An example

As an illustration, we’ll describe how we used the process to assist one of our clients. This example, unlike the general description you just read, is specific to one particular position in one particular company. The questions that you’ll develop for a specific position in your company will be different, but we hope that our suggestions here will help you develop those particular questions.

This company was a fast-growing service firm. It had offices around the country, and the entire management team was under pressure to deliver better results each successive quarter.

The company’s offices were run by local managers who had total responsibility for sales as well as operations. Unfortunately, only a few of the offices were led by high-performing managers, while the majority exhibited mediocre or poor results and high turnover.

The top management of the company was not sure what to do to improve the results at each of the city locations. Some managers were doing great, others were doing poorly, and the management team was stymied in understanding how to get top managers for all the cities.

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