A system of managing

The trick is not to create a 32-hour day, but rather to focus on the activities that are the Vital Few—and to learn to ignore the Trivial Many. Thus, the solution to the dilemma is not to search for more hours, but to accomplish the things that are essential while ignoring the time-wasting activities.

The best way that we know to provide company-wide focus on the Vital Few is to employ a system of managing—a consistent set of procedures and principles that guide us to do the Right Things Right. This management system must focus everyone on their goals while allowing flexibility and choice on how the goals will be accomplished. It also provides a common language to everyone, compelling them to communicate in ways that are harmonious with the company’s vision and goals. And it must compel everyone to avoid the Trivial Many.

We readily admit that there are many ways to manage a company, some of which are actually successful, and some of these successful ways are themselves widely divergent in their nature. They range from tightly controlled autocracies to seemingly unstructured organizations. For example, imagine how different the management system at Apple must be from Wal-Mart.

We’ll describe here a proven and effective system of managing, a system that can be applied to virtually any company. This system provides at least three benefits by:

1. Focusing everyone on goals all the time.

2. Providing everyone with clear guidelines.

3. Rewarding everyone when the company goals are achieved.

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