Chapter 12. Release Upgrades

After your system goes live, it churns away in the background handling requests day in and day out. It self-heals when issues occur and restarts automatically after power outages or system reboots. But as with any piece of software, you are bound to continue optimizing it, fixing bugs as they are reported and adding new features. Irrespective of having thousands of instances of your coffee machine running on dedicated hardware monitored through a wireless link, or any other system whose requirements state that it must service its requests with 100% availability, upgrades included, then Erlang/OTP’s software upgrade capabilities are something to study carefully. Imagine you not being able to have your morning coffee because of an ongoing firmware upgrade of your office coffee machine!

The built-in functionality in the Erlang VM that allows dynamic module loading might work for simple patches where the upgrade is backward-compatible. But have you thought of the cases where you’ve changed the functional API? Or where a process running a call to completion with an old version of the code cannot communicate with a process running a new version because of a change in the protocol? How do you handle state changes in your loop data between releases or database schema changes? And even more importantly, what if an upgrade fails and you need to downgrade?

Complex systems need to be upgraded in a coordinated and controlled manner. The built-in functionality used to dynamically load new modules, like everything else, of Erlang and OTP provides the foundations used to build the tools that coordinate and control these upgrades, greatly reducing and even hiding their complexity. Before introducing the tools themselves, let’s review the semantics, terminology, and most commonly used functions relevant to our example to ensure we are all on the same page.

Software Upgrades

We cover module upgrades in “Upgrading Modules”. If you’ve already read it, you might recall that you can load a new module in the Erlang runtime environment by using the shell command l(Module), calling code:load_file(Module), or compiling the source code using c(Module) or make:files(ModuleList,[load]). At any one time, your runtime environment can have two versions of code for the same module loaded. We refer to them as the old and current versions. A process running the old module version will continue doing so until it issues a fully qualified function call; i.e., a call of the format Module:Function(...), where the module name is used as a prefix to the function.

When a fully qualified function call occurs, the runtime checks to ensure that the process is running the current version of the code. If it is, the call continues using the current code. But if the process is still running the old version, the pointer to the code is switched to the current version before the call is made.

Calls to library modules have to be fully qualified because you are calling another module, so such a call will automatically use the current version. Recursive calls controlling process receive-evaluate loops, however, tend to recurse locally without a fully qualified call. We need to either change these local calls to be fully qualified, or add a new message that triggers a fully qualified function call in the receive-evaluate loop. Depending on the complexity of the upgrade, this function could either call the loop function in the new module or call a hook in the new module that handles any change of the process state, including loop data, ETS tables, and database schemas, before returning into the loop.

When not executing a fully qualified call, a process running the current version of a module will continue running it even after a new version is loaded in the system. If a process is already running the old version of a module—not the current version—when a version newer than the current one is loaded, that process will be unconditionally terminated. Processes will also be unconditionally terminated if they are running an old module version forcefully removed using the code:purge(Module) call.

With two versions of the code allowed in the runtime system, we need a way to determine the current version of the module. The -vsn(Version). module attribute helps us achieve exactly that. Version can be any Erlang term, but it is most commonly a string, number, or atom. More often than not, it is set by a script triggered by the revision control system when committing the code to the repository (for example, if you use Git for source control, you could set Version to a string containing the output of git describe --long, which provides the most recent Git tag, the number of commits made since that tag, and the current commit hash). Placing the vsn attribute at the beginning of the module with the other attributes gives us the ability to determine the version of the code we are upgrading from, using it to control changes to the state, database schemas, protocols, and other non–backward-compatible internal data formats. You can find the version of the current module using the Mod:module_info/0,1 call.

The vsn attribute is not mandatory. If omitted, the compiler generates it at compile time using the beam_lib:md5/1 call to generate a 128-bit md5 digest of the module. The md5 digest is based on properties of the module, but excludes compile date and other attributes that are irrelevant to the code, since they may change without the code itself changing. This guarantees that a version will be tagged with the same 128-bit key regardless of compilation time, spaces, carriage returns, or comments in the code.

Remember the example FSM we looked at in “Coffee FSM”? Let’s dust off the Erlang version and compile it to better understand how the vsn module attribute works. If you are using modules from the book’s GitHub repository, the module we are using is under ch12/erlang/coffee.erl.original. Don’t forget to change its filename to coffee.erl. You can then compile it as follows:

1> c(coffee).
2> coffee:module_info(attributes).
3> {ok, {coffee, MD5Digest}} = beam_lib:md5(coffee).
4> <<Int:128/integer>> = MD5Digest, Int.

In shell command 2, a call to coffee:module_info/1 returns the md5 digest in the vsn module attributes, something we confirm in shell commands 3 and 4 by getting the digest from the module and reversing the digest process. Let’s now add the -vsn directive manually in our module and recompile:




This ensures the compiler will not override the version with the md5 digest and sets it instead to 1.0:

5> c(coffee).
6> coffee:module_info(attributes).

Let’s continue working with the Erlang version of the coffee machine FSM, adding a new upgrade message that triggers a fully qualified function call. This will allow us to upgrade the server in a controlled way, understanding the how and why of all the steps involved in the process. After that, we explore how it is done using OTP.

The First Version of the Coffee FSM

You might recall that the Erlang version of the coffee FSM consisted of three states, selection, payment, and remove (Figure 12-1). In our software upgrade example, we add a new state called service, which allows us to open the cabinet door and service the coffee maker. But before going there, let’s add some generic code that executes the fully qualified call, giving us a baseline we can use to perform the upgrade itself. We can do this either by fully qualifying every call to the receive-evaluate loop, or by sending the process a message that triggers a fully qualified call.

Figure 12-1. Coffee FSM

The recommended approach to upgrading your code is to separate the loading of the new module from each process’s trigger of the upgrade. In our generic upgrade code, we load the module using module:load_file/2. We then inform the processes that have to trigger an upgrade through a fully qualified call by sending them the {upgrade, Data} message.

Data is an opaque data type containing upgrade-specific information used by the new module. It is there to act as a placeholder and to future-proof the code, allowing us to manipulate the process state in conjunction with the transition to the new module. As an example, pretend we are upgrading our frequency server and want to add more frequencies. We could use Data to pass the new frequencies to the server during the upgrade. A process that receives the upgrade message and its data then issues a fully qualified function call to code_change/2, where the first argument is the process state and the second is Data. In this function, we could append the new frequencies to the list of available ones, entering the receive-evaluate loop in the new module with the newly updated loop data.

Let’s have a look at what the generic upgrade code for the coffee FSM looks like. Notice that we have added a version number to the module:

-export([..., code_change/2]).


%% State: drink selection

selection() ->
        {upgrade, Data} ->
            ?MODULE:code_change(fun selection/0, Data);

%% State: payment
payment(Type, Price, Paid) ->
        {upgrade, Extra} ->
            ?MODULE:code_change({payment, Type,
                                 Price, Paid}, Extra);

%% State: remove cup

remove() ->
        {upgrade, Data} ->
            ?MODULE:code_change(fun remove/0, Data);

code_change({payment, Type, Price, Paid}, _) ->
    payment(Type, Price, Paid);
code_change(State, _) ->

Note how we need to handle the {upgrade, Extra} message in all states. Upon receiving it, we do a fully qualified function call to code_change/2, where the first argument is the FSM state and loop data and the second is Extra, which we transparently pass to the call. The code_change/2 function in the new module provides a place to change the old process state to one compatible with the new code base, possibly using Extra. Changes in the process state could include adaptations to the loop data format and contents, database schema changes, synchronization with other processes, changing process flags, or even going as far as manipulating messages in the mailbox.

Once done, code_change/2 yields control by calling the tail-recursive function returning the process to its new receive-evaluate loop. In our example, these functions are the FSM state functions selection/0, payment/3, and remove/0. This is the first version of the module, so we do not expect the code_change/2 clauses we’ve added to do anything; they simply return to the state from which the call originated. Adding these clauses avoids the undefined function runtime error that we explained will result if you attempt an upgrade and a process is running an old version of the coffee module.

This is our baseline code. If you are using the code in the book’s repository, you will find it in the erlang directory for this chapter. Let’s compile it, start the Erlang VM, and get our coffee FSM up and running, making sure it works before creating a new version of the module and doing a software upgrade:

$ cd erlang
$ cp coffee.erl.1.0 coffee.erl
$ erl -make
Recompile: coffee
Recompile: hw
$ erl -pa patches
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.2] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> coffee:start_link().
Machine:Rebooted Hardware
Display:Make Your Selection
2> coffee:module_info(attributes).
3> coffee ! {upgrade, {}}.
4> coffee:module_info(attributes).

Note how in shell command 3 we trigger an upgrade without having loaded a new version of the FSM. This results in an execution of the code_change/2 call in the current version of the module.

Adding a State

Let’s add a state for servicing the coffee FSM. It gets triggered when the coffee FSM is in the selection state and the cabinet door is opened. In any other state, the open door event is ignored. As we can see in Figure 12-2, closing the cabinet door triggers a reboot of the hardware and a transition back to the selection state. The closing door event is ignored in all other states.

Figure 12-2. Service state

We’ve opted to keep the example simple, but could have easily inserted locks in the hardware by upgrading hw.erl to add the functions hw:lock() and hw:unlock(). These would represent safeguards that would ensure that the coffee machine door could be opened only in the selection state and would keep it locked when the machine is in other states.

Let’s look at the new module, where we’ve highlighted the changes from version 1.0. The major differences are the addition of the service state, the open and close events, and actions executed in the code_change/2 function clauses.

First, we see the client functions open/0 and close/0, which respectively generate an event when the coffee machine door is opened and closed. In state selection, upon receiving the open event, we show Open in the display and transition to the service state.

The service state ignores all events except for users inserting coins and the closing of the coffee machine door. Upon closing the door, the hardware is rebooted and the display instructs the customer to make a selection. The open and close events are ignored in all other states:

-export([tea/0, espresso/0, americano/0, cappuccino/0,
         pay/1, cup_removed/0, cancel/0, open/0, close/0]).
-export([start_link/0, init/0, code_change/2]).

start_link() ->

open() -> ?MODULE ! open.
close() -> ?MODULE ! close.


selection() ->
        {selection, Type, Price} ->
            hw:display("Please pay:~w",[Price]),
            payment(Type, Price, 0);
        {pay, Coin} ->
        {upgrade, Extra} ->
            ?MODULE:code_change(fun selection/0, Extra);
        open ->
            hw:display("Open", []),
        _Other ->   % cancel


service() ->
        close ->
            hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
        {pay, Coin} ->
        _Other ->


code_change({payment, _Type, _Price, Paid},  _Extra) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
code_change(State, _) ->

In our code_change function, if a user has selected a drink and is in the process of paying for it, we return whatever amount has been paid and transition to the selection state. For all other states, we transition back to the state we were in prior to the upgrade. In our example, we don’t need Extra, but as we are preparing the code for potential upgrades without knowing what these upgrades will be, the argument is worth including to future-proof our code and allow us to pass the variable and use it to change the process state in a later upgrade.

We place version 1.1 of the source code in the patches directory and compile it. Note how we started the Erlang runtime system with the -pa patches directive. When we first start the coffee FSM, this directory is empty. As we find and fix bugs, we place the new beam files here. Because this directory appears first in the code search path, beam files we put here will override beam files of the same module appearing later in the code search path. In another shell, type:

$ cd erlang/patches/
$ erl -make
Recompile: coffee

Using the same Erlang node where we started version 1.0 of the coffee FSM, we load the new version of the module by calling code:load_file/1. The code server looks for the first version of the coffee beam file in its code search path, and because the patches directory is at the top of list, the version we just compiled is chosen. The success of the operation is confirmed in shell command 6, showing us that the version attribute is now set to 1.1:

5> l(coffee).
6> coffee:module_info(attributes).

At this point, we have two versions of the coffee module loaded in the runtime system: the current one we just loaded and the old one used by the FSM process. When we order an espresso in shell command 7 and start paying for it in the subsequent command, the shell does a fully qualified call using the current version of the code—namely, the one we just loaded. The FSM process, however, is still using the old version of the coffee module.

If we were to load another version of the coffee module at this point, even 1.0, the coffee FSM process would be terminated because it is running the now deleted old version of the code. The current version would become the old version, while the newly loaded module would become the current one. We are not doing it in our example, but try it out yourself if you’ve compiled the code and are following along.

In shell command 9, we trigger an upgrade. This causes the coffee machine FSM, currently in state payment, to call code_change/2 in the new module. It returns the change and, thanks to the new state service, now allows us to open and close the machine door so we can service it:

7> coffee:espresso().
Display:Please pay:150
8> coffee:pay(100).
Display:Please pay:50
9> coffee ! {upgrade, {}}.
Machine:Returned 100 in change
Display:Make Your Selection
10> coffee:open().
11> coffee:espresso().
12> coffee:close().
Machine:Rebooted Hardware
Display:Make Your Selection

This is how basic Erlang can handle upgrades. The generic code is the handling of the {upgrade, Extra} message and the calling of code_change/2, which does a fully qualified call back to the receive-evaluate loop. This will be the same across all processes. What will differ among processes is what we do in code_change/2 depending on the loop data, the process state, and the contents of Extra itself. Using these foundations, let’s read on and see how we do it with OTP.

Creating a Release Upgrade

To upgrade releases using the tools and design principles provided by OTP, we have to start with a baseline consisting of a properly packaged and deployed OTP release following the principles covered in Chapter 11. We also need:

  • One or more new versions of existing applications

  • Zero or more new applications

  • An application upgrade file for each application that has been changed

  • Release resource and release upgrade files

The modules containing the bug fixes and new features are packaged into new or existing applications, where their version numbers are bumped up. Application upgrade files contain commands that tell us how to upgrade or downgrade from one application version to another. The release resource file, covered in “Release Resource Files”, is the file containing the emulator and application versions that make up the new release. Together with the application upgrade files and the release file of the baseline system we are upgrading from, the new release file is used to generate the release upgrade file. This file contains all the commands that have to be executed during the upgrade itself. After having installed the new code on the target machine, we run the instructions in the release upgrade file. If anything fails, the system is restarted using the old release. Through tests and observations, you have to determine if the system is stable. If so, it is made permanent. Restarting the system prior to it being made permanent will result in the old release being restarted. Let’s do an upgrade and see how the different steps and components all work together.

In this chapter’s section of the book’s code repository, you will find the files used to create our first deployment. We’ve taken the coffee_fsm.erl example and created an OTP application out of it, supervisor and application behavior files included. We also created the file and placed it in the ebin directory. Download it, compile it, and make sure you can get it up and running:

$ cd coffee-1.0/src ; erl -make ; mv *.beam ../ebin ; cd ../..
Recompile: coffee_app
Recompile: coffee_fsm
coffee_fsm.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function
                             code_change/4 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
coffee_fsm.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function
                             handle_event/3 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
coffee_fsm.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function
                             handle_info/3 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
coffee_fsm.erl:2: Warning: undefined callback function
                             handle_sync_event/4 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
Recompile: coffee_sup
Recompile: hw
$ erl -pa coffee-1.0/ebin
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.2] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(sasl), application:start(coffee).


=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Jan-2016::21:27:28 ===
         application: coffee
          started_at: nonode@nohost
2> coffee_fsm:module_info(attributes).

Even if the coffee application directory is not in the lib directory (yet), we’ve given it a version number for the sake of clarity. Note how, when compiling the code, we get the following warning:

Warning: undefined callback function
           code_change/4 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')

Up to now, we asked you to patiently bear with us and ignore this warning message, but no more. You should by now understand what it is for and have figured out how we are going to use it when we upgrade the coffee_fsm module. Note also how, when retrieving the module attributes in shell command 2, we get both the behavior type and the current module version number.

With our application running, let’s create the boot file, a release file, and the target directory structure. We use the empty sys.config and coffee-1.0.rel files in the book’s code repository. If you are typing along as you are reading this, getting your own version up and running, don’t forget to update the standard OTP application and erts versions in the rel file to the Erlang release you are currently using. If you are not typing along, or do not have access to the code, we’ve included the contents of the sys.config and coffee-1.0.rel files for your convenience. If you are running the tests, based on the version of Erlang you are using, you might have to modify the standard OTP application version numbers:

$ cat sys.config
$ cat coffee-1.0.rel
 {erts, "7.2"},
 [{kernel, "4.1.1"},
  {stdlib, "2.7"},
  {sasl, "2.6.1"},
  {coffee, "1.0"}]}.
$ mkdir ernie
$ erl
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.2] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> systools:make_script("coffee-1.0", [{path, ["coffee-1.0/ebin"]}]).
2> systools:make_tar("coffee-1.0",[{erts, "/usr/local/lib/erlang/"},
                                    {path, ["coffee-1.0/ebin"]},
                                    {outdir, "ernie"}]).
3> halt().

$ cd ernie; tar xf coffee-1.0.tar.gz; rm coffee-1.0.tar.gz 
$ mkdir bin; mkdir log
$ cp erts-7.2/bin/run_erl bin/.; cp erts-7.2/bin/to_erl bin/.
$ cp erts-7.2/bin/start.src bin/start
$ cp erts-7.2/bin/start_erl.src bin/start_erl
$ perl -i -pe "s#%FINAL_ROOTDIR%#$PWD#" bin/start
$ diff erts-7.2/bin/start.src bin/start
> ROOTDIR=/Users/francescoc/ernie
$ echo '7.2 1.0' > releases/

Hello Joe, coffee machine working? Seems to be. We now need to create the releases/RELEASES file, required for upgrading and downgrading releases. We got away without it in the previous chapter, as it is only really required when downgrading to this release after a failed upgrade. When we do an upgrade and this file is not present, a new one is created, but it contains only information for the upgraded release. This is fine if the upgrade is successful, because when we upgrade a second time, we should be able to downgrade to the first upgraded version. The downside is that if the first upgrade fails, we are unable to downgrade to the original version once we’ve made the upgrade permanent, and we’ll have to reinstall the node instead. Create the file as follows:

$ bin/start
$ bin/to_erl /tmp/
Attaching to /tmp/erlang.pipe.1 (^D to exit)

1> application:which_applications().
 {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.6.1"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.7"},
 {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","4.1.1"}]
2> RootDir = code:root_dir().
3> Releases = RootDir ++ "/releases".
4> RelFile = Releases ++ "/coffee-1.0.rel".
5> release_handler:create_RELEASES(RootDir, Releases, RelFile, []).

The RELEASES file contains a list with an entry for every release that has been installed. Every entry has information similar to that found in the rel file, including release and erts versions. Together with the application names and versions, however, an absolute path to the application directory is also included. While the first version of the RELEASES file will contain a single entry on the first release, subsequent upgrades will result in multiple entries:

%% File:releases/RELEASES

The Code to Upgrade

Now that we have our first OTP-compliant release up and running, let’s create the new version of the coffee_fsm module, adding the new service state and its client functions. We start by bumping up the version attribute to 1.1. It might not mean much now, but if you have kept the discipline of bumping up the version (or doing it automatically through a script when tagging your code or building your release), payback time will come many upgrades later, in the early hours of the morning, when you are figuring out why the version of the code you think is running in production is actually not the one that should be running.1

We export the state functions service/2 and service/3 (you might recall that the gen_fsm callback State/2 handles asynchronous events and State/3 handles synchronous ones). We also export two client functions, open/0 and close/0, which asynchronously send the coffee machine door open and close events to the FSM. And finally, we export code_change/4, a behavior callback used to update the state of the behavior. All these should be familiar from reading “Adding a State”:

-export([start_link/0, init/1]).
-export([selection/2, payment/2, remove/2, service/2]).
-export([americano/0, cappuccino/0, tea/0, espresso/0,
         pay/1, cancel/0, cup_removed/0, open/0, close/0]).
-export([stop/0, selection/3, payment/3, remove/3, service/3]).
-export([terminate/3, code_change/4]).

start_link() ->
    gen_fsm:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).

cup_removed() -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,cup_removed).
open()        -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,open).
close()       -> gen_fsm:send_event(?MODULE,close).


In state selection, we handle the open event. This is the only state/event combination in which the transition to our new service state is allowed. In the service state, upon receiving the close event, we transition back to the selection state. In all other states, open and close events are ignored. The service/3 state callback function also handles the synchronous stop event, which stops the FSM and triggers a call to terminate/3:

%% State: drink selection
selection({selection, Type, Price}, LoopData) ->
    hw:display("Please pay:~w",[Price]),
    {next_state, payment, {Type, Price, 0}};
selection({pay, Coin}, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, selection, LoopData};
selection(open, LoopData) ->
    hw:display("Open", [ ]),
    {next_state, service, LoopData};
selection(_Other, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, selection, LoopData}.

%% State: service
service(close, LoopData) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
    {next_state, selection, LoopData};
service({pay, Coin}, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, service, LoopData};
service(_Other, LoopData) ->
    {next_state, service, LoopData).


service(stop, _From, LoopData) ->
    {stop, normal, ok, LoopData}.


We now need to implement our new code_change/4 callback function. This callback takes three arguments when called within an event handler or a generic server, and four when called from within an FSM:

Mod:code_change(Vsn, State, LoopData, Extra) ->
     {ok, NewState, NewLoopData} | %Finite State Machines
     {error, Reason}
Mod:code_change(Vsn, LoopData, Extra) ->
     {ok, NewLoopData} |   %Generic Servers
     {error, Reason}
Mod:code_change(Vsn, LoopData, Extra) ->
     {ok, NewLoopData} |   %Event Handler
     {error, Reason}

The first argument, Vsn, is the version of the old module you are upgrading from, or the version you’re going to when downgrading back to the old module. In this example it is 1.0, and it could also be {down, 1.0} when downgrading to a previous version. When a module does not have a version directive, use the md5 module checksum, and when versions do not matter at all, use wildcards.

State is passed only to FSMs, and contains the state the FSM was in when the upgrade was triggered.

The final two arguments include the loop data and any extra arguments passed in the upgrade instructions specific for this module. In our example, we don’t do anything with the _Extra arguments, nor do we manipulate the loop data.

The code_change/4 callback, when successful, has to return {ok, NewState, NewLoopData}. Returning {error, Reason} will cause the upgrade to fail and the node to restart the previous version when dealing with generic servers or FSMs. In the case of event handlers, returning anything other than {ok, NewLoopData} or terminating abnormally will cause the handler to be removed from the event manager, but the node will not revert to its previous version and be restarted.

This is what our coffee FSM’s code_change/4 OTP callback function looks like:

code_change('1.0', State, LoopData, _Extra) ->
    {ok, State, LoopData};
code_change({down, '1.0'}, service, LoopData, _Extra) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
    {ok, selection, LoopData};
code_change({down, '1.0'}, payment, {_Type, _Price, Paid}, _Extra) ->
    hw:display("Make Your Selection", []),
    {ok, selection, {}};
code_change({down, '1.0'}, State, LoopData, _Extra) ->
    {ok, State, LoopData}.

We’ve changed the behavior slightly from the Erlang example. Regardless of the state we are in, payment included, we do not change the loop data and remain in the state we were originally in. This is normal in cases where we simply add functionality or a state. If we were to change the state or loop data as part of the upgrade, it would occur here.

If an upgrade failure triggers a downgrade and we are in the service state, we reboot the hardware and return to the selection state, because the service state does not exist in version 1.0. If the user is in the process of paying for a coffee, we return whatever amount the user has paid and move back to the selection state. Downgrades, as we will see, will cause the system to reboot and start the old version from scratch. So if your old version is dependent on some persistent values that were set at startup and later changed, make sure your code_change reverts to the correct values.

When we are done implementing the new modules, we package them in an application, bumping up the version. In our case, our new coffee application version is “1.1,” whereas the versions of the hw, coffee_app, and coffee_sup modules are the same as in the application version. The version of the coffee_fsm module is now also 1.1.

Application Upgrade Files

Now that we have the new version of our coffee machine FSM up and running, we need an application upgrade file containing a set of actions to be executed when upgrading or downgrading to other versions of the same application. Application upgrade files are similar in concept to app files, because they are used by systools to create the upgrade script. They have the name of the application with the .appup suffix and are placed in the ebin directory, alongside the app file.

Go into the Erlang root directory of your installation and type ls lib/*/ebin/*.appup. The call will return all application upgrade files installed as part of your Erlang release. Starting with Erlang/OTP version 17, .appup files are included in every application. Prior to that, you could upgrade only some core applications, as not all applications provided an .appup file. Let’s have a look at the sasl.appup file for its version 2.6.1:

 %% Up from - max one major revision back
 [{<<"2\.[5-6](\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-18.*
  {<<"2\.4(\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}],    % OTP-17
 %% Down to - max one major revision back
 [{<<"2\.[5-6](\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}, % OTP-18.*
  {<<"2\.4(\.[0-9]+)*">>,[restart_new_emulator]}]     % OTP-17

Based on its contents, we should be able to figure out what happens when application version 2.6.1 is upgrading or downgrading between OTP versions 17 and 18. When upgrading from application version 2.4.X, 2.5.X, or 2.6, or downgrading to 2.6, 2.5.X, or 2.4.X (where X is the patch release number), we need to restart the emulator. Notice how regular expressions, placed in binaries, create a range of subreleases and point to a list of upgrade and downgrade instructions. Instead of regular expressions, you can also use strings defining specific versions, e.g., “2.4.5.”

Inspect any other .appup files in the release you have installed and you will notice they all follow this format:

  [{UpFromV1, InstructionsU1}, ..., 
{UpFromVK, InstructionsUK}],
  [{DownToV1, InstructionsD1}, ...,
 {DownToVK, InstructionsDK}]}.

Vsn is the application version to which you are upgrading. UpFromV<N> are the application versions from which you will be upgrading. In case something goes wrong, DownToV<N> are the application versions to which you will be able to downgrade Vsn. Vsn can be either a string with the exact version numbers, or a binary containing a regular expression allowing you to describe multiple application versions on which to execute upgrade and downgrade instructions. If you have installed OTP version 17 or later, look at the various .appup files and you will notice that OTP standard applications usually allow you to upgrade or downgrade by two revisions.

If you plan on using regular expressions, the following constructs will be more than enough to denote ranges of versions:

  • A period (.) matches any character, so the expression 1.3 will match any combination of characters starting with 1 and ending with 3.

  • An asterisk (*) matches the preceding element zero or more times.

  • A plus sign (+) matches the preceding element one or more times.

  • A question mark (?) matches the preceding element zero or one times.

  • The range [0-9] matches the elements between 0 and 9.

  • The sequence \. returns a period. You need to escape the backslash because Erlang itself uses the backslash to escape characters.

  • A caret (^) at the beginning of the regular expression anchors the match to the beginning of the version string.

  • A dollar sign ($) at the end of the regular expression anchors the match to the end of the version string.

As an example, <<"^1\.[0-9]+$">> matches all versions of 1.X, <<"^1\.0\.[0-9]+$">> matches all versions of 1.0.X, and <<"^1\.([0-9]+\.)?\.[0-9]+$">> will match versions 1.X or 1.X.X, where X is an integer.

If you are not sure of your regular expressions, test them using re:run(Vsn, RegExp), which returns nomatch if the match fails and {match, MatchData} otherwise. You can read more about the format of regular expressions in the manual pages for the re module.

Browsing the .appup files, you should have come across lists of actions associated with different versions. They include elements such as restart_new_emulator (used only when upgrading the erts, kernel, stdlib, and sasl applications), load_module, apply, restart_application, and update. In some cases, when no actions have to be taken, you will find a tuple {Vsn, [], []} with two empty lists. Actions are divided into high-level instructions and low-level ones. High-level instructions are translated to low-level ones when creating the release upgrade script.

Let’s go back to our example, where we are going to upgrade the coffee FSM application from version 1.0 to 1.1. It will not be a complicated upgrade because no drivers or NIFs are involved, no new applications or modules are added to the release, and there are no interprocess and intermodule dependencies to worry about, let alone internal state or loop data changes. Behind the scenes, all we need to do is suspend all behavior processes with a dependency on the module coffee_fsm, load the new version of the module, purge the old one, call code_change, and resume the processes (Figure 12-3).

Figure 12-3. Coffee FSM version transitions

Our coffee.appup file contains a tuple containing the version we are upgrading to along with the high-level upgrade and downgrade instructions. In our case, update loads the new module and {advanced, {}} triggers the code_change/4 call, passing {} as the last argument:

%% File:coffee.appup
{"1.1",  % Current version
 [{"1.0", [{update, coffee_fsm, {advanced, {}}}]}], % Upgrade from
 [{"1.0", [{update, coffee_fsm, {advanced, {}}}]}]  % Downgrade to

During both an upgrade and a downgrade, the update high-level instruction will translate to the following set of low-level instructions:

  1. Search for the object code for the module, load it from file, and cache it. This ensures that time-consuming file operations are done prior to suspending the processes.

  2. Suspend any process that specified the module as a dependency in its child specification, using sys:suspend/1.

  3. Purge any old version of the module being upgraded.

  4. Load the new version of the module, making the current version the old one.

  5. Purge any old version of the module, which prior to step 4 was the current version.

  6. Call Mod:code_change/4.

  7. Resume the suspended processes with sys:resume/1, allowing them to continue handling new requests.

So far, so good, but how do we associate a module dependency with a behavior process? Remember that in the supervisor child specification, you had to list the modules that implement the behavior:

{coffee_fsm, {coffee_fsm, start_link, []},
  permanent, 5000, worker, [coffee_fsm]}

We have to list them because this is where, during an upgrade or downgrade, systools tells the supervisors to suspend a particular process when upgrading one or more of its core modules. In behaviors such as event handlers and other special processes where the modules are not known at compile time, we would replace the module list with the term dynamic and query the process prior to an upgrade.

OTP needs to distinguish between dynamic and static module sets for scalability reasons. There is no point in asking millions of behaviors what modules they are running every time we do a software upgrade, only to discover they do not include the one being upgraded. Processes with dynamic modules are few and far apart, and rarely have an impact on performance when doing an upgrade. If you have dynamic children where you know millions of instances will coexist concurrently and the modules are not known at compile time, pick an upgrade strategy that scales or do not upgrade at all.

High-Level Instructions

Actions in our .appup file are grouped into high-level and low-level instructions, with high-level instructions being mapped to low-level ones when the upgrade scripts are generated. For the sake of simplicity (and your sanity), you are encouraged to use high-level instructions and avoid low-level ones where possible, even though they can be mixed together. Let’s look at the high-level instructions in more detail:

{update, Mod}

This instruction, and all of its variants, is used for synchronized code replacements where all processes dependent on Mod have to be suspended before loading the new version of the module. When it is loaded and its old version is purged, the suspended processes are resumed. This is the simplest variant of a module update command, as the code_change/3,4 behavior callbacks are not invoked. You will want to synchronize and suspend all processes with a dependency on Mod when you want all processes to consistently display the same properties toward other processes that interface with them. If you don’t suspend them all prior to loading the new module, some processes might display the old behavior while others display the new one.

{update, Mod, supervisor}

You will want to use this high-level instruction if Mod is a supervisor callback module and you are changing the supervisor specification returned by the init/1 callback function. Any change in the supervision tree needs to be handled using the supervisor:start_child/2 function if you are adding children. Use supervisor:terminate_child/2 and supervisor:delete_child/2 if you are removing children. We covered these functions in “Dynamic Children”. The update becomes even more complicated if you are changing the order in which you start the children because of rest_for_one dependencies. You will have to terminate children and restart them in the order specified in your init/1 callback function.

{update, Mod, {advanced,Extra}}, {update, Mod, DepMods}, {update, Mod, {advanced,Extra}, DepMods}

If we include the {advanced,Extra} tuple, the upgrade script invokes the Mod:code_change/3,4 callback function, passing Extra as the last argument. You will need this option when the upgrade requires a change of your behavior state and loop data. For this and all other update instructions, you can omit {advanced,Extra} or replace it with soft, both of which result in code_change not being called. DepMods is a module list on which Mod depends. Behaviors using these modules will also be suspended.

{update, Mod, {advanced,Extra}, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}

PrePurge and PostPurge are by default set to brutal_purge. Use this option when you want processes running the old version of Mod to be unconditionally terminated before the updated module is loaded and after the module upgrade when the release is made permanent. You can override this behavior by setting PrePurge to soft_purge. If some processes are still running a version of the old code, release_handler:install_release/1, which triggers the execution of the relup file, returns {error,{old_processes,Mod}}. If PostPurge is set to soft_purge, the release handler will purge Mod only after the processes executing the old version have terminated their calls.

{update, Mod, Timeout, {advanced,Extra}, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}

Remember that behaviors are implemented as callback functions, so for a purge to fail, they must be executing in a callback for an unusually long amount of time or have an unusually long message queue. The default timeout value when trying to suspend a process is 5 seconds, but this can be overridden by setting the Timeout field to an integer in milliseconds or the atom infinity. If a behavior does not respond to the sys:suspend/1 call and the timeout is triggered, the process is ignored. It might later be terminated if the module it is executing is purged, or as the result of a runtime error when it starts running the new version of the module without properly going through the upgrade procedure. Use the Timeout option when, after testing your upgrades under heavy load, you see there is a need to increase the value.

{update, Mod, ModType, Timeout, {advanced,Extra}, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}

By default, one of the code_change/3,4 callback functions is executed after loading the new module. In the case of a downgrade, code_change/3,4 is called before loading the module. You can override this by setting ModType to static, which loads the module and calls code_change/3,4 before an upgrade or downgrade. If not specified, or if you want the default behavior, set ModType to dynamic.

{load_module, Mod}, {load_module, Mod, DepMods}, {load_module, Mod, PrePurge, PostPurge, DepMods}

You want to use this low-level instruction for upgrades where you do not need to suspend the process. We refer to these upgrades as simple code replacements. The same applies to the instructions used for adding and deleting modules. DepMods lists all the modules that should be loaded before Mod. This argument is an empty list by default. PrePurge and PostPurge can be set to either soft_purge or brutal_purge (the default). They work the same way as they do with the update command. Use this instruction when dealing with library modules or extending functionality that does not affect running processes.

{add_module, Mod}, {delete_module, Mod}

These commands translate to low-level instructions that add and delete modules between releases.

{add_application, Application}, {add_application, Application, Type}

This instruction will add a new application to a release, including loading all of the modules defined in the app file and, where applicable, starting the supervision tree. The application types, covered in Chapter 9, defaults to permanent, but Type can also be set to transient, temporary, load, or none.

{remove_application, Application}, {restart_application, Application}

You will want to use these commands when removing or restarting an application. Removing an application shuts down the supervision tree, deletes the modules from memory, and stops the application. If the upgrade or downgrade requires an application restart, this high-level command will translate to commands that stop and start the application and its supervision tree. You usually find application restarts in .appup files belonging to noncore OTP applications such as tools and libraries that can be restarted without affecting traffic in the live system.

You can mix high- and low-level instructions in the same .appup file, but for the vast majority of use cases, high-level instructions will be enough as most of your actions can be completed with them. We cover low-level instructions in the next section, as soon as we’ve done our first upgrade.

Release Upgrade Files

Now that we have our coffee.appup file and understand what the high-level instructions do, let’s use this knowledge to generate an upgrade package. The first step is to create a new boot file using systools:make_script/2. It is not used for the upgrade itself, but is part of the package we deploy in case the upgraded node has to be rebooted (for whatever reason) after the upgrade. In the second shell command, we create a release upgrade file called relup, which is placed in the current working directory. This file is generated using the emulator and application versions specified in the rel and .appup files, using them to retrieve and map high- and low-level instructions in the .appup files to a sequence of low-level ones. Compile all the code in your coffee-1.1 application directory, and run the following commands:

1> systools:make_script("coffee-1.1", [{path, ["coffee-1.1/ebin"]}]).
2> systools:make_relup("coffee-1.1", ["coffee-1.0"],["coffee-1.0"],
                        [{path, ["coffee*/ebin"]}]).
3> systools:make_tar("coffee-1.1",
                      [{path, ["coffee-1.1/ebin"]},
                       {outdir, "ernie/releases"}]).

In our third shell command, we create the tar file coffee-1.1.tar.gz. It contains the lib and releases directories specified in coffee-1.1.rel. Calling make_tar/2 picks up the relup, start.boot, and sys.config files automatically and creates a version 1.1 directory under releases. Note that, unlike in our first installation, we did not include the erts option. We are going to use the one already installed.

Let’s look at the relup file more closely now that the low-level instructions have been generated. We explain them all in “Low-Level Instructions”, but even without having covered them, you should get a good idea of what is going on:


Before covering the low-level commands in more detail, let’s look at the systools:make_relup/3,4 call we used to generate the file itself:

systools:make_relup(RelName, UpFromList, DownToList, [Options]) ->
     ok | error | {ok,Relup,Module,Warnings} | {error,Module,Error}

The call takes RelName, the name of a release to which we are upgrading or downgrading. This points to the RelName.rel file, used to determine the version of the Erlang runtime system and the versions of the various applications. RelName can also be a tuple {RelName, Descr}, where Descr is a term that is included in the upgrade and downgrade instructions, returned by the function installing the release on the target machine.

The second and third arguments, UpFromList and DownToList, include the list of releases we want to upgrade from or downgrade to, respectively. They are all names that point to a specific version of a rel file used to determine which applications need to be added, removed, or upgraded. Using their respective .app and .appup files, the call also determines the sequence of commands that need to be executed. The fourth, optional, argument is a list of options that may include:

{path, DirList}

Adds paths listed in DirList to the code search path. You can include wildcards in your path, so the asterisk in "lib/*/ebin" will expand to contain all of the subdirectories in lib containing an ebin directory. The code search path of the node creating the relup file must have paths to the old and the new versions of the .rel and .app files, as well as a path to the new .appup and .beam files.

{outdir, Dir}

Puts the relup file in Dir instead of the current working directory.


Generates low-level instructions that reboot the node after an upgrade or downgrade.


Returns a tuple of the format {ok, Relup, Module, Warnings} or {error, Module, Error} instead of printing results to I/O. Use this option when calling systools functions from scripts or integrating the call in your build process where you need to handle errors.


Returns the same values as the silent option, but without generating a relup file.


Treats warnings as errors and refuses to generate the relup script if warnings occur.

The format of the relup file itself is similar to the .appup file:

  [{UpFromV1, Descr, InstructionsU1}, ..., 
{UpFromVK, Descr, InstructionsUK}],
  [{DownToV1, Descr, InstructionsD1}, ...,
 {DownToVK, Descr, InstructionsDK}]}.

The Descr term contains a term passed in the {RelName, Descr} tuple of the systools:make_relup/3,4 call. If Descr was omitted from the call, it defaults to an empty list. You will notice this in our example, as we left it out for the coffee machine relup example. Descr becomes relevant when automating the installation of the upgrade on the target machine, as its values can be used by the programs or scripts installing the upgrade.

Low-Level Instructions

Relup files consist of low-level instruction sets generated from the .appup files. For complex upgrades, you can write your files using low-level instructions or edit generated ones by hand. Low-level instructions consist of the following:

{load_object_code, {Application, Vsn, ModuleList}}

Reads all the modules from the Application ebin directory, but does not load them into the runtime system. This instruction is executed prior to suspending the behaviors and special processes. This differs from the high-level instruction load that not only loads the module, but also makes it available to the runtime.


This instruction should appear once in the relup script and should be placed where the system cannot recover after failing to execute one or more of the instructions in the relup file. Crashes occurring after this instruction will result in the old version of the system being restarted. It is usually placed after the load_object_code instruction.

{load, {Module, PrePurge, PostPurge}}

Makes a module that has been loaded using load_object_code the current version. PrePurge and PostPurge can be set to soft_purge or brutal_purge (the default).

{apply, {Mod, Func, ArgList}}

Calls apply(Mod, Func, ArgList). If the apply is executed before the point of no return and fails or returns (or throws) {error,Error}, the call to release_handler:install_release/1 returns {error,{'EXIT',Reason}} or {error,Error}, respectively. If it’s executed after the point of no return and fails, the system is restarted with the old version of the release. This instruction could be used instead of the code_change/3,4 callback function.

{remove, {Module, PrePurge, PostPurge}}

Used together with load and purge. This instruction makes the current version of Module old.

{purge, ModuleList}

Purges the old versions of all modules in ModuleList. Behaviors and special processes executing the old version of the code being purged are terminated.

{suspend, [Module | {Module, Timeout}]}

Suspends behaviors that depend on the Module list. Timeout is an integer in milliseconds or the atoms default (set to 5 seconds) or infinity. If the call to sys:suspend/1 does not return within Timeout, the process is ignored but not terminated.

{resume, ModuleList}

Resumes suspended processes that depend on modules listed in ModuleList.

{code_change, [{Module, Extra}]}, {code_change, Mode, [{Module, Extra}]}

Triggers the Module:code_change/3,4 call, passing Extra in all behavior processes running Module. Mode is up or down, defining the call as either an upgrade or a downgrade. If omitted, Mode defaults to up.

{stop, ModuleList}

This instruction results in the supervisor:terminate_child/2 call for all behaviors with a dependency on one of the modules specified in ModuleList.

{start, ModuleList}

Starts all stopped processes with a dependency on a module in ModuleList by calling supervisor:restart_child/2.


This instruction is used when upgrading the emulator or the kernel, stdlib, and sasl core applications. The emulator needs to be restarted right after upgrading these applications, but before executing the remainder of the relup file. All other applications will be restarted with their old versions running in the new emulator and upgraded when running the remainder of the relup file in the new emulator. When different processes end up running different application versions in this manner, non–backward-compatibility clashes between them can occur, so ensure all possible scenarios in your upgrade procedure have been properly tested before using this technique. If you are worried about the order of your low-level instructions, use high-level ones and let systools:make_relup/3,4 generate the relup file. This instruction should be executed only once during the upgrade.


This instruction is used when an emulator restart is required as part of an upgrade that does not involve the core applications or an emulator upgrade. It may appear only once in the relup file and has to be the last instruction.

Installing an Upgrade

Let’s go back to the coffee-1.1.tar.gz file we generated and use it for our live upgrade. We assume that it has been placed in the releases directory of the target environment. From the ernie root directory, we connect to the coffee_fsm node that we left running version 1.0. If it is not running, start it with bin/start. We unpack the new release using the release_handler:unpack_release/1 call, uncompressing all the files, adding the coffee-1.1 application to the lib directory, and creating the version 1.1 directory in the releases directory. We can see in shell commands 2 and 3 that after unpacking the new release it resides alongside 1.0, and that 1.0 is still running:

$ bin/to_erl /tmp/
Attaching to /tmp/erlang.pipe.1 (^D to exit)

1> release_handler:unpack_release("coffee-1.1").
{ok, "1.1"}
2> release_handler:which_releases().
3> application:which_applications().
[{coffee,"Coffee Machine Controller","1.0"},
 {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.6.1"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.7"},
 {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","4.1.1"}]
4> coffee_fsm:espresso().
Display:Please pay:150
5> coffee_fsm:pay(100).
Display:Please pay:50
6> release_handler:install_release("1.1").
7> coffee_fsm:cancel().
Display:Make Your Selection
Machine:Returned 100 in change
8> coffee_fsm:open().
9> coffee_fsm:close().
Machine:Rebooted Hardware
Display:Make Your Selection
10> application:which_applications().
[{coffee,"Coffee Machine Controller","1.1"},
 {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.6.1"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.7"},
 {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","4.1.1"}]
11> init:restart().
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.2] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false]


Eshell V7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> application:which_applications().
[{coffee,"Coffee Machine Controller","1.0"},
 {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.6.1"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.7"},
 {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","4.1.1"}]

Next, we upgrade the release by executing the release_handler:install_release/1 call. If issues arise and a restart is triggered, the system will reboot and revert to the old version. If the system is stable, the current (new) version is made permanent by calling release_handler:make_permanent/1.

We then use the new client functions we’ve added to test the transition to and from state service before rebooting the node in shell command 11. Because we never made the release permanent, the node restarts version 1.0.

Next, in shell commands 2 and 3, we reinstall the release and make it permanent. At this point, we do not need files specific to 1.0 anymore. Unused releases can be removed from the system using the release_handler:remove_release/1 call. The call removes the applications that are only part of that release from the lib directory, removes the directory from releases, and updates the RELEASES file there. To revert back to the old version we have to reinstall it, covering all the steps we’ve just described, including creating an .appup file for version 1.0 of the coffee application, a relup file, and a tar file:

2> release_handler:install_release("1.1").
3> release_handler:make_permanent("1.1").
4> release_handler:remove_release("1.0").
5> release_handler:which_releases().
6> halt().
$ ls lib/
coffee-1.1	kernel-4.1.1	sasl-2.6.1	stdlib-2.7

That’s it! A software upgrade during runtime, with the ability to fall back to old releases when issues occur or remove them when they are no longer needed.


The release handler is intended to work with embedded target systems. If you use it with simple target systems, you need to ensure the correct boot and config files are used in the case of a restart. How you do it is entirely up to you. You could replace existing files or have OS environment variables pointing to the correct ones.

The Release Handler

We introduced the SASL application in Chapter 9. It is one of the core OTP applications that has to be part of every release because it contains tools required to build, install, and upgrade the release itself. If you looked at SASL’s supervision tree (Figure 12-4), you might have noticed the release handler process. It is responsible for unpacking, installing, and upgrading releases locally on each node. It also removes them and makes them permanent. We used the release handler and went through these phases in our example.

Figure 12-4. The release handler process

The release handler assumes a release tar file, created using systools:make_tar/1,2 and placed in the releases directory. Each release version can be in one of the following states, as seen in Figure 12-5: unpacked, current, permanent, and old. State transitions occur when functions in the release_handler module are called or a release that has not been made permanent fails, triggering a system restart. At any one time, there is always a release that is either current or permanent. Let’s look at the functions exported by the release_handler module, including those that trigger the transition more closely.

Figure 12-5. Managing a release

When dealing with your first target installation, the release handler becomes relevant only if Erlang is already installed on the target machine. As it wasn’t when we created the first coffee_fsm release, everything had to be done manually. If you follow the steps, you will notice that the first call we did once version 1.0 of the system was up and running was to create the RELEASES file:

release_handler:create_RELEASES(Root, RelDir, RelFile, AppDirs) ->
     ok | {error, Reason}

This call creates the first version of the RELEASES file, stored in the releases directory. It contains the persistent state of the release handler, which includes the release applications, their versions, and their absolute paths. The Erlang VM executing this function must have permission to write to the releases directory. Root is the Erlang root directory, while RelDir is the path pointing to the releases directory. The releases directory is often located in the Erlang root directory, but you can override this by setting the OS or OTP environment variables described in “Release Directory Structure”. RelFile points to the release file located in the releases directory, while AppDirs is a list of {App, Vsn, Dir} tuples used to override the applications stored in lib. It is most commonly used when distributing Erlang in OS-specific packages and not OTP ones. This function unpacks the Name.tar.gz file located in the releases directory:

release_handler:unpack_release(Name) ->
    {ok, Vsn} | {error, Reason}

It checks that all mandatory files and directories are present, adding the applications in the lib and release directories under releases. It fails if the string Name is an existing release, or if there are issues unpacking or reading the mandatory files and directories. When we have unpacked the release, install_release/1,2 triggers the software upgrade (or downgrade), executing the instructions specified in the relup file:

release_handler:install_release(Vsn, OptList) ->
    {ok, OtherVsn, Descr} | {error, Reason} |
    {continue_after_restart, OtherVsn, Descr}

OptList is a list of options that allow us to override some of the default settings. They include:

  • {error_action, restart | reboot} to specify if the runtime system is rebooted (init:reboot()) or restarted (init:restart()) as the result of an upgrade failure.

  • {suspend_timeout, Timeout} to override the default (5-second) timeout for the sys:suspend/1 call, used to suspend a process prior to upgrading the code.

  • {code_change_timeout, Timeout} to override the default (5-second) timeout for the sys:change_code/4 call, used to tell a suspended process to upgrade the code.

  • {update_paths, Bool}, used when overriding the default lib/App-Vsn directory provided in the AppDirs argument in the create_RELEASES/4 call. Setting Bool to true will cause all code paths of the applications in AppDirs to be changed, including applications that are not being upgraded. Setting it to its default value of false will cause only the paths of the upgraded applications to be changed.

You might recall that the relup file contains tuples of the format {Vsn, Descr, Instructions}. Descr is part of the return value when the upgrade or downgrade was successful. If {continue_after_restart, OtherVsn, Descr} is returned, the runtime system and the core applications are being upgraded, requiring an emulator restart before the remainder of the script is executed.

If errors we can recover from have occurred, {error, Reason} is returned. Recoverable errors include Vsn already being the permanent release or the relup file missing, along with others that will result in the installation of the release failing, but not requiring a node restart. If the upgrade fails due to an unrecoverable error, the node is restarted or rebooted.

Installing releases and upgrading code can be a risky and time-consuming operation. This function mitigates risks of issues happening, checking if Vsn can be installed, ensuring that all mandatory files are available and accessible, as well as evaluating all low-level instructions in the relup file prior to the point_of_no_return:

release_handler:check_install_release(Vsn,Options) ->
    ok | {error, Reason}

Options is a list containing [purge], which soft purges the code when doing the checks. This will speed up the installation of the release itself, as all modules are soft purged prior to the upgrade itself.

When we have installed a new release and executed the instructions in the relup file, we keep the nodes under observation, possibly running diagnostic tests. If there are issues, restarting the node will use the old boot file and cause a restart of the old version. Calling make_permanent/1, makes the boot script that points to the upgraded release be the one used when rebooting or restarting the node. This call can fail for a variety of reasons, including Vsn not being the current version or not being a release at all:

release_handler:make_permanent(Vsn) -> ok | {error, Reason}

If a release has been made permanent, files specific to old releases can be removed. Calling remove_release/1 will delete old applications no longer in use, with the Vsn directory containing the .rel, .boot, and sys.config files in the releases/Vsn directory. This call also upgrades the available releases in the RELEASES file. It fails if Vsn is a permanent or nonexisting release:

release_handler:remove_release(Vsn) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Houston, we have a problem. If your current release is not operating as expected and you need to revert to an old release (which you have not removed), this call reboots the runtime system with the old boot file, making it the new, permanent version:

release_handler:reboot_old_release(Vsn) -> ok | {error, Reason}

This call uses the RELEASES file and returns all the releases known to the release handler. Status is one of unpacked, current, permanent, or old:

release_handler:which_releases() -> [{Name, Vsn, Apps, Status}]

The release_handler module exports functions that make it possible to upgrade and downgrade single applications, creating a release upgrade script on the fly and evaluating it. These functions (which we are not covering in this book) are meant to facilitate and automate testing of application upgrades. They should not be used in production systems, as the changes are not persistent in the case of system restarts.

It is possible to install upgrades without the release handler while keeping its view consistent and up to date. This functionality comes in handy when dealing with OS-specific packages, when you do deployments and upgrades with other tools, or even when you write your own. There are functions that allow us to inform the release handler process of the addition and removal of releases and release-specific files. You can read about these functions as well as the ability to upgrade and downgrade single applications in the release_handler manual pages that come with the standard Erlang distribution.

Upgrading Environment Variables

When upgrading your release, the new package will include the new (and mandatory) sys.config. It will also contain a new app file for every new and upgraded application. These files might contain new or updated application environment variables, or if the files are no longer needed, they will have been omitted altogether. During the upgrade, the application controller will compare old environment variables with their current counterparts in the start scripts (set with the -application key value flag), config files, and app files, updating any differences accordingly. When done, the following callback function is called in the new application callback module, prior to resuming the processes:

Module:config_change(Updated, New, Deleted)

Updated, New, and Deleted are lists of {Key, Value} tuples, where each key is an environment variable and the value is what you want the variable set to. This is an optional callback that can be omitted, but is useful when process states depend on environment variables read at startup.

Making a release permanent will change the sys.config file pointed to by the start scripts to the new version. It is done only now because rebooting a node with a release that is not permanent reverts back to the previous release.

Upgrading Special Processes

Upgrading special processes is no different from upgrading behaviors. If you are doing a simple code replacement, load the new module through the add_module instruction. If the upgrade has to be a synchronized code replacement, use the same update high-level instruction you would use for OTP behaviors. Upon receiving a message of the format {system, From, Msg}, the special process invokes proc_lib:handle_system_msg/6, which suspends the process. (We covered system messages in “System Messages”.) If the update command had the {advanced,Extra} parameter in its Change field, the following callback function is called in the special process callback module:

Mod:system_code_change(LoopData, Module, Vsn, Extra) ->
   {ok, NewLoopData}

This call returns the tuple {ok, NewLoopData}. Module is the name of the callback module, and Vsn is either the version to which you are upgrading or, in the case of a downgrade, {downgrade, Vsn}. Vsn is a string in both cases.

One final note: remember the system message {get_modules, From} that special processes have to handle when they are not aware of their dependent modules? Those for which we use the dynamic atom in the supervisor specification, covered in “Dynamic Modules and Hibernating”? When upgrading, all processes whose child specifications in the supervisor have module dependencies set to dynamic reply to such a message with From!{modules, ModuleList}, containing the list of modules on which the special process currently depends. This will inform the release handler coordinating synchronized upgrades if this special process is part of a dependency chain and should be suspended during the upgrade of a particular module.

Upgrading in Distributed Environments

Synchronized software upgrades in distributed environments? Is that possible? Are we crazy enough to try it? If you have a small cluster, trust your network, and have dependencies connected to your upgrade across your nodes, then why not? Remember that distributed Erlang was originally intended for clusters that ran behind firewalls in the same data center, and more often than not, also in the same subrack. If you were upgrading a switch, distributed Erlang often ran on the same backplane the switch was controlling, so if you lost your network, there was nothing to control because you also lost your switch.

In a small cluster with a few nodes running in the same subrack, you have little to worry about. For larger clusters, clusters across data centers, or where networks are unreliable, devise a strategy to upgrade a node without the need to synchronize.

Enough warnings. Let’s drink some Red Bull and get on with it. If you include the sync_nodes low-level instruction in your .appup file, the relup script that gets generated will synchronize with the other nodes also waiting to be upgraded and upgrade them too when they are also attempting to synchronize.

Synchronization is triggered by one of the following instructions:

{sync_nodes, Id, NodeList}
{sync_nodes, Id, {Mod,Func,ArgList}}

You can either hardcode NodeList in the .appup file, as in the first instruction, or use the second instruction to invoke apply(Mod, Func, ArgList) to get the list of nodes that recognize Id, which are the nodes to synchronize. Id can be any valid Erlang term. For the synchronization to be successful, remote nodes must be executing the same instruction with the same Id.

If you lose connectivity toward a remote node with which you are attempting to synchronize, either because of a network partition or because the remote node crashed, the node is restarted with the old release. There is no timeout, so if a remote node is not being upgraded or is out of sync, the local node attempting to upgrade will hang until all remote nodes have executed sync_nodes or connectivity toward one of the nodes is lost. This is why the technique in this section has some risks for nodes distributed across a wide-area network.

If you have not synchronized your upgrades properly, your cluster will hang waiting for all the other nodes. And if there are issues with your network connectivity or the upgrade in one of the other nodes fails, you will trigger a series of node restarts that will hopefully recover and continuing running the old release. But in the worst case, this technique might cause a cascading failure where you knock out one node after another when they fail to cope with the restart. You have been warned! Use synchronized distributed upgrades only when it is safe and the use case motivates it. If in doubt, perform rolling upgrades across your cluster instead, one node at a time, after making sure that nodes running the new release are interoperable with those still running the old.

Upgrading the Emulator and Core Applications

You upgrade the emulator and the core applications by providing their new versions in the new release file. The rest is taken care of for you when generating the relup file. Just remember to include the erts option in the systools:make_tar/2 call when upgrading the Erlang runtime system, as it will include the emulator in the new tar file. If you think it sounds simple, it is, but there are a few catches of which you need to be aware.

Upgrading the emulator and core applications (erts, kernel, stdlib, and sasl) requires a restart of the virtual machine, usually triggered by the restart_new_emulator instruction. Unlike with other upgrades, this will be the first instruction executed in the file, starting the new emulator and the new core applications, together with the old versions of the remaining applications. This two-phase approach allows the remaining behaviors and special processes being upgraded to call code_change as part of their upgrade, using new versions of the core applications while doing so.

If you are not happy with this approach, you can edit the relup file by hand. Replacing restart_new_emulator with the restart_emulator instruction will restart the emulator with the new versions for all applications. A restart of the emulator (which is not the new emulator) is the last instruction you should be executing in your relup file, as all it does is restart the system with the new boot file. This means that any instructions that follow restart_emulator are ignored, while any instructions before it are executed with the old emulator. A helpful instruction you have to add manually is apply, which you could use instead of code_change if opting to start the new versions of the applications directly.

Upgrades with Rebar3

Now that you understand all the details of upgrades, let’s look at how to do them using the rebar3 tool introduced in “Rebar3”. First, let’s use rebar3 to build a release, starting again with the code from coffee-1.0. The required commands are similar to those we used in “Rebar3”:

$ mkdir ernie
$ cd ernie2
$ rebar3 new release coffee desc="Coffee Machine Controller"
$ cd coffee
$ perl -i -pe 's/0.1.0/1.0/' ./apps/coffee/src/ ./rebar.config
$ cp <path-to-coffee-1.0>/coffee-1.0/src/*.erl apps/coffee/src
$ rebar3 as prod compile
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Compiling coffee
  Warning: undefined callback function code_change/4 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
  Warning: undefined callback function handle_event/3 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
  Warning: undefined callback function handle_info/3 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
  Warning: undefined callback function handle_sync_event/4 (behaviour 'gen_fsm')
$ rebar3 as prod release
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Compiling coffee
===> Starting relx build process ...
===> Resolving OTP Applications from directories:
===> Resolved coffee-1.0
===> Including Erts from /usr/local/lib/erlang
===> release successfully created!

We use the rebar3 release template to set up an area for our coffee application, change the version number to 1.0, copy our coffee-1.0 sources into the new release area, run rebar3 compile to verify that the code is valid (which, as we saw previously, results in compilation warnings from compiling coffee_fsm.erl due to missing callback functions), and then build a release using the prod profile. We can now start our release to make sure it runs correctly:

$ ./_build/prod/rel/coffee/bin/coffee console
Machine:Rebooted Hardware
Display:Make Your Selection

=PROGRESS REPORT==== 24-Jan-2016::16:06:10 ===
          supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
             started: [{pid,<0.213.0>},
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 24-Jan-2016::16:06:10 ===
         application: sasl
          started_at: coffee@francescoc
Eshell V7.2  (abort with ^G)
(coffee@francescoc)1> application:which_applications().
[{sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.6.1"},
 {coffee,"Coffee Machine Controller","1.0"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.7"},
 {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","4.1.1"}]

This gives us a release for coffee version 1.0. Next, we need a release for version 1.1, so we copy that version of coffee_fsm.erl into our source directory, bump our version numbers, and then generate a new release:

$ cp <path-to-coffee-1.1>/coffee-1.1/src/coffee_fsm.erl apps/coffee/src
$ perl -i -pe 's/1.0/1.1/' ./apps/coffee/src/ ./rebar.config
$ rebar3 as prod release
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Compiling coffee
===> Resolved coffee-1.1
===> Including Erts from /usr/local/lib/erlang
===> release successfully created!

Before we can generate a relup file, we need our coffee.appup file. Because rebar3 doesn’t create an ebin directory in the usual place, we create one, copy the coffee.appup file there, and then use the rebar3 relup command:

$ mkdir apps/coffee/ebin
$ cp <path-to-coffee-1.1>/coffee-1.1/ebin/coffee.appup apps/coffee/ebin
$ rebar3 as prod relup
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Compiling coffee
===> Starting relx build process ...
===> Resolved coffee-1.1
===> Including Erts from /usr/local/lib/erlang
===> release successfully created!
===> Starting relx build process ...
===> Resolved coffee-1.1
===> relup successfully created!

If we look at the contents of the generated relup file, we find that it’s identical to that generated by systools:make_relup/4 in “Release Upgrade Files”:

$ cat ./_build/prod/rel/coffee/relup

From here, you can create a tarball with rebar3 as prod tar and install and upgrade as shown in “Installing an Upgrade”.

Assuming you use rebar3 as your build and release tool, it’s worth your while to check out the relflow tool, written by Richard Jones. It is purpose-built for systems that use Git for version control and rebar3 to generate releases and upgrades, and it is designed to address all the tedious parts of upgrades, such as bumping version numbers and creating .appup files.

Summing Up

As with most things we’ve seen in this book, Erlang provides powerful basic language constructs that OTP uses to build libraries and frameworks that hide complexity, simplifying the development, deployment, and maintenance of Erlang-based systems. Starting with code:load_file/1, which handles the loading of a module in your runtime system, we looked at how to manage state changes in processes, database schema changes together with synchronization of processes and their dependencies, and dependencies in distributed environments.

In order to upgrade a target system, you need to start with a baseline installation. It will usually be the first release, the one you created manually. Unless you were using rebar3, it has to be a manual task, because most of the release-upgrade tools are written in Erlang and will not run without your baseline system. It’s a classic chicken-and-egg problem.

With the baseline release in place, you need to follow these steps to successfully upgrade your system. Don’t panic, as a lot of these steps are either automated, handled by existing tools, or both:

  • Add the new functionality, package it into the respective modules and applications, and bump up the module and application versions.

  • Create the new rel file containing new and upgraded applications while omitting the deleted ones.

  • Generate your start scripts and new sys.config file, ensuring you can boot the new release on its own.

  • If any of your behaviors or special processes require a state change or use a different data format (including database schema changes) as part of the upgrade, migrate your state and data format from the old version to the new one and back in your code_change functions.

  • Write an .appup file for each application you are upgrading. Place these files in the ebin directory.

  • Create a relup file containing all the low-level instructions executed during the upgrade.

  • Create a package that you can deploy in the releases directory of the installation you are upgrading.

  • Unpack the release and install it.

  • If stable, make your new release permanent. If unstable, reboot the node, restarting the old release.

Once the release is unpacked, a number of transitions can take place on the node being upgraded. When you install a release and the upgrade is successful, the system starts running the new version. If the upgrade fails for any reason, the system is rebooted and reverts to the previous version. When running the new version, it can be made permanent. When this happens, any subsequent node restart will restart the latest version (Figure 12-6).

Figure 12-6. Upgrading a release

We also covered upgrades in distributed environments, which allow you to synchronize the nodes. This happens in the real world, but only for very small clusters where the network is reliable. If you are dealing with distributed data centers, cloud computing, virtualization, as well as lots of other layers of complexity and instability, you need to take a different approach to upgrades. Make sure that old and new nodes are backward-compatible and interoperable with each other, allowing them to coexist in the same cluster. Upgrade a few nodes, monitor them to ensure all is well, and keep on upgrading. If you lose a few machines or get a network partition or upgrade failures, keep on trying until all nodes have been successfully upgraded.

Let’s take this argument a step further. For clusters where you have no single point of failure with multiple instances of the nodes running, do live upgrades really make sense? If you are able to do a rolling upgrade, cleanly shutting down nodes without losing any requests and stopping traffic, isn’t it easier to shut down one node at a time, upgrade its code, then restart it to bring it back into the cluster? You would be able to upgrade your code without showing the embarrassing Our system is down for maintenance, bear with us, we are doing this because your business is important and we value you as a customer screen most online banks show us a little too frequently, and ensuring that you do not lose any requests as a result of the upgrade.

How you do your upgrades depends entirely on the size of your cluster, the infrastructure you have in place to control it, your redundant capacity, and the experience and size of your team. Software upgrades take time and money to implement, test, and deploy. And if things go wrong, most of the time, they will go wrong during an upgrade. If you are a startup that does not have to provide 99.999% availability, no one will care whether you bounce your nodes every now and then. If you are upgrading tens of thousands of switches, however, where each switch handles traffic for millions of subscribers with contractual penalties for downtime and outages, or an e-commerce site generating thousands of dollars in revenue every minute, users will care!

Software upgrades are a unique and powerful feature you can use in rare, but critical, moments. Use them where the extra effort makes sense, ensuring you test your upgrades and downgrades under heavy load, covering as many failure scenarios as possible.

If this chapter is not enough, the user guides and reference manuals, along with the module documentation that comes with the standard Erlang distribution, contain scattered but detailed information on release upgrades. You should start with the section on “Creating and Upgrading a Target System” in the OTP System Principles User’s Guide. Tools are covered in the module documentation for systools and release_handler. Finally, relup and .appup files both have manual pages that describe the formats of the files, including all the instructions they may contain. Don’t miss the “Appup Cookbook” chapter in the OTP Design Principles User’s Guide. The same guide also contains descriptions of the code_change functions in the respective sections for every behavior and special process.

At the end of the day, though, our advice echoes what we recommended in the previous chapter: it’s important to understand the underlying concepts, tools, and procedures, but unless your project requires extremely special considerations, you’re best off using rebar3. It will handle many of the tedious tasks associated with releases and upgrades, can be extended if necessary, and has community support that you’ll find helpful if you need advice or assistance.

What’s Next?

With the knowledge provided in this chapter on how to package releases and perform live upgrades without affecting traffic, the time has come to look at how to architect a system. If you want a system with five-nines availability, what basic functionality should all of your production nodes have? What distributed architectural patterns should you be applying to get your nodes to scale? In the next chapter, we look at what it takes. So what are you waiting for? Turn the page and read on!

1 Please don’t ask us about this one!

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