize it. As in the next code example, we could initialize the FSM by spawning the init/0 function and create the Earth there2 before moving on to state day:

start() ->
    spawn(?MODULE, init, []).

init() ->

This is how we do FSMs in Erlang. The keys to keeping FSMs simple are selective receives, tail-recursive functions, and the ability to initialize the FSM when spawning the process.

You should completely design your FSM, perhaps by drawing out a diagram like the ones in this chapter, before you start coding. You want to know what your states, events, actions, and state transitions are. If they get complex, see whether your FSM can be split up into smaller FSMs that, during execution, pass the flow between each other. They will be easier to both implement and maintain.

FSMs Versus Generic Servers

Beware of the common beginner error where instead of using a generic FSM, you use a generic server and unknowingly store the FSM state in the loop data. Ask yourself when designing the system whether you need an FSM or a client-server behavior. The answer is usually obvious if you consider the question in the design phase of the project.

Coffee FSM

To keep our Java aficionados happy, let’s use a coffee vending machine as an FSM example. It will be an embedded application interfacing the hardware through a specific hardware module. The implementation we are about to study has three states:

  • Selection, allowing the customer to select the desired coffee brew

  • Payment, allowing the customer to insert coins and pay for the selected item

  • Remove, a state where the FSM waits for the user to remove the drink from the machine

These states are linked by four events that trigger actions and transitions to next states. Events triggered by the customer include:

  • Making a coffee selection

  • Dropping a coin of any value in the slot to pay for the selection

  • Pressing the cancel button

  • Successful removal of the cup of coffee from the machine

Note that most of these events can be triggered in most states. If the FSM is in the payment state, there is nothing stopping a user from pressing the coffee selection buttons, or if we are in state selection, the user can always insert a coin. If the events can be triggered, they have to be managed regardless of the state. When events are received in a particular state, actions can be executed before transitioning to the next state. The actions in our example include:

  • Display text in the coffee machine’s LED display

  • Return change or inserted coins to the client

  • Drop the cup in the machine

  • Prepare the selected drink

  • Reboot the coffee machine (not user-initiated)

A simplified version of the FSM can be seen in Figure 6-2. Note that it does not depict a complete set of events and actions. Coins can be inserted in states other than payment, the cancel button can be pressed in the selection or remove states, or the hardware could be reset when starting the FSM. The figure does, however, provide an overview of all the state transitions and events that trigger them. The figure annotates each transition with the actions that are executed when that transition is taken. Actions appear in brackets (<>) and events are in bold.

Implementing a coffee machine as a finite state
Figure 6-2. Coffee machine FSM

With this model in mind, let’s start by stepping through a pure Erlang implementation of the FSM. After that, we migrate the implementation to the generic FSM behavior module.

The Hardware Stub

Embedded systems that require sensors and hardware interactions include device drivers written in C interfacing to the Erlang code. To keep the example simple, we have stubbed this interaction in the hw.erl module. We use this module in both the Erlang implementation and the generic FSM behavior implementation:


display(Str, Arg)      -> io:format("Display:" ++ Str ++ "~n", Arg).
return_change(Payment) -> io:format("Machine:Returned ~w in change~n",[Payment]).
drop_cup()             -> io:format("Machine:Dropped Cup.~n").
prepare(Type)          -> io:format("Machine:Preparing ~p.~n",[Type]).
reboot()               -> io:format("Machine:Rebooted Hardware~n").

You will see calls to this module in the FSM implementations. Functions being called as a result of the sensors in the coffee machine call the client functions in the coffee.erl module directly. For testing purposes, we instead call them from the shell. With this out of the way, let’s start looking at the implementation itself.

The Erlang Coffee Machine

In this section we create the Erlang part of the application, keeping in mind throughout how the FSM in this example can be generalized and made into a reusable behavior in OTP.


We start the FSM using the start_link/0 function. It spawns a new process that starts executing in the init/0 function and registers itself using the name coffee, the same name as the module. Here, we use the ?MODULE preprocessor construct to refer to the module name rather than using the module name explicitly, which we did for clarity in previous chapters. The init/0 function reboots the coffee machine and shows Make Your Selection in the display. We then enter into our first state by calling the tail-recursive function selection/0. Have a look at it and try to split it up into generic and specific code:

-export([tea/0, espresso/0, americano/0, cappuccino/0,
         pay/1, cup_removed/0, cancel/0]).
-export([start_link/0, init/0]).

start_link() ->
    {ok, spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [])}.

init() ->
    register(?MODULE, self()),
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),

The generic code, highlighted in this example, includes spawning the process that runs in the init/0 function, registering it, and transitioning to the first state. The code specific to the coffee machine is the process name, the callback module, and the hardware-specific operations executed in init/0, along with any arguments we pass on to that call. The first state is also specific, as is any loop data we might pass on to that state. In our example, there is no state needed at startup.

The events

Two sets of client functions generate events that are passed on to the coffee FSM as asynchronous calls. The first four functions inform the FSM of the drink selection the user made, together with the price. The cup_removed event is triggered by hardware sensors when a cup is removed. If a coin is inserted, pay/1 is called, with the value of the coin passed as an argument. Finally, cancel is called when the cancel button is pressed. As we mentioned earlier, these events can be triggered in any state. There is nothing stopping a user from pressing the cancel button when the drink is being prepared, or inserting a coin without having made a selection. The client functions are as follows:

%% Client Functions for Drink Selections

tea()        -> ?MODULE ! {selection, tea,       100}.
espresso()   -> ?MODULE ! {selection, espresso,  150}.
americano()  -> ?MODULE ! {selection, americano, 100}.
cappuccino() -> ?MODULE ! {selection, cappuccino,150}.

%% Client Functions for Actions

cup_removed() -> ?MODULE ! cup_removed.
pay(Coin)     -> ?MODULE ! {pay, Coin}.
cancel()      -> ?MODULE ! cancel.

In these client functions, the tags and any data (such as the price) associated with the events are specific. What is generic are the sending of the events to the FSM and the possibility of having synchronous and asynchronous calls. In our example, the calls are all asynchronous. Had some of them been synchronous, the return value would also have been specific, but the protocol and the receive statement receiving the reply would have been generic.

The selection state

In the init/0 function, after having initialized the coffee machine, we make the transition to our first state. This is the selection state, where the customer picks a drink. Upon receiving the event {selection, Type, Price}, we display the price of the drink and move to the next state, payment. In this state, we pass the arguments Type, Price, and amount Paid, initially set to 0. These three arguments are the loop data needed in the payment state.

If a customer inserts a coin without having made a selection, we have to return it. If the customer presses the cancel button, we need to remove the event from the process mailbox, ensuring that it is not accidentally received in a later state:

%% State: drink selection

selection() ->
        {selection, Type, Price} ->
            hw:display("Please pay:~w",[Price]),
            payment(Type, Price, 0);
        {pay, Coin} ->
        _Other ->   % cancel

Every combination of state and event will result in a specific set of actions and a transition to the next state. The generic code consists of the sections receiving events, handling state transitions, and storing the loop data. The specific code relates to handling the events, namely updating the display, returning the coins, and deciding on the next state.

The payment state

When the customer has picked a drink, it is time to either pay for it or cancel the selection. Every coin inserted will result in the event {pay, Coin} being generated, where Coin is the amount that has been inserted. This amount is added to the total. If the total is greater than or equal to the price of the drink, the code will trigger actions terminating with the transition to the remove state. If not enough money has been inserted, the remaining amount to be paid is updated and the FSM remains in the payment state. If the cancel button is pressed, any payment made is returned to the user and the FSM returns to the selection state. Any other event—more specifically, pressing any of the selection buttons—is ignored. The way we ignore an event is to reinvoke the current state:

%% State: payment

payment(Type, Price, Paid) ->
        {pay, Coin} ->
                Coin + Paid >= Price ->
                    hw:display("Preparing Drink.",[]),
                    hw:return_change(Coin + Paid - Price),
                    hw:drop_cup(), hw:prepare(Type),
                    hw:display("Remove Drink.", []),
                true ->
                    ToPay = Price - (Coin + Paid),
                    hw:display("Please pay:~w",[ToPay]),
                    payment(Type, Price, Coin + Paid)
        cancel ->
            hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
        _Other -> %selection
            payment(Type, Price, Paid)

As in the selection state, the generic code includes receiving events, state transitions, and storing the loop data. Specific code includes the events themselves, the actions executed as a result, and the next state. Storing the loop data could have been done in one variable containing a record, but as different states need a different number of arguments, this solution is cleaner for this particular example.

The remove state

The FSM enters the remove state when the coffee is paid for and has been brewed. It is a state of its own because the machine cannot be used to brew other beverages until the user removes the cup. When that happens, sensors will trigger the cup_removed event and reset the display. This allows us to transition to the selection state, where the activity can start all over again. There is nothing stopping the customer from inserting coins, and if this happens, they have to be returned. The same applies to the customer pressing the cancel or selection buttons, events that have to be ignored:

%% State: remove cup

remove() ->
        cup_removed ->
            hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
        {pay, Coin} ->
        _Other ->   % cancel/selection

Before starting the next section about the FSM behavior, download the code and stub modules and try it out. When doing so, take a moment to think of other possible implementations of an Erlang-based FSM. What parts of them are specific and what parts are generic? Of the generic parts, how would you package the generics into a callback-based library module?

Generic FSMs

To separate the generic from the specific functionality in an FSM, we’ll take the same course we took with generic servers. Table 6-1 lists the major generic and specific parts of the FSM.

Table 6-1. FSM generic and specific code
  • Spawning the FSM

  • Storing the loop data

  • Sending events to the FSM

  • Sending synchronous requests

  • Receiving replies

  • Timeouts

  • Stopping the FSM

  • Initializing the FSM state

  • The loop data

  • The events

  • Handling events/requests

  • The FSM states

  • State transitions

  • Cleaning up

Spawning the FSM, ensuring it has started correctly, and registering it do not change from one implementation to another. What do change are the local or global registered name of the process (if registered at all), debugging options, and arguments needed for the initialization. Initializing the FSM is specific, including determining the initial state and binding the loop data. Both are returned to the generic FSM receive-evaluate loop, which generically stores the data and state.

Sending both synchronous and asynchronous events and requests to the FSM is generic, as is receiving replies. What is specific are the contents of the events and requests and how they are handled based on the FSM state.

The states are all specific, as are the actions that have to be executed, choosing the next state to transition the FSM to, and updating loop data. Handling of timeouts, within both the client and the FSM itself, is generic. What happens when the timeout is triggered, on the other hand, is specific. Finally, stopping the FSM is generic, while cleaning up prior to termination is specific.

We can view the FSM as an extension of the generic server, with state handling added on top. Messages become events and callback functions that receive the messages become states. All of the generic code is placed in a library module called gen_fsm, while all of the specifics are placed in a callback module. The architecture is illustrated in Figure 6-3, which you can compare to Figure 4-1.

Splitting the code into a generic library module and a
          callback module.
Figure 6-3. The FSM callback module

A Behavior Example

Using the coffee machine example, let’s have a look at all the library APIs and associated callback functions of the gen_fsm behavior module. We explore starting and stopping the generic FSM, as well as synchronous and asynchronous events. When stepping through the code, compare the gen_fsm behavior with gen_server. If you want to take it for a practice run, download the code from the book’s repository.

Starting the FSM

Every behavior callback module starts with module, behavior, and export directives. It also contains all of the state callback functions. While not mandatory, it is good practice to also include all of the client functions that generate the events in one place. Our coffee_fsm module looks like this:


-export([start_link/0, stop/0]).
-export([init/1, terminate/3, handle_event/3]).        % Callback functions
-export([selection/2, payment/2, remove/2]).           % States
-export([americano/0, cappuccino/0, tea/0, espresso/0, % Client functions
         pay/1, cancel/0, cup_removed/0]).

The -behavior directive specifies the atom gen_fsm, used for compile-time warnings if callback functions are not implemented or exported. Exported functions include the start and stop functions with their respective callbacks, the client functions, and state callback functions.

The coffee machine is started using the gen_fsm:start_link/4 call, which spawns the FSM and links it to the parent. It returns the tuple {ok, Pid}, where Pid identifies the spawned process, or {error, Reason} if something goes wrong. We cover possible error reasons later; for now, let’s focus on the example.

As with all OTP behaviors, we prefer to wrap the start_link/4 call in a client function, located in the callback module. In our example, we’ve called this function coffee_fsm:start_link/0, but it could take on any name you like. What is important is that it eventually calls gen_fsm:start_link and returns whatever this call returns: most commonly {ok, Pid} or {error, Reason}, as seen in Figure 6-4, or the atom ignore. These values become relevant when we look at supervisors in Chapter 8.

As soon as the generic FSM process has been spawned, the init/1 function in the callback module is invoked. Just as with generic servers, this function contains all the specific initialization code. In our example, it will reboot the hardware, reset the display, and return a tuple of the format {ok, StartState, LoopData}, where StartState denotes the state the FSM will be in when it receives its first event. LoopData contains the data passed to the state callback functions. We are also trapping exits in this example, for reasons that will become obvious when we look at termination:

start_link() ->
    gen_fsm:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).

init([]) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
    {ok, selection, []}.

In our example, the StartState is selection and the LoopData is not used, so we simply return the empty list value, []. When the init/1 callback returns control to the generic module, the synchronous gen_fsm:start_link call returns.

We register the process locally and set the callback module using the ?MODULE macro, which at compile time is replaced with the atom coffee_fsm. We pass [] as an argument to the init/1 callback function and set no options.

The following functions, identical to the ones exported by the generic server module, start an FSM:

gen_fsm:start_link(Mod, Args, Opts)
gen_fsm:start(Mod, Args, Opts) -> {ok, Pid}
                                  {error, Error}

Mod:init/1 -> {ok, NextState, LoopData}
              {stop, Reason}

NameScope defines how we register our behavior. Just as with generic servers, it can be set to {local, Name}, {global, Name}, or {via, Module, ViaName}, where the via tuple points to a user-defined process registry exporting the same API as the global module, all previously covered in “Going Global”. We can use the start functions to avoid linking the FSM process to its parent, and we can also decide not to register it. Opts (covered in Chapter 5) can also be passed. They include timeout, debug, and spawn options. Here, we just pass an empty list for Opts.

If something goes wrong in the init/1 callback, you can either terminate abnormally or return the tuple {stop, Reason}. It will propagate the error to the parent process calling the gen_fsm start function (typically via one of the callback module’s start functions), causing it to terminate as well. If the parent process happens to be a supervisor, it will in turn terminate all of its children and abort the startup procedure. Although things can go wrong when the system is running, by default, the system cannot recover from a fault in the init/1 callback function.

The most common failure reason you will encounter when testing your FSM from the shell is {error, {already_started, Pid}}. It occurs if another process with the same registered name already exists:

1> coffee_fsm:start_link().
Machine:Rebooted Hardware
Display:Make Your Selection
2> coffee_fsm:start_link().

If you want to let the supervisor continue to start workers when init/1 fails, return the atom ignore. Instead of aborting the startup procedure, the supervisor will store the child specification and continue starting other behaviors. We cover the ignore and stop options in more detail in Chapter 8 when we look at supervisors.

Until then, the following example should give you an overview of the different behaviors. Pay particular attention to what causes the process calling the start and start_link functions to terminate. We’ve omitted the module headers from this example. If you want to view them, download the test_fsm.erl module from the book’s code repository:

start_link(TimerMs, Options) ->
    gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, TimerMs, Options).
start(TimerMs, Options) ->
    gen_fsm:start(?MODULE, TimerMs, Options).

init(0) ->
    {stop, stopped};
init(1) ->
    {next_state, selection, []};
init(TimerMs) ->

Let’s run the code. In the first set of tests, we stop the FSM by returning {stop, Reason}:

1> test_fsm:start_link(0, []).
** exception exit: stopped
2> test_fsm:start(0, []).

Note the difference when the shell is linked to the behavior and when it is not.

In shell commands 3 and 4, we initialize the FSM with the test_fsm:init(1) call, which accidentally specifies next_state instead of ok as the first element of the return tuple in the callback function. This results in an invalid return value not recognized by the FSM back-end module, a mistake the authors have made many times:

3> test_fsm:start_link(1, []).
** exception exit: {bad_return_value,{next_state,selection,{}}}
4> test_fsm:start(1, []).

A behavior module will terminate with the reason bad_return_value whenever you return a control tuple that does not follow the predefined protocol.

When reading through this example, make sure you understand the effect of the EXIT signal propagation when the shell process is linked to the FSM and when it is not. In shell command 5, we pass a 1,000-millisecond argument to init/1 to cause it to sleep for that long, but set the timeout option to 100 milliseconds; this triggers a timeout in the startup process that results in the {error, timeout} tuple. This will be returned whether or not the process is linked to the shell process:

5> test_fsm:start_link(1000, [{timeout, 100}]).

In our last set of tests, in shell commands 6 and 7, our init/1 function returns ignore. This does not result in the behavior terminating abnormally, and as a result, does not propagate further:

6> test_fsm:start_link(2, []).
7> test_fsm:start(2, []).

Although these examples specifically use the gen_fsm behavior, they are valid for all OTP workers.

Enough on starting and initializing our FSMs. Let’s move on to important things in life and figure out how to get this coffee brewed.

Sending Events

Having started our coffee FSM, we need to be able to define the states and send both synchronous and asynchronous events. When handled, they trigger state transitions. Events are usually sent in client functions defined in the callback module. Let’s start looking at asynchronous events in our FSM and see how they are handled in the different states.

Asynchronous events

Asynchronous events are sent using the gen_fsm:send_event(Name, Event) library function. This sends the Event to the FSM, which handles it in the callback function State(Event, LoopData) in the callback module. After handling the request, the State/2 function returns the new loop data with the next_state or the stop reason (Figure 6-5).

Sending asynchronous events to the generic finite state
Figure 6-5. Sending events

Our FSM event functions are split into two categories. The first are customer drink selections. These send events of the format {selection, Type, Price}, where Type is one of the atoms tea, espresso, americano,3 or cappuccino. Price is either 100 or 150 units:

tea()       -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,{selection,tea,100}).
espresso()  -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,{selection,espresso,100}).
americano() -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,{selection,americano,150}).
cappuccino()-> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,{selection,cappuccino,150}).

The second set of events include actions where the user inserts a coin, presses the cancel button, or removes a cup. There are no rules stating that events must comprise only static values. Note how in the pay/1 function we pass a variable as part of our event—the value of the inserted coin is bound to Coin and passed through the event {pay, Coin}:

pay(Coin)     -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,{pay, Coin}).
cancel()      -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,cancel).
cup_removed() -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,cup_removed).

Defining states

States in FSMs are defined in callback functions, where the name of the function is the name of the state, Event is the first argument, and LoopData is the second one. Remember that state callback functions are defined in the callback module and have to be exported. The first state we look at is selection, where the customer is prompted to choose a drink. It was the start state returned by the init/1 function when we started the FSM:

selection({selection,Type,Price}, _LoopData) ->
    hw:display("Please pay:~w",[Price]),
    {next_state, payment, {Type, Price, 0}};
selection({pay, Coin}, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, selection, LoopData};
selection(_Other, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, selection, LoopData}.

Upon choosing a drink, one of the functions tea/0, espresso/0, americano/0, or cappuccino/0 is called. This sends an asynchronous event of the format {selection, Type, Price} to the FSM. Regardless of which drink the customer chooses or its price, the selection gets handled generically. This event is pattern matched in the first clause of the state callback function, displaying the price the customer has to pay. By returning the tuple {next_state, NextState, NewLoopData}, we return the control to the gen_fsm module and wait for the next event. In this case, NextState is bound to the payment state and LoopData to a tuple denoting the selection (Type), the price, and the amount paid so far, which is initially set to 0. Note how we ignore the incoming loop data, set to the empty list in the init/1 callback function, but create it for the next state.

What happens if a customer walks up to the coffee machine when it is in the selection state and inserts a coin? In our example, we programmed the FSM to return the coin using the hw:return_change/1 call, remaining in the selection state and not changing the loop data (which is set to the empty list anyhow). If you prefer to keep the coin, just delete that line of code. Or, if you are implementing a deluxe variant of a coffee machine, add functionality to block the coin insert facility until the selection has been entered.

When in the selection state, clients can generate events that do not require any actions or state changes. They include pressing the cancel button or setting off the cup removed sensors, events that need to be handled but can be ignored in the sense that they change neither the current state nor the loop data. Had we not included the third function, a customer pressing the cancel button would have triggered a call to selection(cancel, []), causing a runtime error, because none of the function clauses would have matched.

If the customer selects an Americano coffee, the FSM displays the amount owed and moves to the state payment, eagerly awaiting the next event:

payment({pay, Coin}, {Type,Price,Paid}) when Coin+Paid < Price ->
    NewPaid = Coin + Paid,
    hw:display("Please pay:~w",[Price - NewPaid]),
    {next_state, payment, {Type, Price, NewPaid}};
payment({pay, Coin}, {Type,Price,Paid}) when Coin+Paid >= Price ->
    NewPaid = Coin + Paid,
    hw:display("Preparing Drink.",[]),
    hw:return_change(NewPaid - Price),
    hw:drop_cup(), hw:prepare(Type),
    hw:display("Remove Drink.", []),
    {next_state, remove, null};
payment(cancel, {_Type, _Price, Paid}) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
    {next_state, selection, null};
payment(_Other, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, payment, LoopData}.

The customer now has to pay for the coffee. Every time a coin is inserted, the {pay, Coin} event is generated. We add the value in Coin to the amount Paid, and, if the sum is less than the price of the drink, we display the remaining amount to pay. By returning payment as the next state, we keep the FSM in that state, changing the loop data to reflect the amount paid so far.

If the customer has inserted enough change to pay for the drink, we trigger a chain of actions that start by changing the display, indicating we are preparing the drink. We return any change and drop the cup. We brew the drink, returning from the synchronous hw:prepare(Type) call only when the drink is finished. At this point, we tell the customer to remove the drink and return the control to the gen_fsm control loop, indicating that the next state is remove.

While paying for their coffee, customers could change their minds and press the cancel button. If they do, we change the display to “Make Your Selection,” return any coins they might have paid, and indicate that the next state is selection. Finally, if a customer triggers the cup removed sensors or presses any of the drink selection buttons, we ignore the event and remain in the state payment.

Let’s assume the customer has paid for a drink and received the appropriate change, and the drink has been brewed. The FSM would at this stage be in the state remove:

remove(cup_removed, LoopData) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
    {next_state, selection, LoopData};
remove({pay, Coin}, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, remove, LoopData};
remove(_Other, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, remove, LoopData}.

Sensors in the coffee machine will be triggered when the customer removes the cup. This will trigger the coffee_fsm:cup_removed() call, resulting in the cup_removed event being handled in the first clause. The coffee machine updates its display to “Make Your Selection” and the function returns, setting the next state to selection. In the remove state, customers can also insert coins, which we return in the second function clause, or they can press the cancel or drink selection buttons, which we ignore in the third clause.

The moment of truth has arrived. Will we get our coffee? Let’s test our program and see if it works. When compiling your behavior, as we saw in “Generic Servers”, you get a warning over the missing code_change/3 callback when compiling the code in this chapter. We cover this in Chapter 12 when looking at software upgrades.

To better understand what is going on, we’ll use the debug options built into OTP and described in “Tracing and Logging”. We start the FSM, select tea, change our mind to an Americano coffee, and insert two 100-unit coins. We get our change, and while waiting to remove the cup, we insert a 50-unit coin just for the sake of testing out the FSM. As you step through the example, you can distinguish the code you input by the prompts (such as 1>), and debugger printouts by the *DBG* prefix. Output from io:format/2 in the hw.erl module starts with a hint of what parts of the system it represents (Display: or Machine:), and the rest of the output is actual return values from the function calls:

1> {ok, Pid} = coffee_fsm:start_link().
Display:Make Your Selection
2> sys:trace(Pid, true).
3> coffee_fsm:cancel().
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event cancel in state selection
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state selection
4> coffee_fsm:tea().
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event {selection,tea,100} in state selection
Display:Please pay:100
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state payment
5> coffee_fsm:cancel().
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event cancel in state payment
Display:Make Your Selection
Machine:Returned 0 in change
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state selection
6> coffee_fsm:americano().
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event {selection,americano,150} in state selection
Display:Please pay:150
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state payment
7> coffee_fsm:pay(100).
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event {pay,100} in state payment
Display:Please pay:50
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state payment
8> coffee_fsm:pay(100).
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event {pay,100} in state payment
Display:Preparing Drink.
Machine:Returned 50 in change
Machine:Dropped Cup.
Machine:Preparing americano.
Display:Remove Drink.
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state remove
9> coffee_fsm:pay(50).
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event {pay,50} in state remove
Machine:Returned 50 in change
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state remove
10> coffee_fsm:cup_removed().
*DBG* coffee_fsm got event cup_removed in state remove
Display:Make Your Selection
*DBG* coffee_fsm switched to state selection
11> sys:trace(Pid, false).

It seems to work; time for a break!


We are not sure if this has ever happened to you, but imagine you’re standing patiently in line to buy your coffee. While doing so, you decide what you want and prepare the exact change, and are ready to go. But the person in front of you is apparently not in the same rush. After spending ages reading through all the options, they make their selection and get shown the price. Only then do they dip into their purse or pocket and start looking not just for change, but for the exact change. They insert a penny and go back in looking for another one, until they find no more. After which they start looking for nickels and dimes. It can be aggravating, and not only for impatient authors. Luckily, we control the coffee machine now, so we can take advantage of that to implement punishment and revenge to discourage this type of behavior.

Timeouts can be specified within the FSM as an integer in milliseconds or as the atom infinity. We can include them in the init/1 and State callback functions. When a timeout is triggered, the event is sent to the state the FSM is currently in. As we are controlling the code for the coffee machine, let’s put a bit of stress into the lives of those who do not have any by triggering a timeout if a user waits more than 10 seconds between one coin insertion and another. First, let’s refactor the payment state by adding a timeout:

-define(TIMEOUT, 10000).

selection({selection,Type,Price}, _LoopData) ->
    {next_state, payment, {Type, Price, 0}, ?TIMEOUT};

payment({pay, Coin}, {Type,Price,Paid}) when Coin+Paid >= Price ->
    {next_state, remove, []};
payment({pay, Coin}, {Type,Price,Paid})
  when Coin+Paid < Price ->
    {next_state, payment, {Type, Price, NewPaid}, ?TIMEOUT};
payment(timeout, {Type, Price, Paid}) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
    {next_state, selection, []};
payment(_Other, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, payment, LoopData, ?TIMEOUT}.

Customers inserting coins will now have to hurry. If they take longer than 10 seconds to insert a coin, their selections will be canceled and their money returned. There is a risk that they’ll figure that out that by pressing one of the drink selection buttons they will get an extra 10 seconds, but let’s assume for now that they are too wrapped up looking for their next penny to work this out.

In place of a timeout value, we can alternatively return hibernate if we want to reduce the generic FSM’s memory footprint. Use hibernate only if you are not expecting the FSM to receive events for a while, with benchmarks showing you have memory issues. We can also stop the FSM, something we cover later in this chapter:

gen_fsm:send_event(NameScope ,Event) -> ok

Mod:State/2 -> {next_state, NextState,NewLoopData}
               {next_state ,NextState,NewLoopData, Timeout}
               {next_state, NextState,NewLoopData, hibernate}
               {stop, Reason, NewLoopData}

Asynchronous events to all states

If you want to send an asynchronous event but are not concerned about the state in which it is received, you can use the send_all_state_event/2 call. This could be useful if you want to execute actions such as formatting and printing the loop data or stopping the FSM. Events are passed as the first argument to the handle_event/3 callback function, which executes the actions and then returns the {next_state, NextState, NewLoopData} tuple back to the gen_fsm control loop (Figure 6-6).

Sending an event to all the states.
Figure 6-6. Sending events to all states

As with generic servers, the handle_info/3 callback function takes care of all non-OTP-compliant messages such as exit signals, monitors, and messages sent using the Pid!Msg construct. The handle_info/3 callback returns the same range of control tuples as handle_event/3 and State/2:

gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(NameScope ,Event) -> ok

Mod:handle_event/3 -> {next_state, NextState,NewLoopData}
                      {next_state ,NextState,NewLoopData, Timeout}
                      {next_state, NextState,NewLoopData, hibernate}
                      {stop, Reason, NewLoopData}

Synchronous events

Although all the events sent in our FSM examples were asynchronous, sometimes we want to ensure clients can’t generate a new event until their previous one is handled. For example, a diagnostic client might want to ask the FSM to set a particular value into a hardware register and take no further action until the FSM indicates the setting was successful. As illustrated in Figure 6-7, this is when we use the sync_send_event/2 (or sync_send_all_state_event/2) call.

Sending synchronous events to the generic finite state
Figure 6-7. Synchronous events

This call and its callback are a middle ground between using the call/2 and handle_call/3 functions in the generic server and using asynchronous events and event handling in FSMs. Events are handled in the State(Event, From, LoopData) callback, where From is a tuple denoting the client and the request reference. Instead of returning the next_state tuple, the callback returns a tuple of the format {reply, Reply, NextState, NewLoopData}. Reply is sent back to the client and becomes the return value of the gen_fsm:sync_send_event/2 call.

Just as with generic servers, we can use the From in a gen_fsm:reply(From, Reply) call to send Reply back to the original caller identified by From, returning {next_state, NextState, NewLoopData} in the State/3 callback function itself.

The gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/2 function (Figure 6-8) sends synchronous requests to the FSM regardless of its current state. The event is handled in the handle_sync_event/4 callback function, which returns a Reply sent back to the original caller, either through the use of From or in the control tuple sent back to the gen_fsm module.

Sending synchronous events to the generic finite state
              machine regardless of the state the FSM is in.
Figure 6-8. Synchronous all state events
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(NameScope, Event) -> Reply
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(NameScope, Event, Timeout) -> Reply

gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(NameScope, Event) -> Reply
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(NameScope, Event, Timeout) -> Reply

Mod:handle_sync_event/4 -> {reply,Reply,NextState,NewLoopData}

Let’s use the sync_send_all_state_event/2 function to trigger the actions for normal termination of our coffee machine. After all, it doesn’t really matter what state it is in, as long as it stops.


Our coffee machine can terminate for two reasons. It is either stopped normally, or the process terminates abnormally if the exit BIFs are used or a runtime error occurs. For abnormal termination, if the FSM is trapping exits as a result of a process_flag(trap_exit, true) call, terminate/3 (Figure 6-9) is invoked in the callback module. If the FSM is not trapping exits, the FSM terminates and its exit signal propagates to other processes linked to it.

Calling the terminate function after a normal and abnormal
Figure 6-9. Termination

If a stop event is sent using sync_send_all_state_event/2, the event is handled in handle_sync_event/4. Note that unlike the stop atom returned in the tuple, the stop we pass through the sync_send_all_state_event/2 call has no meaning other than one given to it in the program. This also contrasts with the stop parameter in {stop, Reason, LoopData}, which is interpreted and used by the gen_fsm module to terminate the FSM. This is exactly the same principle we discussed when we looked at generic server termination in “Termination”:

stop() -> gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(?MODULE, stop).

handle_sync_event(stop, _From, _State, LoopData) ->
    {stop, normal, LoopData}.

terminate(_Reason, payment, {_Type,_Price,Paid}) ->
terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _LoopData) ->

Note also how, in the terminate function, we handle the cleanup for the states individually. If customers have started paying for their drinks, they should receive a refund. By doing this in terminate/3, we are also able to refund users after an abnormal termination. Here’s an example of what happens:

1> {ok, Pid} = coffee_fsm:start_link().
Display:Make Your Selection
2> coffee_fsm:americano().
Display:Please pay:150
3> coffee_fsm:pay(100).
Display:Please pay:50
4> exit(Pid, crash).
Display:Shutting Down
Machine:Returned 100 in change

=ERROR REPORT==== 3-Mar-2013::12:01:25 ===
** State machine coffee_fsm terminating
** Last message in was {'EXIT',<0.33.0>,crash}
** When State == payment
**      Data  == {americano,150,100}
** Reason for termination =
** crash
** exception exit: crash

Summing Up

We’ve now introduced the principles behind the generic FSM behavior. Although it might not be the most commonly used behavior, when it fits your application it will greatly simplify your task, making your code more readable and easier to maintain. Table 6-2 lists the most important functions we covered in this chapter.

Table 6-2. gen_server callbacks
gen_fsm function or actiongen_fsm callback function
gen_fsm:start/3, gen_fsm:start/4, gen_fsm:start_link/3, gen_fsm:start_link/4Module:init/1
gen_fsm:sync_send_event/2, gen_fsm:sync_send_event/3Module:StateName/3
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/2, gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/3Module:handle_sync_event/4
Pid ! Msg, monitors, exit messages, messages from ports and socket, node monitors, and other non-OTP messagesModule:handle_info/2
Triggered by returning {stop, ...} or when terminating abnormally while trapping exitsModule:terminate/3

Review the manual pages for the gen_fsm module. You can find the code implementing the behavior library in the gen_fsm.erl source file. If you previously looked at the gen_server.erl code, pay particular attention to how they both interact with the gen.erl helper module, since other behaviors use it as well.

Get Your Hands Dirty

Before moving on to the next chapter, why not have a go at implementing an FSM to get a feel for the process of designing, coding, and testing it? If you are not up to coding, download the code from the Chapter 8 examples, read through it, and take it for a trial run, since we use the controller in future examples. What makes this example interesting is that different instances of the behaviors, each representing a cell phone, will speak to each other. It is a typical example of a massively concurrent application where processes are used to represent and control resources or devices. The cell phones use the home location register, the database that maps users registered on the network to unique phone numbers that we implemented in “ETS: Erlang Term Storage” in the hlr module.

The Phone Controllers

In our cellular system, there is no central switch. Instead, for every phone attached to the network, we create a phone controller that interacts with other controllers. Each controller is a process implemented as an FSM holding the state of a single phone. All communication between the phone controllers must be asynchronous so as to prevent blocking of the system. Fulfill the following API to implement the phone controllers in the phone_fsm.erl module:

start_link(PhoneNumber) -> {ok, FsmPid}.

Starts a new phone controller FSM process for the phone number linked to the calling process. This should also attach the phone controller process to its phone number in the home location register (HLR).

stop(FsmPid) -> ok.

Stops a phone controller FSM at FsmPid. This should also detach it from its phone number in the HLR.

connect(FsmPid) -> ok., disconnect(FsmPid) -> ok.

Called by a phone to attach itself to a phone controller FSM process. This must be done so that the phone controller knows where to send the phone replies that provide information about incoming and outgoing calls. The connect function call usually occurs when a phone is started, or when it is connecting to another FSM process. Note that we connect to an FSM process by its pid and not its number. The disconnect function detaches a phone from a phone controller FSM process.

action(FsmPid, Action) -> ok.

Sends an action from the phone to the phone controller at FsmPid. The legal actions are:


Try to connect to another phone.


Accept a call request.


Reject a call request.


Hang up an ongoing call.

The following calls send events between the phone controllers inside the switch:

busy(FsmPid) -> ok.

Sends a busy event to FsmPid, generally as a reply to an inbound request indicating that this phone is busy and can’t accept the call

reject(FsmPid) -> ok.

Sends a reject event to FsmPid, generally as a reply to an inbound request indicating that we refuse the call

accept(FsmPid) -> ok.

Sends an accept event to FsmPid, generally as a reply to an inbound request indicating that we accept the call

hangup(FsmPid) -> ok.

Sends a hangup event to FsmPid to terminate an ongoing call

inbound(FsmPid) -> ok.

Sends an inbound event to FsmPid requesting that a call be set up

Given this API, Figure 6-10 shows what the controller FSM might look like. Note that the FSM is not complete: events can come out of sequence as a result of race conditions or go missing in action as a result of network or software errors. Before coding, make sure you have reviewed it and added the missing events and state transitions. You’ll figure out what they are when reviewing the interfaces.

Figure 6-10. Phone controller FSM

Let’s Test It

Each phone controller is connected to a mobile phone. You do not have to write the code for the phone. It is provided in the module phone.erl and has the following API:

start_link(PhoneNumber) -> {ok, PhonePid}.

Starts a new phone for number PhoneNumber, which is linked to the calling process.

stop(PhonePid) -> ok.

Stops the phone at PhonePid.

action(PhonePid, Action) -> ok.

Performs an action requested by the phone user for the phone at PhonePid. The legal actions are:


Start a call to PhoneNumber.


Accept a call request.


Reject a call request.


Hang up an ongoing call.

Calling an action will result in events being sent to the phone’s phone controller using the API for the phone controller that we defined in the previous section.

reply(PhonePid, Reply) -> ok.

Sends a reply event from the phone controller to the phone. The legal reply events are:


An inbound call has arrived from PhoneNumber.


An outbound call has been accepted.


An outbound call was attempted to an invalid number.


An outbound call has been rejected.


An outbound call was attempted to a busy phone.


An outbound call has hung up.

These reply events will result in the phone process printing information on the console of the format PhonePid: PhoneNumber: Event. For example:

<0,459,0>: 103618: hangup 

You should start your phones in a different node from those running the hlr and the phone controllers. The ultimate test is for a phone to call itself and return a busy signal. Here is a trial test run with three phones:

1> hlr:new().
2> phone_fsm:start_link("123").
3> phone_fsm:start_link("124").
4> phone_fsm:start_link("125").
5> {ok,P123}=phone:start_link("123").
6> {ok,P124}=phone:start_link("124").
7> {ok,P125}=phone:start_link("125"). 
8> phone:action(P123, {call,"124"}).
<0.44.0>: 124: inbound call from 123
9> phone:action(P124, accept). 
<0.42.0>: 123: call accepted
10> phone:action(P125, {call,"123"}).
<0.46.0>: 125: busy
11> phone:action(P125, {call,"124"}).
<0.46.0>: 125: busy

What’s Next?

In the next chapter, we look at another worker behavior, the generic event manager. It is a slightly different from a generic server and an FSM in that a single instance of an event manager is allowed to have multiple callback modules. These callback modules are called handlers, and if implemented generically, they can be reused across multiple managers. We use them to add visibility into what is going on in our base station controller.

1 Movie fans will have seen this switch in the blockbuster production of Erlang the Movie. It was filmed when the language was still evolving, so observant fans will have noticed the old syntax in some of the examples. If you have not viewed it, look for it on YouTube. It is a must-see!

2 This would be an interesting function to benchmark.

3 An Americano coffee is an espresso topped up with water—it could not be omitted as it is our favorite.

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